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Does stamina ruin the game for you?


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I had so much fun in the 1st 2 days, because stamina wasn't really an issue.
Until I did reach the last maps on lunatic I didn't spend my orbs to wise. Wasted atleast 20 on the stamina bar.

Now if I wanna exp some characters or play chapter 9 maps I need already 36/50 stamina to play 2.
So for 2 (1-2 minute) maps I got to wait 4 hours or I have to pay 1 orb every 3 maps to continue playing.

Personally this ruins the game for me. Why can't I just grind for a few hours if I want to?
Wasn't gacha enough already.. I wld gladly buy some orbs to support the game.

But 13$ for 1 hour of gameplay is just ridiculous, if u ask me..
They could atleast sell stamina on a different & fair price, maybe like 1$ for 100x50 stamina.

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It doesn't really bother me that much, I'm seeing some pro's and con's to both sides to be honest. For one, I get that it's annoying if you have time and just want to play/grind for a few hours that this is holding you back, unless you spend money on refills. 

On the flip side, it keeps people who have full time jobs, whole households and such the opportunity the stay relevant in stuff like arena's. A lot of people don't have the time and luxury to be playing hour after hour. This keeps them from not falling behind too much in content.

Another point is that it stops players from burning out to quickly. Play hour after hour at the beginning and there's a good chance a lot of players will be done with the game after a few weeks. Gacha-games are good for companies because they are a good source of income over a long time, the last thing they want is players to be burning out too quick (but players leaving because of slow updates is also a risk).

So, to me, it's kind off a necessary evil. 

Edited by Birdy
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Not really. When my stamina runs out I quit until it's recharged. Using Orbs on anything other than Hero summons is a waste imo.

I'd like the game to not make use of a stamina system, but then I remember that this is a F2P mobile game. They're trying to make money off of the player by offering paid ways to overcome limitations, and this is just one of many ways to "persuade" you to cough up the dough.

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It doesn't bother me because it means I won't use my whole battery up when I play since I have to stop and let my stamina recharge.  Plus like others have said, I am getting to play this game for free and since I don't have the cash to buy orbs the stamina bar is the catch and I can live with that.  

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I would say it's more annoying to come home after work and u got only 5minutes of playtime, because the stamina already ran out. Sounds more like a limitation to me.
It just feels like this game doesn't need stamina overall. I'm certain enough people are willing to roll a few heroes. Though it kinda sucks if u cannot spend more as 5minutes playing with them.

Something like training shouldn't be limited to stamina. What is the point of training anyway? Grinding and dedication, right?
Maybe put a restriction on the campaign only, that would atleast make a little sense =D.

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Yes. Battles are so quick and later maps are so stamina intensive that you can expend four hours of stamina in ten minutes.


13 minutes ago, Birdy said:

On the flip side, it keeps people who have full time jobs, whole households and such the opportunity the stay relevant in stuff like arena's. A lot of people don't have the time and luxury to be playing hour after hour. This keeps them from not falling behind too much in content.

I'd agree with you here if they didn't give you the option of paying to refill it and if the later maps weren't so insanely expensive. It turns a "letting people with jobs stay competitive" mechanic into another case of the game being pay to win. Circumventing the stamina system costs four dollars an hour, even more if you do the higher-level lunatic missions. It's absurd.

Edited by Alastor15243
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It doesn't now, but it will eventually when the cost of Stamina to re-equip units comes back into play. The 1 Stamina / 5Minutes thing isn't horrible but it means that to do a lunatic lategame battle, you'd need to wait for more than half an hour to recoup stamina.

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1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

Yes. Battles are so quick and later maps are so stamina intensive that you can expend four hours of stamina in ten minutes.


I'd agree with you here if they didn't give you the option of paying to refill it and if the later maps weren't so insanely expensive. It turns a "letting people with jobs stay competitive" mechanic into another case of the game being pay to win.

i dont see how spending money to continueing playing the game is a pay to win mechanic, especially since i dont think you can refill stamina unless you have a stamina potion, which you cant even buy with money.

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I haven't had too much of a problem with it... but I have just been grinding on the tower where the stamina costs are halved. It's probably going to become more of a nuisance when those costs (plus that stupid skill changing cost) go back to normal.

