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2 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

WAs for you "bad pity breaks" at consider that they likely are not someone you absolute loathe with a passion- like getting someone you HATE all of the time whenever you summon just about EVERY SINGLE TIME you summon.  I'm at the point where I am flat out sick of getting him because I have no use for Fury and am more likely to send him home than use a skill with disgusting recoil damage that likely will result in my units falling because of a miss placed location.

But sure whatever, stand on your high horse and say I'm wrong to hate him and the "best fodder skill".


Yeah I am WELL AWARE OF THAT.  So excuse me for disliking both a skill I will never use except on Laevatien and a charcter who pisses me off to no end.


did I say you were wrong to hate him?
No, I didn't. 

You said that he has no  fodder. I corrected you. and then I also said I got why you were upset - and I was there for you to support you through the fact that you were upset - (and well, again impart on you some advice that I know a tonne of people have given you).

however, since you feel that i am standing on my high horse, then i apologise. sorry to have bothered you. 
I hope you get Lucina soon. 

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Got a free Linde from the New Power banner, neat. Never got her before. I also completely forgot about the 5* changes so I guess this is pretty lucky, huh

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10 minutes ago, Johann said:

Got a free Linde from the New Power banner, neat. Never got her before. I also completely forgot about the 5* changes so I guess this is pretty lucky, huh

i like my linde!
(I really should put more investment in her haha) - congrats. 

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58 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

When you get get him as much as I have, and hate the skill he provides, he's not good fodder and I don't  care for your justification on that matter, he is of no use to me and can go screw himself.

As for you "bad pity breaks" at consider that they likely are not someone you absolute loathe with a passion- like getting someone you HATE all of the time whenever you summon just about EVERY SINGLE TIME you summon.  I'm at the point where I am flat out sick of getting him because I have no use for Fury and am more likely to send him home than use a skill with disgusting recoil damage that likely will result in my units falling because of a miss placed location.

But sure whatever, stand on your high horse and say I'm wrong to hate him and the "best fodder skill".

Yeah I am WELL AWARE OF THAT.  So excuse me for disliking both a skill I will never use except on Laevatien and a charcter who pisses me off to no end.

Chill out, sis~

First of all, if you're going to get pissy because the game didn't give you a free 5*, a very specific one at that, then you may need to reevaluate some things, because you're going to be getting Hinata 80 times over on a free pull before you get Lucina~ That's just reality~ You're just setting yourself up to get mad thinking a free pull on a non-focus Banner will be Lucina~ I would suggest you accept that quickly, otherwise you're going to be making yourself a lot more miserable for no reason~

2nd of all, I don't use or like Fury either~ Doesn't mean I'm going to throw a tantrum every time I get a Hinata. Make him a Manual, send him home for feathers. Do whatever, no one is forcing you to use Fury. But getting mad about it like this is absurd. We get it, you hate Hinata~ Send him home and move on~ It's not worth this level of overreaction~

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35 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i like my linde!
(I really should put more investment in her haha) - congrats. 

I've got a lot of dew saved up, and I'm considering giving her Dark Aura and pairing her up with Ryoma for funsies

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10 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Chill out, sis~

First of all, if you're going to get pissy because the game didn't give you a free 5*, a very specific one at that, then you may need to reevaluate some things, because you're going to be getting Hinata 80 times over on a free pull before you get Lucina~ That's just reality~ You're just setting yourself up to get mad thinking a free pull on a non-focus Banner will be Lucina~ I would suggest you accept that quickly, otherwise you're going to be making yourself a lot more miserable for no reason~

2nd of all, I don't use or like Fury either~ Doesn't mean I'm going to throw a tantrum every time I get a Hinata. Make him a Manual, send him home for feathers. Do whatever, no one is forcing you to use Fury. But getting mad about it like this is absurd. We get it, you hate Hinata~ Send him home and move on~ It's not worth this level of overreaction~

Don't call me sis please.


I'm pretty sure if everyone got their most disliked character all the time they'd be pretty salty about it too and it would eventually lead to such a reaction, since I've had Hinatas almoat every second summon just about.  I both warned and apologised for my rant, which no one seemed to notice.  I wasn't pissed just sad and disappointed.  Though having as low an expectation as I do when it comes to Lucina.  I know all too well how bad my luck is.

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4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Don't call me sis please.


I'm pretty sure if everyone got their most disliked character all the time they'd be pretty salty about it too and it would eventually lead to such a reaction, since I've had Hinatas almoat every second summon just about.  I both warned and apologised for my rant, which no one seemed to notice.  I wasn't pissed just sad and disappointed.  Though having as low an expectation as I do when it comes to Lucina.  I know all too well how bad my luck is.

