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All Hail the Dancing Manakete: New Banner Revealed


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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Understandable. Ike's games are too hard to get legitimately these days. They're so expensive. This is a reason a lot of fans have been asking for them to get re-released. IS could be hesitant because they sold poorly before, but come on, the FE fanbase has grown a LOT since then and Ike has grown very popular. They'll assuredly sell much better this time.

Well, thanks to the Echoes game, maybe it will be. On Switch, maybe ? We'll see.


Just now, Vaximillian said:

Emulating is a way though. Not your fault the dilogia is so arm-and-leg expensive.

Yeah... But I don't know if my computer can run it. Maybe I have to try...

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Isn't Elibe more popular in the west though, because of it being the first FE game for a lot of fans? I feel like they're catering more to them than Japan right now.

Also, I'm tired of not being able to summon. I've been waiting weeks and weeks to summon again, but I don't want to pull from any of these banners. I did try for Ephraim one more time when he had a second focus, but I still didn't get him (even with 3 blue orbs on the fricking summon).

4 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

Telling myself not to summon is a tough cookie. Hopefully arena and feather can carry me for now. Next batch gonna be Karla, harken, Isadora, old bartre, Marcus and Nils. Then I am gonna slap them.

God, I hope not. Even if I do kinda like Harken.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Ryuke said:

Telling myself not to summon is a tough cookie. Hopefully arena and feather can carry me for now. Next batch gonna be Karla, harken, Isadora, old bartre, Marcus and Nils. Then I am gonna slap them.

We already have Young Tiki and Old Tiki, why not Young Bartre and Old Bartre lol

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4 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

Next batch gonna be Karla, harken, Isadora, old bartre, Marcus and Nils. Then I am gonna slap them.

My body will be ready in no time!

1 minute ago, Ledrert said:

Yeah... But I don't know if my computer can run it. Maybe I have to try...

Do give it a try. I'm in the progress of a Path of Radiance playthrough now and it works fine for me on Dolphin.

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1 minute ago, Hardy said:

We already have Young Tiki and Old Tiki, why not Young Bartre and Old Bartre lol

I'd be totally down for Marcus and Old Marcus...though Old Marcus is pretty bad.  He must have used up all his energy soloing HHM...:D:

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Just now, Hardy said:

We already have Young Tiki and Old Tiki, why not Young Bartre and Old Bartre lol

Selena/severa. Owain/Odin. Ugh.

There's gonna be 2 Selena and my money is on the fluorspar.

2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Isn't Elibe more popular in the west though, because of it being the first FE game for a lot of fans? I feel like they're catering more to them than Japan right now.

Also, I'm tired of not being to summon. I've been waiting weeks and weeks to summon again, but I don't want to pull from any of these banners. I did try for Ephraim one more time when he had a second focus, but I still didn't get him (even with 3 blue orbs on the fricking summon).

God, I hope not. Even if I do kinda like Harken.

I do like some of them. I would say awakening is now.. but elite is the setting stone (srsly probably only me. I find magvel more popular than elibe now.. cause elibe fan are realizing how crappy the story is ...I like some of the characters.. story.. not so much..How can they go from jugval to this..)


I also agree. Fe2 chars are a waste until SoV. Jugval is probably getting remake next if they are doing the Pokemon style. Then ugh elibe?

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4 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

I do like some of them. I would say awakening is now.. but elite is the setting stone (srsly probably only me. I find magvel more popular than elibe now.. cause elibe fan are realizing how crappy the story is ...I like some of the characters.. story.. not so much..How can they go from jugval to this..)

Yeah, Elibe's story is pretty bad, I agree. It's generic and not interesting (the good guys stopping a power-hungry idiot from getting more power, woop dee doo). Ninian being killed and then revived is stupid too. How can people criticize Emmeryn in Awakening and give Ninian a pass here? I feel like she was only brought back so she could marry Eliwood. And people still love her.

That being said, it's not as bad as the rushed, stupid, and hole-filled mess that's Awakening's story. I never really liked time-travel stuff either. If I had to choose between Elibe banners and Awakening ones, I'd pick Elibe. So it could be worse, really.

