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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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2 hours ago, Lanko said:

During my summonings I got two more 5*s, Axe Ephraim and Surtr. Surtr seems pretty absurd and I got him to 40. Ephraim is really strong but really slow and the one I got had SPD as bane and contrary to Surtr he doesn't have Wary Fighter or some absurd passive special ability.

Ephraim's weapon gives him an automatic follow-up as long as he is buffed, so he doesn't actually need his Spd stat. His default Armor March will buff him as long as he is standing adjacent to another armor at the start of his turn. His B skill, Special Fighter, lets him charge 2 points of Special gauge with every attack from both himself and his opponent, letting him activate his Special extremely often. His base skill set is top class.


2 hours ago, Lanko said:

Question is: how to proceed from here? Do I just keep focusing on getting the other 4*s I have to 40 and keep hoarding orbs and feathers? Do I promote some to 5*? Will the difference be too massive to be able to tackle Infernal and maybe Abyssal maps? Or just wait until I get some more from orbs and events?

Start by doing as many of the daily rotation quests (the Hero Battles that give you 1-star and 2-star characters and the Grand Hero battles). You'll want to get many of them promoted up to 4-star at the minimum. Olivia is probably the highest priority among them since she's a dancer.

In general, you can do most of the challenge content using only 4-star units and 5-star freebies, and there are many Youtubers out there that have videos for how to do so. Since there is no random chance and the AI is deterministic, if your units have the same stats and skills, then you can replicate map clears exactly.

That said, in general, your near-term goal for most units should be to either go for a +10 merged 4-star (which will have stats similar to a +5 merged 5-star) or promote some of your stronger units to 5-star rarity. Note that merges do not carry over on promotion, so you should never merge units unless you are not planning on promoting them (or are fine losing those merges).

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I feel stupid once again. New phone. Trying to connect my FEH to the nintendo account and am getting "Web Loading Failed!"

I'm already signed into my nintendo account but it appears in the browser page after pressing the "select this person" button.

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13 hours ago, Lanko said:

During my summonings I got two more 5*s, Axe Ephraim and Surtr. Surtr seems pretty absurd and I got him to 40. Ephraim is really strong but really slow and the one I got had SPD as bane and contrary to Surtr he doesn't have Wary Fighter or some absurd passive special ability.


Spd Flaw is generally a good thing for slow tanks; you want the foe to double the unit so the unit can trigger a stronger Special. If you have problems with AOTB!Ephraim's survivability on Enemy Phase, I would run him in a Ward Armor team.

13 hours ago, Lanko said:

I got 3 or 4 4* Male Corrins, and actually merged one to get rid of the bane. Don't know if I should have done that, but whatever.

You will need 2 M!Corins at 5* for Aether Raids once you reach higher Tiers. I recommend promoting either neutral or +Atk copies to 5*, preferably +Atk so he can better deal with enemy Surtrs. The Flaw does not really matter since both M!Corrins should be running Triangle Adept-Axebreaker, and I also would not bother with merging unless you really like him or he needs some more help taking down Surtrs or other bulky greens.

13 hours ago, Lanko said:

I accumulated near 200 orbs and 50k feathers.

... and keep hoarding orbs and feathers?

Keep hoarding Orbs and Feathers. I recommend having a buffer of around 40,000+ Feathers for emergencies, such as when you need a unit to be 5* or need a certain skill unlocked at 5* to copy a strategy video.

For Orbs, if you do not care about summoning favorites, I recommend saving them for any of the following 5* exclusive units, especially in Foci with increased 5* rates:


Red Melee
Lene — Dancer/Singer
Laevatein — Counter-Vantage
Keaton — Counter-Vantage
HK!Marth — Super Dragonslayer
Y!Tiki — Distant Counter
VL!Ike — Distant Counter
BL!Roy — Distant Counter 
Ryoma — Distant Counter
Ike — Distant Counter
(All Armors)
Hríd — Super Tank/Debuffer
GR!Eirika — Galeforce without needing Heavy Blade
BH!Roy — Galeforce without needing Heavy Blade
WOT!Reinhardt — Counter-Vantage
(All Fliers)

Red Ranged
FIH!Micaiah — Dancer/Singer
Celica — Super Nuke
BB!Tharja — Nuke
Katarina — Nuke
Flora — Distant Counter Slayer
(All Cavalry)
(All Fliers)

Blue Melee
Azura — Dancer/Singer
Ninian — Dancer/Singer
Nephenee — Nuke
Ephraim — Nuke/Buffer
A!M!Corrin — Dual Phase
M!Kana — Distant Counter
Nailah — Distant Counter
Fjorm — Distant Counter
(All Armors)
LL!Ephraim — Nuke
SA!Cordelia — Nuke
Tana — Nuke
HS!Ryoma — Nuke
RR!Marisa — Nuke

Blue Ranged
PA!Shigure — Dancer/Singer
FIH!Ryoma — Dancer/Singer
Ophelia — Super Nuke/Blazing Mage
Ishtar — Nuke
Ylgr — Nuke
Delthea — Nuke/Buffer
Linde — Nuke/Buffer
GA!Lucina — Nuke/Aether Raids Defense
Micaiah — Tank/Armorslayer
TLB!Niles — Nuke
HATF!Catria — Nuke/Debuffer
GD!Soren — Nuke
(All Fliers)

Green Melee
PA!Azura — Dancer/Singer
A!F!Corrin — Dual Phase
F!Kana — Distant Counter
Dorcas — Distant Counter
(All Armors)
Kaden — Buffer
HATF!Alfonse — Nuke
HNY!Azura — Dancer/Singer
SA!Innes — Nuke
Myrrh — Super Tank

Green Ranged
(All Infantry)
(All Cavalry)
(All Fliers)

Colorless Melee

Colorless Ranged
(All except Mist and YS!Frederick)

I also recommend summoning units with the following skills:


*Not yet released.

The only inheritable Weapon that you may want a lot of is just Firesweep Bow, and maybe Firesweep Dagger if they ever release it.
Firesweep Bow
Firesweep Dagger*

None of these Weapons are absolutely necessary, but they offer comparable or better combat performance to more accessible Weapons, or have some fun niche effects.



