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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Enemy-phase units, generally Triangle Adept Litrraven builds that are specifically for countering Lyns with the more common Brave Bow or Mulagir.

I see. I assume most people will just counter cancer nukes with their own cancer nukes, since nukes can kill more thing than meta-counters can.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I see. I assume most people will just counter cancer nukes with their own cancer nukes, since nukes can kill more thing than meta-counters can.

Positioning for enemy-phase units is a ton easier than positioning for player-phase units because you don't really need to know how the AI works outside of "the AI will attack if there is something to attack".

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I got a 4808 score on normal arena (1 BS death to Axura WoM). I'll leave it like that unless I find a way to increase my score enough to stay in tier 20 without killing my coverage.

On Arena Assault I got a deathless streak of 4912. It's nice that the 700-706 score range reduces the number of Reinhardts a lot, B!Lyn is common but she's easier to deal with although I got surprised seeing a BB+ Cancel Affinity Lyn, that combo isn't really good all things considered.

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22 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

BB+ Cancel Affinity Lyn

Is that on a triple BH!Lyn team? That might be one my BH!Lyns.

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35 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

It's nice that the 700-706 score range reduces the number of Reinhardts a lot

Hmm, I think you may have just been lucky with your match-ups this time.  Reinhardt is very abundant in the low 700s in my experience.  :sweatdrop:   

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Finishing both Arena and AA today to get them out of the way. Had a relatively smooth arena streak, 1 restart a couple matches in since I accidentally moved a unit wrong and they got killed. Hopefully I stay high enough to return to 20, since using Nohr Azura and choosing B Cordelia as my 4th tanked my match value from 694-702 to 690 max. I could have brought Hector anyway as my 4th even though Azura took his green spot, but B Cordelia felt like a better complement to having a dancer.

Arena Assault was pretty tight this week. First 4 matches in a row were all identical Effie/Hector/BK/Amelia armor teams with only slightly different skill sets. And one team was Rein, CYL Lyn, CYL Roy and Nohr Azura, all +5, on the damn boat map. It was the second to last match so I was not happy to see that at all, but I ended up beating them with fliers and using a skill sword item. The last match was.. another armor team just like the first ones.

I was expecting a plethora of dancers but AA was all about serving up Whoppers for the most part.


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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Is that on a triple BH!Lyn team? That might be one my BH!Lyns.

I don't think so, if I recall correctly it was a B!Lyn, a Cecilia, Inigo and a red Olivia. Three B!Lyns would've been kinda scary if each of them had CA.

1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Hmm, I think you may have just been lucky with your match-ups this time.  Reinhardt is very abundant in the low 700s in my experience.  :sweatdrop:   

Haha probably, although from my experience Reinhardt is king in the 690-702 range while low merge Armor Emblem is pretty prevalent in the 702-706 range.


On another note, does anyone know if seals have an effect on score? I found that using a Def+1 seal on my Sophia puts me on the 694-698 range while the Squad Ace 2 (or was it 3?) seal puts me in the 696-700 range. I used a few crests to see if it was just RNG but it seemed pretty consistent, but having a 2 point increase seems a bit too much for just a seal.

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Why is Virion a Bonus Unit this week?  Isn't he supposed to be next group with Cecilia?  He's kinda clogging up one of the rando slots.

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2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Haha probably, although from my experience Reinhardt is king in the 690-702 range while low merge Armor Emblem is pretty prevalent in the 702-706 range.

Ah, I see.  :^_^:  Interesting, I wonder if our match-ups differ based on our team composition or something?  I rarely see armours and my fights are usually in that range.  They're fun to fight too... :sob:   (For the past month or so I was 700-712ish, but this week I seem to be 706-718ish because my team is different.) 

I feel like 3/4 of my match-ups are horsies (or horsies + dancer).  I'm kinda numb to Rein at this point cause my DC Brave Ike eats him for breakfast, but Bow Lyn drives me totally nuts.  I have Inigo on my arena team this week, so at least he's been helpful against her unless she has CA or Firesweep.  Although, I'm running him instead of my DC Olivia, so I really missed her this week against the Cecilias.