No, all the bad fodder in the world is not going to make me throw a tantrum over it. Because I know the chances of me getting all of that are more likely than free pulling a specific 5*. I have like 20 Sheenas I'm not going to do anything with~ Not worth a tantrum~ Apologizing for the tantrum doesn't mean other people aren't going to respond to you~

Like I said, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed if you're constantly looking for a free Lucina on a non-focus Banner. It's not about bad luck, it's about the fact that she's not even a focus on the Banner at all. When Lucina (hopefully) actually gets a focus Banner, then not getting her and being upset about it would be more valid. Getting mad about getting 3-4*s on most of your pulls? Not bad luck.

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15 hours ago, Jave said:

Free pull on the new banner was 5* Abel. Cool. 


oh cool. free Brave Sword + (haha)


4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Though having as low an expectation as I do when it comes to Lucina.  I know all too well how bad my luck is.

I'm sorry. not getting Lucina on a non focus banner is not bad luck. 

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My free pull on the NP banner was some 4* I don't remember who since it wasn't merge or SI fodder.  I finally pulled Caineghis with some of the GC orbs he is -hp,+res so I can use him with no problems:)  I am really hoping that Friday's banner is something I can skip since I really should start saving orbs, I will find out tonight.

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My free pull on the ACHP New Power gave me a Gwendolyn.

I've barely touched FEH in the past couple days, because I've become a Blade, bound to Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

This said, I was able to muster 20 Orbs, and spent them on the Beast banner. I have Caineghis now, so I don't need Colorless. I got 2 Greens and 1 Blue, I get Frederick, Raven, and Mordecai! +Spd/-Res is okay too.

Still no Ranulf, but the gentle giant forgotten man who by virtue of his social ties and subspecies is good for me! Now I need to actually scour my Orbs sources and see about getting at least one of the remaining two Gallians I don't have, ideally Ranulf, but Lethe would be a Red non-Flier Beast for me.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My free pull on the ACHP New Power gave me a Gwendolyn.

I've barely touched FEH in the past couple days, because I've become a Blade, bound to Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

This said, I was able to muster 20 Orbs, and spent them on the Beast banner. I have Caineghis now, so I don't need Colorless. I got 2 Greens and 1 Blue, I get Frederick, Raven, and Mordecai! +Spd/-Res is okay too.

Still no Ranulf, but the gentle giant forgotten man who by virtue of his social ties and subspecies is good for me! Now I need to actually scour my Orbs sources and see about getting at least one of the remaining two Gallians I don't have, ideally Ranulf, but Lethe would be a Red non-Flier Beast for me.

Congrats on both your Beasts! Are you planning on collecting all the RD Beasts?

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3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on both your Beasts! Are you planning on collecting all the RD Beasts?

Of course! I am a foremost Telliusian (I don't play favorites with RD and PoR individually- I like them and their world together), so I need every Telliusian they bring in, including the Gallians.

And as I pointed out before, I got Zelgius as pitybreaker on this Gallia banner. I didn't have one before, so that was good. And it's ironic, since Zelgius is possibly weaker in canon than Caineghis, who was the next 5* I pulled. And one of my favorite moments in RD is 3-3, which has that epic movie clip where Zelgius commands thousands of Begnion soldiers into battle against the Gallians hordes, duels Ranulf, and swats a Tiger suddenly charging out of the chaos at him as though it were a housefly. 


7 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I have like 20 Sheenas I'm not going to do anything with~

Have you actually a trained Sheena lying around? I think she deserves a little sympathy (I hesitate to use the word pity).

Her mother forcefully taken by her father, which sounds like a nicer way to say "raped and abused". When Sheena was born, a child of presumed rape and perhaps also poorly treated and abused, at some point in her life she then fled her father and homeland to hide in Archanea. And then she only returns when Daddy-Not-Dearest has destroyed the country's honor and resources through siding with Dolhr. And the return and recovery from impoverishment are short lived because then she has to deal with a new demanding evil emperor within a year who forces her ruined people to fight again. Despite lacking almost entirely for troops with any experience so it's all harmless, demoralized greenhorns who are bound to be fodder for Marth's forces so she understandably thinks. All the meanwhile Sheena's people love her, despite her presumably long absence from the country, her inability to do anything to address all the issues which have devastated and continue to torment them. And Sheena so desperately wishes she could do anything to help them.

Really, Sheena has had a miserable life. And it's sad that New Mystery couldn't let us see more of her. Just playing Mystery of the Emblem once turned me into a fan of her's from what little but good stuff we got.