Reprisal Lance
Shell Lance

Sack o' Gifts

Fishie Bow
Devilish Bow
Kitty Paddle
Sky Maiougi
Cloud Maiougi
Bottled Juice
Goodie Boot
Red Hot Ducks
Splashy Bucket
Pegasus Carrot

Blue Gift
Fresh Bouquet
Juicy Wave

Green Gift

Witchy Wand
Ovoid Staff
Water Breath

You want a lot of these A skills, especially Distant Counter and Close Counter.
Distant Counter
Close Counter
Darting Breath*
Steady Breath
Warding Breath

You want a few or a lot of these A skills depending on your play style. For example, I am a Player Phase player, so I want Death Blow 4 more than Steady Stance 4.



Player Phase:
Bonus Doubler
Fury 4
Death Blow 4
Sparrow Impact*
Sturdy Impact
Mirror Impact*
Brazen Atk/Spd
Atk/Spd Push
Atk/Spd Solo

Enemy Phase:
Fort Def/Res
Steady Stance 4
Warding Stance 4*
Close Def 4*
Distant Def 4
(All Bonds)
(All Dual Stat Stances)


You want a few or a lot of these B skills depending on your play style.



Dazzling Staff
Wrathful Staff
Bold Fighter
Vengeful Fighter
Special Fighter
Special Spiral
Null Follow-Up
Flier Formation
(All Chills)
(All Sabotages)


These B skills are good to have, but you only need a few copies at best:
Null C-Disrupt
Mystic Boost
(All Links)

You want a few or a lot of these C skills depending on your play style:


Team Composition Non Restrictive:
Drive Atk
Close Guard
Distant Guard
(All Single Stat Hones and Fortifies 4)
(All Single Stat Joint Hones and Fortifies)
(All Openings)
Def Smoke
Res Smoke
(All Valors)

Team Composition Restrictive:
Ward Dragon
Spd Tactic
Hone Fliers
Hone Dragons
Hone Beasts
Infantry Pulse
Infantry Rush
Infantry Flash
Armor March
Flier Guidance



13 hours ago, Lanko said:

Do I just keep focusing on getting the other 4*s I have to 40

Yeah. Grab all the units from Hero Battles and Grand Hero Battles. Keep in mind that Grand Heroes and Tempest Trial Heroes are limited in quantity, so I do not recommend merging them unless they are 5*.

13 hours ago, Lanko said:

Do I promote some to 5*?

Here are the best units in the 3*-4* pool to promote. Make sure to build a buffer of Feathers first though.

Ares — Counter-Vantage
M!Corrin — Aether Raids Support
Palla — Aether Raids Flier Ball
Soleil — Nuke/Spd Tank
Lilina — Blazing/Moonbow Spam
Tharja — Blade Mage
A!Tiki — Def/Res Tank

Catria — Aether Raids Flier Ball
Cordelia — Galeforcer
Effie — Def/Res Tank
Est — Aether Raids Flier ball
L'Arachel — Blade Mage
Mae — Blade Mage
Reinhardt — Brave Nuke
Tailtiu — Blade Mage
Nowi — Def/Res Tank

Cherche — Brave Nuke
Raven — Galeforcer
Sheena — Def/Res Tank
Cecilia — Blade Mage
Nino — Blade Mage
Soren — Blade Mage
Fae — Def/Res Tank

Klein — Brave Nuke

13 hours ago, Lanko said:

Will the difference be too massive to be able to tackle Infernal and maybe Abyssal maps? Or just wait until I get some more from orbs and events?

I would not worry too much about Infernal and Abyssal maps since you can always copy strategy videos.


13 hours ago, Lanko said:

I started playing Heroes about 3 weeks ago

For advice in general:
- Like the main series, Fire Emblem Heroes is primarily a turn based strategy game, but it also incorporate a lot of elements of resource management. Unlike the main series, resource mismanagement is much severely punished because you cannot just restart the game and still collect all the free resources from the past 2 years.
- I advise against upgrading your Castle. The Exp Bonus is a bad thing in my opinion since it is easier to farm for SP on lower level Training Maps. It is not big deal if you already upgraded it since Training Maps are still generally pretty easy on the highest difficulty level, it just would not be as brain dead easy as the lower levels.
- Complete as many quests as you can and participate in every event and PvP mode. Even if you do not rank very high, you still get good rewards for participation.
- As others have said, do NOT send anything home for Feathers. The amount of Feathers you get simply is not worth it. Just turn them into Combat Manuals instead.
- You want to keep one or two neutral nature copies of every unit in the 3*-4* pool for copying strategy videos.
- I recommend picking BH!Lyn and AOTB!Veronica. These two are the best CYL units and some strategy videos uses them. It is fine if you picked others, as most difficult maps have a lot strategy videos utilizing alternative Heroes, but some Abyssal Maps are really difficult, so sometimes there might not be a alternatives to those two units.
- Every year there will be a free Focus and you get to pick a Choose Your Legend Hero (such as BH!Lyn and AOTB!Veronica). If you want an easier time with the game, I highly recommend waiting about a week and see what other players (especially strategy video creators) have picked and pick what they picked. If you just blindly rush in and pick your favorites, you might have difficulty completing harder maps since you cannot rely as much on strategy videos.
- Do not hesitate to increase the size of your Barracks. You do not need to expand it all the way to 1,100 right away, just expand it as you need to.
- Turn on Asset/Flaw Color Display: Tap on the gear icon <Misc.>  in the bottom right hand corner, then tap <Settings>, then scroll to Asset/Flaw Color Display and tap the button until it says <On>. It makes cleaning out your Barracks easier when you know which units should be kept and which unit should be turned into Combat Manuals.
- I recommend building a semi dragon team and/or armor team for your Arena core and Arena Assault Team 1. Soleil, Nowi, and Fae are easy to use and should score pretty high. Armor teams score higher, but are more difficult to use.
- For Aether Raids, the cheapest team to build is a simple Player Phase team with 2 Dancers/Singers and 2 nukes, and that should practically crush every stall team in the lower Tiers. You also want to run a carry team/super tank team; the cheapest one is Distant Counter Sharena, 2 M!Corrins, and 2 Eirs for tackling other defense maps.
- Sacred Seals to prioritize for Arena: Def Tactic, Res Tactic, Atk/Spd Bond, Atk/Def Bond, Spd/Res Bond
- Other Sacred Seals to prioritize as a Player Phase player: Atk/Spd, Darting Blow, Brazen Atk/Def, Brazen Atk/Res, Quickened Pulse, Heavy Blade, Hone Atk, Hone Spd
- Other Sacred Seals to prioritize as an Enemy Phase player: Quick Riposte, Close Def, Distant Def, Warding Stance, Fortress Def, Fortress Res, Darting Stance, Iote's Shield, (All Drives)
- Here is arcticsilverfox's battle calculator, and here is arcticsilverfox's Arena score calculator.

