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9 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Female Corrin being popular among her brothers as usual; poor Eclat/Kiran. (A translator for this would be great!)


[5* F Corrin's lv 40 convo]

F Corrin: If it's okay with you, please pat me again. By receiving your kind feelings, I'm sure I'll become stronger than ever before.

[(Big sister) Corrin.....] -hearstruck...-

Arrow: Formerly, Kiran.

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4 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

[5* F Corrin's lv 40 convo]

F Corrin: If it's okay with you, please pat me again. By receiving your kind feelings, I'm sure I'll become stronger than ever before.

[(Big sister) Corrin.....] -hearstruck...-

Arrow: Formerly, Kiran.

That may be the strangest level 40 conversation yet.

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9 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:


... Despite m!Corrin and f!Corrin being literally the exact same character, I am once again reminded why I dislike her more.

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Attention, everyone~!

If you want to post a screenshot with your own caption, go for it~!  But do put in some thought - exceptionally low-effort posts will receive a spam warning.  If in doubt, PM me first.

Have a nice day~!

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Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi!
Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield.
Takumi: I want to die.

#nobully #blamerobin


Edited by NekoKnight
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1 minute ago, NekoKnight said:

Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi!
Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield.
Takumi: I want to die.

#nobully #blamerobin


Story of my arena experience, though Linde is much more likely to be there than Fae.

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16 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi!
Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield.
Takumi: I want to die.

#nobully #blamerobin


Fae is adorable here, you tell him Fae!  Tell him to take his Triangle Adept builds and go!

I assume Robin's hood is talking about colorless-killing?

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31 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi!
Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield.
Takumi: I want to die.

#nobully #blamerobin


Okay, that is pure adorable!

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3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi!
Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield.
Takumi: I want to die.

#nobully #blamerobin


This is litterally my team XD Fae protects takumi from evil robin, while takumi snipes dragon bladers.

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Mwahahaha! My team is unstoppable!


This team must have NO weakness! I have four uber-powerful 5*s.

"Uhh, about that..."


No, no... I call haaaax!!

Edited by The_antithesis
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2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Move over, Fates' Rallyman.


Screw it, I am using that as my avatar now. It's friggin' amazing.

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