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22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course! I am a foremost Telliusian (I don't play favorites with RD and PoR individually- I like them and their world together), so I need every Telliusian they bring in, including the Gallians.

And as I pointed out before, I got Zelgius as pitybreaker on this Gallia banner. I didn't have one before, so that was good. And it's ironic, since Zelgius is possibly weaker in canon than Caineghis, who was the next 5* I pulled. And one of my favorite moments in RD is 3-3, which has that epic movie clip where Zelgius commands thousands of Begnion soldiers into battle against the Gallians hordes, duels Ranulf, and swats a Tiger suddenly charging out of the chaos at him as though it were a housefly. 


Have you actually a trained Sheena lying around? I think she deserves a little sympathy (I hesitate to use the word pity).

Her mother forcefully taken by her father, which sounds like a nicer way to say "raped and abused". When Sheena was born, a child of presumed rape and perhaps also poorly treated and abused, at some point in her life she then fled her father and homeland to hide in Archanea. And then she only returns when Daddy-Not-Dearest has destroyed the country's honor and resources through siding with Dolhr. And the return and recovery from impoverishment are short lived because then she has to deal with a new demanding evil emperor within a year who forces her ruined people to fight again. Despite lacking almost entirely for troops with any experience so it's all harmless, demoralized greenhorns who are bound to be fodder for Marth's forces so she understandably thinks. All the meanwhile Sheena's people love her, despite her presumably long absence from the country, her inability to do anything to address all the issues which have devastated and continue to torment them. And Sheena so desperately wishes she could do anything to help them.

Really, Sheena has had a miserable life. And it's sad that New Mystery couldn't let us see more of her. Just playing Mystery of the Emblem once turned me into a fan of her's from what little but good stuff we got.

Cool, good luck getting all of them! And nice getting Zelgius, too~

I do like Sheena as a character, but I'm just not the biggest fan of armor units other than a handful of them. There hasn't really been an easy access F2P armor that I've thought about using~

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Got a -ATK+SPD Dorcas, which is probably his worst possible IVs...

Then on the same session also got a 5* Ares... with +HP-DEF... and a 4* with -ATK+RES... and on the previous session one 4* with -SPD+DEF.

Got two 4* Marths, one with -ATK+HP and the other with -SPD+HP. And a bunch of 3*s.

Gods, not only you need a bazillion luck to get someone, you also need to pray they don't get screwed with IVs...

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32 minutes ago, Lanko said:

Got a -ATK+SPD Dorcas, which is probably his worst possible IVs...

Then on the same session also got a 5* Ares... with +HP-DEF... and a 4* with -ATK+RES... and on the previous session one 4* with -SPD+DEF.

Got two 4* Marths, one with -ATK+HP and the other with -SPD+HP. And a bunch of 3*s.

Gods, not only you need a bazillion luck to get someone, you also need to pray they don't get screwed with IVs...

Dorcas is still pretty good with any IV, and if you ever get another one, you can fix it too.

You could promote the [+def] Ares and merge your 5* one into it. You'd get a great unit with a good boon, and +5 stats because of the first merge.

Marth is common, so that's not too big of an issue.

Before they allowed removing banes, perfect IVs were exceptionally rare. Now after the first merge, there are only really five different IV combinations (six if you count neutral), so getting an optimal one is very feasible.


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3 hours ago, Lanko said:

Got a -ATK+SPD Dorcas, which is probably his worst possible IVs...

Then on the same session also got a 5* Ares... with +HP-DEF... and a 4* with -ATK+RES... and on the previous session one 4* with -SPD+DEF.

Got two 4* Marths, one with -ATK+HP and the other with -SPD+HP. And a bunch of 3*s.

Gods, not only you need a bazillion luck to get someone, you also need to pray they don't get screwed with IVs...



just give Dorcas death blow. that should patch it up. 
ares being demotes will be easy enough to fix too :) 

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44 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

just give Dorcas death blow. that should patch it up. 

Actually, Dorcas comes with all the skills he needs by default, just add reposition or swap:

  • Stout Tomahawk
  • Draconic Aura
  • Fierce Stance 3 (enemy phase Death Blow)
  • Quick Reposte 3
  • Infantry Pulse 3
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46 minutes ago, Tree said:

Actually, Dorcas comes with all the skills he needs by default, just add reposition or swap:

  • Stout Tomahawk
  • Draconic Aura
  • Fierce Stance 3 (enemy phase Death Blow)
  • Quick Reposte 3
  • Infantry Pulse 3


then yah. he's fine. hahaha 
I hope i can get a Dorcas one day

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Me this morning: Haha! Looks like I don’t need to care about the new seasonal banner at all. Let’s see if I can finally pull Ranulf with the orbs I stocked up just in case.

