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Grand Hero Battle Before Dawn: Ursula


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After half an hour (and two bottles) of tries with different team compositions (not helped by the fact I forgot to write where the chars would spawn depending of their place in my team), I was able to complete it in lunatic with 5* titszilla Camilla, 5* Eirika, 5* Nino and 4* Effie.


Effie tanked the bottom Ninja (she took 0 damage from him), while Nino baited (and annihilated) Ursula turn 1.  Then it went down to Camilla baiting (and killing) the upper Ninja, Nino weakening the armor and Eirika using pivot to prevent him from reaching Camilla (and finishing him off at the same time). Then everyone retreated to let Effie clean up without worry.

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3 minutes ago, Skala_Bundet said:

Hah, finally I have the prove that the most difficult maps can be cleared with free units only :ph34r:.  After a clutch battle I managed to clear the lunatic version with Lissa, F!Robin, Stahl and Subaki. (All at 4* lvl 40... but still). 4* F!Robin ORKOs Ursula and Subaki and Stahl are needed to bait the dagger users away from the center fray.

Approach: Bait the bottom dagger user with Subaki. Ursula will approach. At this point pull Subaki back and bait Ursula with F!Robin so she can't be attacked by the dagger user. Stahl needs to be top left to bait the top dagger user. Lissa is center field and only heals when she can't be attacked (keep kindle balm ready for later). Next, the sword cavalry needs to be baited by Subaki, but don't keep any units near which could be killed by the armor with wings of mercy. Next round eliminate the cavarly with F!Robin, Stahl and Subaki. Ignis should be charged at this point but things are a bit rough because of those constant savage blows and severe debuffs. Stahl should be passively chipping away the Armor night (sad that it's only chipping away with a ruby sword... well debuffs...). Lissa should heal with kindle balm for +4 attack. Robin with Ignis and Stahl should be able to take out the Armor Knight. Stahl should barely survive the incoming daggers, but can be rehabilitated by Lissa. The rest is correct positioning with Subaki and Stahl and attacking and cautious healing. Hurray!

Good stuff. This map is definitely a lot harder than F!Robin's, but I guess it's a bit more balanced than Narcian's one? What do you guys say?

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Got this on Lunatic with a team of 4* Fred, 4* Olivia, 4* F!Robin and 4* Effie, as per usual, my M!Robin was actually useless thanks to his -Spd making it so the Thieves dealt way too much damage to him and he too little to them to make it worth taking repeated Savage Blow 3s on my other units.

My F!Robin picked up Hone Atk 3 and positioned to lure Ursula on the first turn, but quite frankly, it's insane overkill (she does 32x 2 to Ursula when she only needs 50 damage total). Effie moved in to F!Robin's left. Fred positioned to Effie's left. On EP, Ursula dies. Thief chips Effie for 2, and Savage Blows the team, but the important thing is that this buys time, since he just wasted his turn and the Cav will waste his turn using Draw Back.

Second turn, F!Robin moved up to attack the Axe Armour over the wall. With Ignis, she deals just enough damage that neutral-Atk Fred with Hone Atk 3 will exactly finish the armour off to avoid taking a counter. Olivia Dances F!Robin so she can go hide for the rest of the map. Effie breaks the left piece of wall.

After this, it's basically clean-up, since Effie takes very little damage, allowing her to chase the Cav and lower Thief all day if she needs to (but she won't, because they'll come let her murder them). Fred can duel the upper Thief, since his 34 Def means he won't ever take damage.

I'd originally considered Stahl for Fred's position, but he didn't have the same oomph and only 31 Def at 4*, meaning he'd have a much rougher time with both the Axe Armour and the upper Thief.


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3 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

I didn't have any luck with my current team, so I'm training up FRobin, so far I have her as a level 22 Four star. Guess I shall keep going.


The team I plan on using is FRobin, Olivia, Maria and Effie. What do you guys think?

It should work if you take it slow. F!Robin deals with the biggest problem for Effie, and Effie can deal with everything else just fine. Maria doesn't heal that much, but can do so safely. Go for it.

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With the posts of armors, looks like I might need to raise my only Gwendolyn if I want to attempt Lunatic. While I would like Effie, I don't think it worth it after spending some Orbs in the Prince and Princess banners. I don't know about spending 2K on her. That or I could just disregard the 4* Ursula. F!Robin is already 4* and nearly Level 40.