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14 hours ago, Tree said:

You didn't miss anything. Only Fjorm was free.

Ok, cool!

14 hours ago, Tree said:

Surtr and Axe Ephraim are both excellent armor units. Axe Ephraim has Special Fighter; it is an awesome skill and very rare. Wary Fighter is common and available on 4* units. Axe Ephraim automatically attacks twice if certain skills are used (like Armor March), so he doesn't need speed for that. Axe Ephraim has Armor March (C skill) which allows nearby armor units to move two spaces, so remember to bring Axe Ephraim every time you want to use any armor units.

Curiously I started doing the Tower quest with only Armor units and saw how awesome Armor March and Axe Ephraim is. I wasn't using Ephraim with other Armors (since I wrongly thought it would be bad or too slow to have more than one) and I also wasn't seeing his Garm activate. Then suddenly I start seeing him doubling people everytime by having less than half of their speed and was wondering what was happening. It's brutal since he has 57 Attack and Draconic Aura with a huge accelerator skill.

14 hours ago, Tree said:

The daily Grand Hero Battle quests (GHB) are just about to expire, so you'll probably miss out on those. It might just be too hard for any of your current teams though, so don't feel too bad if you can't get the rewards. The orbs and blessing aren't important at all as they are common, but you'll probably have to spend 100 grails for each of those GHB units you happen to want in the future.

There are daily maps that rotate and provide a 1* and 2* copy of common units. These are probably the only 1* and 2* units you will ever have. If you promote them, then you will never have them at 1* or 2* ever again. It's not really important from a gameplay perspective, but just wanted to mention it in case you care about that sort of thing. I promoted a couple of mine because I needed a copy with neutral IVs.


I did manage to beat all of them up to Lunatic and get all the 4* version of the units. I only missed the 4* Female Robin, but I got the 3* one at least. The only quests I didn't even try were the quests that required teams with Blessings. And the Garon quests like killing Garon with Garon, Sharena and etc.

I'm getting the 1*s and 2*s as well to get units I didn't have (I upgraded a 2* Olivia to 4*) or just get extra copies, because I'm definitely not lacking space right now.

15 hours ago, Tree said:
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A 4*+0 and 4*+10 unit will both promote to a 5*+0 unit and all merges will be lost. So generally you don't want to merge until you are at the final rarity that you plan for the unit. If it's a unit that you know you will never ever want to spend 220,000+ feathers on, then 4* merges can be OK. (Sometimes units get new weapon refines later that make them more appealing, so be careful.) A 4*+10 is similar to 5*+5. You can give a 4* unit a 5* weapon by merging a 5* into the 4*, but the 5* will only count as a 4* merge, so it's not ideal and only makes sense for certain 4*+10 units. This is only possible through merging, you cannot use skill inheritance to give a 4* unit any 5* skills. By the way, if you merge a 4* to remove the bane and then promote to 5*, the 5* will be unmerged, so the bane will reappear until another 5* unit is merged into it. I'd avoid merge anything but 5* units for the most part. However, if you have already merged some 4* units, that's fine, just keep using them as normal.

You will not be able to complete any Abyssal maps for awhile, but those only give golden accessories and are repeatedly rerun later. Infernal maps will probably be too hard, but you can always try guides. Definitely keep training your units up to level 40, including any 4* ones you might use. Weekends (Friday/Saturday) are good for training because all units get double SP from enemies.


Even though grails are very rare, I'd spend 100 grails right away and get a copy of young Azura (green infantry mage) from the grail shop. She is a refresher unit (like Olivia), so even at 4* she will help make all content dramatically easier.

Avoid merging units or using Skill inheritance until you are very comfortable with the game and understand the consequences.

Avoid sending units home, even ones you think are completely useless. Instead, make them into Combat Manuals to save barracks space if needed.

Yeah, didn't even complete a single Infernal yet. Can't even see what the rewards for Abyssal are as I can't unlock it haha.

Thanks for the tip on Combat Manuals.

15 hours ago, Tree said:

Always participate in all arenas (Arena, Arena Assault, Aether Raids (AR), etc.) and events because you'll get great rewards just from participating. You can never fall below Tier 11 in AR, so you want to reach that as soon as possible to start collecting grails. Upgrade Aether resource structures as soon as you can - Aether Fountain and Aether Amphorae (both are often collectively called aether pots). Upgrading Aether resource structures requires Heavenly Dew which is generated whenever you spend Aether stones.

I did upgrade the fountain and amphorare without really knowing haha. Nice to know you can't fall below T11, will try to reach at least that ASAP.



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I managed to pull a spare Caineghis from the latest banner, and I find myself torn about how I should fodder him.  My original plan was to give Julius DD4 + Distant Guard, but now I'm having second thoughts.  DD4 would make Julius more useful in modes like Aether Raids where nullifying buffs is so important, but realistically I don't see him using it too much over the CC + Mystic Boost build I have currently.  The Black Knight will be my grail merge project after Julius, and is still equipped with mostly his base kit w/ Vantage.  DD4 + Vengeful Fighter will bring him closer to the current meta.  Originally, I had planned to give him the standard Breath + Bold Fighter build, and was just waiting on the Bold Fighter fodder to bite the bullet.  My reservations are two-fold: The BK dies or takes significant damage from just about any competent mage, buffs or otherwise, and so I'm not convinced he's going to make the best use of DD4's advantages.  Then I need to spend an extra 20K feathers so he can first get DD3 from Garon.  Not a huge hurdle by any means, but I need every feather I can get my hands on.  Plus if I go the DD4 route, I have no other candidates I feel comfortable giving either my Steady or Warding Breath fodder to.  

