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So how does summoning with banners work?

I have seen people on youtube talking about how they summoned on "this banner" or on "that banner" when there are more than one banners going on. I always thought that they were all in affect when summoning. Sorry if this question was already asked.

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51 minutes ago, Midori Mage said:

Question. Which Caeda is better? +Atk and -Spd or +Res and -HP?

I prefer the +ATK -SPD one.

Caeda's neutral SPD is 37, so I don't think it won't affect her too much with 34 SPD. 41 +ATK is impressive for Caeda, allowing you to deal more damage, which can be a big difference. Her RES is already very high, so a boon in it won't be required.


1 minute ago, KongDude88 said:

So how does summoning with banners work?

I have seen people on youtube talking about how they summoned on "this banner" or on "that banner" when there are more than one banners going on. I always thought that they were all in affect when summoning. Sorry if this question was already asked.

I don't actually trust techniques that would use more than one banners to summon a higher rarity. It's... really just luck with a little help of focus summoning.

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4 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

So how does summoning with banners work?

I have seen people on youtube talking about how they summoned on "this banner" or on "that banner" when there are more than one banners going on. I always thought that they were all in affect when summoning. Sorry if this question was already asked.

Increased (focus and RNG-proofing) rates only affect the banner you're summoning from.

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I don't know if my question was really answered... I'll try rewording it.

The World of Shadows and the Battling Zephiel banners are currently going on right now. Do both banners apply when pressing summon?


If I summon for blue, will it be an increased 3% chance for Nowi, Reinhardt, Clair, and Lukas or does swiping to look at the "Battling Zephiel" focus only apply to Nowi and Reinhardt while looking at "World of Shadows" focus only apply to Lukas and Clair?

I'm really sorry if I'm being confusing, but I don't really know how to explain this well without physically showing what I mean...

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8 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

I don't know if my question was really answered... I'll try rewording it.

The World of Shadows and the Battling Zephiel banners are currently going on right now. Do both banners apply when pressing summon?


If I summon for blue, will it be an increased 3% chance for Nowi, Reinhardt, Clair, and Lukas or does swiping to look at the "Battling Zephiel" focus only apply to Nowi and Reinhardt while looking at "World of Shadows" focus only apply to Lukas and Clair?

I'm really sorry if I'm being confusing, but I don't really know how to explain this well without physically showing what I mean...

It only applies to the banner you're summoning from. So if you summon from World of Shadows, you get the increased chance of Lukas, Alm, Clair and Faye, for ins, but not the others from the other banner (so Reinhardt, Nowi and whoever else is on it will still just have the normal chance of appearing). Lukas, Alm, Faye and Clair will not appear at all in the Battle Zephiel Banner. 

Incidentally, the increase in chance to get 5*s only applies to the banner you're summoning from as well, so it's best to stick to one banner until you get a 5*

Edited by Cute Chao
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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

It only applies to the banner you're summoning from. So if you summon from World of Shadows, you get the increased chance of Lukas, Alm, Clair and Faye, for ins, but not the others from the other banner (so Reinhardt, Nowi and whoever else is on it will still just have the normal chance of appearing). Lukas, Alm, Faye and Clair will not appear at all in the Battle Zephiel Banner. 

Incidentally, the increase in chance to get 5*s only applies to the banner you're summoning from as well, so it's best to stick to one banner until you get a 5*

Ah, okay. Thanks. Man, I've been sharing the wrong info to people.

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12 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

Just a quick question. Which Olivia do you prefer?

  • +DEF -HP
  • +ATK -HP

Depends on how you're using her.

If you're just dancing and nothing else, I'd go with +Def for extra survivability.

If you're planning to deck out your Olivia with inheritance, as I am eventually, I'd go +Atk.

(Fun fact: +Atk 5* Olivia with Triangle Adept 3 has exactly enough atk to ORKO neutral Hector)

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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23 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

Just a quick question. Which Olivia do you prefer?

  • +DEF -HP
  • +ATK -HP

i actually have these same exact two Olivias haha. i went with +Def (and recently plopped the +HP seal on her) cause i mostly just want her to live. and when i didn't have a red unit on my team for Hector she was the only reason i could win, but still got super low, so i think the def boost helped a lot. and the moonbow.

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Who do you think the best Triangle user is?

Is +spd -def Cecilia worth putting my only triangle adept on ?  I want to use her to bait Reinhardt etc, there a a lot of blue and colorless Brave weapon users that need to be neutralised.  I dont think TA Robin is the best collor for this and Ice Dragon made nice points about it on Redraven users for Nino and Hector.  I could just slap a G tome breaker on tharja to cover that mostly.  


