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Heroes needs to be made easier.


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So yeah, that castle at max upgrades would be mighty handy when it comes to training units. You say it doesn't make much of a difference, but 100% is 20% better than 80%. And all that extra 20% will become noticeable the more fights you partake in.

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Yeah, but I used my orbs for more summoning. Next time I'll use some to finish upgrading the castle though.

I'm training up Stahl, Subaki, and Robin. Robin only because he might be helpful against those god damn armors in chapter 9, but he seems really freaking slow. Is he actually going to double anything? :/

I want to give Stahl his Obstruct skill. I like this for him, because it can let you "Stahl" the enemy, hahaha.

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Yeah, I need my three Ikes! (PoR, RD, special costume) One can never have enough of the Radiant Hero. <3

Also, maybe Robin will be quick enough after all, actually. I was worried when he gained no speed on his first two level ups, but then he gained speed on the next two.

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1 minute ago, Smog said:

Better yet, this game needs to add more heroes. That way there's more variety. 

well we did see official art of characters like erika and selphie. so an update with them should be comming very soon.

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I feel like the only thing that needs to be made easier is the Grand Hero battles (or at least give them a longer time to be active). Unless one has a very specific set of units, or is willing to summon or grind excessively, the map becomes unbeatable and the unit is lost (possibly forever)... I'm aware that the map was designed to be difficult, but having a heavily promoted special map rely on luck should not be the case with it...

I'm wondering if these maps will be like the regular Hero Battles, and come around multiple times eventually, or the characters will be added to the regular ones... That would at least allow people who couldn't get the special character the first time to have another chance...

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I can personally vouch for Robin. His Blarraven tome gives him the weapon advantage over colourless foes. So he's dealing extra damage to healers, archers, shurikens, etc. as well as red units. His Glowing Embler/Bonfire skill deals more damage to the opponent the higher their defense during its activated attack, so it's like the perfect anti-knight attack. Paired up with a unit who can use Draw Back, he can kite an armoured unit if he's unable to one shot them. Defiant Speed and Spur Def are also good self-buff and ally buff skills, respectively.

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He's definitely not the fastest, but he's also not able to get doubled by many things. I'd say it's above average should you continue to raise him up. It's his second-best stat, with def close behind, then res. He's also surprisingly healthy for a magic user. He's a good unit to lure in enemy reds, colourless, and most things physical-oriented that aren't green.

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11 minutes ago, Raven said:

His Glowing Embler/Bonfire skill deals more damage to the opponent the higher their defense during its activated attack, so it's like the perfect anti-knight attack.

It adds 50% of his own Def, not the enemy's.

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23 hours ago, Thany said:

well we did see official art of characters like erika and selphie. so an update with them should be comming very soon.

I didn't know Final Fantasy characters were in this game :P

A mobile game is for short sessions of free time in between other tasks. People just need to chill as they delay releasing characters for longevity.

Getting a guaranteed 5 star upgrade for a chaeacter you like every 7 weeks isn't that bad if you have played other mobile games to compare with.

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Sorry, but I'm done with Robin. He's too slow and can't fucking take a hit. All he does is get killed. His attack isn't that great either. I don't know where people get the idea that he's good. He's awful.

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11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sorry, but I'm done with Robin. He's too slow and can't fucking take a hit. All he does is get killed. His attack isn't that great either. I don't know where people get the idea that he's good. He's awful.

He's very good in Arena, because:

1. He counters Takumi with his weapon.

2. He's a blue unit and because of the 5 out of 8 of the focus characters being red, that's a pretty good thing to have.


Now, I can get that you probably don't care much about the arena, just wanted to say this is why people think he's good (and I agree). While the reasons mentioned above matter much less in the story, he's still very good. Saying he can't take a hit is like saying every non-tank and their mothers can't take a hit. He has more defense than most other units and reasonable resistance. Only his speed is sub-par, but he has a speedbuff (up to +7) once he gets below 50%.

If you think he's awful, there's a good chance you're using him wrong (no disrespect meant).  

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I'm not using him wrong. I'm not putting him in the front or anything, I'm having him attack from behind since 2-range. I'm having him target colorless and red units since his weapon can trump both. But he still gets killed in two hits by many of them.

