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Metal Arc is No Longer a Mod


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After reading most of what's been said in both topics, I have much to say, but no need to say anything.

Better to at least get it out in the open. It doesn't do anyone any good if you keep it to yourself. Even if it's useless to most. Silence and indifference kills more than doing something.

Edit: If that all makes sense...

Edited by Lloyd Irving
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I actually do mind who becomes a moderator. I honestly wouldn't like it if a member who is just popular around here gets chosen. Well, unless that person actually knows what his/her duties are, how to deal with problems on the forums, when to actually moderate something, and has some actual knowledge about how a big, highly popular forum should be run.

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And no, we should not have an election. That would just be a popularity contest, without looking at a person's abilities and traits, which are much more important than popularity.

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I actually do mind who becomes a moderator. I honestly wouldn't like it if a member who is just popular around here gets chosen. Well, unless that person actually knows what his/her duties are, how to deal with problems on the forums, when to actually moderate something, and has some actual knowledge about how a big, highly popular forum should be run.

Simply report them, and they will be removed if they are violating their job guidelines.

Plain and simple.

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Simply report them, and they will be removed if they are violating their job guidelines.

Plain and simple.

It's not that easy. I could say that Hanz isn't doing his job because he's never on. While Jyosua can say: "He's on. He's just invisible." I have no clue whether that's true, or whether he's bullshitting me for whatever reason.

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Simply report them, and they will be removed if they are violating their job guidelines.

Plain and simple.

I personally think it would be better to just hire a good moderator at once, instead of seeing whether someone else who might not be the right person is capable of moderating such a big forum as this.

But I suppose we have different views on this matter.

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It's not that easy. I could say that Hanz isn't doing his job because he's never on. While Jyosua can say: "He's on. He's just invisible." I have no clue whether that's true, or whether he's bullshitting me for whatever reason.

Not the same, as his guidelines never specify how much he has to be on.

I am talking about an obvious violation.

And obviously, it goes without saying Jyosua will pick someone well suited, so I don't see how we have to worry about that Tino.

Edited by Cynthia
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Not the same, as his guidelines never specify how much he has to be on.

I am talking about an obvious violation.

And obviously, it goes without saying Jyosua will pick someone well suited, so I don't see how we have to worry about that Tino.

He has to be somewhat active. Why should Hanz be a mod, when there are others just as qualified to be one, and are on more often? I have nothing personal against Hanz, and I think he does a good job, he's just never on. OR maybe he IS on, but he does nothing but lurk most of the time and posts a few times for a few days once every month then leaves again.

I have no doubt that Jyo will pick someone good. There's plenty of people who can do a good job as mod. Not to blow my own horn, but I think I would do a good job myself. But there are a bunch of people just as qualified as me.

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He has to be somewhat active. Why should Hanz be a mod, when there are others just as qualified to be one, and are on more often? I have nothing personal against Hanz, and I think he does a good job, he's just never on.

I think Hanz is doing a good job. The admins would have done something by now if Hanz was not on SF often.

Edited by Luxord
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He has to be somewhat active. Why should Hanz be a mod, when there are others just as qualified to be one, and are on more often? I have nothing personal against Hanz, and I think he does a good job, he's just never on. OR maybe he IS on, but he does nothing but lurk most of the time and posts a few times for a few days once every month then leaves again.

I have no doubt that Jyo will pick someone good. There's plenty of people who can do a good job as mod. Not to blow my own horn, but I think I would do a good job myself. But there are a bunch of people just as qualified as me.

I see Hanz on a decent amount, plus sometimes someone who never says anything is the most unbiased one.

Not to mention mods don't need to give up their LIFE to be a mod. As long as they log on everyday, which I see Hanz do, unless he has something really important, then I don't see why they need to spend hours on end here. I mean the report system sends them any questionable posts, and matters they need to look at, so if the members do their part and report, a mod only has to log on about 5-10 minutes a few times a day.

Don't forget the MEMBERS are part of the moderation system, as without them there is nothing to moderate, and they are the ones who point incidents out for the mods.

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I think Hanz is doing a good job. The admins would have done something by now if Hanz was not on SF often.
You don't have to be as active as some "hardcore" members are to be a capable moderator.

I know. And I agree. But it's more fair to those people. And with the forum being this big now, we need moderators that are relatively active.

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I know. And I agree. But it's more fair to those people. And with the forum being this big now, we need moderators that are relatively active.

There are two other moderators and two administrators as well.

Whether it's fair or not has no relevance to this at all. Moderators should be chosen by measuring their abilities, not by when they joined or how many posts they have or how long they are logged on every day.

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Is that satisfactory? I'm sure I can think of more.

Don't flatter yourself :lol:

Just kidding

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