Anyway, I kind of wanted to get some outside opinions, and maybe even get a sense for what other units might make good use of DD4 + Distant Guard/Vengeful Fighter.     

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42 minutes ago, Lanko said:

I did manage to beat all of them up to Lunatic and get all the 4* version of the units. I only missed the 4* Female Robin, but I got the 3* one at least. The only quests I didn't even try were the quests that required teams with Blessings. And the Garon quests like killing Garon with Garon, Sharena and etc.

I'm getting the 1*s and 2*s as well to get units I didn't have (I upgraded a 2* Olivia to 4*) or just get extra copies, because I'm definitely not lacking space right now.

That's great! :): You can upgrade the star rarity of combat manuals at any time, so they're great for both merges or skills later.

48 minutes ago, Lanko said:

Yeah, didn't even complete a single Infernal yet. Can't even see what the rewards for Abyssal are as I can't unlock it haha.

Each time a GHB is rerun, you get another try to beat the various difficulties and collect the rewards. You cannot collect the rewards for any difficulty you have already completed even on a rerun. GHB Quests are different; any rewards that expire there are lost, but each rerun comes with new quests that can be collected even if you completed all the quests on a previous rerun. Normally, GHBs are only rerun once or twice. There were two sets of year-long rotating GHBs (seven GHBs per set); the first already expired and the second one is expiring shortly. This was something new introduced in the second year to help players collect those units if they had missed them. That was before they introduced grails though, so they might not create a new set of year-long rotating GHBs. There is new GHB tomorrow featuring Haar. Because this one is new, he will likely be rerun at least once, so don't worry if you can't beat all difficulties.

Legendary Hero Battles are a little different and are rerun every time that particular legendary unit appears on a legendary banner, so you usually get a another try to complete those difficulties every few months.

Collect as many refreshers (units with sing or dance) as you can get because they are useful in all modes. Some guides use two Olivias, so it's good to have two 4* neutral ones. Using multiple refreshers at the same time is great for quickly training units and for completing difficult maps. Some modes like Squad Assault, Arena Assault, Blessed Grounds, etc. require new units each battle, so you can't use the same refresher unit for multiple battles there.

Young Azura (singer) was a Tempest Trial (TT) reward awhile back. Tempest Trials are not rerun. If you want another refresher unit, she is a good one to get. She is available to everyone now for 100 grails, so she appears in guides very often. She's incredibly useful outside of guides too.

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13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ephraim's weapon gives him an automatic follow-up as long as he is buffed, so he doesn't actually need his Spd stat. His default Armor March will buff him as long as he is standing adjacent to another armor at the start of his turn. His B skill, Special Fighter, lets him charge 2 points of Special gauge with every attack from both himself and his opponent, letting him activate his Special extremely often. His base skill set is top class.

I leveled him without other armor around and apparently without anyone giving any kind of buff as I never saw that proc. Then I started doing the Tower quest with an Armor team only and saw how amazing he is. The extra move and the guaranteed double attack with almost half the speed as other people is insane with his absurd ATK and Special being almost always active.

Guess I should read stuff more carefully haha.

13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Start by doing as many of the daily rotation quests (the Hero Battles that give you 1-star and 2-star characters and the Grand Hero battles). You'll want to get many of them promoted up to 4-star at the minimum. Olivia is probably the highest priority among them since she's a dancer.

In general, you can do most of the challenge content using only 4-star units and 5-star freebies, and there are many Youtubers out there that have videos for how to do so. Since there is no random chance and the AI is deterministic, if your units have the same stats and skills, then you can replicate map clears exactly.

That said, in general, your near-term goal for most units should be to either go for a +10 merged 4-star (which will have stats similar to a +5 merged 5-star) or promote some of your stronger units to 5-star rarity. Note that merges do not carry over on promotion, so you should never merge units unless you are not planning on promoting them (or are fine losing those merges).

I've been doing all of those. Got a 2* Olivia that I promoted to 4* and is currently lvl 34.

For now I'll hold onto merging stuff I guess.

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8 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

Anyway, I kind of wanted to get some outside opinions, and maybe even get a sense for what other units might make good use of DD4 + Distant Guard/Vengeful Fighter.

Any unit with Distant Counter on their weapon. Any ranged unit intending to be a dedicated ranged tank.

An unbuffed Black Knight has 26 Res with Distant Def 4, which isn't completely terrible. You can put the Distant Def 3 or Warding Stance 3 Sacred Seal on him for 34 Res, which is respectable.

My personal picks would be Legendary Tiki, male Grima, or Winter Fae (with Lightning Breath) among the armors. Among non-armors, I'd suggest a non-infantry since infantry have access to Breath skills.

Among ranged tanks, Faye (DD10 Faye gogo), Legendary Lyn, and Leo are probably the best picks.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Spd Flaw is generally a good thing for slow tanks; you want the foe to double the unit so the unit can trigger a stronger Special. If you have problems with AOTB!Ephraim's survivability on Enemy Phase, I would run him in a Ward Armor team.

Yeah, initially I was bummed, but now that I think about it, it's actually good. Even without the bane (which can get removed at some point anyway) he would still be super slow anyway. e got DEF as his Asset and even then still has almost 60 attack, which seems insane. Surtr also has a -SPD, but just like Ephraim, it doesn't really matter and he has Wary Fighter anyway. I thought it sucked they both had -SPD, but it was probably better than any of the other stats. Sweet!

3 hours ago, XRay said:

You will need 2 M!Corins at 5* for Aether Raids once you reach higher Tiers. I recommend promoting either neutral or +Atk copies to 5*, preferably +Atk so he can better deal with enemy Surtrs. The Flaw does not really matter since both M!Corrins should be running Triangle Adept-Axebreaker, and I also would not bother with merging unless you really like him or he needs some more help taking down Surtrs or other bulky greens.

Damn, two of them at 5*? At least I do have plenty of them lying around. Unfortunately except for the main one, which is +SPD-RES, the others are pretty crappy with +HP-SPD, +RES-SPD and even +RES-ATK.

3 hours ago, XRay said:

Keep hoarding Orbs and Feathers. I recommend having a buffer of around 40,000+ Feathers for emergencies, such as when you need a unit to be 5* or need a certain skill unlocked at 5* to copy a strategy video.
Here are the best units in the 3*-4* pool to promote. Make sure to build a buffer of Feathers first though.

