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True Love?


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True love, eh? Er...um...

What I like to call true love is a love that never falters, never weakens, and most importantly, never dies. There's what I like to call the 'one sided true love' and something else that I like to call 'the false true love'. And there's also what I like to call "the one-sided, false true love".

I don't believe I will ever find my true love. I think I will find love, but not true love, but hey, I've been wrong before. Let's hope I'm wrong again...

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Believe in "true love?"

Depends on your definition of it. If you're talking Hollywood romance love-at-first-site high school sweethearts that make it the long haul with 5 kids type, then no I do not believe in "true love."

Love takes work. Lots of work. More work than most people are willing to put out there. There's a reason there's a 50% divorce rate in America. I bet a lot of people in that situation believe in "true love" and don't realize there's no such thing as boundless love. Fairy Tales do not happen in reality. If it ever seems that way, there's always something more behind the scenes we don't know about.

I'm not as bitter about the concept as I used to be, but I am realistic and realize it doesn't exist.

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I was feeling pretty shit for some time after my long-term relationship breakup. Probably something to do with something tht link mentions, but I don't care any more.

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I wasn't gonna click that because I thought it was Making Fiends

i never spam in the forest at least not intentionally

all my spam is kept far from the forest

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I more believe in fate, and that it'll happen when it's meant to.

I'll say that true love doesn't exist for teenagers. Why? Well why can I see your nerps peeping thru your shirt and why is there a bananna in his pocket?

Pretty much that. Edited by Matthew O'Connell
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Do you believe in true love? If so what do you believe it is?

Personally I believe true love has no bounds, male or female. It can be either or, and not everyone finds it, which is sad, but that's the way it goes.

What about you?

true love exists.

if it didnt...well...

i would have a bullet in my head by now

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I belived in it. Just like Raven, I love a girl for 2 years, you can say that my life is for her and suddenly, she go with the other guy. I called her and she say: we should be friends more than lovers. After some try, I give up. I feel that my life was break apart, I feel hurt! I become an emo! If she want to return by my side, I dont know what to say cause I still love her but also, I hate her.

Edited by soluuloi
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There's a thin line between love and hate. I felt the same way towards her after she broke it up, but it angered me that she wasn't even being friends with me, and so, any love I did still have for her began to fade away. Now I just don't like her. If we passed eachother on the street, she would ignore me, whereas I would at least aknowledge her and say "hi". So in short: Fuck her.

In a matter of about three or four months, it turned to what I thought was true love to a serious disliking to her, to the point of hating her, and I know hate is a strong word. It's why I use it.

Edited by Razgriz
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