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Grand Hero Battle: Navarre


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4* Lilina
4* Olivia
4* Kagero
4* Abel

That's what I used in the end.

Draug was so bad I even didn't promote him with the arena feathers as I was planning to. Lilina got that promotion now.

Edited by Silith13
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Just beat it with a team of Tharja / Ninian / Klein / Lucina on my first attempt.

I ran the numbers a while back but Navarre had a lot more HP than I was expecting. Then again, I also expected the cleric to have a strong healing skill like Recover and Rehabilitate over, well, Physic.


Tharja moves into the forest with Ninian's Dance and ORKO's the hammer fighter. The rogue dagger tickles her on enemy phase while Navarre and silver dagger move down. Klein ORKO's the silver and moves behind Ninian after she dances for him, taking 11x2 from Navarre on enemy phase and countering for 19. Tharja eats another hit and procs Vengeance on the rogue dagger. Next turn, Klein finishes off Navarre while Tharja finishes off the rogue dagger. That just leaves the cleric.

Klein MVP.


Is it just me or are these maps getting easier?


Edited by MrSmokestack
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Pretty easy map. Did the lunatic on second try with Cordelia, Eirika, Klein and Julia. Used Julia to bait right-ninja (which, to be honest, many other ranged unit would have been better fit to do), then pretty much retreated and killed everyone else at leisure with Klein and Cordelia, and Eirika as support/Pivot for protection/finishing blow.

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6 minutes ago, Ewwgene said:

Would you waste feathers on Navarre?

Nope. Not ever. His stats at level 40 5* are 42/42/37/23/24. Underwhelming all around. He's basically budget Lyn without a 16mt prf weapon, and requires inheritance to be competitively viable. If you want to feather a red grand hero, I'd save my feathers for Zephiel or Xander who are up next.

Edited by Korath88
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Alright so I'll still post up my strategy, but I'm not sure how generally applicable it is since Triangle Adept Robin and Swap on Ryoma were both key parts of my strategy, which I imagine not everyone has. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have it up anyways though. 

EDIT: Turns out Swap was unnecessary bc of the enemy hammer AI prioritizing healing Navarre over taking Ryoma's bait, which makes this slightly more universally applicable. 


So I used a team of Ninian, M!Robin, Ryoma, and Effie. All calcs assume Lunatic mode. 

Ninian is interchangeable with any dancer (she doesn't see combat, so stats are irrelevant). 

M!Robin is interchangeable with any -raven tome user that takes 0 damage from the ninjas.

  • The ninja that attacks him first has an attack of 35. With Triangle Adept 3, a raven tome user would need at least 21 def to take 0 damage (28 def without Triangle Adept).
  • If you happened to pull a Kagero from the Battling Navarre banner (and have Poison Dagger+ and Shurikenbreaker equipped) then you would need an attack of at least 28 to ORKO the first ninja (since he has Armored Blow) and 24 for the second ninja, which Kagero can easily achieve long before level 40. Alternatively, you can outright OHKO the ninjas with at least 39 attack, which neutral Kagero can have by level 40. 

Ryoma is interchangeable with any red sword that can ORKO the green hammer (will add relevant calcs in an edit). 

  • The hammer has 52 HP, 30 def, and 31 spd, so the sword user would need to deal 26 x 2 damage to ORKO. This is possible with at least 47 attack (or 40 attack with Triangle Adept 3) and 36 speed. 

I'm unsure if Effie is interchangeable with another blue lancer to take on Navarre or not because the AI of the second ninja may have targeted her instead of Robin if she were an infantry unit. Will do more testing later.

With all that out of the way, here's my strategy:


This is the setup my team started in. 



On the first turn, I move Robin right 1 (to bait the enemy ninja), Effie up 1, Ryoma right 2, and Ninian down/right 1. 



This is after the first round of combat. Robin was able to shrug off the ninja with Triangle Adept, and Effie is now in position to bait Navarre. 



I used dance from Ninian to help Robin finish off the ninja then moved Ryoma into range of the hammer. 



Ninja goes for Robin, Navarre goes for Effie, and hammer opts to heal Navarre instead of going for Ryoma (in hindsight, Swap is irrelevant on Ryoma since if I knew the AI hammer would do this, I'd have just positioned him two squares behind Effie instead of in the forest to bait the hammer. On the following turn, I could have moved Effie down 1 and Ryoma up 2 to finish off Navarre and bait the hammer.)



Robin finishes off the ninja, Effie finishes off Navarre, and Ryoma uses Swap to trade with Effie.



Hammer suicides on Navarre, then Robin is able to finish off the healer. 


I understand my team was fairly specific, so I'll be crunching numbers throughout the day to try and help other people with different teams beat Navarre. Hopefully at least one person found this helpful though. 