Decisions, decisions.

Edited by Dual Dragons
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Okay, so, I just beat the map on hard and wow ... that was way too easy for my team. Now I'm worried about what lunatic is going to look like. How much damage do the thieves deal to +def -HP Takumi and +spd -atk m!Robin? Because I may or may not try to do the same strategy for lunatic.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Okay, so, I just beat the map on hard and wow ... that was way too easy for my team. Now I'm worried about what lunatic is going to look like. How much damage do the thieves deal to +def -HP Takumi and +spd -atk m!Robin? Because I may or may not try to do the same strategy for lunatic.

If I recall, it's like 33 damage from the Ninjas. 39 Speed. Something like that.

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1 minute ago, Dual Dragons said:

With the posts of armors, looks like I might need to raise my only Gwendolyn. While I would like Effie, I don't think it worth it after spending some Orbs in the Prince and Princess banners. I don't know about spending 2K on her. That or I could just disregard the 4* Ursula. F!Robin is already 4* and nearly Level 40.

Decisions, decisions.

Any high-Def armor, cavalry, or flying unit should work fine to tank the thieves (they have only 33 Atk and no bonus damage against non-infantry units). If you already have Robin (F) with enough Atk to one-round kill Ursula (the tile directly down-right from the 3rd start position can only be targeted by Ursula on the first turn), let Ursula kill herself on you on the first turn, then take it slow with your tank.

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4 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

I didn't have any luck with my current team, so I'm training up FRobin, so far I have her as a level 22 Four star. Guess I shall keep going.


The team I plan on using is FRobin, Olivia, Maria and Effie. What do you guys think?

I would advise taking along two non-infantry units. Effie seems a bit slow (movement-wise) to tank both daggers. Placing is a real pain, because you're forced in a corner, so using Olivia is really difficult (unless you're using Hector :dry:). Maria isn't really a great healer to take along. If you use a healer, then I'd advise Lissa or Wrys (because rehabilitate), or Clarine who can survive an attack of one dagger user (gives you one turn).

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32 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

31 attack? All righty then. I assume that's 100% possible even without promoting her to 5-star, so back into the training tower I guess.


25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

According to the wiki, Robin (F) has 33 Atk at level 40 at 4 stars, so yes it's possible with a 4-star.

Yup. And for what it's worth, all RobinF's are the same.




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10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Okay, so, I just beat the map on hard and wow ... that was way too easy for my team. Now I'm worried about what lunatic is going to look like. How much damage do the thieves deal to +def -HP Takumi and +spd -atk m!Robin? Because I may or may not try to do the same strategy for lunatic.

The Thieves have 49 effective attack after factoring their effectiveness, so they'll do 20x2 to Takumi (dead) and 10x2 to M!Robin. Your M!Robin won't 2RKO those Thieves.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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2 minutes ago, flare9 said:

My 5*s are takumi roy lachesis erika (couldnt do it with those 4) maria nowi lucina,  what is the best team for me to use?

If you have any 4-star non-infantry units, also consider using those (33 Def is all you need to completely nullify the thieves' attacks for non-infantry). This map is rough if you limit yourself to only infantry units.

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2 minutes ago, flare9 said:

My 5*s are takumi roy lachesis erika (couldnt do it with those 4) maria nowi lucina,  what is the best team for me to use?

Hmmm... You'll have to look into your 4*s, because I don't believe you don't have tools to clear this map with just this selection. Nowi only buys time, Takumi dies to everything that can hit him, and the rest obviously can't deal with Ursula.

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Gonna throw in how my team did lunatic as well and hopefully spawn some new ideas for people stuck on this.

My team: 4* Olivia, 5* Sharena, 5* Tharja, 5* Minerva (Life and Death Unequipped)

1. Minerva moves in Ursula range. Minerva tanks Ursula.

2. Tharja kills knight with Olivia. Minerva moves to block (not attack) top ninja. Sharena moves into Minerva's original spot. Minerva tanks top ninja. Ursula attacks Tharja. Bottom ninja heals Ursula. Cav pulls back bottom ninja. 