For advice in general:

- I advise against upgrading your Castle. The Exp Bonus is a bad thing in my opinion since it is easier to farm for SP on lower level Training Maps. It is not big deal if you already upgraded it since Training Maps are still generally pretty easy on the highest difficulty level, it just would not be as brain dead easy as the lower levels.
- I recommend picking BH!Lyn and AOTB!Veronica. These two are the best CYL units and some strategy videos uses them.
- I recommend building a semi dragon team and/or armor team for your Arena core and Arena Assault Team 1. Soleil, Nowi, and Fae are easy to use and should score pretty high. Armor teams score higher, but are more difficult to use.
- For Aether Raids, the cheapest team to build is a simple Player Phase team with 2 Dancers/Singers and 2 nukes, and that should practically crush every stall team in the lower Tiers. You also want to run a carry team/super tank team; the cheapest one is Distant Counter Sharena, 2 M!Corrins, and 2 Eirs for tackling other defense maps.

Yeah, I don't plan to do anything with feathers until I get like 100k of them. If I do complete everything in the Gallia event, I'll already have more than 60k. I like to keep buffers too.

Of the units mentioned, I just opened Red Ares from Gallia, already have Male Corrin, have Adult Tiki (+ATK-SPD) at 40, Lilina (+HP-SPD) at 33 and Soleil (+SPD-HP) is still under 15. Of the blues I only have L'arachel +SPD-DEF at 40 and opened a Effie with +DEF-HP. Of the greens I have only Fae... with -DEF+HP. I have a Klein with +SPD-HP.

- My castle is at 60%. I did read about that after upgrading it, then kept it at that. I think 60% is fine, it's not too fast, most of my units got to 40, learned all their skills and still had at least 500 points left, even units overloaded with expensive skills like Axe Ephraim. Some even had 800+. Some of my most used already have over 2k.

- Is that Brave Lyn? I got her when I started. Is this Veronica mounted and with a staff? I got her a lot when doing the voting gauntlet and she looked really good too.

- Yeah, I've been rolling with Armors since yesterday when I discovered how to properly use Axe Ephraim. Rolling around with Brave Hector, Axe Ephraim, Surtr and Brave Lyn. Vanguard Ike sometimes can replace a non-Ephraim. I don't have some super powerful mage, so I'm using Lyn for the movement. She has a great Special and can pick off or at least bleed pesky units for the others to one hit. Been working so far.

Thanks for all the other info, I'll look into it too.

1 hour ago, Tree said:

Each time a GHB is rerun, you get another try to beat the various difficulties and collect the rewards. You cannot collect the rewards for any difficulty you have already completed even on a rerun. GHB Quests are different; any rewards that expire there are lost, but each rerun comes with new quests that can be collected even if you completed all the quests on a previous rerun. Normally, GHBs are only rerun once or twice. There were two sets of year-long rotating GHBs (seven GHBs per set); the first already expired and the second one is expiring shortly. This was something new introduced in the second year to help players collect those units if they had missed them. That was before they introduced grails though, so they might not create a new set of year-long rotating GHBs. There is new GHB tomorrow featuring Haar. Because this one is new, he will likely be rerun at least once, so don't worry if you can't beat all difficulties.

Legendary Hero Battles are a little different and are rerun every time that particular legendary unit appears on a legendary banner, so you usually get a another try to complete those difficulties every few months.

Collect as many refreshers (units with sing or dance) as you can get because they are useful in all modes. Some guides use two Olivias, so it's good to have two 4* neutral ones. Using multiple refreshers at the same time is great for quickly training units and for completing difficult maps. Some modes like Squad Assault, Arena Assault, Blessed Grounds, etc. require new units each battle, so you can't use the same refresher unit for multiple battles there.

Young Azura (singer) was a Tempest Trial (TT) reward awhile back. Tempest Trials are not rerun. If you want another refresher unit, she is a good one to get. She is available to everyone now for 100 grails, so she appears in guides very often. She's incredibly useful outside of guides too.

Ok, thanks, I just summoned Young Azura from the Grails.

A doubt: If this GHB is later rerun, say, a year later, the Hard/Lunatic difficulties that I beat won't give me anything new, only the Infernal/Abyssal that I didn't beat yet? Well, that kinda of sucks.


Also,  I forgot to mention earlier, but yesterday I summoned from the Idunn banner since it was leaving, and I managed to pull a Red Mage Celica, my 9th 5*. She has +ATK but also -SPD. Good enough? Her personal weapon seems very powerful. And she's also the only mage I have at 5*.

Edited by Lanko
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Hooray, just cleared my first two Infernal maps being carried by Armored March.

Axe Ephraim, Surtr, Vanguard Ike and Brave Lyn cleared Infernal Legion.

The same team, plus with Brave Hector, Fjorm and Spring Loki and the OP random units managed to clear Infernal Rival Domains by marching all the armors directly to the enemy fortress. That 10 golden thing for weapons seems super rare so I'm glad I managed to obtain it.

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2 hours ago, Lanko said:

Damn, two of them at 5*? At least I do have plenty of them lying around. Unfortunately except for the main one, which is +SPD-RES, the others are pretty crappy with +HP-SPD, +RES-SPD and even +RES-ATK.

You need a lot of buffs for your tank to solo most of the enemy team and carry your own team.

M!Corrin is the cheapest buffer in terms of Orbs, and he is the most reliable since his buffs cannot be Panicked or nullified away. M!Corrin's primary downside is that he needs Divine Dew to Refine his Weapon. Kaden costs no Divine Dew, but he is a 5* exclusive; he is a bit less reliable in terms of buffs, but his buffs are about 50% stronger. If you are a whale and can afford the Orbs, I recommend Kaden over M!Corrin.

I would not worry about natures since he is in the 3*-4* pool, so +Atk or neutral will come eventually.

2 hours ago, Lanko said:

Of the units mentioned, I just opened Red Ares from Gallia, already have Male Corrin, have Adult Tiki (+ATK-SPD) at 40, Lilina (+HP-SPD) at 33 and Soleil (+SPD-HP) is still under 15. Of the blues I only have L'arachel +SPD-DEF at 40 and opened a Effie with +DEF-HP. Of the greens I have only Fae... with -DEF+HP. I have a Klein with +SPD-HP.