EDIT: Added calcs for people using Kagero over Robin. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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1 hour ago, Silith13 said:

4* Lilina
4* Olivia
4* Kagero
4* Abel

That's what I used in the end.

Draug was so bad I even didn't promote him with the arena feathers as I was planning to. Lilina got that promotion now.

I'm sorry your homeboy couldn't pull out the win :(

But I did mine with:

Lyn (+Hp was important)

M Robin (swordbreaker 2 and t-adept



I will post my exact turns later cause I have drugs stuff to do

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I wanted to use Setsuna...But the dagger user had bow breaker. FINE. I'll bring out the big guns. M!Robin let's go!

Used 5* M!Robin, 4*Sully, 5*Roy, 4*Olivia. No skill inheritance. 


Turn 1: Robin walks into the trees, Olivia dances him so that he is one tile up of the mountain. He basically baits the right dagger

Navarre and left dagger have started to move down. M!Robin has successfully stalled the healer, axe, and right dagger. 

Turn 2: Use Sully, Olivia, and Roy to take out the dagger. Since Sully was 4* I couldn't take out Navarre this turn. But that's okay. Robin attacks the dagger.

Navarre attacks Roy. The remaining dagger still tries to take down Robin. The axe and healer continue the fruitless endeavor of healing the dagger.

Turn 3: Sully murders Navarre. Robin finally takes out the dagger. Roy starts moving towards the axe with Olivia trailing behind

Axe starts moving towards Sully.

Turn 4: Roy takes out axe with Olivia's dance. 

Take out the healer at your leisure.



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I beat it with Leo, Abel, Ninian, and Nino.  I mostly used Nino for Draw Back and Ninian for Dancing.  Hit and run tactics work very well here.

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Sorry guys, but Lunatic is impossible to beat. I don't know why IS made it this way, but they did, probably by accident. Not even male Robin with T-Adept and Swordbreaker doubles Navarre for some reason, and there's a green axe guy that will do a lot of damage to him regardless. Not to mention all the healing these enemies can do for themselves and one another...

I've tried a few times to find a strategy, looking at the skills and stats and stuff, but there is none that won't get someone killed. We can only win the hard version, sadly.

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I used 5* Marth, m!Robin, and Sharena as well as a slightly underleveled 4* Olivia and did fine on Lunatic. Got a bit worried about the lack of a healer as my team's HP started getting low but then I managed to actually start finishing off the enemies and things got a lot more manageable.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sorry guys, but Lunatic is impossible to beat. I don't know why IS made it this way, but they did, probably by accident. Not even male Robin with T-Adept and Swordbreaker doubles Navarre for some reason, and there's a green axe guy that will do a lot of damage to him regardless. Not to mention all the healing these enemies can do for themselves and one another...

I've tried a few times to find a strategy, looking at the skills and stats and stuff, but there is none that won't get someone killed. We can only win the hard version, sadly.

I think M!Robin works best against the thieves since he takes hardly any damage from them. Did you try using a lance user like Abel or Sully for Navarre?

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7 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I think M!Robin works best against the thieves since he takes hardly any damage from them. Did you try using a lance user like Abel or Sully for Navarre?

No, of course not. Male Robin with Swordbreaker is more deadly against swords than your standard blue unit. Abel is not leveled enough and I don't have Sully (I used to, but she's where my Robin got his Swordbreaker from).

I can't have Robin bait the thieves, because he'd be at mercy of the green guy and with T-Adept he takes more damage from him, I tried using Marth for that instead, but the green guy didn't take the bait, one of the thieves attacked him instead, and later Robin took too much damage from the other to double Navarre with Swordbreaker. If I have Robin try to bait the thieves instead, the axe wielder will probably go after him instead of staying behind the thief because that's how the AI works.

7 minutes ago, Silith13 said:

Swordbreaker only works if you are above 50% health!

That's only Swordbreaker 3. My Robin has Swordbreaker 2 because I don't have anyone that can give him the third one. I believe this one only works above 70% health.

It's like I said, IS accidentally made Lunatic impossible to actually complete without losing anyone.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, of course not. Male Robin with Swordbreaker is more deadly against swords than your standard blue unit. Abel is not leveled enough and I don't have Sully (I used to, but she's where my Robin got his Swordbreaker from).

I can't have Robin bait the thieves, because he'd be at mercy of the green guy and with T-Adept he takes more damage from him, I tried using Marth for that instead, but the green guy didn't take the bait, one of the thieves attacked him instead, and later Robin took too much damage from the other to double Navarre with Swordbreaker. If I have Robin try to bait the thieves instead, the axe wielder will probably go after him instead of staying behind the thief because that's how the AI works.