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8 hours ago, Hilda said:

On Arena assault i managed to Rank 299 with a score of 5078 which puts me currently in the 100-1000 Tier, which i never was in before o.o.

But considering you just said that 5194 is the new norm i will prolly get pushed down one tier in Arena Assault i guess.

No, 5194 is what you need for the top 100. Your score of 5078 will be good enough to stay in the top 1000 for a while. I have been in the top 1000 for a few weeks now with scores ranging from 5006-5030.

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So I had my first proper AA attempt streak broken at Battle 4 by an all range defense team (Soren, Robin M, Niles and Leon)

The archers were merged, and Niles was 5 star + 9 and had Fury, Firesweep Bow+ while Leon had a nasty Close Counter and Slaying Bow and Moonbow combo. It was in that darn boat map, too.

I'm not too mad since props to them for buffing those archers, ust slightly annoyed I used my Robin earlier in the run and only had a 4 star Henry as my Raven user left who I should have probably fielded anyway.

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Okay. I'm stepping my game up in the Arena. Because I apparently do YOLO things after difficult work days, I spent 100k feathers and upgraded all of my Merrics into one 5 star+5 Merric. (Just because I love him.) I just tested the waters, and it doesn't really alter my score that much. I'm still in the 694 to 702 range. But I do get 702 scores more frequently. I think the highest match I had was 708. 

At the moment my team is:
Merric+5 (+SPD -RES) - Excalibur, Reposition, Growing Wind, Fury 3, Bowbreaker 3, Spur RES 3, ATK+1
Alfonse (Neutral) - Folkvangr, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, Brash Assault 3, Spur ATK 3, Squad Ace B 
Nowi+1 (+SPD -HP) - Lightning Breath+, Reposition, Aether, Triangle Adept 3, Lancebreaker 3, Threaten RES 3, Distant Defense
Celica+1 (+SPD -RES) - Ragnorok, Draw Back, Blazing Light, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Savage Blow 3, SPD+1

I've tried a few different combinations. Nowi replaced a +1 Ephraim. Celica replaced a Brave Roy+2 because I thought having a red magical unit would help with these maps. Nope. That's a lie. Because for some reason I'm now facing teams with +10 merges. >.>  I'm still trying to figure out a good team composition. I'm thinking I'll switch out Alfonse for a +1 Axura but I don't know how much that's going to lower my score....probably a lot. I think I just need to replace a few C skills and play with buffs more.


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Took my a while to get my score of 4860.

I'm used to play Nino+Azura, but I refuse to spend feathers just to give Nino merges for arena. With just melee units (BH!Roy+1, BH!Lucina, BK, PA!Azura) I was cornered pretty fast on certain maps by mage horses/fliers, BH!Lyn and dancers. The last fight was Zephiel against my BK. 

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11 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Why is Virion a Bonus Unit this week?  Isn't he supposed to be next group with Cecilia?  He's kinda clogging up one of the rando slots.

I'm guessing he actually is a random pick this time, and in the next rotation he will be one of the free picks with Cecilia.

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13 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Ah, I see.  :^_^:  Interesting, I wonder if our match-ups differ based on our team composition or something?  I rarely see armours and my fights are usually in that range.  They're fun to fight too... :sob:   (For the past month or so I was 700-712ish, but this week I seem to be 706-718ish because my team is different.) 

I feel like 3/4 of my match-ups are horsies (or horsies + dancer).  I'm kinda numb to Rein at this point cause my DC Brave Ike eats him for breakfast, but Bow Lyn drives me totally nuts.  I have Inigo on my arena team this week, so at least he's been helpful against her unless she has CA or Firesweep.  Although, I'm running him instead of my DC Olivia, so I really missed her this week against the Cecilias.

