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1 hour ago, Levin's Scarf said:

And the worst part of it was that for my last summon there were three green orbs... when I only had enough orbs for one pull. ANY OF THOSE OTHER TWO GREEN ORBS COULD HAVE BEEN HECTOR

I feel so sorry for you. That's the worst feeling one can ever feel.

In other news I tried a summon again. Lo and behold... 3 Cordelia. 2 Focus and I still can't get Ephraim.

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2 hours ago, Levin's Scarf said:

And the worst part of it was that for my last summon there were three green orbs... when I only had enough orbs for one pull. ANY OF THOSE OTHER TWO GREEN ORBS COULD HAVE BEEN HECTOR

At least by the time the voting gauntlet ends I'll have 29 or 31 orbs. And hopefully IS will continue to come up with events that provide us with more orbs since they're phasing out the daily rewards soon.

That's why I always at least have 20 orbs before committing for a summon since since you never know how the RNG will either bless you or screw you over. 

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So the fight Ursula banner is tomorrow. I wonder if I should have waited until tomorrow to pull in an effort to get a 5* Nino. But then again, I already have a 3* Nino with decent IV (+Def/-Res) and even if I got a 5* Nino I may have ended up with a Nino with worse IVs.

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Seems like I'm set in terms of red damage (Eirika and Sanaki)

I'm guessing just hang onto my orbs until a better focus shows up? Considering only thing I'm missing from the princess banner is Lucina, and even though she's the best, the rates don't warrant rolling more. Or does it?

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Pull #15:



I gots me a full team of waifus, but only one of them is new. I can replace my F!Corrin with a better rarity, but Beruka, Tharja and Olivia will probably be sent to the cornfield for feathers, since I already have them trained.


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16 hours ago, FoliFF said:

I can't be the only one being annoyed when you pull 3* or a 4* that you decided to keep and train them but after several summons later you get the same character but with the batter rarity. A good example is I was quite happy that I managed to get 4* Cordelia way back and she's now lvl 32 with most of her skills unlocked but yesterday when I tried to get Elise and RNG screwed over and gave me no colourless orbs so I just picked one blue (since I only had the options between red and blue) and of course you get a 5* when you least want it which was Cordelia. Now I've to save up feathers to make my 4* Cordelia to 5* before I can merge them since I don't want to waste all those SP on my 4* which can't transfer over to my 5* Cordelia :/

Do a boon/bane check first!  Out of the plethora of Gordins I pulled, one had the magical +Atk/-HP I was looking for.  Feathers will be SO worth it!

11 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

Wow, those extra 5 orbs today were so unnecessary (yet oh so lovely), considering the other rewards we'll be getting in the future; I'm legitimately worried that they'll be cutting off the daily orb stream given how generous IS have been as of late.  Anyway, that plus the Calvary quest gave me enough for one last (mayhaps, I'm not sure what I'll put the inevitable 20 orb reward towards) pull from the Princesses banner.

Round 15 Pulls


Considering the focus units in this banner, this was a really excellent set of orbs to start out with.  I really wanted Elise, so an extra colorless orb would have been much appreciated, but I can't complain.  Were the pulls themselves nearly as kind?

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Round 15 [Princesses]: 4* Olivia [+HP, -Atk] || 5* Lucina [+Spd, -Res] || 4* Hinata [+Def, -Spd] || 5* Hector [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Gordin [+Atk, -Res]

Fuck yes they were.

  • Seriously, did I really just get the one of the best Lucina's builds (I'm not quite familiar with the merits of +Spd vs +Atk, but outside of a bit less utility against Manaketes/Julia/Nino, -Res seems pretty excellent) a couple days before she wins the voting gauntletPlease have mercy, Arcanite.
  • And a Hector too?  To be fair, my shiny new axe-lord doesn't exactly have an exemplary nature (at least it wasn't +Spd or +Res), but I'm sure a unit who's "only" a meta-defining threat will still be just fine with a bad Bane.
  • This Olivia is also pretty great; I've been patiently training up one of the hero battle Olivias, and I was just on the verge of wasting 2k feathers upgrading her.  I'm not sure how I feel about the nature, as I like being able to chip with my utility units in an emergency, I guess this Olivia will work perfectly before dancing her blues away.
  • It's a pity I just got an excellent Klein two pulls ago, otherwise I would be more stoked to attain an optimal Gordin.  Still, I won't turn my nose at a unit with excellent situational utility.
  • Aaaaaaand, I know nothing about Hinata.  Based off of his stat spread, this nature looks alright, but idk past that.