2 minutes ago, Thany said:

i dont see how spending money to continueing playing the game is a pay to win mechanic, especially since i dont think you can refill stamina unless you have a stamina potion, which you cant even buy with money.

You can spend a orb to refill you stamina bar if you don't have a potion 

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Birdy pretty much summarized how the market and development is for gatcha games. Gatcha games are the kind of games that aren't really designed to be played continuously/hours on end because in the long run, they can get boring pretty quickly so if they have some buffer time between playing and stamina recharge, it guarantees that the players will come back once their stamina is full again. Gatcha games, to me, are designed to be bite sized experiences that are to be enjoyed a little bit at a time. 

But I do wish that they have implemented a level system because usually if you level/rank up, your stamina resets back to full and your stamina limit also increases as well. Games that do this allow for a longer, initial first time play experience and it's not until you hit a certain points in levels do you find yourself actually having to wait for your stamina to replenish. 

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I can only hope that the stamina costs for equipping units wouldn't be too high. There's also the fact that stamina costs for using the training tower will double on 2/20/17. Should also consider making the training tower give out item rewards on Mondays (such as feathers or maybe Orbs!). Make Mondays great!

Edited by Roflolxp54
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7 minutes ago, MCProductions said:

No, if FE5 can get away with it despite it not having a way to get it to go away beyond using other units, this method where you are commonly given alternative methods to deal with stamina is fine by me

oh god... i almost forgot about that stupid stamina feature in FE5, screw that thing DX

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From what I've seen in a discussion about this topic else where: stamina has to be included for this type of mobile game due to Korean anti-addiction laws. Basically mobile games that are F2P have to have a system that forces people to stop after a while.

As long as they give us a way to eventually increase the stamina bar (like say, beating a paralogue map for the first time increases the bar by 5) I'll be fine. If they never extend the bar though the game is probably going to die. 20 stamina to try a lunatic difficulty map is insane.

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31 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

Gatcha games, to me, are designed to be bite sized experiences that are to be enjoyed a little bit at a time. 

But I do wish that they have implemented a level system because usually if you level/rank up, your stamina resets back to full and your stamina limit also increases as well. Games that do this allow for a longer, initial first time play experience and it's not until you hit a certain points in levels do you find yourself actually having to wait for your stamina to replenish. 

Totally agreed. Games who have this also award players for smart thinking by calculating how much stamina they need to spend on certain maps to get the most out of their level-ups so that they can play more. The beginning is often easy enough with low stamina costs that they level up quite a few times and keep playing, like you said. It also rewards people who play more by letting them earn stamina points leveling while not so much that other players can't keep up.

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2 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

From what I've seen in a discussion about this topic else where: stamina has to be included for this type of mobile game due to Korean anti-addiction laws. Basically mobile games that are F2P have to have a system that forces people to stop after a while.

As long as they give us a way to eventually increase the stamina bar (like say, beating a paralogue map for the first time increases the bar by 5) I'll be fine. If they never extend the bar though the game is probably going to die. 20 stamina to try a lunatic difficulty map is insane.

Im thinking 2 stamina after a full finished chapter is a bit fair.

that way you have more stamina for the lunatic modes, but wont have a huge abundance of it that stamina would be pointless to worry about.

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For me, a very obsesive kind of person that can be playing a game 24 hour without sleep, this is a very nice and wise thing to make me stay out the game, also, I'm a everyday Love Live player, so I'm used to have to wait to LP for play a bit, it's not a problem wait for Stamina, and these are like, 2-3 minutes? Less than five and hat's a bless

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The stamina is not ruining the game, but it is going to if they keep the system the way it is in my opinion.

First of all, I have had TERRIBLE luck in this game. With my best team of level 27 units, I simply can't beat the chapter 9 level yet that informs you to have 22 level units. Stuff like that. So I need to grind for levels a lot. The training tower is what I use for that, and in my opinio the stamina uses there are completely fine. If they will double it after the event, it will be completely ruined for me.

