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34 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Thank you! I was really having trouble deciding, since I'm the type to try and save orbs until a focus I *really* like shows up (I've never pulled from the Roy/Seliph/F!Robin focuses, and only pulled twice for the Lachesis focus). Since I already had 2 Lucina(s) though and I wanted a better one to merge them onto, I ultimately gave in. Boy am I glad I did.

I do think we might get more rewards from the gauntlet though. We broke the new 10 billion record quite a while ago, and we could probably make for 20-30 billion at least by the time the whole event ends. Rewarding such high levels of player activity would keep them around much longer, so I think it's fair to believe we'll get more reward tiers soon enough.

Also, if you want a specific hero, maybe you should consider rolling only specific colors. Especially after you've done 1-3 full rolls and your rate is increased by quite a bit, it could help somewhat. Back in Legendary Heroes, if my odds went beyond 7% I'd start rolling only red and blue, since those have the chance to bring out a focus hero and in extension have double the chance of a 5* over the green and colorless summons. It seemed to have worked out for me, although my IVs were really meh at the time (Except on Tiki, who thank god was utterly perfect). 

I Focused summoned the Reds, while I was trying to get Leo.  I have pretty much all the Grays I want, but there's still colors of the others I want, plus it's more Orb efficient to Pull 5 at a time, so that's what I usually do.

With Skill inheritance coming, I figure it will be nice to have lots of extra units to sacrifice.

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6 hours ago, Sasori said:

Now that i've upgraded my phone I am finally able to play this game.

My first draw consisted of a level 3 Oboro, a level 4 Hawkeye and a level 3 Henry. My draw after that was a 4 star Raigh.

I don't know whether or not the units I pulled are good or not in the grand scheme of things, but so far they do their job pretty well. Oboro is a tank, Hawkeye hits like a truck and Raigh brings utility with his cavalier slaying weapon and his rally  when he can't reach an enemy.

There's several links to sites with boon/bane calculators in the first post of the General Discussion thread, so use that on your fresh pulls.  Oboro's great for softening things up for Hawkeye.  I play Raigh as HEAVY mage support.  Henry takes a long time to truly get going, but once he does, he's a wall with an especial hatred for colorless units.

There's very few truly useless units - everyone has something they can do.  Figure out your character's niches, and build your team accordingly.  If you need help, there's an "Ask a Fire Emblem Heroes Question" thread floating around.  Good luck~!

Edited by eclipse
Answering the vital question of "where"?
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Currently sitting at 46 orbs right now. I could wait for the Fight Ursula banner or draw now... I mean the only thing I want out of that banner is a 5* Nino and I already have a 3* Nino (albeit +Def/-Res) that I can promote later on. 

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Racked up more orbs, thanks to the events that are going on.  Hope Nintendo continues this line of events so that we can all get lots of orbs even with getting stuck at the main story maps.  Decided to do 2 more full summons, since I'm lacking a 5 star green or colorless unit.  Frankly, none of my colorless units are that great even with some leveling up *sigh*

Pull 1: (3 colorless, yay! Perhaps I shall finally get Klein or Takumi or Jeorge.  Or even Jakob)

4* Cherche 

4* Niles (This b*tch again?!!! NOOOO!!!

3* Est

3* Saizo

3* Matthew (Combined him with my somewhat leveled 4* Matthew)

Pull 2: (No colorless, but 3 blue orbs and a red and a green.  I decide to go forward with the full summon anyway)

4* Subaki (Merging the one we got from the Special Maps with this guy)

4* Sheena

3* Est (wow...)

3* Female Corrin (Merging this one with my old, leveled up Corrin)

3* Draug (Merging with an existing 3* version of him)

And just because I can...one more pull, in an attempt for a good colorless unit:

4* Felicia (...you all know how I feel about Felicia.  Merging the one we got from special maps with her)


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I caved and dumped 44 of my orbs.

4* MRobin (+Atk/-Def)

4* Cordelia (+Atk/-Spd)

4* Raven (-Atk/+Spd)

4* Hawkeye (+HP/-Def)

4* Arthur (+Atk/-Def)

3* Oboro (-Atk/+Res)

3* Frederick (-Def/+Res)

3* Cherche (-Atk/+Spd)

3* Nino (Neutral)

Unfortunate that I didn't get a 5* this time, but MRobin was someone that I was on my "To get" list, and he has a useful boon as well! So I'm pretty happy about that. 

I don't see Oboro, Arthur, and Cherche being useful even for skill inheritance so I may just end up sending them home. As for Nino, I already have another 3* Nino who's +Def/-Res. Who should I choose?

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Pulled a 5 Star +SPD/-ATK Effie.  Well, at least she can still tank.  Don't know if she'll be better at it than my 4 Star +DEF/-RES F!Corrin though.

Oh well, at least now I just need one more armored unit to complete that one challenge.