Edited by Chromatone
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Imo that Cecilia would be a fine Rein counter. A bit soft vs other greens but thankfully the arena doesn't run a huge variety of them 

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42 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Imo that Cecilia would be a fine Rein counter. A bit soft vs other greens but thankfully the arena doesn't run a huge variety of them 

Looking for Pairings with Rein and Olivia.  The numbers look good on Cecilia, so think ill pull the trigger unles some one makes a beter argument.  In this mage meta my i want a Res Hector and she stops all non Red ranged Dmg with this build exept Nino.  Is she comon enough to use G tome breaker?  Q Riposte gets her some kills but she could just end them on the next turn.  Should i just be runing fury Nino +Atk -Hp myself?  Im torn between ward or hone Cavalry on her For DB3 Rein, he already gets Olivias hone.  Ward or Fortify would let him tank reds and Colorless prety well, i coukd run Hone cavalry on both at greater cost and change Olivia C.  Now if only i could get a +Atk oliva to kill Hectors, not exited to 5* a neutral one..

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A question, I have 20000 feathers again and I pulled a Erika 4*, the problem is she is -SPD + DEF, would you upgrade her? I was thinking convert her in my main buffer given her dance and cos it has + def would be a bit more bulky to defend while she gives buffs to my Nino, it is bad idea or should i wait till I pull one erika with +SPD? Maybe is better upgrade an olivia? I also have a kagero 4* -DEF+RES and I like a lot Kagero but I was waiting to pull one with +ATK

Wich unit you would upgrade? Keep in mind I am F2P and I don't think I will pull a lot of more reds or greys as I alredy have good units like Lucina, Ryoma, Marth, Lyn, Sanaki, Klein and 2 takumis.

I really need blue and green units, maybe I wait for a 4* Robin?

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9 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Looking for Pairings with Rein and Olivia.  The numbers look good on Cecilia, so think ill pull the trigger unles some one makes a beter argument.  In this mage meta my i want a Res Hector and she stops all non Red ranged Dmg with this build exept Nino.  Is she comon enough to use G tome breaker?  Q Riposte gets her some kills but she could just end them on the next turn.  Should i just be runing fury Nino +Atk -Hp myself?  Im torn between ward or hone Cavalry on her For DB3 Rein, he already gets Olivias hone.  Ward or Fortify would let him tank reds and Colorless prety well, i coukd run Hone cavalry on both at greater cost and change Olivia C.  Now if only i could get a +Atk oliva to kill Hectors, not exited to 5* a neutral one..

Nino/Olivia/Cecilia/Reinhardt is not a Cavalry team. Pick a theme and stick with it.

If you're set on running a Half-Horse Half-Infantry team, then give Olivia a Ruby Sword. That'll boost her durability and let her hurt Hector more (by about 6-9 per hit, depending on your rarity and attack modified). Cecilia with G Tome Breaker counters Julia/Nino/Herself, which is ok but just that. I'd prefer Quick Riposte, as she can for the first attack, sponge a hit and double back. G TB counters a small handful of units that a Ruby Sword Olivia or any half-decent red (Eliwood) can bait.

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13 minutes ago, Desidelia said:

A question, I have 20000 feathers again and I pulled a Erika 4*, the problem is she is -SPD + DEF, would you upgrade her? I was thinking convert her in my main buffer given her dance and cos it has + def would be a bit more bulky to defend while she gives buffs to my Nino, it is bad idea or should i wait till I pull one erika with +SPD? Maybe is better upgrade an olivia? I also have a kagero 4* -DEF+RES and I like a lot Kagero but I was waiting to pull one with +ATK

Wich unit you would upgrade? Keep in mind I am F2P and I don't think I will pull a lot of more reds or greys as I alredy have good units like Lucina, Ryoma, Marth, Lyn, Sanaki, Klein and 2 takumis.

I really need blue and green units, maybe I wait for a 4* Robin?

You can't give dance to a non-dancer, so no dancing Erika I'm affraid. With this nature she won't be useless or anything, since she can tank hits for Nino and provide better buffs then Olivia. On the other hand, two attacks from a buffed Nino is quite scary, so it really depends on what you like more. What would the rest of your team look like?

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13 minutes ago, Desidelia said:

A question, I have 20000 feathers again and I pulled a Erika 4*, the problem is she is -SPD + DEF, would you upgrade her? I was thinking convert her in my main buffer given her dance and cos it has + def would be a bit more bulky to defend while she gives buffs to my Nino, it is bad idea or should i wait till I pull one erika with +SPD? Maybe is better upgrade an olivia? I also have a kagero 4* -DEF+RES and I like a lot Kagero but I was waiting to pull one with +ATK

Wich unit you would upgrade? Keep in mind I am F2P and I don't think I will pull a lot of more reds or greys as I alredy have good units like Lucina, Ryoma, Marth, Lyn, Sanaki, Klein and 2 takumis.

