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"So... Who's Coming Tomorrow?" Prediction Thread


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Won't there be a day inbetween the end of the gauntlet and the next focus banner? Because I've spend 120 orbs on the Effie banner with no 5* pull. I would like to get one more full round in.

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12 minutes ago, Silith13 said:

Won't there be a day inbetween the end of the gauntlet and the next focus banner? Because I've spend 120 orbs on the Effie banner with no 5* pull. I would like to get one more full round in.

The current summon will end on the 14th at 7am (UK time, so whatever that equates to your time), so I think you should be okay since the gauntlet ends today  ^.^

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Geoffery and Lucia will be awesome. Whenever they come out.

I think, though, to keep the meta balanced, they NEED to release some green heroes.

The last focus didn't have any. So, there has to be at least one axe user or green tome user.

I think. Maybe. We'll see.

Good news is we should be raking in the orbs... for the time being at least. I'm finally back over 100, so I'm ready for this next one.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

The current summon will end on the 14th at 7am (UK time, so whatever that equates to your time), so I think you should be okay since the gauntlet ends today  ^.^

Pfew. Safe!

Now watch me STILL get no 5*.
And the next focus have a character I really want.

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1 minute ago, Silith13 said:

Pfew. Safe!

Now watch me STILL get no 5*.
And the next focus have a character I really want.

Don't do it! Effie isn't worth it! Just save your orbs!

That said, we should be getting a ton soon, plus the new paralogues.

Will there be another release special map for an additional 3?

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Just now, Silith13 said:

Pfew. Safe!

Now watch me STILL get no 5*.
And the next focus have a character I really want.

I had to buy four sets of summons to get a five star on my main account -.- But the five star was the one I most wanted from this pull, plus Marth and Jeorge followed him...

I might cry if the next one has Geoffrey, though, despite really wanting him xD

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I had to buy four sets of summons to get a five star on my main account -.- But the five star was the one I most wanted from this pull, plus Marth and Jeorge followed him...

I might cry if the next one has Geoffrey, though, despite really wanting him xD

Lol. Yeah, my first pull on my account, I got Lyn. I had no idea five stars were so rare until I actually got into the game more.

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Just now, dragonlordsd said:

Lol. Yeah, my first pull on my account, I got Lyn. I had no idea five stars were so rare until I actually got into the game more.

Oh, I've not been unlucky. I meant for this focus... although I was very unlucky in this focus. My first five star was on my second set of heroes, although, to be fair, it took several more summons to get any more. I see people with multiple five star pulls and am jealous, though lol But now I have Jeorge and Reinhardt, to go with Abel, Leo and Ryoma (not all five star), so I can play happy for a while :D (Although I'm still hoping Ephraim sees how hard I've been fighting for him and decides to join my growing army ^.^ )

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12 minutes ago, Heruseus said:

Most likely? Awakening characters. Hopes? Ike and Mist

I wouldn't say that Awakening characters the most likely, considering that the brand new ones we had didn't have any Awakening characters(or even Fates, fo that matter)

Anyway, my hopes would be Julius and Lyon, but,  since IS seems to want to continue the Sibling X, I think they'll go for perhaps people like Ethlyn x Sigurd or the remaining pegasus sisters of Elibe, considering that we only have Shanna and Florina regarding them.

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

I reckon they should finish the sibling theme with Ike and Mist... but since I really, really want Geoffrey and Lucia and I don't think they'll do a focus all on one game, I'll hope this theme continues a bit longer. 

I want them to also include other siblings so I can have Glen and Cormag ^.^''

Hmm... How about Ewan and Tethys? We can finally see how they handle a dancer than never had a sword... 

I do think Micaiah is likely due to Sanaki's inclusion...

I imagine they'll just give Tethys a sword like the other dancers.

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I just really hope for some more Tellius characters, I think Micaiah will be one since the last update hinted on it with Anna asking who Sanaki's sibling was. I also really want Ike and Mist, but I'm doubtful there would be 3 Tellius characters at once.

Hopefully they keep adding to the games that weren't well represented in the release since even FE4 only have 4 characters in the game so far. I don't think we'll see any Gaiden though until April when Echoes releases in Japan. Possibly a week or two before that release as advertisement though.

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I really want the "Choose your FE Heroes" poll results.  Knowing my luck, we'll probably end up with something like Yumina/Yubello instead. ;/

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1 minute ago, dragonlordsd said:

No. Don't jinx it!!!!

Double staff users... Nooooo....

I suspect Yubello's going to be a subpar mage instead of a staffbot.  Yumina should be better than Lachesis (but then again, so is mostly everyone).

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Probably Micaiah/Sothe, given Sanaki was a giant tease for Micaiah and Sothe probably would get in with her.