Literally the first thing I pull:





OMG! It’s like he was listening in and decided to reward my patience. He’s completely neutral too, so no reason to complain at all.

Then I decided to check out the rest of the circle, since my rate was fairly high, and:





Another beast unit! Looks like I don’t need to raise Panne at all to give Ranulf another beast cav ally. She is +Atk -HP, so even better!

After those last few terrible months, I really needed this. I don't want to jinx myself by saying my luck is back, but uh... positive feelings abound.
Now I can finally save again... *collapses*

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6 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Me this morning: Haha! Looks like I don’t need to care about the new seasonal banner at all. Let’s see if I can finally pull Ranulf with the orbs I stocked up just in case.

Literally the first thing I pull:

  Reveal hidden contents







OMG! It’s like he was listening in and decided to reward my patience. He’s completely neutral too, so no reason to complain at all.

Then I decided to check out the rest of the circle, since my rate was fairly high, and:

  Reveal hidden contents







Another beast unit! Looks like I don’t need to raise Panne at all to give Ranulf another beast cav ally. She is +Atk -HP, so even better!

After those last few terrible months, I really needed this. I don't want to jinx myself by saying my luck is back, but uh... positive feelings abound.
Now I can finally save again... *collapses*

Oooooh congratulations!  Glad to see you got the guy you wanted from the banner XD

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34 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Me this morning: Haha! Looks like I don’t need to care about the new seasonal banner at all. Let’s see if I can finally pull Ranulf with the orbs I stocked up just in case.

Literally the first thing I pull:

  Reveal hidden contents







OMG! It’s like he was listening in and decided to reward my patience. He’s completely neutral too, so no reason to complain at all.

Then I decided to check out the rest of the circle, since my rate was fairly high, and:

  Reveal hidden contents







Another beast unit! Looks like I don’t need to raise Panne at all to give Ranulf another beast cav ally. She is +Atk -HP, so even better!

After those last few terrible months, I really needed this. I don't want to jinx myself by saying my luck is back, but uh... positive feelings abound.
Now I can finally save again... *collapses*

Ohhh, great! I'm happy for you, congrats! 

Both seem fun, looking forward to see them in your clears (star potential?). 

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Oooooh congratulations!  Glad to see you got the guy you wanted from the banner XD

Thanks! I hope some of my luck rubs off on you.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Ohhh, great! I'm happy for you, congrats! 

Both seem fun, looking forward to see them in your clears (star potential?). 

Thank you! I am really happy too.

Not sure where to put them on my teams though. Star Squad is pretty much comprised of my top 4 and Ranulf isn't quite that high on the list. But who knows, I might expand it. It's just that Tibarn is on number 5 and he could probably crush all the BHBs and GHBs blindfolded, which is why I had my limit imposed. I guess we'll see.. haha

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2 hours ago, Nanima said:

Thanks! I hope some of my luck rubs off on you.

Thank you! I am really happy too.

Not sure where to put them on my teams though. Star Squad is pretty much comprised of my top 4 and Ranulf isn't quite that high on the list. But who knows, I might expand it. It's just that Tibarn is on number 5 and he could probably crush all the BHBs and GHBs blindfolded, which is why I had my limit imposed. I guess we'll see.. haha

Not sure about the new special heroes banner but I'm willing to bet that TT reward Leo will be screwed over because TT unit.

I'm hoping my luck changes too XD maybe I'll get the two Morgans I need to plus ten my little man! :XD:

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9 hours ago, Nanima said:

Me this morning: Haha! Looks like I don’t need to care about the new seasonal banner at all. Let’s see if I can finally pull Ranulf with the orbs I stocked up just in case.

Literally the first thing I pull:

  Hide contents







OMG! It’s like he was listening in and decided to reward my patience. He’s completely neutral too, so no reason to complain at all.

Then I decided to check out the rest of the circle, since my rate was fairly high, and:

  Hide contents







Another beast unit! Looks like I don’t need to raise Panne at all to give Ranulf another beast cav ally. She is +Atk -HP, so even better!

After those last few terrible months, I really needed this. I don't want to jinx myself by saying my luck is back, but uh... positive feelings abound.
Now I can finally save again... *collapses*

Woooo congrats! Glad you got two beasts and especially Ranulf~ Hope this is a good sign going forward!

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