Ares ideally should have Distant Counter, but you can still use him in he mean time with his default Brazen Atk/Def. He hits really hard with his Bonfire spams.
Dark Mystletainn
Distant Counter
(Any C) — Def Smoke
Brazen Atk/Def

For A!Tiki, I lean towards [+Res] so she can hold her own against green mages and dragons. If you do not have Warding Breath, Fortress Def or Fury is fine in the mean time.
Lightning Breath [Res]
Swap — Reposition
Warding Breath
Quick Riposte — Guard (with Quick Riposte Sacred Seal)
(Any C) — Ward Dragons
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res) — Quick Riposte

For Lilina, as a one shot nuke, she is quite customizable. The first build is just a basic skeleton.


Basic Template:
Forblaze [special]
(Any Special)
Death Blow
(Any B)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal)

Blazing Spam:
Forblaze [special]
Blazing Wind
Life and Death
Special Spiral
(Any C) — Savage Blow
Heavy Blade

Moonbow Spam:
Forblaze [special]
Blazing Wind
Death Blow
Special Spiral
(Any C) — Res Smoke — Savage Blow
Hardy Bearing — Attack +3 — Savage Blow

Soleil is nice. She scores relatively high in the 3*-4* pool so you can use her as a babysitter/cheerleader for Arena. Her high Atk/Spd makes her very potent.


Firesweep S
Moonbow — Luna
Life and Death
Poison Strike
(Any C)
Poison Strike — Flashing Blade (with Moonbow)

Regular Nuke:
Slaying Edge [Spd]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Darting Blow

Anti Armor One Shot:
Armorsmasher [Atk]
Moonbow — Glimmer
Death Blow
(Any B) — Axebreaker — Desperation — Chill Def — Special Spiral
(Any C) — Threaten Def
Attack +3

Anti Armor Two Shot:
Armorsmasher [Spd]
Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A)
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Darting Blow — Flashing Blade

Ranged cavalry are always fun and powerful, and L'Arachel is no exception.
Moonbow — Glimmer
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C) — Hone Cavalry
Atk/Spd — Darting Blow

Like all armor units, Effie is great for scoring. If you want her to be really good though, it can be quite expensive. If you cannot afford Vengeful Fighter, Quick Riposte is always an option.


Distant Counter-Ward Armor:
Slaying Lance [Def] — Slaying Lance [Res]
Aether — Ignis — Bonfire — Moonbow
Distant Counter
Vengeful Fighter
Ward Armor
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res)

Dual Phase:
Slaying Lance [Def] — Slaying Lance [Res]
Reposition — Swap
Bonfire — Luna
Distant Counter
Bold Fighter
Armor March
Quick Riposte

Like all dragons, Fae is really good as a tank. Similar to A!Tiki, if you do not have Breath skill for the A slot, Fortress Def and Fury are good substitutes.


*Not yet released.

Spd Tank:
Lightning Breath [Spd]
Swap — Reposition
Iceberg — Bonfire
Steady Breath — Darting Breath*
Quick Riposte — Guard (with Quick Riposte Sacred Seal)
(Any C) — Ward Dragons
Atk/Spd Bond — Atk/Def Bond — Quick Riposte

Def/Res Tank: As a mixed tank, you want her Def and Res to be balanced.
Lightning Breath [Def] — Lightning Breath [Res]
Swap — Reposition
Iceberg — Bonfire
Steady Breath — Warding Breath
Quick Riposte — Guard (with Quick Riposte Sacred Seal)
(Any C) — Ward Dragons
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res) — Quick Riposte

Klein is one of the best offensive archers due to his recent Weapon Refinement.


Quad/Fast Brave:
Argent Bow [Spd] — Argent Bow [special]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Atk/Spd — Darting Blow — Brazen Atk/Def — Brazen Atk/Res

Slow Brave:
Argent Bow [special]
Moonbow — Luna (with Desperation-Brash Assault)
Death Blow
(Any B) — Desperation
(Any C)
Heavy Blade — Quickened Pulse — Brash Assault


2 hours ago, Lanko said:

- Is that Brave Lyn? I got her when I started. Is this Veronica mounted and with a staff? I got her a lot when doing the voting gauntlet and she looked really good too.

Yeah. For alts, I put the abbreviation of the Focus they debuted with before their names.

2 hours ago, Lanko said:

Also,  I forgot to mention earlier, but yesterday I summoned from the Idunn banner since it was leaving, and I managed to pull a Red Mage Celica, my 9th 5*. She has +ATK but also -SPD. Good enough? Her personal weapon seems very powerful. And she's also the only mage I have at 5*.

It is good enough. Just give her Darting Blow Sacred Seal. If you get another copy in the future, you can merge her to get rid of the Flaw.

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@Lanko Do you plan on spending much money? That will determine how you invest in units. I bought the $4 Black Knight starter set, but other than that, I'm limited to free-to-play options.

I think the Corrin suggestion was related to very high AR Tiers (well over Tier 21). Depending on how you like to play the game, Corrin can work well in other areas too. I don't have any 5* Corrins or Robins (except the green dragon armor Robin/Grima) because I don't care for them. If you like Corrin, then you can 5* them, but there are other units that can get the job done too. Really depends on what you want to use. I'm going to merge up Haar because I like the unit. I wouldn't recommend you do that, because there are much better and accessible options for axe fliers.

You can reach AR Tier 21 with reasonable effort if you get the bonus provided by using two Eirs on light season which occurs every other week. Do not merge the Eirs or the light season bonus drops dramatically. Since you got one Eir for free, you would just need to get one off of a Legendary banner when she returns in a couple of months. (Would have to look at the schedule to confirm exactly when.) I just got my second Eir recently and got to AR Tier 21 without too much trouble. My defense team was a single 1* Wrys, so you can do it without even having an AR defense. AR Tier 21 is special because everyone in AR Tiers 21-27 is reset down to AR Tier 21 at the start of the season.

Unrelated to AR: I would keep a decent amount of spare Sacred coins in case you need to upgrade a seal in order to follow a guide. Quick Riposte, Close Def, Distant Def are some of the seals that everyone upgrades early.