It would be pretty interesting if matchups went based on your team, but it was probably more RNG favoring me against armors/Bike on 3/4 of my matches. I remember the week when Amelia was introduced, Armor march made Armor Emblem seem pretty scary with the movement changes but now it's pretty fun to fight against them as long as my team doesn't go full glass cannon. I have a feeling there was an increase on armor teams due to the BK, he was on 4/5 of the armor teams I fought (poor Zephiel getting the bench).

In a way the only horse that still gives me trouble is Reinhardt due to some bad luck in getting counters to him (why -Atk Julia, wryyy?!). I like this week partially because I was able to finally field my Sophia to wall the Lyns and Cecilias, although the lack of horses made her job just to chip on Hector, Amelia, Bike and kill the occasional Lyn.

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I don't know what up for Arena Defense.  After several weeks of getting 10+ wins before I could even keep track, last week, I only got 3 Defense Wins, and this week, I've not gotten any yet.

I use a core of Titania, Ursula, Xander +Bonus unit.  I started off with Inigo, but switched to Mysterious Dancer today, hoping that might get more matches or something.  Still no wins.  If I don't have any by tomorrow, I might need to do a Cancer team, like Reinhardt + CYLyn.  I hate to do it, since it feels cheesy, but I'd hate to have zero wins for the first time in months.

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23 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I don't know what up for Arena Defense.  After several weeks of getting 10+ wins before I could even keep track, last week, I only got 3 Defense Wins, and this week, I've not gotten any yet.

I use a core of Titania, Ursula, Xander +Bonus unit.  I started off with Inigo, but switched to Mysterious Dancer today, hoping that might get more matches or something.  Still no wins.  If I don't have any by tomorrow, I might need to do a Cancer team, like Reinhardt + CYLyn.  I hate to do it, since it feels cheesy, but I'd hate to have zero wins for the first time in months.

I think using Reinhardt and BH!Lyn in your main defense team is the ethical and responsible thing to do. It helps players improve their Arena performance since they will quickly learn what works and what does not. Think of it as constructive criticism.

19 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

P R I V I L I G E D 

Do you have your own BH!Lyn? She can deal with Reinhardt pretty well.

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I finished training my second Axura (for SP) and merged her into my first one. To see what kind of match-ups I got in the Arena, I wasted a few more crests. Much to my surprise, I got much better match-ups. (I thought Alfonse's naturally higher BST would  give me more points than Azura's even with the merge. I guess I was wrong. Then again, I did give her WoM... Oh well. I'm not complaining. Having a dancer is WAY more convenient.) I didn't see anything lower than 698, and I even got a few 708 matches. Heck. When I tried Arena Assault, I got one 710 match-up. Yikes. Azura's buffs make things a LOT easier... I was getting frustrated with all of my losing, so I gave up trying to get a 7 streak for now. I'll give her another go later .

Updated Squad:

Merric+5 (+SPD -RES) - Excalibur, Reposition, Growing Wind, Fury 3, Bowbreaker 3, Spur RES 3, ATK+1
PA! Azura+1 (+DEF -ATK) - Urðr, Sing, Moonbow, Triangle Adept 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Drive RES 2, Squad Ace B 
Nowi+1 (+SPD -HP) - Lightning Breath+, Reposition, Aether, Triangle Adept 3, Lancebreaker 3, Threaten RES 3, Distant Defense
Brave Roy+2 (+SPD -ATK) - Blazing Durandal, Reposition, Galeforce, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Threaten DEF 3, Quickened Pulse

Since this team feels pretty solid, I decided to Summoner Support Merric and then do Merric x Azura and Nowi x Roy. We only have C supports so far. Once I have enough SP, I'll probably play around with skills. Maybe I'll try Raven!TA!Merric eventually. But I'll want one with +ATK. Ultimately, I'm searching for a +ATK -RES copy.

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I'm curious, has anyone ever seen my Team come up?  I'm a bit surprised by my lack of seeing other SF users' teams.  I have certainly seen the same teams come up repeatedly, but not people I know.

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