That's only Swordbreaker 3. My Robin has Swordbreaker 2 because I don't have anyone that can give him the third one. I believe this one only works above 70% health.

It's like I said, IS accidentally made Lunatic impossible to actually complete without losing anyone.

Do you still have any of your dancers? They're often crucial to these things, I find.

Also, you have four days. It's not impossible to power level Abel to a usable level :)

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Do you still have any of your dancers? They're often crucial to these things, I find.

Also, you have four days. It's not impossible to power level Abel to a usable level :)

I only ever had one dancer and yes, I still have Olivia, but she's weak and just gets killed. She's at lv. 36 4 star and her HP and defenses are still bad. I find that a dancer or healer is too risky here with the thieves being ranged attackers, meaning they're not safe even behind your lines.

Don't need Abel when I have Sharena or Bunny Xander. I'll use them if I want a great lancer.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, of course not. Male Robin with Swordbreaker is more deadly against swords than your standard blue unit. Abel is not leveled enough and I don't have Sully (I used to, but she's where my Robin got his Swordbreaker from).

I can't have Robin bait the thieves, because he'd be at mercy of the green guy and with T-Adept he takes more damage from him, I tried using Marth for that instead, but the green guy didn't take the bait, one of the thieves attacked him instead, and later Robin took too much damage from the other to double Navarre with Swordbreaker. If I have Robin try to bait the thieves instead, the axe wielder will probably go after him instead of staying behind the thief because that's how the AI works.

That's only Swordbreaker 3. My Robin has Swordbreaker 2 because I don't have anyone that can give him the third one. I believe this one only works above 70% health.

You can have Robin bait the first thief without putting him in range of the green guy. Also, after a round of combat with a thief you will have bonfire charged, which should let you kill Navarre. With a bit of luck the green guy might even stay behind to heal the thief with ardent sacrefice.

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Just now, Bartozio said:

You can have Robin bait the first thief without putting him in range of the green guy. Also, after a round of combat with a thief you will have bonfire charged, which should let you kill Navarre. With a bit of luck the green guy might even stay behind to heal the thief with ardent sacrefice.

Robin isn't within range to strike Navarre at that point. That's exactly what I tried to do.

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O_O Ok this grand battle was way easier then I anticipated. Using a team of LV40 5* Robin M, Cherche, Lucina, and LV40 3* Olivia.(none of them had inherited skills_. I steam rolled on Hard Map first try.  Then two tries on Lunatic and that was more because was scouting things with the enemy damage.  Where Cherche got kill after the one thief used his special and the green axe man did double attack. Overall this one just felt easier. The forest wasn't too difficult an obstacle to work around and with Olivia to help move people/double attack made this a breeze.

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So, I'm having a bit of trouble with Lunatic Navarre.

The only units I have that I would seriously consider using are Reinhardt (5-Star Level 40+1 (+1 HP&ATK), +ATK/-RES, has Death Blow: I think he can one-round Navarre, but he can't survive being attacked by the daggers (although he could finish them if they had been even slightly weakened), so I need someone else for those), Male Robin (4-Star, +DEF/-RES, has Triangle Adept 2 & Swordbreaker 1: He should be able to handle the ninjas, and Navarre if I need him to, but he probably won't survive if the healer or Hammerman set their sights on him), Stahl (4-Star Level 36, +HP/-RES, has Hone Cavalry: I feel like I would need him if I ran Reinhardt, and he can probably beat Hammerman, but I don't like his odds against anyone else, and I know that top dagger and Navarre kill him if they attack him together), Effie (4-Star Level 31, +HP/-ATK: Can probably handle Navarre, and should be kept far away from Hammerman, beyond that I dunno), Ninian (5-Star Level 40, +ATK/-HP: Dancer should be useful, and she could maybe handle Navarre if the top ninja wasn't around), Roy (5-Star Level 40, +RES/-ATK, has Threaten ATK 3: He could perhaps take on Hammerman, though I'm not sure he could do much else), and Lyn (5-Star Level 39, +SPD/-RES: Could take on Hammerman, might be able to fight the thieves and healers when she hits half health), Catria (5-Star Level 40, +ATK/-DEF: I dunno about her, but she could maybe take out Navarre?), Sakura (5-Star Level 40, +HP/-DEF, has Rehabilitate & Heavenly Light: Healer), Setsuna (4-Star Level 36, dunno Boon/Bane: Has Daggerbreaker built into her weapon, but might be too weak to do significant damage) and Jaffar (5-Star Level 40, +HP/-RES, has Moonbow & Escape Route 1: Very strong, very frail; dunno who he could take on, but he has Escape Route if he needs to run away).

Can these units be made into a team that can handle Lunatic?

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