Edited by Anacybele
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@Anacybele: Give it more time. The game is barely a month old. FE has a lot of characters. 

Anyway, I hope Ninian mentions Roy in one of her conversations. 


@Ryuke: I'd say a proper remake of Mystery of the Emblem would come first. Westerners never got that game nor the DS remake and Japan LOVES Mystery of the Emblem. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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Just now, Lord-Zero said:

@Anacybele: Give it more time. The game is barely a month old. FE has a lot of characters.

...I already responded to a post like this. I don't want people telling me the same thing over and over, thanks. And the game is about a month and a half old. That's too long, imo. I've been waiting weeks for a banner to summon from again and I'm still not getting one. I have a right to feel disappointed and impatient.

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43 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, not everyone likes Elibe. Why not cater to some other fans for a change? I'm sick of Elibe. Elibe bores me.

Also, Ike is popular because he's different from other lords by not being a noble or royal, not having crazy ancestry, and having humble beginnings and then rising to a high position to lead an army to victory. There's also some people that love him in Smash.

So, there is a difference between being annoyed and commenting with a lack of tact towards those people who actually like the focus.

"Characters I like are more important for these reasons. Why are they not catering to me? IS no baka." essentially summarizes your comment.

You really tend to throw a lot of salt around the forums with FE heroes. Chill. It's a mobile game. Even more so it's a gacha game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

I'm going to roll specifically for whatever colour Ninian is. Hope I can get her before the focus ends,  unlike Eirika, who still hasn't shown up yet.

You and me friendo.

56 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Wonder if they'll butcher her seiyuu...

Please no.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...I already responded to a post like this. I don't want people telling me the same thing over and over, thanks. And the game is about a month and a half old. That's too long, imo. I've been waiting weeks for a banner to summon from again and I'm still not getting one. I have a right to feel disappointed and impatient.

And they have a right not to release him until they decide to. Complaining is futile. Especially complaining in an impolite way.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

So, there is a difference between being annoyed and commenting with a lack of tact towards those people who actually like the focus.

"Characters I like are more important for these reasons. Why are they not catering to me? IS no baka." essentially summarizes your comment.

That is not what I said at all. Don't twist my words. I speak for all Tellius and Magvel fans, not just myself. I'm not a selfish bitch.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I speak for all Tellius and Magvel fans, not just myself. I'm not a selfish bitch.

You only speak for yourself though. As do I for myself and nobody else.
I don't think you were chosen as a representative of the whole fandom.

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@Anacybele: At least Ike and Tellius stuff are more likely to show up way before #FE stuff on FEH. 


I still want a Paralogue where Veronica tries to become an idol and Xander uses Siegfried as a giant glowstick, becoming her #1 fan. 

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You only speak for yourself though. As do I for myself and nobody else.
I don't think you were chosen as a representative of the whole fandom.

So if I speak for myself, I'm selfish, but if I try to not be selfish and include other fans as well, I get a comment like this? What the hell am I supposed to say without getting complaints or bashed then? People are allowed to voice their disappointment, whether they speak for themselves or others. So long as they're not being completely rude about it. I'm not bashing Elibe fans, I'm simply saying I'm tired of Elibe, some other fans should be catered to for a change (NOT just myself), and feel Tellius and Magvel should've gotten more characters next since they still number a lot fewer right now. Even fewer than Jugdral, in fact (Jugdral has 4, Tellius and Magvel combined have 3). That's all.

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58 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Wonder if they'll butcher her seiyuu...


Shizukana odoriko (The quiet Dancer)


Unmei no KO (Child of Destiny)


Hyouryuu (Ice Dragon)

Those titles are pretty clear what kind of female voice they're going for.

A Nadeshiko Yamato type voice for the role.

Ice dragon doesn't exactly scream "fires of passion", etc.

Her role and style of dialogue in the final chapter of FE7 pretty much described years ago what kind of voice she has.

I think they'll do well.

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21 minutes ago, Eselred said:

One would hope that with the massive popularity of IKE in the polls that maybe IS would get the hint and do a proper 9 and 10 re-release, but I wouldn't hold my breath...

