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1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

+Atk or +Spd??? for the following:

This mostly depends on the foes your units face and how much buff support you are willing to provide for your units. For high scoring Arena and PvE modes, you generally do not need that much Spd since foes are pretty slow. For lower scoring Arena and Aether Raids though, foes often have really competitive skill sets and that makes +Spd much more common.

For example, if I am running FV!F!Robin to carry my Aether Raids team, then I prefer a +Atk copy since I can provide her with a ton of buffs with 2 M!Corrins giving her Ally Support from the back lines. If I am using her as one my combatants instead of as the sole pillar of the team, then I prefer +Spd for having more consistent independent performance.

Generally speaking though, for regular nukes, unless the unit has 30 Atk or below or something, I almost always prefer +Spd.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

1. Leif - Running the calcs, it seems fairly close between the two. Probably one of the hardest to make a call on.

Either is fine I think. I lean towards +Spd, especially when factoring in buffs on the enemy with VS!Azura being so prolific. +Atk is still nice though to bump up his lowish Atk.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

2. Spring Catria - +Spd seems optimal (Especially for Bladetome builds), though +Atk looks to be stronger in some cases.

I prefer +Spd on my ranged units. The only units I would consider going +Atk would be Celica or Ishtar since their Weapons gives them a crazy amount of Spd.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

3. Exalted Chrom - Leaning towards +Spd, but only because I predominantly use him in a Cavalry team. +Atk seems better though.

I prefer +Spd for the doubling potential. He is not particularly fast starting out, but once in HP range, he can reach a pretty high Spd.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

4. Summer Linde - Recently picked up a +Spd/-Def (My current one is +Atk/-Def). Leaning towards using the +Spd copy tbh.

I prefer +Spd here too.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

5. Maribelle - Same analysis as Summer Linde.

Unless you can supply them with Atk/Spd Solo, I prefer +Atk in this case for Firesweep healers, especially if they are running Pain. Dealing more damage per hit is more important than doubling in my opinion since the area of effect damage makes doubling unnecessary if foes are at low HP. Having higher Atk also means that Res tanks have more difficulty walling the Firesweep healer during combat.

1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

The other two units I'm still deciding on our Performing Arts Azura & New Years Azura (I have 2 of each):

I've got a +Atk & +Res copy for both. I currently use the +Res copies as they're both dancers (And it obviously helps their survivability), but I mean, the +Atk copies always seem tempting to use.

I personally lean towards +Atk for Dancers/Singers since I use them a little more offensively. I generally give my Dancers/Singers Triangle Adept or Gem Weapons, along with a Breaker or Quick Riposte, so they can shutdown a particularly color. +Res is still a decent option if you like to use Ploys.

For colorless Dancers/Singers though, it depends. For PA!Olivia, I prefer +Spd or +Res to help her tank offensive mages, and when ideally equipped with Kitty Paddle, she does not really need +Atk. For FIH!Xander, I prefer +Def so he can do some mild tanking. For Leanne, I prefer +Atk so she can better fight dragons.

Edited by XRay
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40 minutes ago, XRay said:

This mostly depends on the foes your units face and how much buff support you are willing to provide for your units. For high scoring Arena and PvE modes, you generally do not need that much Spd since foes are pretty slow. For lower scoring Arena and Aether Raids though, foes often have really competitive skill sets and that makes +Spd much more common.

For example, if I am running FV!F!Robin to carry my Aether Raids team, then I prefer a +Atk copy since I can provide her with a ton of buffs with 2 M!Corrins giving her Ally Support from the back lines. If I am using her as one my combatants instead of as the sole pillar of the team, then I prefer +Spd for having more consistent independent performance.

Generally speaking though, for regular nukes, unless the unit has 30 Atk or below or something, I almost always prefer +Spd.

Either is fine I think. I lean towards +Spd, especially when factoring in buffs on the enemy with VS!Azura being so prolific. +Atk is still nice though to bump up his lowish Atk.

I prefer +Spd on my ranged units. The only units I would consider going +Atk would be Celica or Ishtar since their Weapons gives them a crazy amount of Spd.

I prefer +Spd for the doubling potential. He is not particularly fast starting out, but once in HP range, he can reach a pretty high Spd.

I prefer +Spd here too.

