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Voting Gauntlet: Pegasus Knights vs. Wyvern Riders


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24 minutes ago, BestFriendJ0 said:

moving Nino back doesn't help, and this makes everything go faster, events happen in order -> Nino moves Gwendy up using draw back, -> Gwendy then swaps with Nino to achieve a move space of 2 on an armored unit. 


Also I think there's been a small clerical error


I agree, someone call reggie!

Less than 4 hours left :O

Hopefully I'll still have my top 1k rank

335,500 gets me up to 758

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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

When does the arena open back up? One of my accounts didn't get those flags and I didn't think about how it was going to end like right now -.-

Probably next game reset. Like 3 am or something depending on where you live

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55 minutes ago, Lushen said:

When does the arena open back up? One of my accounts didn't get those flags and I didn't think about how it was going to end like right now -.-

At the end of the Fire Emblem day. So, basically, the moment the tournament ends. In other words, you're the proverbial Ditto in Pokemon daycare...


Aka, f***ed.


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11 minutes ago, Astellius said:

At the end of the Fire Emblem day. So, basically, the moment the tournament ends. In other words, you're the proverbial Ditto in Pokemon daycare...

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Aka, f***ed.


Heh that moment you realize you left your bagon in the daycare and when you go back it's level 65.

Camilla passed 25 billion btw. Literally disgusting 

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Cormag has nothing against Travant, Altena, or Arion.


I really want enough Jugrdal heroes to make a (ten) gauntlet(s)

I want the magefighter class to make a comeback 

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8 minutes ago, BestFriendJ0 said:


I really want enough Jugrdal heroes to make a (ten) gauntlet(s)

I want the magefighter class to make a comeback 

gib jugdral nao

Who makes war mages use swords, anyway?

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3 hours ago, Lushen said:

When does the arena open back up? One of my accounts didn't get those flags and I didn't think about how it was going to end like right now -.-

I'm sorry. As far as the system goes. When it's gone, it's gone. One of the disadvantages of using multiple accounts, I guess!

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After one battle, I used my last 200 flags. Jumped from 55,000 to 24,000 for my overall rank.
How? I didn't expect to be this high up.

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Hm. Even though I wasn't able to play much today, I'm somehow still ranked 5,942 on Team Minerva and 32,162 overall. I'm not complaining, I'm glad to be getting 4,300 feathers for burning most of my flags on the final round (after burning all of the first-round flags on Team Hinoka), I'm just surprised I'm still doing decently after not really getting a chance to play today.
I was kinda hoping the final round wouldn't be quite as one-sided again at the end... and, well, it wasn't. It ended up being even more one-sided than last time. I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be the case, but ah well.

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Last match done by slaughtering everyone with a festive Lucina from a stranger, sitting around the 11k rank for Minerva, and 33k rank cumulatively while being playing little. It isn't that bad at all.

I would get around 2600 + 2200 + 2300 + 1600 = 8700 feathers total. Quite the good loot in total for one who plays casually, I'd say :)

I almost always had Sharena. Seems like I don't have that many friends in Minerva's side XD

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My feather earnings from this gauntlet:

Round 1 (Cordelia): 2500 (top 1K army rank) + 500 (army victory) = 3000

Round 2 (Cordelia): 1700 (top 10K army rank)

Final Round (Camilla): 1600 (top 70K army rank) + 1800 (top 30K cumulative) + 500 (army victory) = 3900

Total: 8600 feathers

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My final ratings...

Army: 412, Total: 368

I... may have slightly overestimated how much effort it would take to get a good ranking. I can't complain about the feather rewards, but it got a bit tiring to check in as often as I could while awake. Maybe I can relax a bit more next time.

Or maybe I'll do it again. 7,000 feathers is nothing to sneeze at.

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Well, I ranked about 13,508 for Minerva and 21,575 total. Considering that I didn't rank at all last time, I'd take this as a victory. Also, Tsubaki got me my first batch of victory feathers ever, lol.

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