That Hinata looks like he'll be a wall!  Granted, everything doubles him, but he's ticklish, so he doesn't mind.  Check Gordin's nature - if he's +Atk/-HP, he'll be amazing.

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37 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That Hinata looks like he'll be a wall!  Granted, everything doubles him, but he's ticklish, so he doesn't mind.  Check Gordin's nature - if he's +Atk/-HP, he'll be amazing.

Hmmm, I got a similar impression looking off of his stats (his defensive spread at 5* Lvl 40 is 47/42/21, which is pretty ridiculous), but a few of his skills seem to run slightly counter to that goal.  In particular, the consistent damage of Fury seems problematic on a healer-less team (though it'd help him hit harder in response), along with the usual issues with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald weapons.  I'll give him a run-through once I finish grinding Draug up to Level 40.

I'm not sure if it didn't show up, but Gordin is +Atk, -Res.  Out of curiosity, why is HP a preferred bane in this situation?

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I searched far and wide for the elusive Laslow. Turns out I needed to spend another 40 Orbs in the Princes banner.

I figured that getting 20 Orbs from voting gauntlet and having not done the Xenologue and some Lunatic chapters/paralogues warranted seeing if I would land myself a Leo. First session was a bust despite having four Reds and a Colorless. On the second attempt, another four Reds and a Colorless. Seemed like good odds if any.

The two came from the same session.



Confirmation he's Chrom's son, yes/no?

This bastard is who I've been searching for for a month. Don't even care he's lower tier. I've been missing other colors because I wanted him so bad. It became a joke to me how I would get other good units but not someone in the B tier. People joked that I would get other good units except Laslow. They would even tell me they got him and here I was trying for a 3* or 4* one and no such luck.

+Spd/-Atk is a funny one for him but I'll take it. I've already resigned that he won't be best in any meta unless there's a sudden spike in axe popularity. 

He was in the first Red I opened. Thought to myself, "Maybe I'll land Leo with this good of luck?"

Well... (spoiler: there's an exclusive 5* involved)



Forgot to take a picture when I first pulled him. But what a surprise indeed! Not one of the focus princes but a prince nonetheless.

While not ideal with +Res/-HP, he's still a very nice addition to the collection. This also completes the current art of Senri Kita, who I really love for technique (except for Cecilia's dazed eyes). I can't say no to Raijinto either. I lacked any Close Counter/Distant Counter units.

I try not to complain about luck in a game that's rigged against you, but I'd say I've been pretty lucky for the 58 Orbs I spent between Princes and Princesses banners. I mean, I landed yet another Selena (that's four 3* Selena's)--but at least it took me a month to finally see Hinata. Two, in fact. One 4* and one 3*. And I've nabbed myself a Palla. I can finally start seeing about other colors now. I have so many Reds trying to find Laslow, it's not even funny.

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I want to recruit Effie, so I can pass this darn Normal mission for Armors...and a new Nino that's not -Atk or -Spd would be neat. Let's go for the new Summon

<Elieson enters Summon>




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3 minutes ago, Elieson said:

I want to recruit Effie, so I can pass this darn Normal mission for Armors...and a new Nino that's not -Atk or -Spd would be neat. Let's go for the new Summon

<Elieson enters Summon>

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At least you could've got Draug. He's red after all.

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<Elieson enters with 56 Orbs. Feeling optimistic)