Unless you can supply them with Atk/Spd Solo, I prefer +Atk in this case for Firesweep healers, especially if they are running Pain. Dealing more damage per hit is more important than doubling in my opinion since the area of effect damage makes doubling unnecessary if foes are at low HP. Having higher Atk also means that Res tanks have more difficulty walling the Firesweep healer during combat.

I personally lean towards +Atk for Dancers/Singers since I use them a little more offensively. I generally give my Dancers/Singers Triangle Adept or Gem Weapons, along with a Breaker or Quick Riposte, so they can shutdown a particularly color. +Res is still a decent option if you like to use Ploys.

For colorless Dancers/Singers though, it depends. For PA!Olivia, I prefer +Spd or +Res to help her tank offensive mages, and when ideally equipped with Kitty Paddle, she does not really need +Atk. For FIH!Xander, I prefer +Def so he can do some mild tanking. For Leanne, I prefer +Atk so she can better fight dragons.

Thanks for the feedback. Very helpful. I'll consider it all when deciding overall.

Maribelle will be running a Pain+ setup, so I'm almost sold on +Atk for that. Likely +Spd for the rest.

The dancers I'm still undecided. Might think about that one a bit more before deciding.

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I pulled Spring Camilla that is +Spd -Hp and as she doesn't have any good fodder I thought why not build her (I also didn't have a flying mage). So what are my options? I thought of blade tome but other than that I don't know. Also can I run an AOE special to her?

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19 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

I pulled Spring Camilla that is +Spd -Hp and as she doesn't have any good fodder I thought why not build her (I also didn't have a flying mage). So what are my options? I thought of blade tome but other than that I don't know. Also can I run an AOE special to her?

She is pretty decent with Gronnblade, especially with her nature, although she is still very reliant on Spd buffs.

She can be a decent Raven mage but she will need to be highly merged if you want her to tank both Reinhardt and Brave Bow archers. At low merges, she can only tank one or the other, and she is very reliant on Deflect Magic and Deflect Missile/Iote's Shield.

I would personally stick with Gronnblade. Raven mages are more suited for infantry in my opinion.

Area Specials are niche and they make the unit vulnerable to Vantage. A unit has no business running area Specials if they cannot spam it. As a mage and as a flier, she does not have access to the right Weapons nor skills to allow her to speed up Specials.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

She is pretty decent with Gronnblade, especially with her nature, although she is still very reliant on Spd buffs.

She can be a decent Raven mage but she will need to be highly merged if you want her to tank both Reinhardt and Brave Bow archers. At low merges, she can only tank one or the other, and she is very reliant on Deflect Magic and Deflect Missile/Iote's Shield.

I would personally stick with Gronnblade. Raven mages are more suited for infantry in my opinion.

Area Specials are niche and they make the unit vulnerable to Vantage. A unit has no business running area Specials if they cannot spam it. As a mage and as a flier, she does not have access to the right Weapons nor skills to allow her to speed up Specials.

I will go with Gronnblade and I also have a L!Azura to help her with the buffs. What can I run for the rest of her kit?

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Just now, SuperNova125 said:

I will go with Gronnblade and I also have a L!Azura to help her with the buffs. What can I run for the rest of her kit?

She is built like pretty much any other blade mage.

Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — Life and Death
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Speed +3 — Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res
If you have trouble giving her Spd buffs, you can also consider running Brash Assault Sacred Seal to help her double against foes.

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Just now, SuperNova125 said:

I will go with Gronnblade and I also have a L!Azura to help her with the buffs. What can I run for the rest of her kit?

She is built like pretty much any other blade mage.

Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — Life and Death
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Speed +3 — Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res
If you have trouble giving her Spd buffs, you can also consider running Brash Assault Sacred Seal to help her double against foes.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

She is built like pretty much any other blade mage.

Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — Life and Death
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Speed +3 — Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res
If you have trouble giving her Spd buffs, you can also consider running Brash Assault Sacred Seal to help her double against foes.

Is this build good?

  • Gronnblade+
  • Ardent sacrifice
  • Glimmer
  • Atk/Spd Brazen
  • Desperation
  • A flier buff or a wave
  • Atk/Res brazen or Iote's shield
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4 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

I will go with Gronnblade and I also have a L!Azura to help her with the buffs. What can I run for the rest of her kit?

Mine runs [+Spd, -Res] (Gronnblade+, Reposition, Moonbow / Draconic Aura, Fury 3, G Tomebreaker 3, Hone Fliers, Iote's Shield) as her main set, though I also have a Gronnraven + Triangle Adept set on her.