3. Minerva hits Ursula. Sharena finishes Ursula. Sharena kills bottom ninja with Olivia. Tharja moves to safety.

4, 5. Minerva mops up top ninja. 

AI flaws people can try and exploit is the tendency for the ninjas to heal when possible and not in range of enemies, and the tendency for the Cav to pull back an ally instead of move forward.

My strat could probably be replicated with other units. Replace tharja with any mage that can 2 round the armor knight and survive a turn from Ursula. Replace Minerva with any Unit that can tank Ursula and 0 damage the ninja (Frederick?). Replace Sharena with any Lance/Good Sword.

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9 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

The Thieves have 49 effective attack after factoring their effectiveness, so they'll do 20x2 to Takumi (dead) and 10x2 to M!Robin. Your M!Robin won't 2RKO those Thieves.

Ouch. That's not good. Clearly this is going to require more thought (and experimentation). I'm assuming that Takumi won't be able to 1HKO the thieves either on his counterattack? Or maybe I could lure one of the thieves out with m!Robin, have Takumi finish it off, heal up m!Robin and have him lure the other one maybe?

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Will 4⋆ Effie (35), femRobin (39), and Lissa (40), and 5⋆ Catria (40) do?

Might replace Catria with Sharena or Lilina or else.

Talking Lunatic, yeah. Hard was almost a breeze. Lilina tanked the thieves, lol.

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3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ouch. That's not good. Clearly this is going to require more thought (and experimentation). I'm assuming that Takumi won't be able to 1HKO the thieves either on his counterattack? Or maybe I could lure one of the thieves out with m!Robin, have Takumi finish it off, heal up m!Robin and have him lure the other one maybe?

Nope, Takumi can't one shot; he'll do 32 damage, which is 12 short of a one-shot. You can't get to that level without Limit Break, but hey, if you get someone to give him Rally or Fortify Def, he can actually survive one round, then kill on the next. You can have either Wrys or Lissa heal him back up to full. Takumi won't really die to Ursula at full health, but he can't one-shot, so you'll still need F!Robin. But since Ursula will prioritize him, you'll need a Dancer to get him out of the way so Ursula will shoot at F!Robin.... Clearly, you can't fit all of this in one team.

M!Robin probably won't help you here at all. You're only gonna need his female self.

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I cleared the hard version of the map, with a lotta trouble. DEFINITLY not doing Lunatic. I'm out of freaking stamina potions, too. My team was: Hinoka  5*(Took out Ursula with her brave lance and can take a hit from her easily), Fae 4* (Didn't really do anything since she couldn't live one hit from the thieves. Gordin 4* (Was able to do some damage to the thief by standing in the corner, and tank his hit. Lucina 5* (Thanks to aether, she lived)

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I was so close. 5* Kagero killed the first ninja, 4* lvl 36 F!Robin killed Ursula, Ryoma was ready for the ever ninja. Why did I think Leo was a good idea? Going to see what units I can bring along to get rid of that swordie... Decisions...

The information here really helped, though. Thanks guys :D

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Will 4⋆ Effie (35), femRobin (39), and Lissa (40), and 5⋆ Catria (40) do?

Might replace Catria with Sharena or Lilina or else.

I think you might want to drop Catria for Olivia, so that Lissa can get in and heal Effie, then get the hell out of there. Effie will mop everything up for you after Ursula's death, as long as she is kept healthy vs the Axe armor.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Will 4⋆ Effie (35), femRobin (39), and Lissa (40), and 5⋆ Catria (40) do?

Might replace Catria with Sharena or Lilina or else.

I think the key thing is having someone who can deal with the ninjas one way or another. My Kagero could OHKO the bottom one. Tharja could survive the top one and deal enough damage for my low hp Kagero to finish him off. 

What I did was place Julia in range of Ursula and Kagero in range of bottom ninja. That way Ursula focuses you and the bottom ninja aswell. That way it's forgivning not OHKO Ursula since the ninja won't be healing her. 

Once the ninjas were taken care off the rest was kinda easy with a little bit of thinking. Ursula, Axe armorer and Sword cavalry were never an issue for me. The ninjas tho...

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Cecilia has advantage on colourless making her perfect for pulling the thiefs.
RobinF wrecks Ursala and deals good damage against the sword cav and the armour.
Olivia for dancing utility.
I used Robin!M as my last slot.

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