After that, maybe Leif/Nanna, since we had Thracia characters in this focus.

And if we go for six, perhaps Ninian and Sumia? Dunno what the theme would be, that's just my gut feeling for who would go with the first four.

I would like any of: Myrrh, Sain, Ninian, Ike, Mist, Leif, Nephenee, Mia, Joshua, Gatrie. Doubt I'll see most, or any, of these, but I can dream.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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5 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

I'm gonna bet nobody because the current Sibling Bonds run until March 14th.

Actually it runs until 2 am on March 14th.

it runs UNTIL March 14th, not THROUGH march 14th. Watch the fine print.

But, lol, you are right, could be nothing tomorrow.

still, I vaguely remember the current one releasing on a Monday.

(I was at GDC, so I might have the dates mixed up.)

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1 minute ago, dragonlordsd said:

Actually it runs until 2 am on March 14th.

it runs UNTIL March 14th, not THROUGH march 14th. Watch the fine print.

I did say it runs UNTIL March 14th.

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3 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

I did say it runs UNTIL March 14th.

Double checked, and the current one started on a Monday the day before the previous one expired.

I think (keyword: think) that's how it works.

but you could be right. There is no actual guarantee. I got the dates mixed up a bit. Sorry to jump at you.

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Hoping for the promise alternate skins.  More so to see what they would do with the character.  Like would it be reskin or new skill and weapon layout.  If not Hoping for Radiance characters.  Like Ike, Nephenne, Lucia, Jill, Petrine, and Lethe.

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40 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

Double checked, and the current one started on a Monday the day before the previous one expired.

I think (keyword: think) that's how it works.

but you could be right. There is no actual guarantee. I got the dates mixed up a bit. Sorry to jump at you.

To be precise:

The Prince and Princess focuses end in 8 hours.

The Sibling Bonds and Battling Ursula focuses end in 32 hours.

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1 minute ago, Jave said:

To be precise:

The Prince and Princess focuses end in 8 hours.

The Sibling Bonds and Battling Ursula focuses end in 32 hours.

This is correct.

And, reviewing all of our previous foci to date,

The game launched on Feb. 2, a Thursday, so:

Deep Devotion and Legendary Heroes: 2/2/17 2:00am (Thursday) - 2/15/17 at 1:59 am (Wednesday)

Family Bonds: 2/15/17 at 2:00am (Wednesday) - 2/27/17 at 1:59 am (Monday)

Grand Hero Robin: 2/23/17 at 2:00am (Thursday) - 2/27/17 at 1:59 am (Monday)

Sibling Bonds: 2/27/17 at 2:00am (Monday) - 3/14/17 at 2:59 am (Tuesday)

Princes and Princesses: 3/7/17 at 2:00am (Tuesday) - 3/13/17 at 2:59 am (Monday)

Grand Hero Ursula: 3/10/17 at 2:00am (Friday) - 3/14/17 at 2:59 am (Tuesday)

All of which means there is no set pattern, and @Levin's Scarf was probably totally right, and there's nothing coming tomorrow. Sigh. Disappointment.

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i thought by tomorrow we were referring to tomorrow night

there's definitely nothing tomorrow they wouldn't start a new one before the siblings one ends

2 hours ago, hunty said:

If they keep going with the siblings theme then maybe Ninian and Nils?

but god I hope they do this

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25 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

This is correct.

And, reviewing all of our previous foci to date,

The game launched on Feb. 2, a Thursday, so:

Deep Devotion and Legendary Heroes: 2/2/17 2:00am (Thursday) - 2/15/17 at 1:59 am (Wednesday)

Family Bonds: 2/15/17 at 2:00am (Wednesday) - 2/27/17 at 1:59 am (Monday)

Grand Hero Robin: 2/23/17 at 2:00am (Thursday) - 2/27/17 at 1:59 am (Monday)

Sibling Bonds: 2/27/17 at 2:00am (Monday) - 3/14/17 at 2:59 am (Tuesday)

Princes and Princesses: 3/7/17 at 2:00am (Tuesday) - 3/13/17 at 2:59 am (Monday)

Grand Hero Ursula: 3/10/17 at 2:00am (Friday) - 3/14/17 at 2:59 am (Tuesday)

All of which means there is no set pattern, and @Levin's Scarf was probably totally right, and there's nothing coming tomorrow. Sigh. Disappointment.

Hold up a sec.

Actually, if you notice, there has NEVER been a time when the available focuses have not shown a focus for "new" characters. Immediately after the first two focuses ended, we went into Family Bonds, and when that ended, Sibling Bonds immediately started. So that's quite a hint at there perhaps being a "new character" focus; let's not jump to conclusions, now.

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