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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

So that works for enemy melee infantry and armors and only infantry without a giant pile of positioning assist skills because the AI likes to spam assist skills when units can't attack.

It doesn't work well against cavalry because you need 2 movement range to bait cavalry into the correct distance unless you successfully predict the AI's actions 2 turns in advance and have enough between you and the opponent or between you and the back wall on the map to advance or retreat the required distance. The lava map and the parallel walls map are probably the only ones with enough space to easily predict enemy cavalry movement and position yourself far in advance.

And as I already mentioned, it doesn't work at all against ranged units. If a ranged enemy ended their turn in range to be hit by Threaten Atk on your player phase, they will have already attacked you once before being hit by Threaten Atk. Any mage not named Sophia or Henry is either already dead or has already killed Hector at that point.

Cavalry is a fair enough point, but I personally haven't ever really had any difficulty getting them in range.

As for ranged unit, I absolutely forgot how their attack range works, my bad. But at the same time their haven't been many cases where it was necessary for them. Like you said, it's works (pretty amazingly I might add) against melee units.

Chalk it up to playstyle differences, but I've always found it more useful then buffs. Maybe I'll change my mind once I get enough units to run full-armour though.

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I definitely recommend blade Ursula over raven Ursula, but who am I to stop you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, if you're going to 5* Xander and give him one of the buffs, I personally think he should get Hone Cavalry since he likes receiving the Fortify Cavalry buff more than the Hone Cavalry buff (though of course ideally he'd have both. That's possible long-term if you give either Cecilia or Ursula the Hone Cavalry skill). 

In the long run I definitely hope to make myself a pretty good team. (If only I had more feathers.) My next big upgrade is either going to be Hana or Alfonse however. I've been neglecting the Askr trio, and they need some love.

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15 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

In the long run I definitely hope to make myself a pretty good team. (If only I had more feathers.) My next big upgrade is either going to be Hana or Alfonse however. I've been neglecting the Askr trio, and they need some love.

I've been meaning to make 5*ing the Askr trio an eventual goal of mine (and by now I've had enough feathers to 5* all 3 of them more than once), but I just keep getting distracted by other units I want to 5* more :/

Plus, I'm certain that I've spent enough feathers upgrading units to 4* (either just to have them there or for skill inheritance purposes) to have upgraded another 5* and a half at the very least. 

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This might be a bit of a dumb question, but did they fix the arena so that people who haven't messed with SI go against others that haven't used it? 

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16 minutes ago, Reloaded said:

This might be a bit of a dumb question, but did they fix the arena so that people who haven't messed with SI go against others that haven't used it? 

The arena update makes it less likely to run into teams that have used skill inheritance, but it's not as though you can run a full vanilla team and not run into SI. It's just less likely.

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

It's been a while since I asked a question, so here it goes. This month's quests have inspired me to finally make proper use of Horse Emblem. (I kind of forced Flier Emblem to work for those Lunatic quests a while back. Armor Emblem can also be a thing. I think I have all of the armor units...) However, from what I've seen, I'm missing most of the ideal units for an Horse Emblem team. My goal isn't domination. It's survival. XD And then if by some chance I manage to pull a unit like Eldigan or Reinhardt, I'll be set. 

Here's the catch though... I highly doubt I'll have the feathers to promote all of these people to five. Three to four stars is doable. A little bit of SI is also doable. So here's what I have to work with: 

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5* Peri (+SPD -RES) - Lv. 40
5* Fancy!Xander (Unknown... I'm pretty sure he's +ATK) - Lv. 23
5* Priscilla (+RES -HP) -Lv. 40
4* Eliwood (+DEF -SPD)  - Lv. 35
4* Xander (Neutral) - Lv. 1
3* Sully (+ATK -DEF) - Lv. 21 (I have 4 star versions of her with less ideal boons/banes)
4* Ursula (Neutral) -Lv. 27
4* Cecilia (+ATK -HP) - Lv. 33
3* Clarine (+RES -ATK) - Lv. 25
3* Stahl (+ATK -DEF and Neutral) - Lv. 21 and 1 respectively
3* Jagen (+DEF -HP) - Lv. 1 
3* Gunter (+DEF - HP)
3* Frederick (+HP -SPD) - Lv. 1

Right now, it looks like it's a matter of choosing between Ursula and Cecila as my magic unit and whether or not it's wise to bring a healer along. Priscilla has been a great one. Admittedly, I just haven't done much with the cavs, so now is a good time to experiment. How possible is extra super dirt cheap Horse Emblem? 

You can run a really good Horse Emblem team with mostly four star characters. I second Gronnblade Cecilia, she's stellar. If the Hone and Fortify Cavalry boosts are on her, that's 24 extra attack from the effects of the tome, which is crazy. Blarblade Ursula is better than a raven version because, well, 24 extra damage... Perhaps hold out a bit for another Odin? Or go with the raven build and, if another Odin comes along, go with that.