His defense isn't as good as you think. My Robin has 22 attack, 15 def, 14 res, and 12 speed. That's quite bad compared to Corrin who's only two levels higher with 24 attack, 21 def, 15 res, and 18 speed. Both are three star units. Corrin was enhanced once, but all it gave her was a boost to attack.

Lissa has better attack and def than Robin! 26 attack and 18 def and res at just one level higher!

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There's quite the chance that your particular Robin has redacted some of his def/speed points for an increase in his other stats. His str and res seem pretty high to me.

I'm not sure what kind of enemies you're trying to fight, but chances are if he's dying so quickly, you're fighting opponents that are still too strong for Robin to handle. I'm using him myself and he's one of the most consistently reliable units, and that's putting him up against Takumi, Lyn, Camilla and Tharja.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm not using him wrong. I'm not putting him in the front or anything, I'm having him attack from behind since 2-range. I'm having him target colorless and red units since his weapon can trump both. But he still gets killed in two hits by many of them.

His defense isn't as good as you think. My Robin has 22 attack, 15 def, 14 res, and 12 speed. That's quite bad compared to Corrin who's only two levels higher with 24 attack, 21 def, 15 res, and 18 speed. Both are three star units. Corrin was enhanced once, but all it gave her was a boost to attack.

Lissa has better attack and def than Robin! 26 attack and 18 def and res at just one level higher!

A loooot of people get killed in two hits in this game though, honestly. 

Hmm, I agree those stats look a bit dissapointing if you put them like that. Since I can only argument with averages (your Robin might have -DEF or -SPD and +HP or something), at even levels, Robin should have around 2 more defense than M!Corrin (Corrin can get +3DEF from skills though) and around 2 less defense than F!Corrin. And those are considered tanky units, F!Corrin especially. 

I didn't actually know that Lissa was so tanky xD. Anyway, if Robin gets doubled a lot by the current enemies your facing, that does take a hit to his durability. I'm really wondering why his speed is THAT low though, that doesn't seem right. It must be a -SPD Robin.

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My guess is Smash... Robin has the slowest running speed in the game! It's honestly hilarious.

I guess my Robin got a little stat screwed then. Again my horrible fricking luck...

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I'll vouch for Robin! Of course characters always end up working out differently, and sometimes the RNG just isn't with you. For example, I had a pretty decent 3* Lissa. Kind of tanky for a healer, and then I promoted her to a 4* and now her level-ups haven't favored speed much at all, so she always gets doubled and can't take a hit, but she's still a good healer. I've put a lot of work into my Robin, and he's by far my best character. I wouldn't say his stats are AMAZING. Like his HP is 40 and ATK is 37. But his SPD, DEF, and RES respectively are 27, 23, and 20. But his skill set is really nice. 

I find that it helps to bring along a healer when you're grinding! Good EXP for the healer and less death for your warriors!

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Yeah, I used a healer to help get Virion from 2 star to 4 star. I guess I didn't think Robin needed that as much. But I guess he really does if I use him more.

I finished the next part of chapter 9, btw. The map with Zephiel and his freakin' armors. Somehow this time, even though I don't think I leveled up anyone in the team used except Corrin more than once, I didn't have nearly as much trouble dealing damage. Even Freddy with his hammer did a lot. Corrin didn't need to do much, though she did help.

My stamina was really low after that though, so I haven't tried the next map yet.

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Wow, that's pretty unfair. How are you supposed to get a character to lv. 40 then?

On another note, I don't seem to have anyone that can combat Mask Guy. My only high res character is Palla and she's at a weapon disadvantage... Sigh, I guess I'll have to eventually do more summons until I do get a good counter to him.

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On 2/11/2017 at 2:23 PM, Anacybele said:

I hope the next set of focus heroes are better. These characters are all mostly awful to me.

On another note, I made it to chapter nine! Switching out some people for Palla and Lissa helped in Tiki's chapter. Freddy still got wrecked there, but he and Draug were the MVPs by a long shot in 8-5. Almost none of the enemy could do more than scratch them. Also, Sharena owns Lucina. Bwahaha, good riddance, boring Marth copy.