I really need blue and green units, maybe I wait for a 4* Robin?

You can't give dance to a non-dancer, so no dancing Erika I'm affraid. With this nature she won't be useless or anything, since she can tank hits for Nino and provide better buffs then Olivia. On the other hand, two attacks from a buffed Nino is quite scary, so it really depends on what you like more. What would the rest of your team look like?

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11 minutes ago, Desidelia said:

Oh dam I didn't know that... well my main team now is Sharena+Nino+Ninian+Sanaki but I swap Sanaki for Takumi or Kagero when I need, even if Kagero is 4*

Hmm, I don't get the feeling your team would really need another blue or green unit that badly (Shareena and Ninian are two of the best blue units and Nino should handle blues without a problem). I'm not saying you should keep pulling red or anything, but I don't think upgrading one of those pulls needs to be a priority.

I think Olivia might be a good replacement  for Ninian on this team, since her hone attack won't overlap with Sharena's fortify def, giving Nino more boosts and thus more damage. She can still dance, which is Ninian's biggest role I imagine, and this would give you a red unit even if Sanaki gets swapped out. Since Sharena is still on the team, red units shouldn't be a problem either.

Another option is replacing Sharena with Erika, although that would leave you without a bonus unit for the arena this season, so I imagine you'd rather not do that.

I'm not as familiar with these units as I'd want though (would really like an Erika/Ninian...), so I might be missing some things. Hope this at least helps a bit.

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Yeah I think I can compose good teams, and just today I pulled Reinhard, so I covered the blue mage spot, but the doubt still remains wich unit I should promote of 4*, I thought Erika or kagero would be a good addition but promoting a -SPD+DEF erika or a +RES-DEF kagero I don't know if its a waste of feathers...

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Who do you guys think I should promote? I was thinking I might do Reinhardt, although his nature isn't great (+HP, -Atk). I don't have any 5-star blue tome users, so that would fill a gap in terms of covering options, and I'm also F2P, so it's not like I'm likely to get a better one down the road. I'm also considering Nino (+Spd, -HP), which seems pretty good, and promoting a Camilla as Brave Axe+ fodder to throw on Cherche, who seems like she would be unholy with a one of those. I also have Eliwood.


But I already have Rebecca, so do I really need another 5-star with totally busted artwork?

Olivia and Felicia are also under consideration.

There's also Nowi, but everyone should say no to loli dragons.

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Pulled a +ATK -DEF Reinhardt so I think it's time to have a proper mage on the team (currently Lucina/Olivia/Sharena/Takumi). The thing is what to build with him. My thoughts:

A: Death Blow 2 (I can promote to have a 3 version but I think the difference isn't worth?). 
B: He has Lancebreaker 1. I heard that Riposte works well too, but idk what's better.
C: I don't have another horse on the team so either Spur ATK or anything else.

Wouldn't Wary Fighter go well with him? He will never double anyone but Dire Thunder let's him attack twice. And if he's attacked twice is dead meat. Never saw it mentioned. I can promote up to two Reinhardts to merge, although I want to be sure he can be a good unit on the team (outside Horse Emblem).

Also, I pulled two Nowis both +SPD, one -DEF and the other -RES. I'm leveling the later since apparently she should be a frontliner, although that way she suffers a bit more against mages. Or is the -DEF one better?
What should I do with the remaining Nowi, merging her or using her as skill fodder? I have a Y!Tiki that maybe could use that ranged counterattack, although the red spot is already taken by Lucina. However I could promote the A!Tiki for that, so...

For the build, I researched a bit and apparently she goes well with this but I'd like opinions.

A: Triangle adept? (I guess she'll eat dirt against greens anyway. Outside Lucina I don't have anything to counter Julia)
B: Swordbreaker (but Lucina/Rein could take care of the reds) / Riposte / Lancebreaker (instead of Rein, to clear Lucina counters)
C: Threaten Res

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8 minutes ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Pulled a +ATK -DEF Reinhardt so I think it's time to have a proper mage on the team (currently Lucina/Olivia/Sharena/Takumi). The thing is what to build with him. My thoughts:

A: Death Blow 2 (I can promote to have a 3 version but I think the difference isn't worth?). 
B: He has Lancebreaker 1. I heard that Riposte works well too, but idk what's better.
C: I don't have another horse on the team so either Spur ATK or anything else.