Xander is good, and Gunter is okay as a placeholder. But Peri would probably be better than Gunter, she's already 5-stars, and all trained up. Priscilla can be good too, Rehabilitate is really nice. I'd think Gronnblade Cecilia, Ursula, Xander, and Peri would be good (throwing Blarblade on Ursula would make it stellar). Camus should be coming out in a GHB sometime, and he looks like he'd be really good too. Like Xander, his 5-star weapon, Gradivus, comes built in with Distant Counter. If you were to 5-star him, he would replace Peri.

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1 minute ago, Astellius said:

You can run a really good Horse Emblem team with mostly four star characters. I second Gronnblade Cecilia, she's stellar. If the Hone and Fortify Cavalry boosts are on her, that's 24 extra attack from the effects of the tome, which is crazy. Blarblade Ursula is better than a raven version because, well, 24 extra damage... Perhaps hold out a bit for another Odin? Or go with the raven build and, if another Odin comes along, go with that.

Xander is good, and Gunter is okay as a placeholder. But Peri would probably be better than Gunter, she's already 5-stars, and all trained up. Priscilla can be good too, Rehabilitate is really nice. I'd think Gronnblade Cecilia, Ursula, Xander, and Peri would be good (throwing Blarblade on Ursula would make it stellar). Camus should be coming out in a GHB sometime, and he looks like he'd be really good too. Like Xander, his 5-star weapon, Gradivus, comes built in with Distant Counter. If you were to 5-star him, he would replace Peri.

I hardcore want Camus. When I saw his datamined self, I got really excited...and then incredibly sad when his GHB wasn't announced. But you better believe I'm going to add him to my 5 stars when the time comes. Looking at the SP I have right now, Peri would be able to take on one of the cavalry buffs. Priscilla MIGHT, but it'd be cutting it close. So I'll probably go for Gronnblade Cecilia, maybe raven Ursula (until I can find extra Odins), Xander, and Peri for buffs. If raven Ursula isn't cutting it, I'll just have to try something else.

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

I hardcore want Camus. When I saw his datamined self, I got really excited...and then incredibly sad when his GHB wasn't announced. But you better believe I'm going to add him to my 5 stars when the time comes. Looking at the SP I have right now, Peri would be able to take on one of the cavalry buffs. Priscilla MIGHT, but it'd be cutting it close. So I'll probably go for Gronnblade Cecilia, maybe raven Ursula (until I can find extra Odins), Xander, and Peri for buffs. If raven Ursula isn't cutting it, I'll just have to try something else.

It must be coming at some point! Gunter's currently the placeholder in my Cav team, and Camus will be replacing him when he gets here.

As for your team, Peri would likely be more useful than Priscilla. How many spare 4* Gunters/Jagens do you have?

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7 minutes ago, Astellius said:

It must be coming at some point! Gunter's currently the placeholder in my Cav team, and Camus will be replacing him when he gets here.

As for your team, Peri would likely be more useful than Priscilla. How many spare 4* Gunters/Jagens do you have?

I think right now I've got 3 or 4 of each. I've had no shortage of Jagens at the very least, so when the time comes I shouldn't have a problem getting the skills I need.

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5 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I think right now I've got 3 or 4 of each. I've had no shortage of Jagens at the very least, so when the time comes I shouldn't have a problem getting the skills I need.

Oh good! If you're going the -raven Ursula route, I think the best division of skills would be to put Hone Cavalry on Xander and Cecilia, and Fortify on Ursula and Peri. This would allow everyone to be Honed/Fortified, and, when Camus comes, you'd have 2 people with Hone, 1 with Fortify, and 1 with Goad. Fortify would be best on Ursula, since she least needs the benefits of it (she shouldn't really be hit, and there's no -blade benefits to consider), so Peri leaving with it wouldn't effect much.

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3 minutes ago, Sable Argyle said:

I have a Eldigan with neutral stats and no swordbreaker to give him, what should I use instead for his B-slot?

Quick Riposte is solid, especially with Bonfire as he'll proc it in one round of combat when attacked.

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4 minutes ago, Sable Argyle said:

That is also something I'm lacking.

Those were the two main ones. Might be better to just wait for them, then. Do you still have the free Subakis from the Hero Battles and the Seals quests?

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5 minutes ago, Sable Argyle said:

That is also something I'm lacking.

The game gave you two free Subakis with which to rip Quick Riposte from. Have you no Subakis?

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Those were the two main ones. Might be better to just wait for them, then. Do you still have the free Subakis from the Hero Battles and the Seals quests?


Just now, Elieson said:

The game gave you two free Subakis with which to rip Quick Riposte from. Have you no Subakis?

I combined them to help with completing the seals then feed him to Xander since he also needed quick reposte

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18 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Can 4* characters inherit and learn weapon skills that are normally locked to 5 stars? Like, could a 4* Laslow learn Brave Sword+?

Yup. That's possible. There is no rarity limit to inherited skills at all, so fire them away to your favorite character!

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So, after suddenly getting several new 5-stars over the span of two weeks, I could use some help with building a team. While I have good units of each color, I assume building a team around one or two good units should be a lot better than just trowing 4 good units toghether and hope it works...

