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I need advice: What units should I be using in Thracia 776?

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Having not dabbled much into Thracia and haven't played it in years, I was wondering as to who I should be using, given the fatigue system?


Please don't bullsh*t me and give me units that will screw me over.

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Most units are pretty good actually. You can't go wrong with pretty much any staff user or pre-promote(except Shanam). Orsin, Finn, Fergus, Nanna, Leif, Asvel, and Homer are also excellent. Early game is pretty tough so don't be hesitant to use everyone the game gives you until the prep menu starts appearing. Honestly though a shorter answer would be just don't use Kain, Alva, Robert, Miranda, or Shanam.

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1 hour ago, Valkama said:

Most units are pretty good actually. You can't go wrong with pretty much any staff user or pre-promote(except Shanam). Orsin, Finn, Fergus, Nanna, Leif, Asvel, and Homer are also excellent. Early game is pretty tough so don't be hesitant to use everyone the game gives you until the prep menu starts appearing. Honestly though a shorter answer would be just don't use Kain, Alva, Robert, Miranda, or Shanam.

That's odd, I thought Miranda was an Est. Thanks anyway, sir/ma'am!

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She is an Est I suppose but she gets one shot by most enemies and her growth rates in HP and Defense are just awful. Her only redeeming qualities that I can think of is she can get A fire relatively easily which allows her to use Meteor and she gives a +20 support bonus to Conomor. She has wrath but again her Defense and HP are so bad she really can't make use of it.

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All the units Valkama said and Carrion is also great, Selfina, Shiva, Mareeta yeah there are many of them. And Miranda too believe it or not though like the Valkama said she has HP and Def issues but you can patch that easy with scrolls give her a Dain scroll for that +30 Def growth boost and a few other scrolls and her durability will solve fast.


Sara is also great she is a monster but give her a Hezul scroll and never take it off because her HP is super low. Be sure to use scrolls on certain characters to boost their weak areas those bonuses come a long way.

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19 minutes ago, Naglfar94 said:

All the units Valkama said and Carrion is also great, Selfina, Shiva, Mareeta yeah there are many of them. And Miranda too believe it or not though like the Valkama said she has HP and Def issues but you can patch that easy with scrolls give her a Dain scroll for that +30 Def growth boost and a few other scrolls and her durability will solve fast.


Sara is also great she is a monster but give her a Hezul scroll and never take it off because her HP is super low. Be sure to use scrolls on certain characters to boost their weak areas those bonuses come a long way.

I'll be sure to look out for that, thank you!


Also, on average, this is a question to everyone-- How many units on average should I be using?

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You need to use a bit more than normal, especially earlier on where you'll need to use units you don't necessarily want to keep, and later you need backups to deal with fatigue. Also, you should probably use most of the staff users.

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Definitely > 20 units should be used from when they're recruited. Depending on the situation, dragging other units in might be needed.

Most of the don't use units have been mentioned (though Shanam does make buying stuff from shops cheaper, so he has that going for him). There's also a party (not a route) split early on, sort out items before that happens.

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21 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Definitely > 20 units should be used from when they're recruited. Depending on the situation, dragging other units in might be needed.

Most of the don't use units have been mentioned (though Shanam does make buying stuff from shops cheaper, so he has that going for him). There's also a party (not a route) split early on, sort out items before that happens.

Yeah. I recall giving Halvan's Brave Axe to Dalsin since my friend suggested it was a good idea.

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4 hours ago, Valkama said:

Most units are pretty good actually. You can't go wrong with pretty much any staff user or pre-promote(except Shanam). Orsin, Finn, Fergus, Nanna, Leif, Asvel, and Homer are also excellent. Early game is pretty tough so don't be hesitant to use everyone the game gives you until the prep menu starts appearing. Honestly though a shorter answer would be just don't use Kain, Alva, Robert, Miranda, or Shanam.

I'd agree that all of those units are good.  Also something to consider is that building weapon ranks in this game (not including staff rank, which is surprisingly easier) is hard as fuck, so units like Tanya and Ronan are going to be worse at combat than Selphina despite having better stats than her.  I'd also advise against using either of those units.

2 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

All the units Valkama said and Carrion is also great, Selfina, Shiva, Mareeta yeah there are many of them. And Miranda too believe it or not though like the Valkama said she has HP and Def issues but you can patch that easy with scrolls give her a Dain scroll for that +30 Def growth boost and a few other scrolls and her durability will solve fast.

Sara is also great she is a monster but give her a Hezul scroll and never take it off because her HP is super low. Be sure to use scrolls on certain characters to boost their weak areas those bonuses come a long way.

Carrion is a fairly mediocre unit.  It takes too long to patch up Miranda's defenses considering at what point you get her at, and it's definitely not worth the hassle.

I agree that Sara is broken, though.

2 hours ago, Purple-Clad Gamer said:

I'll be sure to look out for that, thank you!

Also, on average, this is a question to everyone-- How many units on average should I be using?

You should be using ~12 combat units and a bunch of staff users/thieves/utility units.  12 combat units might be a bit high, maybe around 8?  Not sure.

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7 minutes ago, Refa said:

I'd agree that all of those units are good.  Also something to consider is that building weapon ranks in this game (not including staff rank, which is surprisingly easier) is hard as fuck, so units like Tanya and Ronan are going to be worse at combat than Selphina despite having better stats than her.  I'd also advise against using either of those units.

Carrion is a fairly mediocre unit.  It takes too long to patch up Miranda's defenses considering at what point you get her at, and it's definitely not worth the hassle.

I agree that Sara is broken, though.

You should be using ~12 combat units and a bunch of staff users/thieves/utility units.  12 combat units might be a bit high, maybe around 8?  Not sure.