If they do rerelease. It will only be a remaster. (And if it's a remake. It's gonna have waifu system. And the avatar better be good for me to pair Lucia since no one is good enough for her. Also want to recruit zelgius playable. Cause zelgius is what made me enjoy Rd even more)

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They really, really need to slow down on characters that I actually care about because at this rate, my wallet is not going to last.


1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

I still want a Paralogue where Veronica tries to become an idol and Xander uses Siegfried as a giant glowstick, becoming her #1 fan. 


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2 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

If they do rerelease. It will only be a remaster. (And if it's a remake. It's gonna have waifu system. And the avatar better be good for me to pair Lucia since no one is good enough for her. Also want to recruit zelgius playable. Cause zelgius is what made me enjoy Rd even more)

Uh, SoV doesn't have "waifu system"...

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I'm glad I saved my orbs after getting Eldigan last focus, because now I can use them trying to get Ninian! Truly my foresight is 20/20.

4 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I still want a Paralogue where Veronica tries to become an idol and Xander uses Siegfried as a giant glowstick, becoming her #1 fan. 

You'll have to wait until Tokyo Mirage Sessions gets representation before that happens.

Edited by Lightchao42
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

So if I speak for myself, I'm selfish, but if I try to not be selfish and include other fans as well, I get a comment like this? What the hell am I supposed to say without getting complaints or bashed then? People are allowed to voice their disappointment, whether they speak for themselves or others. So long as they're not being completely rude about it. I'm not bashing Elibe fans, I'm simply saying I'm tired of Elibe, some other fans should be catered to for a change (NOT just myself), and feel Tellius and Magvel should've gotten more characters next since they still number a lot fewer right now. That's all.

By calming down.

The way you voice disappointment is pretty much indirectly insulting others. You are prioritizing your own likes over other fans.

There are other people in this thread waiting for Ike. Including me. You trying to represent us makes me embarrassed to like Ike.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

The way you voice disappointment is pretty much indirectly insulting others. You are prioritizing your own likes over other fans.

lol no. I don't know where at all you would get such an idea. I never referred to Elibe fans or anyone at all, no even indirectly.


You trying to represent us makes me embarrassed to like Ike.

Then be embarrassed. I don't really care. I've met people who tell me they grew fond of Ike thanks to me. Your view of me makes no difference.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So if I speak for myself, I'm selfish, but if I try to not be selfish and include other fans as well, I get a comment like this? What the hell am I supposed to say without getting complaints or bashed then? People are allowed to voice their disappointment, whether they speak for themselves or others. So long as they're not being completely rude about it. I'm not bashing Elibe fans, I'm simply saying I'm tired of Elibe, some other fans should be catered to for a change (NOT just myself), and feel Tellius and Magvel should've gotten more characters next since they still number a lot fewer right now. That's all.

To be honest it does kind of feel like you borderline bash Elibe every other line. Don't get me wrong, it is completely valid to be upset that your favorite characters haven't appeared yet. I get that, I can honestly see that it's rather frustrating from your point of view. Ike being #1 on the polls is more than enough reason for at least his standard version to appear. But you go out of your way to repeatedly mention how Elibe has a bad story or that Ninian is just there as Eliwood's wife even though she had a whole plot revolving around her (She doesn't need to be an awesome combat unit to have a compelling story). I don't know if that's defined as bashing, but it does come off as rather rude to fans of the series. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it too much if Ike was stereotyped as a bland muscle-figure protagonist despite everything he does in his game. So just chill, I think it's fine it's fine to complain about why Ike isn't here yet but being passive-aggressive or bashing other games isn't the way to go about it, especially since no one here has any actual control over who shows up.

Edited by Ryu Yuki
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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


They really, really need to slow down on characters that I actually care about because at this rate, my wallet is not going to last.


I'm assuming you were the original Ice Dragon before Serenes.

And therefore supercede me before my waifu lord reputation with Ninian.


I have Belinda and two pets to take care of. I don't have as much disposable income compared to you even though I'm in the same field as you.

I'm scared my 132 orbs won't be enough.


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