Wouldn't Wary Fighter go well with him? He will never double anyone but Dire Thunder let's him attack twice. And if he's attacked twice is dead meat. Never saw it mentioned. I can promote up to two Reinhardts to merge, although I want to be sure he can be a good unit on the team (outside Horse Emblem).

Also, I pulled two Nowis both +SPD, one -DEF and the other -RES. I'm leveling the later since apparently she should be a frontliner, although that way she suffers a bit more against mages. Or is the -DEF one better?
What should I do with the remaining Nowi, merging her or using her as skill fodder? I have a Y!Tiki that maybe could use that ranged counterattack, although the red spot is already taken by Lucina. However I could promote the A!Tiki for that, so...

For the build, I researched a bit and apparently she goes well with this but I'd like opinions.

A: Triangle adept? (I guess she'll eat dirt against greens anyway. Outside Lucina I don't have anything to counter Julia)
B: Swordbreaker (but Lucina/Rein could take care of the reds) / Riposte / Lancebreaker (instead of Rein, to clear Lucina counters)
C: Threaten Res

For Reinhardt: Death Blow and Lancebreaker are probably optimal, though Wings of Mercy is also an option if you want to trade ORKOs on lances for more mobility. Idk who mentioned QR, but I respectfully disagree since Reinhardt shouldn't ever be left open on enemy phase to begin with.

Also Wary Fighter is armor-only, so Rein can't inherit it. 

As for Nowi, I'd personally go with -res. TA + Quick Riposte is the best build of the ones you mentioned imo. 

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47 minutes ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Pulled a +ATK -DEF Reinhardt so I think it's time to have a proper mage on the team (currently Lucina/Olivia/Sharena/Takumi). The thing is what to build with him. My thoughts:

A: Death Blow 2 (I can promote to have a 3 version but I think the difference isn't worth?). 
B: He has Lancebreaker 1. I heard that Riposte works well too, but idk what's better.
C: I don't have another horse on the team so either Spur ATK or anything else.

Wouldn't Wary Fighter go well with him? He will never double anyone but Dire Thunder let's him attack twice. And if he's attacked twice is dead meat. Never saw it mentioned. I can promote up to two Reinhardts to merge, although I want to be sure he can be a good unit on the team (outside Horse Emblem).

Also, I pulled two Nowis both +SPD, one -DEF and the other -RES. I'm leveling the later since apparently she should be a frontliner, although that way she suffers a bit more against mages. Or is the -DEF one better?
What should I do with the remaining Nowi, merging her or using her as skill fodder? I have a Y!Tiki that maybe could use that ranged counterattack, although the red spot is already taken by Lucina. However I could promote the A!Tiki for that, so...

For the build, I researched a bit and apparently she goes well with this but I'd like opinions.

A: Triangle adept? (I guess she'll eat dirt against greens anyway. Outside Lucina I don't have anything to counter Julia)
B: Swordbreaker (but Lucina/Rein could take care of the reds) / Riposte / Lancebreaker (instead of Rein, to clear Lucina counters)
C: Threaten Res

Reinhardt doesn't actually need Lancebreaker. With +ATK and Death Blow 2, there are only 4 Lance units that he doesn't already KO: Peri, Jagen, Est and Shanna. Death Blow 3 upgrades it to just Peri and Jagen. Death Blow 3 and the ATK +1 Seal makes it just Jagen. If you're looking to run him in the arena, I don't really think you'll be seeing any of those units much, except maybe an occasional Peri. However, since you already gave it to him, I recommend running it because it's better than both QR and Vantage. Don't bother giving him more than Lancebreaker 1 though. If you have Wings of Mercy like @MaskedAmpharos mentioned, it's probably the best option for the extra mobility. It'll be hilarious on arena defence too.

(I actually do run QR2 on my Reinhardt, not because it's the best skill for him, but because it was a convenient inherit from Klein since my Rein already had Death Blow 2. I prefer it over Vantage, since that requires leaving Reinhardt out at low HP whereas QR requires leaving him out at high HP. It's not a good idea to leave him out either way but he's at least more likely to survive at high HP.)

By the way, if you have the resources, you can consider replacing his special with Draconic Aura. It's an idea that I've seen around here and it's fantastic. One round of combat will charge it so that he can proc next round and kill a ton of shit he can't normally kill, including Hector!

Finally, as an extra note, the difference between Death Blow 2 and 3 is 7 units, of which only 2 are common in the arena: Minerva and Nowi. So you're right, it's not really a huge difference, but if they give you trouble and you get a spare Klein or something Death Blow 3 is always nice to have.

(Sorry that I have no opinion on Nowi; I don't have her lol.)

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