  1. so First go, got 2R/3C, got 3* Stahl ditched. I'm after Blues and Greens...no need to burn orbs here
    1. 51 Orbs remain
  2. Second go, got 3R/2C, got another 3* Stahl....come on
    1. 46 Orbs remain
  3. third go, 2R/2C/1B, got 3* Shanna, then left. I have a 3* and a 4*, but an extra might not hurt if I want to pull skills from her and she has a good set...?
    1. 41 Orbs remain
  4. fourth go, 2R/1B/2C, got 4*Catria (new unit, now I have all three Whitewings at least). Not too thrilled but she looks pretty powerful as a standalone so we'll see if I can salvage her
    1. 36 Orbs remain
  5. fifth go, 3R/1C/1G, got 3* Donny and 3*Cherche. Already had a 4*Donny and 4*Cherche, so the 3* redundancy is redundant
    1. 27 Orbs remain
  6. sixth go, 1R/2G/2C, got 3* Fred and another 4* Merric. I already had one of each, and while i love my boy Merric, my 40+1 Merric could fuse or something? Checking his stats, he's -Def/+Res...not thrilled since my 40+1 Merric is pure neutral I think and Fred is Fred
    1. 18 Orbs remain
  7. seventh go, 1R/1G/1B/2C, got 3* Sully and 3* Bartre. 3*Sully would've been nice as a 4* for the Arena bonus but nooooo, just needed another 3*. I have 4 Bartres already.
    1. 9 Orbs remain
  8. Final go (I'm running out of Orbs), 1B/4C, 3* Gwendy. At least I can get past March Norms now?
    1. 4 Orbs remain
    2. <Elieson leaves the room with nothing but a suit of rusty armor and disappointment, and enters Ursula's chambers>





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33 minutes ago, red-and-soulless said:

Hmmm, I got a similar impression looking off of his stats (his defensive spread at 5* Lvl 40 is 47/42/21, which is pretty ridiculous), but a few of his skills seem to run slightly counter to that goal.  In particular, the consistent damage of Fury seems problematic on a healer-less team (though it'd help him hit harder in response), along with the usual issues with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald weapons.  I'll give him a run-through once I finish grinding Draug up to Level 40.

I'm not sure if it didn't show up, but Gordin is +Atk, -Res.  Out of curiosity, why is HP a preferred bane in this situation?

Gordin will be doubled by just about everything not named Adult Tiki/Leo (both require Speed boons to double).  While he'll die to any competent attacker, someone that tries to pull some gimmicky shit like Sakura will do less damage with a HP bane.

Just now, Elieson said:


<Elieson enters with 56 Orbs. Feeling optimistic)

  1. so First go, got 2R/3C, got 3* Stahl ditched. I'm after Blues and Greens...no need to burn orbs here
    1. 51 Orbs remain
  2. Second go, got 3R/2C, got another 3* Stahl....come on
    1. 46 Orbs remain
  3. third go, 2R/2C/1B, got 3* Shanna, then left. I have a 3* and a 4*, but an extra might not hurt if I want to pull skills from her and she has a good set...?
    1. 41 Orbs remain
  4. fourth go, 2R/1B/2C, got 4*Catria (new unit, now I have all three Whitewings at least). Not too thrilled but she looks pretty powerful as a standalone so we'll see if I can salvage her
    1. 36 Orbs remain
  5. fifth go, 3R/1C/1G, got 3* Donny and 3*Cherche. Already had a 4*Donny and 4*Cherche, so the 3* redundancy is redundant
    1. 27 Orbs remain
  6. sixth go, 1R/2G/2C, got 3* Fred and another 4* Merric. I already had one of each, and while i love my boy Merric, my 40+1 Merric could fuse or something? Checking his stats, he's -Def/+Res...not thrilled since my 40+1 Merric is pure neutral I think and Fred is Fred
    1. 18 Orbs remain
  7. seventh go, 1R/1G/1B/2C, got 3* Sully and 3* Bartre. 3*Sully would've been nice as a 4* for the Arena bonus but nooooo, just needed another 3*. I have 4 Bartres already.
    1. 9 Orbs remain
  8. Final go (I'm running out of Orbs), 1B/4C, 3* Gwendy. At least I can get past March Norms now?
    1. 4 Orbs remain
    2. <Elieson leaves the room, and enters Ursula's chambers>

I got lucky with my friends list, and used a random Sheena to do that quest.  I hope Wendy serves you well, as it looks like this is her map!  Just kill Ursula beforehand.

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Round 18 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Oboro (+HP, -SPD) ||  3* Viron (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Clarine (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Hawkeye (+DEF, -SPD)

Tried for Sibling Bonds since my 5* rate was 3.50% (total of 7%). So much for the "increased chances" eh? I wonder if I'll be able to get one more pull in before it expires due to the Gauntlet bonus rewards...

Initially, I had high hopes for this pull. I needed another Lissa and Clarine as the ones I have could be improved in terms of their natures (Lissa wants +SPD, -ATT while Clarine wants +HP, -ATT). However, both ended up having -SPD, which is a bane I refuse to have unless the unit is very slow in the first place.