Now for players that are a bit more lucky than me... I have mixed feelings. I mean, if you complete then entire game you don't really need to do the lunatic missions anymore which means you don't really have to play at all. So if they decrease the cost of the stamina, you end up completing it so fast that you don't even want to play anymore.
But if you need to use tons of stamina just to play and complete one chapter, you just get bored of the game. I mean, youwait 4 hours, play two matches and you are done. It makes you forget the game easier, and you stop playing.

About my first point on the luckier players. everntually you beat the game anyways. And then you are very limited to what you can do. Doing the training tower a few times is fun, but if you can only play 2 matches an hour it won't be worth it anymore.

So... Mixed feelings, but I feel like the stamina should go up a bit or the costs need to be reduced slightly.

Edited by Maddoka
I wasn't done yet. T_T
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Well, you have to remember that with almost every launch of a gatcha game, they're only going to have so many levels/songs that you get to complete but I'm sure that they know that there are people with a lot of dedication who 'finish' what they've launched, which is why they're always going to update and add more to the game later on. 

With rhythm games like Love Live and IDOLiSH7, even tho there is a set number of songs you can play, they're always adding more songs which brings more variety - not to mention the plethora of weekly/monthly events that keep players busy because of the rewards you get at the end of those events.

So it might not seem like there's much now, but I'm sure they have a lot more planned (I hope aha)

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2 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

which is why they're always going to update and add more to the game later on. 

I understand that, but there are people that already completed this game on all difficulty levels without even spending money. The game is really short right now, and the event will sure keep some people busy but if the updates aren't big enough... They are not going to keep the big audience interested.

I personally would just keep playing for the fact it's a Fire Emblem related game but that's not everyone's reasoning.

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10 minutes ago, Maddoka said:

First of all, I have had TERRIBLE luck in this game. With my best team of level 27 units, I simply can't beat the chapter 9 level yet that informs you to have 22 level units. Stuff like that. So I need to grind for levels a lot. The training tower is what I use for that, and in my opinio the stamina uses there are completely fine. If they will double it after the event, it will be completely ruined for me.

You can't beat a Lv22 team with a Lv27 one?


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No, they are ALL the wrong units. And they are one of my few 4* people. The other ones are all 3*, I have like 2 healers which leaves 3 other 4* units. Most are the same colour and... Let's just say I have been extremely unlucky. XD

Edit: Aaaand I just beat it with a lot of luck. I lied, guys. Don't belive me, I'm a filthy liar.

Edited by Maddoka
Spelling error
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my problem isn't that there is a stamina system but more that the chapters take increasingly higher amounts of stamina to play

it was fine up until it hit like 13

i would've liked the game a lot more if it always took 8 or 10 or something or if the maximum was higher

now i have to wait more than an hour to try a story chapter which i might fail in under a minute

i get that mobile games are designed to be played in short amounts but here it gets to the point when i can barely play the game at all

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For me playing on my phone doesn't feel much different as playing FE on the DS. So I rather have 1 longer session every day as playing a bit every few hours.

*If this system is supposed to slow down progress on the campaign, it definitely failed to do so. As stamina potions are rewarded during missions and we also
received 10 as an app release bonus. So we got like +/- 30 stamina potions from the release/quests/Nintendo points. More than enough to finish the campaign on easy/hard/luna.
We run out once we finish the campaign and we need to grind/summon to prepare an army for the arena.

*How does this system prevent addiction? Doesn't it just stimulate addiction and people ending up addicted & spending.
And once u put a whole amount into the game, you're even more committed. Doesn't make sense to me.

Anyway let's hope they will make this game a bit more attractive to play on the long run.
I'm a f2p player right now willing to spend, but I won't pay for something I cannot play, because of such restrictions.
In other apps u pay to remove ads, here u should pay to remove stamina.

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Stamina bar as a concept doesn't bother me, but some of the later chapters are far too stamina intensive, especially considering you're locked at 50 max stamina. Most gacha games I know have a player rank system, which gives more max stamina at higher ranks (among other perks), making increasingly high stamina costs far more easier to manage (though there are still some ridiculous examples out there, far worse than Heroes').

And completely agree with Elieson that the 5 stamina cost to equip skills is daft. That should go before the free period ends.

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