I generally find that if you can reliably get her to +6/6/6/6 with Gronnblade+, you don't really need too much Atk from other sources to delete enemies in a single hit, so the Brazens are nice, but not exactly necessary.

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17 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Is this build good?

  • Gronnblade+
  • Ardent sacrifice
  • Glimmer
  • Atk/Spd Brazen
  • Desperation
  • A flier buff or a wave
  • Atk/Res brazen or Iote's shield

I would replace Ardent Sacrifice with Reposition. It is generally easier to just eat a counter to get into Desperation range. Ardent Sacrifice depends on her allies taking a hit and it depends on the foe not outright killing her ally.

Brazen Atk/Spd is okay, but it takes set up. I prefer Life and Death because it is much cheaper and it requires no set up.

I do not recommend Iote's Shield for nukes, since they should not even be hit in the first place.

16 hours ago, twinbladex said:

I was thinking of giving M!Kana either Steady Breath or Warding Breath. Which breath is generally more useful for him? I’m also thinking of giving F!Kana either of the mentioned breath skills.

I prefer giving dragons balanced mixed bulk, with Def being 0 to 5 points higher than Res.

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I haven't played this game since the Thracia Banner. There's a lot of new stuff I need to figure out but for now there's two things I'm interested in.

On another site I saw someone talk about how they were planning to use their chalice to get the Black Knight and then they asked if that was a good idea. I thought tat the BK was a TT and buy once only event so can someone explain the chalice thing?

I remember vaguely hearing that Veronica is the best CYL2 Brave so was I right in choosing her? Is she really as good as Lyn used to be back in her days?

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6 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

I haven't played this game since the Thracia Banner. There's a lot of new stuff I need to figure out but for now there's two things I'm interested in.

On another site I saw someone talk about how they were planning to use their chalice to get the Black Knight and then they asked if that was a good idea. I thought tat the BK was a TT and buy once only event so can someone explain the chalice thing?

I remember vaguely hearing that Veronica is the best CYL2 Brave so was I right in choosing her? Is she really as good as Lyn used to be back in her days?

1. Heroic Grails are a thing now. Free copies of units that are only received in free events (TT and GHB) Can now be bought with Heroic Grails. They have the same rarity as sacred coins.

2. Yes, especially in Aether Raids. She has appeared in many f2p guides.

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7 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

1. Heroic Grails are a thing now. Free copies of units that are only received in free events (TT and GHB) Can now be bought with Heroic Grails. They have the same rarity as sacred coins.

2. Yes, especially in Aether Raids. She has appeared in many f2p guides.

1. Can you choose a TT/GHB character whenever you want (assuming you have enough of these Heroic Grails) or do you need to wait till a specific date to get a specific one?

2. Oh good. I heard that they introduced a new difficulty mode so it's good to hear that she'll be a lot of help there.

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5 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

1. Can you choose a TT/GHB character whenever you want (assuming you have enough of these Heroic Grails) or do you need to wait till a specific date to get a specific one?

Whenever you want as long as you have enough Grails.

Note that the price goes up as you grab more copies of the same character and there is a limited number of each character that you can buy (20 per character).

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Whenever you want as long as you have enough Grails.

Note that the price goes up as you grab more copies of the same character and there is a limited number of each character that you can buy (20 per character).

Ah, that seems fair enough. It's cool that they did this, that way you can +10 a TT/GHB unit without summoning. 

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2 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Ah, that seems fair enough. It's cool that they did this, that way you can +10 a TT/GHB unit without summoning. 

It takes a long time to get the Grails, though, which is the only downside. Since the price goes up when you buy more copies of the same character, it ends up taking a lot of Grails to reach +10 on characters that you have few free copies of.

For example, for Tempest Trials characters that were never rerun, you need 2,700 Grails to buy the 9 copies to reach +10 if you got both reward copies. For a character you never got a free copy of, it costs 3,700 Grails for 11 copies.

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11 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Speaking off grails, any unit I should get using those that I missed out on that is really good or should I just grind them to merg?

I've gotten all of them up until Finn appeared. 

After Finn, the only notable units in terms of performance are Aversa, Azura, and Naesala (who hasn't been added to the shop yet).

Azura is a Tempest Trials reward, so she isn't likely to be rerun ever again. Aversa is a Grand Hero Battle character, so she's eventually going to be rerun (based on the current pattern, it'll probably be about 4-6 months before that happens, though). Naesala was the most recent Grand Hero Battle, so it'll be a long while before he gets a rerun.