1 hour ago, Lanko said:

Of the units mentioned, I just opened Red Ares from Gallia, already have Male Corrin, have Adult Tiki (+ATK-SPD) at 40, Lilina (+HP-SPD) at 33 and Soleil (+SPD-HP) is still under 15. Of the blues I only have L'arachel +SPD-DEF at 40 and opened a Effie with +DEF-HP. Of the greens I have only Fae... with -DEF+HP. I have a Klein with +SPD-HP.

  • Ares: excellent at 5* --- [+atk] is best, but [+spd] or [+def] are very good too
  • Klein: very good at 5* --- [+spd, -hp] is a very good IV ([+atk] is better in some cases)
  • L'Arachel: great at 5* even without merges --- [+spd, -def] is an excellent IV
  • Lilina: great at 5* --- [+hp, -speed] is only an average IV, you really want [+atk]
  • Soleil: very good at 5* --- [+spd, -hp] is a good IV
  • Effie: very good at 5* --- [+def, -hp] is a decent IV
  • Fae: good at 5* with merges --- [-def, +hp] is a below average IV

Ares is good even without Distance Counter. He's better with it of course, but it's an expensive skill.

Celica (Red Mage) [+atk] is excellent, but [-spd] is unfortunate. She will still be a good unit though, and you can always fix it later with a merge.

1 hour ago, Lanko said:

My castle is at 60%. I did read about that after upgrading it, then kept it at that. I think 60% is fine, it's not too fast, most of my units got to 40, learned all their skills and still had at least 500 points left, even units overloaded with expensive skills like Axe Ephraim. Some even had 800+. Some of my most used already have over 2k.

The downside to the bonus experience upgrades is that your units won't have to defeat as many units to gain a level, so they won't get as much SP while they are training up. You only get SP from units that are somewhat close to your unit's level. Once you reach level 40, you'll have to defeat enemies around level 34 or higher to continue receiving SP. Higher level enemies require more effort to defeat, and are usually on maps that have a higher stamina cost. This isn't as much of an issue as it was at one time now that we have daily rotating training maps that provide 25 enemies for 15 stamina cost, a weekend SP bonus (2x), blessings (all kinds - 2x), and Valor skills (2x, but rare). All methods of increasing SP gain do stack, so with bonuses active, it's very common to get 6 or 12 per enemy.

Personally, I prefer the faster training and accept the SP trade off. I upgraded mine all the way a long time ago; it really helps get units to level 40 quickly. It can create extra work in some cases like when you plan to add a lot of skills to a new unit right away. You can change the castle style at any time after upgrading, but that won't turn off the bonus experience, so take your time deciding.

1 hour ago, Lanko said:

Is that Brave Lyn? I got her when I started. Is this Veronica mounted and with a staff? I got her a lot when doing the voting gauntlet and she looked really good too.

Yes, Brave Lyn and Veronica are the two most common choices.

1 hour ago, Lanko said:

A doubt: If this GHB is later rerun, say, a year later, the Hard/Lunatic difficulties that I beat won't give me anything new, only the Infernal/Abyssal that I didn't beat yet?

That's correct, but the quests will give a fresh reward. Usually a 3* copy and four orbs or so. I don't think it takes a full year for GHB reruns. Probably is closer to six months, but I don't remember.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Any unit with Distant Counter on their weapon. Any ranged unit intending to be a dedicated ranged tank.

An unbuffed Black Knight has 26 Res with Distant Def 4, which isn't completely terrible. You can put the Distant Def 3 or Warding Stance 3 Sacred Seal on him for 34 Res, which is respectable.

My personal picks would be Legendary Tiki, male Grima, or Winter Fae (with Lightning Breath) among the armors. Among non-armors, I'd suggest a non-infantry since infantry have access to Breath skills.

Among ranged tanks, Faye (DD10 Faye gogo), Legendary Lyn, and Leo are probably the best picks.

Thanks for the input.  Looking over my barracks again, BK and Julius are my only sensible candidates it seems.  Everyone else either doesn't have a DC weapon, or sees little use/not a merge project.  Faye might be amusing, and I even have a pretty solid boon/bane for that build (+Def/-Spd), but talk about a ton of investment for a unit unlikely to go beyond +0...same story for Leo kinda. 

My heart's leaning towards BK right now.  I'd forgotten I usually use the DD3 seal whenever's he's fielded, so he can potentially reach 38 Res with a +6 buff, potentially more if I can get him some Ward stacks. 

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6 hours ago, Lanko said:

Hooray, just cleared my first two Infernal maps being carried by Armored March.

Axe Ephraim, Surtr, Vanguard Ike and Brave Lyn cleared Infernal Legion.

The same team, plus with Brave Hector, Fjorm and Spring Loki and the OP random units managed to clear Infernal Rival Domains by marching all the armors directly to the enemy fortress. That 10 golden thing for weapons seems super rare so I'm glad I managed to obtain it.

Great work on clearing some infernal difficulties! New Blessed Gardens/Grounds and Tactics Drills are released weekly, but they do not expire so you can clear them anytime. Rival Domains is weekly, and does expire so it's really good to complete it. If you want, you can provide your friend code here. Early on it's really good to get some extra friend units that will make Rival Domains/Grand Conquest/Voting Gauntlet easier. There is also a new mode coming later this month that requires using the new Pair Up mechanic with one of your friend units for a higher score.

The Weapon Refinery is a place where you can upgrade weapons. The stats and effects stay active as long as the weapon is equipped. Some weapons have no refinements available. Most refinable weapons have two or five refine options.

Regular weapons:

  • Some effect + 3 HP
  • +2 attack ( +1 for ranged weapons) + 5 HP
  • +3 speed  (+2 for ranged weapons) + 5 HP
  • +4 defense  (+3 for ranged weapons) + 5 HP
  • +4 resistance (+3 for ranged weapons) + 5 HP


  • Dazzling effect: Prevent counter-attacks (Really useful effect)
  • Wrathful effect: Remove staff damage penalty (Staffs normally only do half the damage they would appear to do. It's a hidden penalty.)

(Both of these staff effects are also available as B Skills, but are rare. If you happen to have a staff unit with one of these B Skills, then you can choose the other refine option and have both effects simultaneously.)