Viron makes his grand return, and I think his Boon & Bane are all right (unless -RES turns out to be a -4 in terms of stats). At the very least, I'm happy I got Viron again because I don't remember what happened to my previous one. (I dismissed the starter.)

Hawkeye is new and looks cool, but he has the same problems as Alfonse in being too slow and being unable to take hits. For Hawkeye, his dilemma is made worse due to the prevalence of Sword users. I guess he may be entertaining to use in the Training Tower though.

Man, I still really want an Azura (+HP, -DEF) or a Takumi (+ATT, -DEF or +DEF, -ATT). Then I could use some good 5* Greens and 5* Blues. At least I got Erika last pull...

Edited by Sire
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1 hour ago, Sire said:

Viron makes his grand return, and I think his Boon & Bane are all right (unless -RES turns out to be a -4 in terms of stats). At the very least, I'm happy I got Viron again because I don't remember what happened to my previous one. (I dismissed the starter.)

Y'know how I fangirl hard over Virion?  Mine's +Spd/-Res.  At 4*, you can do the following:

- Bait all variants of Takumi and not be doubled (while inflicting -7 Speed on him)
- Not be doubled by neutral Marth
- Double a -Spd Cordelia
- Double a neutral Camilla
- Double Hinoka

. . .and if you get him to +1, he winds up with 33 Spd, which is even more amazing (neutral Lucina fails to double).  He can still tank a hit from the likes of a neutral Julia with -Res.

In other words, you're in for a lot of giggles.  I hope he serves you well!

Edited by eclipse
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2 hours ago, eclipse said:

Do a boon/bane check first!  Out of the plethora of Gordins I pulled, one had the magical +Atk/-HP I was looking for.  Feathers will be SO worth it!

I know and I checked that my 5* Cordelia (+atk/-res) have better IV compared to my 4* (+HP/-ATK) so when I do get my 4* to 5* she will be merge with the 5* but as far I know as long it's the same rarity the skills and SP will transfer over.

Good thing I have now lots of orbs to spare. It's only painful not to use them but you gotta wait for that character focus otherwise I'll be throwing my orbs in the ocean. Azura focus couldn't come soon enough D:

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Made a pull from Battling Ursula for the heck of it.

  • 4* Barst (+HP/-Speed): I already have 4* Raven with +Def/Res, which while not outstanding are still better IVs.
  • 3* Beruka: Bleh.
  • 3* Florina: I have 4* Shanna, who's way better.
  • 3* Selena: Bleh.
  • 4* Fir (+Res/-HP): Guess I'll combine her with my other 4* Fir, which seems to be +Attack/-Res. Any suggestions on which one to keep?
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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Gordin will be doubled by just about everything not named Adult Tiki/Leo (both require Speed boons to double).  While he'll die to any competent attacker, someone that tries to pull some gimmicky shit like Sakura will do less damage with a HP bane.

That makes sense.  Thank you very much for the clarification :)

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I miss 1 orb to have 20...

Hey, people, I'm not sure, so I'll ask... If you pull 4 characters but not the 5th, and you didn't have a 5*, did the ratio of pulling one increase for the next summon session ?

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Rolled a few orbs, shooting for Olwen (or Linde, or Julia if I could). 1rst full pull gave me Klein (and my 15980ish Gordin), 2nd gave me nothing of value (and tainted my game with 4* Marth), while 3rd gave me Sanaki. Not what I expected, but a loli an empress is fine too.

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2 hours ago, Ledrert said:

I miss 1 orb to have 20...

Hey, people, I'm not sure, so I'll ask... If you pull 4 characters but not the 5th, and you didn't have a 5*, did the ratio of pulling one increase for the next summon session ?

Your chances always increases on every single summon you do as long you don't pull a 5*. Only then it will reset.

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God I feel stupid complaining but I just pulled two green orbs and got another 5* Minerva which I used as merge fodder and a 5* Hawkeye. JUST GIVE ME 5* Focus Nino please, not these other random 5*s haha. She would literally fit my Eirika/MRobin/Kagero composition so perfectly.

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49 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

Your chances always increases on every single summon you do as long you don't pull a 5*. Only then it will reset.

Ah ! That's why I get a +0.25% rate after a 5 pull... Okay, got it. Thanks.

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Okay, double post for a good reason. So I've tried a pull, Prince's focus. 3 red and 2 blue. I pulled a first blue...



+HP/-Res. Not bad but not fantastic IV either. But none the less... I'M SO HAPPYYYYY !


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