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Voting Gauntlet: Pegasus Knights vs. Wyvern Riders


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How many flags did you have saved up, jeez! I'm all out of flags now.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Wow.  The matchmaking in the Gauntlet seems even worse than that in the Arena.  I just had a level 35 M Corrin, 36 Ogma, and 16 Bartre vs an opponent's level 40 Ninian, level 40 Kagero, and level 18 Takumi.  -_-;;

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Now looking at the numbers, and that something similar happened with Lucina, it make me think how it will be if after 8 Gautlets, we have the 8 winners fight each other. Like, between Lucina and Camilla (since she is going to win), who will be the winner.

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5 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

Now looking at the numbers, and that something similar happened with Lucina, it make me think how it will be if after 8 Gautlets, we have the 8 winners fight each other. Like, between Lucina and Camilla (since she is going to win), who will be the winner.

It's hard to say. Comparing their scores is not quite a fair trade since there are more flags this go around and less popular contenders. Lucina had stiffer competition even if it did not amount to much.

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With the amount of points generated (Camilla has 15B points currently at the final round alone), one would think that we'd be getting a lot more rewards than the stuff already promised for collective 10B points.

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8 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

With the amount of points generated (Camilla has 15B points currently at the final round alone), one would think that we'd be getting a lot more rewards than the stuff already promised for collective 10B points.


Well now that you jinxed it we're never going to find out 

Its only the second gauntlet, and it's the first time they're testing out this new flag system.

But if they do increase the reward, I'm bungee jumping off a cliff 




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Just now, Anacybele said:

Oh, there is? I hadn't known that.

In the previous gauntlet, you can only do the flag quests once. This time, the flag quests reset at the start of each new round, allowing you to do them up to 3 times total.

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1 hour ago, JJ48 said:

Wow.  The matchmaking in the Gauntlet seems even worse than that in the Arena.  I just had a level 35 M Corrin, 36 Ogma, and 16 Bartre vs an opponent's level 40 Ninian, level 40 Kagero, and level 18 Takumi.  -_-;;

Seems legit actually. Low stat totals get matched with high stat totals. It's definitely more wonky depending on your friend's list though.

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1 minute ago, Roflolxp54 said:

In the previous gauntlet, you can only do the flag quests once. This time, the flag quests reset at the start of each new round, allowing you to do them up to 3 times total.

Oh wow, I seriously hadn't noticed that.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Seems legit actually. Low stat totals get matched with high stat totals. It's definitely more wonky depending on your friend's list though.

Well, it was all the more frustrating because it was on the map that consists of a single hallway across the middle, with Kagero in the upper passage able to one-shot all three of my guys before they could even make it far enough to strike once.

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1 minute ago, JJ48 said:

Well, it was all the more frustrating because it was on the map that consists of a single hallway across the middle, with Kagero in the upper passage able to one-shot all three of my guys before they could even make it far enough to strike once.

Got a spare M Robin?

Otherwise just do the cheese strat and use a level one unit 

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Got a spare M Robin?

Otherwise just do the cheese strat and use a level one unit 

Well, I just tried again with a level 6 Spring Lucina.  I'm facing a level 1 M Robin, 5 Anna, and 11 Anna.  My allies are a 5+ M Robin and a 5-star, 40+ Lilina.  I guess it's good to see that it's randomly ludicrous and not just biased against me.

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Just now, JJ48 said:

Well, I just tried again with a level 6 Spring Lucina.  I'm facing a level 1 M Robin, 5 Anna, and 11 Anna.  My allies are a 5+ M Robin and a 5-star, 40+ Lilina.  I guess it's good to see that it's randomly ludicrous and not just biased against me.

That's the spirit!

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257,250 points at rank 1,286. I still have two of the arena quests left but I'm guessing that won't make much of a difference by tomorrow.

And jeez, this disparity between the teams is ludicrous. I new we were gonna lose but I didn't think it would go this badly. IS really needs to get their shit together and match up characters who are comparable in popularity.

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I've been rolling Klein for my gauntlet games to avoid color stacking, but his BST makes opponents in general a lot easier.

Also, someone on my friends list has this Hector as his army leader. Why...

Currently at 232,600 points for top 10k. I'll probably drop at this point but I'm fine with that.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

I've been rolling Klein for my gauntlet games to avoid color stacking, but his BST makes opponents in general a lot easier.

Also, someone on my friends list has this Hector as his army leader. Why...

Currently at 232,600 points for top 10k. I'll probably drop at this point but I'm fine with that.

For those of us who don't have every build of every character memorized, is that good or bad or what?

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3 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

For those of us who don't have every build of every character memorized, is that good or bad or what?

Quick riposte isn't bad but it overlaps with his weapon

Goad armor is ....... questionable. Especially for your teammates, since its impossible to have a viable armor team to take into the gauntlet

Edited by Arcanite
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