You can refine weapons multiple times depending on the options available, and swap between the refine options using the Equip Skills menu. Generally it's better to spread refines out to different units since the resources are limited. Regular inheritable weapons require fifty Refining Stones (golden) to refine. After they are used, the fifty Refining Stones will turn into fifty Divine Dew (golden) as a bonus. Divine Dew is used to refine non-inheritable weapons which are the most powerful. These weapons generally require 200 Divine Dew to refine, so choose upgrades carefully.

Edited by Tree
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What would the ideal IVs be for Maria and Nanna? They're the two top runners right now for staff units I wanna build. I have an +Atk copy and a +Spd copy for both, but I dunno which I should keep and which I should turn into a combat manual. (Not keeping both, only need one)

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4 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Exactly how does Kaden's weapon buffing effect work?

His weapon has a Drive effect equal to the value of the visible buff on each stat. For example, if Kaden has +6 Spd and +6 Res from his Spd/Res Link 3 skill, he will provide a Drive-like +6 Spd and +6 Res to allies within 2 squares.

If he has, say, +6 Spd, +5 Def, and +6 Res from Spd/Res Link 3 and With Everyone!, then he will provide a Drive-like +6 Spd, +5 Def, and +6 Res to allies within 2 squares.

If he has both a bonus and a penalty to a stat, only the bonus counts.

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13 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What would the ideal IVs be for Maria and Nanna? They're the two top runners right now for staff units I wanna build. I have an +Atk copy and a +Spd copy for both, but I dunno which I should keep and which I should turn into a combat manual. (Not keeping both, only need one)

I think +Spd -Def is best for both. Even if they do not have attacking power, it is better to not be doubled and have higher chances of doing double damage.

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14 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What would the ideal IVs be for Maria and Nanna? They're the two top runners right now for staff units I wanna build. I have an +Atk copy and a +Spd copy for both, but I dunno which I should keep and which I should turn into a combat manual. (Not keeping both, only need one)

I personally prefer +Atk and Atk stack all my offensive healers since I do not think it is worth it to contest Spd unless the healer is running Atk/Spd Push or Atk/Spd Solo, and I do not plan on giving healers those skills any time soon since I think regular nukes can put those A skills to better use.

If you think it is worth it to contest Spd however, such as most foes you face have middling Spd, then you can go with +Spd and try to deal more damage via doubling.

On the other hand, if you want them to survive better rather than using them offensively, then I would go with +Spd to try to prevent as much doubles as possible.

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19 hours ago, Tree said:

Great work on clearing some infernal difficulties! New Blessed Gardens/Grounds and Tactics Drills are released weekly, but they do not expire so you can clear them anytime. Rival Domains is weekly, and does expire so it's really good to complete it. If you want, you can provide your friend code here. Early on it's really good to get some extra friend units that will make Rival Domains/Grand Conquest/Voting Gauntlet easier. There is also a new mode coming later this month that requires using the new Pair Up mechanic with one of your friend units for a higher score.

The Weapon Refinery is a place where you can upgrade weapons. The stats and effects stay active as long as the weapon is equipped. Some weapons have no refinements available. Most refinable weapons have two or five refine options.

You can refine weapons multiple times depending on the options available, and swap between the refine options using the Equip Skills menu. Generally it's better to spread refines out to different units since the resources are limited. Regular inheritable weapons require fifty Refining Stones (golden) to refine. After they are used, the fifty Refining Stones will turn into fifty Divine Dew (golden) as a bonus. Divine Dew is used to refine non-inheritable weapons which are the most powerful. These weapons generally require 200 Divine Dew to refine, so choose upgrades carefully.

Ok, put my code in there Friends thread (you saw it =p) and put a Surtr in the main slot.

Thanks for the tip on the refining. I was sitting on Refining Stones without any idea they would become Divine Dews later, and was wondering how the heck I was gonna get 200 for Celica. Then I refined Spring Loki's bow (which just used Refining stones) and got a lot more Dews (halfway through Celica's refine). She and Celica are the only ones I can upgrade so far, so I'll prob go for that.

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1 minute ago, Lanko said:

Ok, put my code in there Friends thread (you saw it =p) and put a Surtr in the main slot.

Thanks for the tip on the refining. I was sitting on Refining Stones without any idea they would become Divine Dews later, and was wondering how the heck I was gonna get 200 for Celica. Then I refined Spring Loki's bow (which just used Refining stones) and got a lot more Dews (halfway through Celica's refine). She and Celica are the only ones I can upgrade so far, so I'll prob go for that.

Not all refines are really worth 200 dew (unless you really like the unit), but Celica's special refine is a good one that has worked well for me. Inheritable weapons that can be refined use stones instead of dew. Nearly all seasonal weapons are inheritable and refine using stones.

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Has anyone tried playing Heroes in China? I am laying over for like 13 hours on my way to Bangkok and it is not connecting. I assume it is due to their stupid Firewall?

Googling did not work. Yahoo does not either. MSN sort of works, but the links do not work. Reddit does not work. Serenes Forest does work though!

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Got a Lethe with +ATK-DEF. She seems super offensive, specially since she gains even more ATK and SPD from her weapon, while debuffing a ton of enemy DEF as well. Cavalry Swordmaster Cat style? Probably fantastic in player phase, but not too great in enemy's.

Also, Do beasts only gain the move speed when transforming? I didn't notice other stat losses like in the Tellius games.


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59 minutes ago, Lanko said:

Got a Lethe with +ATK-DEF. She seems super offensive, specially since she gains even more ATK and SPD from her weapon, while debuffing a ton of enemy DEF as well. Cavalry Swordmaster Cat style? Probably fantastic in player phase, but not too great in enemy's.

Also, Do beasts only gain the move speed when transforming? I didn't notice other stat losses like in the Tellius games.


Lethe’s Neutral spread is 41/33/38/26/19. So yeah, that is what she is meant for. Her weapon also grants extra Atk and Spd when she is not adjacent to an ally, I think.

As for the second question, only flying beasts gain movement when transforming (2 to 3 when doing so). Lethe is a Cavalry unit, so she has 3 movement by default 24/7 (though she cannot move through forests. Ironic.).

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