Oh yeah. Wanna know who beat Tiki? Lissa did. Yep, she dealt the final blow.

Yeah...but I like that they are both very kind and cheerful.

On 2/11/2017 at 2:36 PM, Anacybele said:

I think I have only three Light's Blessings, so I would definitely not use them unless I really need to.

But you get less exp on story maps that you already beat. I feel like it won't be much...

They serve for lategame Ch9 maps since they are near impossible to not lose a unit no matter the level.

On 2/11/2017 at 3:46 PM, Ether said:

Yeah, chapter 9-2 is notorious for being one of the most brutal maps in the game. As for why Corrin might help, it's because she does magic damage instead of physical damage, and has pretty good def and hp, so she's pretty good at whittling down armoured units with a healer supporting her. I ended up sending Palla to deal with Narcian(her Ruby Sword vs his Emerald Axe makes this one a landslide win) and then tried to get her around the back to kill off the healer and the axe knight. My only unit good against armour was Nino, and she couldn't outdamage the healing. But more than any other map in the game, this one is a big stat check. You should have unlocked some hard mode stages along the way, and the earlier levels are noticably easier than lategame normal maps, so it might not be a bad idea to clear some of those for exp and orbs if you can(if you manage to pull a good mage, or Takumi or Jeorge, they help a lot on this map, since you can stick them behind your tankier units and get potshots in.

The good news is that this is one of the hardest maps in the game by far. You actually kind of have answers for the other two notorious maps on your team already, once you figure out how to play them, so this one should be the hardest in the game for you if you can figure those other two out.

You need a good sword user or a Draco Knight to keep him distracted since the AI won't act them without getting into one of their ranges.

On 2/11/2017 at 4:02 PM, Anacybele said:

Well, I'm tired of grinding in the tower right now, I'm bored of it. I just spent practically the last day and a half doing that. And I would still rather not have to upgrade Corrin right now since she's only three star. And she's the only unit I have with magic damage that I can use. Robin is too weak right now and as I said, I'm tired of going into the tower (he's also another weak three star). I'm out of stamina anyway and I don't want to use anymore stamina potions right now since I already used a few of them as it is.

I only have 11 orbs, not yet enough to do a full summon.

I know stats matter. But just one or two maps before, Frederick could nearly one-shot armors and double some of them. Now all of a sudden he can barely scratch one? That's way too big of a jump in enemy strength.

Rally Skill? None of my units can get that. I haven't seen it on any of their lists.

Anyway, I'll be waiting for the stamina meter to fill back up again, and then I can do some more hard chapters for orbs.

I've pretty much had to revive my Bartre, Serra, Sheena and Beruka to get through the maps. They are all three stars and had no trouble. Thank god that's why that we have Light Blessings for. Already can get the paid orbs after completing the game to get great characters for streetpass battles and to in general have to your collection. ^_^

On 2/11/2017 at 4:09 PM, eclipse said:

Raigh gets Rally Attack once he hits 3*.

What level is Frederick at?  And does he double the armors?

So does Sheena and she doesn't have to rank up to get it!

On 2/11/2017 at 10:29 PM, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I hope we can increase stamina a bit in the future too.

I did some hard difficulty story chapters and got enough orbs for a full summon, but my luck will never change... I still didn't really like what I got. Another female Corrin, two Subakis, a Stahl, and a Selena. Selena is the only one I ditched though. I merged the Corrins and Subakis. And I like Stahl enough to keep him (he's four star too).

I also have an attachment to Peg knights and cav knights.

This game seems to sense that I really like tanky units, Peg knights, and cavs (and Frederick since I've gotten two of him in total as well lol), but I only had red and blue summons available that time and I wanted colorless to try for archers again... Sigh.


Should eliminate it completely for paid customers.

On 2/12/2017 at 2:52 AM, SlipperySlippy said:

All you need is a solid team for now to clear content with, it doesn't matter what units, although people like Takumi/Hector/Azura/Falchion User/Manakete are preferred.

Just save up your orbs until a banner you like comes around, as aiming for a full team of Ike's is almost an impossibility without whaling hard. 

Not valid since they require hundreds of orbs to summon (Money) and still might not without the beginning of the game trick.

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