Edited by The Geek
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Finally got one of the Sibling Bonds characters! I got a Sanaki with +SPD -RES. Also promoted my 4-star Eliwood to 5-Stars! He has +SPD, -RES. The IV's could've been better, but they're fine to me. :D:

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Decided to dump loads of money so I could get my hands of Elise. I feel conflicted since I'm happy that I finally got her and a dedicated 5* healer now but at the same time not so much considering how much money I had to dump and the RNG just didn't want to give me enough colorless orbs. Although I'm now sitting with 65 orbs I decided now save them for focus banner where Azura will be in or wait for a banner that has green unit to appear.

Here are all my 5* units I have managed to pull. 15 of them and now I'm saving up feathers to make Anna 5* since I need more 5* green units unless like I said before a good banner comes before then.


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4 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

Decided to dump loads of money so I could get my hands of Elise. I feel conflicted since I'm happy that I finally got her and a dedicated 5* healer now but at the same time not so much considering how much money I had to dump and the RNG just didn't want to give me enough colorless orbs. Although I'm now sitting with 65 orbs I decided now save them for focus banner where Azura will be in or wait for a banner that has green unit to appear.

Here are all my 5* units I have managed to pull. 15 of them and now I'm saving up feathers to make Anna 5* since I need more 5* green units unless like I said before a good banner comes before then.


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When I saw your list I almost got nauseous. Another whale has been born my friends XD

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

When I saw your list I almost got nauseous. Another whale has been born my friends XD

As much I want to deny it I can't xD

I still wish I got the characters I really want but alas it's a gacha game so you gotta take what you can. And I blame Arena since I need those extra points so I can get as much feathers as possible :P

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19 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

Decided to dump loads of money so I could get my hands of Elise. I feel conflicted since I'm happy that I finally got her and a dedicated 5* healer now but at the same time not so much considering how much money I had to dump and the RNG just didn't want to give me enough colorless orbs. Although I'm now sitting with 65 orbs I decided now save them for focus banner where Azura will be in or wait for a banner that has green unit to appear.

Here are all my 5* units I have managed to pull. 15 of them and now I'm saving up feathers to make Anna 5* since I need more 5* green units unless like I said before a good banner comes before then.


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Well, colour me jealous. 

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I can't be the only one being annoyed when you pull 3* or a 4* that you decided to keep and train them but after several summons later you get the same character but with the batter rarity. A good example is I was quite happy that I managed to get 4* Cordelia way back and she's now lvl 32 with most of her skills unlocked but yesterday when I tried to get Elise and RNG screwed over and gave me no colourless orbs so I just picked one blue (since I only had the options between red and blue) and of course you get a 5* when you least want it which was Cordelia. Now I've to save up feathers to make my 4* Cordelia to 5* before I can merge them since I don't want to waste all those SP on my 4* which can't transfer over to my 5* Cordelia :/

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It's annoying the Prince/Princess focus will close before we get those 20 orb rewards. 

I really want Leo/Elise, but when I tried I just got 5* Chrom instead. He's my SIXTH sword five star. On the plus side I got a second Linde trying for Elise so I now have my first +1 five star.

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4 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

It's annoying the Prince/Princess focus will close before we get those 20 orb rewards. 

I really want Leo/Elise, but when I tried I just got 5* Chrom instead. He's my SIXTH sword five star. On the plus side I got a second Linde trying for Elise so I now have my first +1 five star.

You're wrong. The focus ends the 13th and the gauntlet ends the 12th. You still have a chance! :D:

Edited by Arcanite
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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You're wrong. The focus ends the 13th and the gauntlet ends the 12th. You still have a chance! :D:

Oh wow, for some reason I thought the gauntlet ended on the 13th too! Hopefully we get the orbs on the 12th and I'll get lucky and get one of them. Not that I can have a full Nohr sibling team since Xander isn't available yet.

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Thought I would pull in the princess banner hoping to get Lucina or Erika. Got no new units or anything marginally useful. 4*Olivia, 4* Gunter, 3*Est, 3* Niles, 3*Subaki. 

Olivia wouldn't be so bad...if this wasn't the 4th Olivia I've pulled. Including the two that I got from the special maps, I now have 6 of them ._.

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6 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Thought I would pull in the princess banner hoping to get Lucina or Erika. Got no new units or anything marginally useful. 4*Olivia, 4* Gunter, 3*Est, 3* Niles, 3*Subaki. 

Olivia wouldn't be so bad...if this wasn't the 4th Olivia I've pulled. Including the two that I got from the special maps, I now have 6 of them ._.

Keep them for a full team of hone attack for skill inherit 

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Wow, those extra 5 orbs today were so unnecessary (yet oh so lovely), considering the other rewards we'll be getting in the future; I'm legitimately worried that they'll be cutting off the daily orb stream given how generous IS have been as of late.  Anyway, that plus the Calvary quest gave me enough for one last (mayhaps, I'm not sure what I'll put the inevitable 20 orb reward towards) pull from the Princesses banner.