Anyhow, here is what I have to work with:

- Ike (+atk, -res)

- Nino (+def, -res)

- Reinhard (+atk, -spd)

- Sharena

- Hector (+spd, -hp)

- Ryoma (+atk, -res)

- Takumi (+res, -atk)

- Klein (+res, -atk)

- M!Corrin (+spd, -def)

- Roy (+spd, -res)

- Elise (+spd, -atk)

I also have a 4-star Olivia who I plan to promote soon, but it'll take me at least two more weeks to get the required feathers. I should mention that they are all vanilla, apart from M!Corrin who I gave reposition to help Nino out. I think I've build up a decent amount of skill fodder for at least most level 2 skills though, so any advice on what to give people is more then welcome. Finally, if you guys feel that there is certain niche none of my guys can fill, I have a good collection of 4-stars who I could promote instead of Olivia, but I feel these 11 characters should be able to cover most things.


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1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

Anyhow, here is what I have to work with:

- Ike (+atk, -res) God-tier

- Nino (+def, -res) Meh

- Reinhard (+atk, -spd) God-tier

- Sharena

- Hector (+spd, -hp) Keep

- Ryoma (+atk, -res) God-tier

- Takumi (+res, -atk) Sac

- Klein (+res, -atk) Sac

- M!Corrin (+spd, -def) Keep

- Roy (+spd, -res) Meh

- Elise (+spd, -atk) Meh

I also have a 4-star Olivia who I plan to promote soon, but it'll take me at least two more weeks to get the required feathers. I should mention that they are all vanilla, apart from M!Corrin who I gave reposition to help Nino out. I think I've build up a decent amount of skill fodder for at least most level 2 skills though, so any advice on what to give people is more then welcome. Finally, if you guys feel that there is certain niche none of my guys can fill, I have a good collection of 4-stars who I could promote instead of Olivia, but I feel these 11 characters should be able to cover most things.


I'm tired, so that's all I can offer for now.

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1 hour ago, Mortarion said:

I'm tired, so that's all I can offer for now.

Better get some sleep then :).

Thanks for the help, although I already had a decent idea about what natures were good and bad. Confirmation is always nice. My problem is more about how to use the good units then about which ones are good.

And yeah, Takumi and Klein don't have great natures, so I'll probably sac them if I ever get better ones. For now they are still the best archers I have and they can still put in some work (Takumi was vital for my first few GH battles and Klein is still great for blowing up squishies).

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6 hours ago, Bartozio said:

So, after suddenly getting several new 5-stars over the span of two weeks, I could use some help with building a team. While I have good units of each color, I assume building a team around one or two good units should be a lot better than just trowing 4 good units toghether and hope it works...

Anyhow, here is what I have to work with:

- Ike (+atk, -res)

- Nino (+def, -res)

- Reinhard (+atk, -spd)

- Sharena

- Hector (+spd, -hp)

- Ryoma (+atk, -res)

- Takumi (+res, -atk)

- Klein (+res, -atk)

- M!Corrin (+spd, -def)

- Roy (+spd, -res)

- Elise (+spd, -atk)

I also have a 4-star Olivia who I plan to promote soon, but it'll take me at least two more weeks to get the required feathers. I should mention that they are all vanilla, apart from M!Corrin who I gave reposition to help Nino out. I think I've build up a decent amount of skill fodder for at least most level 2 skills though, so any advice on what to give people is more then welcome. Finally, if you guys feel that there is certain niche none of my guys can fill, I have a good collection of 4-stars who I could promote instead of Olivia, but I feel these 11 characters should be able to cover most things.

Reinhardt is really good, and the first thing you should do is give him Death Blow. If you have a spare 4* Klein, that would give him Death Blow 3, or you do have a 5* one capable of doing the same... Reinhardt has a spot pretty much on any team.

Ike and Ryoma are both really good, but I'm not sure you'd be fielding them both at the same time all that often. And, since you have those two, I doubt Roy or Corrin will be seeing much action.

Sharena or Hector would probably occupy the next slot. Sharena is a great support unit, and she would work well with Nino, since Nino needs buffs for Gronnblade. Sharena's support utility means she's useful even if she's not engaging the enemy. My Sharena has Quick Riposte, and I've found that to be really good on her.

If you're fielding Hector, you'd likely want to your teammates to have support moves like Reposition to help you move him around. Dancers can help too. With Hector there, Takumi or Klein would probably help round out the team. I personally don't like using armor units because of the maneuverability issues, that's not my preferred play style.

Dancers go really well with Reinhardt, because he can destroy most things in one move, so they can either help him destroy two enemies in one turn, or else destroy an enemy and run to safety, since he's so fragile.

So some possible teams I think would work well together: Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Sharena, & Nino/Olivia/Klein/Takumi; Reinhardt, Ike/Ryoma, Hector, & Olivia/Klein/Takumi. Those are my thoughts on it.

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I have two questions:

1. What's best for Ike's C skill? I was checking what I've got and decided Fortify Defense or Spur Attack would be good. Which is the better option, or is there something better?

2. Whilst looking at my units I noticed I have two Tikis with different backgrounds. Is there something special about the blue one? Pic below. Doh, just realized this means it's a merged unit.

Edited by Book Bro
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