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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

But the calculator you linked me isn't accurate either. I used it to check out my Cordelia as well, and according to it, her speed is extra low. It says it should be 8, 9, or 10 and my Cordelia has 4 speed. I made sure to click the 4 star stats too, since she's 4 star.

Don't forget to take the −5 Spd from a brave weapon into account.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Man, that's pretty lame.

But the calculator you linked me isn't accurate either. I used it to check out my Cordelia as well, and according to it, her speed is extra low. It says it should be 8, 9, or 10 and my Cordelia has 4 speed. I made sure to click the 4 star stats too, since she's 4 star.

Brave Lance gives Spd -5. You've got neutral Speed.

Edit: Wow, double swordsaged.

Edited by Seafarer
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IVs of my 5*s are

Lyn: +Def -HP

Roy: Neutral 

Elise: +HP -Def

Ephraim: +Spd -Res

Cain: +Res -Spd

Lilina: +Spd -Res

Lachesis: Can't tell yet

Ninian: +Atk -Res

Nothing too bad(no -Atk), with some that are quite good as well. As far as IVs go, I'm probably one of the luckier ones.

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I noticed that right before you posted. I hadn't known brave weapons had a speed penalty until now. I should pay more attention... Looks like she's +res and -atk. That's horrible for Cordelia too, she's supposed to be strong and defensive.

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3 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Nothing too bad(no -Atk), with some that are quite good as well. As far as IVs go, I'm probably one of the luckier ones.

I'm actually keeping a table with boons and banes of all my units for (relatively) quick reference. Seeing that −Atk as the very first entry makes me sad.

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You know what, I'm thinking of keeping Peri this time. She seems much better than Sully who can't take a hit for crap. Though her voice is the stupidest thing ever, imo. The only thing I honestly like about Peri is her hair, but really, my Sully is just THIS bad. Peri can have her Swordbreaker.

Edited by Anacybele
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I have a couple of -spds as well --- both my Sully and my Robin are -spd. For Robin this hurt his Takumi-countering abilities because +spd variants even if I tape him to Ryoma (which is about when I found out +spd Ryoma's really good at taking down Takumis, actually) but he otherwise performed pretty well, and...didn't actually matter too much to Sully because all I put her up against are either swords or tikis, the former can't double her anyway and the latter she's still fast enough to double after a hone speed. Or at least just facetank a hit from the younger one. I would've liked my Olivia to be not -spd as well in the case where i need her to take a hit or something, but it's not like she sees much combat anyway.

So it depends, I guess. Marth could still very well perform with a -spd. he has 29 speed with a speed flaw, so it's still workable if you give him some buffs. I guess 4* Marth can't kill dragons though. Alas.

My Ryoma's -Atk but I think it's the best flaw he could've have given how I use him.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You know what, I'm thinking of keeping Peri this time. She seems much better than Sully who can't take a hit for crap. Though her voice is the stupidest thing ever, imo. The only thing I honestly like about Peri is her hair, but really, my Sully is just THIS bad. Peri can have her Swordbreaker.

I wouldn't replace Sully with Peri under the expectation she has more bulk, if anything I think she has less. Peri has slightly more Def then Sully, but her HP is pretty bad. What she does have is better ATK and very fast uptime with her default w/ Killer Lance.

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My 5* IVs:

Lyn: +Spd/-Atk

Lucina: +Def/-Atk

Merric: +Def/-Spd

Julia: +Def/-Res

Priscilla: +Res/-HP

Maria: Idk

Sharena: Neutral, duh

Lucius: Idk

YTiki: +Spd/-Atk

Eirika: +Spd/-Res

I've had a lot of +Spd and +Def. The downside is that I've also had my fair share of -Atk.

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1 minute ago, ExpendableExtra said:

I wouldn't replace Sully with Peri under the expectation she has more bulk, if anything I think she has less. Peri has slightly more Def then Sully, but her HP is pretty bad. What she does have is better ATK and very fast uptime with her default w/ Killer Lance.

Slightly more? Yeah right. The Peri I just pulled has 6 def. She's lv. 1, of course. My Sully has 7 def. But she's lv. 16. Both are 4 star. I'm thinking Peri will have more def plus decent res at the same level. I think this Peri is +def too, btw. I checked her in the IV calculator. I also want to say Sully is -def, but I never did see for sure.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Slightly more? Yeah right. The Peri I just pulled has 6 def. She's lv. 1, of course. My Sully has 7 def. But she's lv. 16. Both are 4 star. I'm thinking Peri will have more def plus decent res at the same level.

At 5* Neutral, Peri has 23 def. With the same parameters Sully has 24 def. It is possible that you have a +Def Peri, -Def Sully, or both, but it is hard to tell until you max them out. 

The wiki also has stats on 4* units.

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Slightly more? Yeah right. The Peri I just pulled has 6 def. She's lv. 1, of course. My Sully has 7 def. But she's lv. 16. Both are 4 star. I'm thinking Peri will have more def plus decent res at the same level.

A 6-Def-at-lvl-1 Peri is +Def and will have 24 Def at 4⋆ lvl 40. Her max Res then is either 24 or 27 depending on whether it's her bane.

A 4⋆ Sully has 19/22/25 Def and 22/25/28 Res at lvl 40 depending on her boons and banes. Keep in mind that Sully also has more HP than Peri.