Round 15 Pulls


Considering the focus units in this banner, this was a really excellent set of orbs to start out with.  I really wanted Elise, so an extra colorless orb would have been much appreciated, but I can't complain.  Were the pulls themselves nearly as kind?

EDIT: RIP Image.  It was 3 Reds, 1 Green, and 1 Colorless.




Round 15 [Princesses]: 4* Olivia [+HP, -Atk] || 5* Lucina [+Spd, -Res] || 4* Hinata [+Def, -Spd] || 5* Hector [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Gordin [+Atk, -Res]

Fuck yes they were.

  • Seriously, did I really just get the one of the best Lucina's builds (I'm not quite familiar with the merits of +Spd vs +Atk, but outside of a bit less utility against Manaketes/Julia/Nino, -Res seems pretty excellent) a couple days before she wins the voting gauntletPlease have mercy, Arcanite.
  • And a Hector too?  To be fair, my shiny new axe-lord doesn't exactly have an exemplary nature (at least it wasn't +Spd or +Res), but I'm sure a unit who's "only" a meta-defining threat will still be just fine with a bad Bane.
  • This Olivia is also pretty great; I've been patiently training up one of the hero battle Olivias, and I was just on the verge of wasting 2k feathers upgrading her.  I'm not sure how I feel about the nature, as I like being able to chip with my utility units in an emergency, I guess this Olivia will work perfectly before dancing her blues away.
  • It's a pity I just got an excellent Klein two pulls ago, otherwise I would be more stoked to attain an optimal Gordin.  Still, I won't turn my nose at a unit with excellent situational utility.
  • Aaaaaaand, I know nothing about Hinata.  Based off of his stat spread, this nature looks alright, but idk past that.


Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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2 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

Wow, those extra 5 orbs today were so unnecessary (yet oh so lovely), considering the other rewards we'll be getting in the future; I'm legitimately worried that they'll be cutting off the daily orb stream given how generous IS have been as of late.  Anyway, that plus the Calvary quest gave me enough for one last (mayhaps, I'm not sure what I'll put the inevitable 20 orb reward towards) pull from the Princesses banner.

Round 15 Pulls


Considering the focus units in this banner, this was a really excellent set of orbs to start out with.  I really wanted Elise, so an extra colorless orb would have been much appreciated, but I can't complain.  Were the pulls themselves nearly as kind?

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Round 15 [Princesses]: 4* Olivia [+HP, -Atk] || 5* Lucina [+Spd, -Res] || 4* Hinata [+Def, -Spd] || 5* Hector [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Gordin [+Atk, -Res]

Fuck yes they were.

  • Seriously, did I really just get the one of the best Lucina's builds (I'm not quite familiar with the merits of +Spd vs +Atk, but outside of a bit less utility against Manaketes/Julia/Nino, -Res seems pretty excellent) a couple days before she wins the voting gauntletPlease have mercy, Arcanite.
  • And a Hector too?  To be fair, my shiny new axe-lord doesn't exactly have an exemplary nature (at least it wasn't +Spd or +Res), but I'm sure a unit who's "only" a meta-defining threat will still be just fine with a bad Bane.
  • This Olivia is also pretty great; I've been patiently training up one of the hero battle Olivias, and I was just on the verge of wasting 2k feathers upgrading her.  I'm not sure how I feel about the nature, as I like being able to chip with my utility units in an emergency, I guess this Olivia will work perfectly before dancing her blues away.
  • It's a pity I just got an excellent Klein two pulls ago, otherwise I would be more stoked to attain an optimal Gordin.  Still, I won't turn my nose at a unit with excellent situational utility.
  • Aaaaaaand, I know nothing about Hinata.  Based off of his stat spread, this nature looks alright, but idk past that.


Lucky. I spent 44 orbs in an effort to get Hector and came out mostly empty handed. I at least got MRobin out of it but still no Hector.

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10 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Lucky. I spent 44 orbs in an effort to get Hector and came out mostly empty handed. I at least got MRobin out of it but still no Hector.

My condolences... The gacha giveth, and the gacha taketh away...

Hector is basically guaranteed to be in a focus at some point though, so at least you'll have a decent chance of grabbing him in the future.

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16 minutes ago, red-and-soulless said:

My condolences... The gacha giveth, and the gacha taketh away...

Hector is basically guaranteed to be in a focus at some point though, so at least you'll have a decent chance of grabbing him in the future.

And the worst part of it was that for my last summon there were three green orbs... when I only had enough orbs for one pull. ANY OF THOSE OTHER TWO GREEN ORBS COULD HAVE BEEN HECTOR

At least by the time the voting gauntlet ends I'll have 29 or 31 orbs. And hopefully IS will continue to come up with events that provide us with more orbs since they're phasing out the daily rewards soon.

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