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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

It’s well-done for sure, but I don’t get it.

Since a big heap of dancers are bonus next season, the popular combination of ranged Cav (Reinhardt, BH!Lyn) plus Dancer will be omnipresent. 

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11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Since a big heap of dancers are bonus next season, the popular combination of ranged Cav (Reinhardt, BH!Lyn) plus Dancer will be omnipresent. 

... I'm fucked if I come across Reinhardt's with lancebreaker on top of that in AA...

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Sometimes SI is darker than I expected.

It appears we're getting to the point where people are feeling confident enough to write storylines for this (comedic as this looks to be).

Tiki being Grima's adopted kid is a bit strange imo.


This Marth is amazing by the way.

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The Draconic Aura banner seems..... familiar somehow.

(Even worse, F!Kana and Lachesis have the same artist. Actually seems intentional.)

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The blue paint on Lucina's bow icon is poisonous to sword users. (Also explains why lances, blue breath, blue tomes, and blue daggers are good against swords.)

Edited by Ice Dragon
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On 8/22/2018 at 2:00 PM, Roflolxp54 said:

Poor Celica:


... So nobody's thinking of Galeforce, huh?

Also, an executioner with his axe looming over the poor woman would drive the point home more.

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1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

... So nobody's thinking of Galeforce, huh?

Cordelia exists. And to a lesser extent, sword Lyn and Brave Roy. And people often prefer Aether over Galeforce.

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13 hours ago, Joe Cool said:

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

Dammit, was about to post. You probably should have added the top comment: "This is Archanea" as caption.

Also, this link shows the image under Ylisse castle after Reinhardt went there.

Anyways, Marth's actual reaction to dragonslaying:

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Best alternate title: Deus Definitely Vult

I wonder if FE could pull off some sentai team in the main series.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

So much effort for what wasn’t actually all that funny.

That’s a little harsh, isn’t it? Nothing that gave a belly laugh, I admit, but it made me smile at least.

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Here's a new meme

Special Spiral (new upcoming skill) is SS (or S.S.) when abbreviated

Special Spiral is, to our knowledge, inheritable to at least every Infantry Tome user (likely more)

Any build that relies on a specific skill tends to have the skill name in the build's title as well as the unit's name (i.e Desperation Roy, Galeforce Lucina)

So any build that relies on S.S. will be called "S.S. [insert name]"

Therefore, anyone who makes a Special Spiral build can be a Ship Boy/Girl.

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@MilodicMellodi I've seen a lot of people freaking out over what it does (something to do with cooldown speedup), but I have actually been able to find what it does.

EDIT: Oh, well, I'm blind. Also, not overly fond of the art for the most recent characters, but eh, not like it's terrible, just not my preferred style.

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