Sully is actually tankier.

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Okay seriously we need to stop derailing the thread. This is the pull topic. Not discuss IVs AKA bane/boon thread. If Eclipse sees this again she's probably going to:

A. Pop a vein

B. Back Flip through her ceiling

C. Spontaneously Combust 

D. Some combination of the three


I'm actually risking saying this because, I'm also derailing this thread by saying this! Nobody reply to me! Just let your last post be your last post and if ya wanna say something else, shoot someone a PM

I don't want to see or feel her wrath :(

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Yeah, from what you guys are saying, I'm pretty sure Peri is +def while Sully is -def. Peri having 24 def at lv. 40 while Sully having only 19 at the same level looks like a significant difference to me.

And yeah, let's not go too off topic again...

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If we're sharing our natures, here's a screenshot from the spreadsheet I keep:


Blue is ones I will not merge/skill grab under any circumstances

Pink is ones of characters I like (and don't already have a better version, except takumi because I like two of him), and unless a significantly-better natured one comes along AND I actually plan on using them in a team (some of these are already pretty optimal) I am not going to merge/skill grab them. 

Edited by Thor Odinson
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19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Slightly more? Yeah right. The Peri I just pulled has 6 def. She's lv. 1, of course. My Sully has 7 def. But she's lv. 16. Both are 4 star. I'm thinking Peri will have more def plus decent res at the same level. I think this Peri is +def too, btw. I checked her in the IV calculator. I also want to say Sully is -def, but I never did see for sure.

Peri's a notable magekiller in that at level 40 she'll have like 10 more Res than Def. (I'm using the gamewith calc + my own unit) That +Def could help her survive a round with certain archers and sword units, but let me recommend Peri on the basis of handling a couple common arena units really well: Robin and Tiki. She's been a staple of my team there because she counters them so strongly, and Threaten Def has done work to push a few things into kill range too. For the record mine's 5*, -HP/+Spd.


Addendum for pull-related stuff: Looking at all these orbs that the game's giving out, I think I just want to save them? After getting one 5* from the focus I feel like I'd be pushing my luck, and I'm also curious to see who pops up in future banners.

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4 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

Peri's a notable magekiller in that at level 40 she'll have like 10 more Res than Def. (I'm using the gamewith calc + my own unit) That +Def could help her survive a round with certain archers and sword units, but let me recommend Peri on the basis of handling a couple common arena units really well: Robin and Tiki. She's been a staple of my team there because she counters them so strongly, and Threaten Def has done work to push a few things into kill range too. For the record mine's 5*, -HP/+Spd.

Well, mine is 4 star, so she wouldn't do as well. I don't expect her to be amazing in the arena if she isn't 5 star. And Sharena is my priority for a blue 5 star upgrade at the moment. I just like having more options for if I like, I want to do a quest that requires all cavs or something like that.

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Re: Orbs I will probably do one pull on minerva's banner, because I want minerva but also i need skill fodder. Hoping for 4* Klein, Hinata or any Gordin, personally. I'm going to save the rest, though.

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Did 1 pull, only one orb...

I got a 3*Sully

Is ok, since is the first time I see her in my summons, and she has high attak and... Another stat I can't remember right now, so, I think is ok!

Now, to try to save my orbs, I want to keep them until they announce Innes (even if I still want Klein)

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Uhhh, 5* boons and banes off the top of my head:

Eirika: +Spd/-Def
Ryoma: neutral
Kagero: +Atk/-HP
Nino: +Spd/-Def
MRobin: neutral
Lucius: +Spd/-HP
Ephraim: +Def/-Spd
Ninian: +Spd/-Atk
Nowi: +Def/-Res
Minerva: +Atk/-Res

Been getting pretty lucky when it comes to IVs. The only slightly unfortunate one is my Ephraim but -Spd does not hurt him as bad as some other units.

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Did pull after pull to try to get Ninian. I got 4 Nowi (4* all of them), Florina 4*, Shanna x2 4*, Est 4*, and Olwen (I guess my Fate/GO luck is coming in Heroes) unfortunately she's +hp -atk.

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Well, since it's been raining Orbs lately, I got enough for another Pull.

How did I do?  Let's see...



And it looks like he's +Atk,-Res.  What's that, a good Nature on a 5* for Rezzy?  I think they sent him to the wrong account.  I guess he'll have a spot on my Arena team next week.


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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, since it's been raining Orbs lately, I got enough for another Pull.

How did I do?  Let's see...

  Reveal hidden contents


And it looks like he's +Atk,-Res.  What's that, a good Nature on a 5* for Rezzy?  I think they sent him to the wrong account.  I guess he'll have a spot on my Arena team next week.


I feel like I'm the only veteran who still has two 5 stars. 

I guess I'm not sacrificing hard enough . . . . . . .

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What's that, a good Nature on a 5* for Rezzy?  I think they sent him to the wrong account.  I guess he'll have a spot on my Arena team next week.

Hey, congrats with your Mr Edgy. My orb count will climb back to 20 tomorrow and I'll give the lottery another try.

2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I feel like I'm the only veteran who still has two 5 stars. 

I guess I'm not sacrificing hard enough . . . . . . .

Where is your goddess now? Turn to Sharena!

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