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So today I got my first 5* Reinhardt, and I have given him so far Luna (I don't have a moonbow right now ) and a death blow. How can I build him for my cavalry team, aether raids and this type of stuff? How good can desperation and bash assault be on him (or bash assault in general)?

Also I plan on merging him as he is pretty good and last is he or special spiral Ophelia a better blue mage in aether raids?

Edited by SuperNova125
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37 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

So today I got my first 5* Reinhardt, and I have given him so far Luna (I don't have a moonbow right now ) and a death blow. How can I build him for my cavalry team, aether raids and this type of stuff? How good can desperation and bash assault be on him (or bash assault in general)?

Also I plan on merging him as he is pretty good and last is he or special spiral Ophelia a better blue mage in aether raids?

Ophelia hits harder. Reinhardt hits farther.

Reinhardt doesn't make particularly good use of Desperation or Brash Assault because both require him to take damage, which he is not particularly good at doing compared to other characters. Using a Brave weapon means the opponent needs to survive both hits in order to have a chance of dealing damage and being slow means he's easy to double with a simple Spd check. While it's easy to use Lightning Traps to take damage, it's nowhere near consistent, and if you're running Eir, there's a good chance that the damage will be healed off within a turn or two.


Reinhardt has two meta builds:

Reinhardt [+Atk] (Dire Thunder, Moonbow, Death Blow 3 / Death Blow 4, Quickened Pulse / Heavy Blade 3)

  • This build is player-phase only and behaves like any other Brave weapon build, but with Reinhardt's superior reach.
  • Lancebreaker is the most common B skill for this build, though Swordbreaker can be used to deal with Sigurd.
  • This build is generally more consistent, but isn't as good at wall-breaking as the Blarblade set and is nearly useless on enemy phase.

Reinhardt [+Atk] (Blarblade+, Close Counter, Vantage 3, Brazen Atk/* 3)

  • This build works by taking damage to activate Vantage, and then sweeps the opponent on enemy phase.
  • It's primary weaknesses are that it has trouble with magically bulky green units, Dull Ranged, Panic, and Hardy Bearing.
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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

After Finn, the only notable units in terms of performance are Aversa, Azura, and Naesala (who hasn't been added to the shop yet).

Azura is a Tempest Trials reward, so she isn't likely to be rerun ever again. Aversa is a Grand Hero Battle character, so she's eventually going to be rerun (based on the current pattern, it'll probably be about 4-6 months before that happens, though). Naesala was the most recent Grand Hero Battle, so it'll be a long while before he gets a rerun.

Winter Cecilia is quite good.  She tanks well with her weapon and buffs, and can inherit broken Slot B armor skills.  Not as tanky as Winter Tharja but doesn't have a type weakness.

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36 minutes ago, Xenovia said:

Winter Cecilia is quite good.  She tanks well with her weapon and buffs, and can inherit broken Slot B armor skills.  Not as tanky as Winter Tharja but doesn't have a type weakness.

She needs investment to be good, though, unlike the other three, who are pretty much ready to go out of the box.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:
  • It's primary weaknesses are that it has trouble with magically bulky green units, Dull Ranged, Panic, and Hardy Bearing.

Mind that because there's only 1 Hardy Bearing seal (and because Ophelia, its most likely user, is built like a paper napkin), Rein can snipe the Hardy Bearing user pretty consistently. Festival Micaiah is a real issue, but depending on how the combat math shakes out you can sometimes force her to attack Rein first, when he's still max hp.

Also firesweeps own his sorry ass in AR because you don't get to run the kind of mobility support that Rein needs to kill all of them on player phase. (The fact that Eir sucks up 2 unit slots hurts like hell.)

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23 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

After Finn, the only notable units in terms of performance are Aversa, Azura, and Naesala (who hasn't been added to the shop yet).

Azura is a Tempest Trials reward, so she isn't likely to be rerun ever again. Aversa is a Grand Hero Battle character, so she's eventually going to be rerun (based on the current pattern, it'll probably be about 4-6 months before that happens, though). Naesala was the most recent Grand Hero Battle, so it'll be a long while before he gets a rerun.

I decided to use my grails to get both Aversa and YoungAzura and wow, those two did not dissapoint!

Never had a flying mage so Aversa is a really welcome addition to the team and for a dancer Azura can pack quite a punch.

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