Eh you don`t like Carrion? dude is pretty darn beastly. He starts out meh but level him up and promote him and watch him go. My 2 runs of the game Carrion was awesome and he seems to have a high PCC because he seems to critical often. (I don`t know all the PCC stats of units.) Tanya I like her way better than Ronan in my opinion because she benefits from supports from Othin so she criticals often and he does too. Selfina she was good for me but...if that build stat does not reach atleast 9 she is kinda screwed for using heavier bows and her skill why did it have to be charge? the enemies always double her it`s terrible.


And I suppose so it would take awhile to build Miranda`s def up but the Dain scroll atleast helps her reach average Def for a mage. My current Miranda has 9 Def now which is good for a mage unit. Too bad she doesn`t have a personal weapon like Asvel or Olwen that would make her a bit better but I guess her ability to use high rank fire magic fast is a plus ah and her wrath skill does wrath critical bonus stack with PCC? I know Miranda has only a pathetic 1 PCC but the way wrath works in this game doubles crit rate on counter attacks does the bonus stack? If an enemy attacks her and she counters? Or is this only at low HP? FE5 wrath skill confuses me.

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4 minutes ago, Naglfar94 said:

Eh you don`t like Carrion? dude is pretty darn beastly. He starts out meh but level him up and promote him and watch him go. My 2 runs of the game Carrion was awesome and he seems to have a high PCC because he seems to critical often. (I don`t know all the PCC stats of units.) Tanya I like her way better than Ronan in my opinion because she benefits from supports from Othin so she criticals often and he does too. Selfina she was good for me but...if that build stat does not reach atleast 9 she is kinda screwed for using heavier bows and her skill why did it have to be charge? the enemies always double her it`s terrible.


And I suppose so it would take awhile to build Miranda`s def up but the Dain scroll atleast helps her reach average Def for a mage. My current Miranda has 9 Def now which is good for a mage unit. Too bad she doesn`t have a personal weapon like Asvel or Olwen that would make her a bit better but I guess her ability to use high rank fire magic fast is a plus ah and her wrath skill does wrath critical bonus stack with PCC? I know Miranda has only a pathetic 1 PCC but the way wrath works in this game doubles crit rate on counter attacks does the bonus stack? If an enemy attacks her and she counters? Or is this only at low HP? FE5 wrath skill confuses me.

PCC works kinda like this.

-Units need the Pursuit skill

-On their second strike, their PCC is a multiplier to their critrate.


PCC of 0 = Critrate x 0 = always 0 lol

PCC of 5, the highest = Critrate x 5 = Fergus + Killing Edge = God

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^EDIT: And on their first strike, the critical rate is capped at 25%.

I like using Carrion, but I wouldn't call him a good unit.  His bases are mediocre and you've already been given several good (unpromoted!) mounts beforehand, so he doesn't really fill any niche.  You also soon get Fred, who is a lot easier to use.  He has 5PCC, which is one of his better stats for sure.

Tanya has better combat parameters than Ronan and some nice supports.  She only has 2PCC though, so her critical rate leaves a lot to be desired.

None of the archers have good build.  Charge is a great skill for an archer, since her primary use is attacking enemies that can't attack her back.  Combined with having exclusive access to the franky ridiculous Brave Bow for an extended period of time and having a mount, it's pretty easy to see why she's the best archer in the game.

Scrolls can fix up her issues (...in the same way that they can fix up anyones), but it takes far too long to do so when you could just be using Asvel or Homer.  Wrath is a guaranteed critical when you're being attacked.  It's good at later levels for her but at first it's not too useful considering she can't take a hit or dodge tank.

Edited by Refa
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Carrion does have the benefit of being able to level swords when mounted as well. Though Fergus does cover that niche too, Carrion can also use lances outside.

Tanya.... does need scrolls and charge to be useful, mostly because of her poor build. But she can be great on player phase with Charge. Ronan has less supports but can have good resistance and can get is strength up with the right scrolls, alongside his movement stars and Continue.

I'd get into my last playthrough with these two but it'd be irrelevant.

(Also, Homer doesn't show up until Chapter 14, despite everything else going his way)

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I never bothered with Tanya. I was more drawn towards Ronan because he looked cooler. I was aware of his uniqueness, but I used him anyway since I thought he'd be fun to use, and quite frankly, he was very fun for me to use! Yeah, I'm aware he's not the best archer ever, but Ronan was my favorite bowman during my first run.

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1 hour ago, Naglfar94 said:

and her wrath skill does wrath critical bonus stack with PCC? I know Miranda has only a pathetic 1 PCC but the way wrath works in this game doubles crit rate on counter attacks does the bonus stack? If an enemy attacks her and she counters? Or is this only at low HP? FE5 wrath skill confuses me.

Wrath guarantees a critical on counter attacks regardless of PCC. Attacking a enemy with the vantage skill is also considered to be counter attacking and wrath goes off. This is also why Vantage and Wrath do not stack.

Carrion's biggest weakness is his bases and weapon ranks. It's not hard to get a unit in this game to 1 rounding territory in this game. There are a ton of units that 1 round better than Carrion, there are a ton of units with better weapon ranks than Carrion and there are a ton of units with higher stats than Carrion. He isn't bad just redundant and not worth the effort to get him going in comparison to other units.

Outside of Ronan's Ferrybot potential I still find him to be better than Tanya purely for his extra move and 20 higher weapon rank. His bad strength is easily patched if he reaches B bows as with the Brave bow he can fairly successfully 1 round most mooks especially since adept can stack with brave weapons in FE5. Selfina is obviously going to be better than both of them at combat because she doesn't have to shoot her bow 100 times to get a good weapon.

Edited by Valkama
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1 minute ago, Valkama said:

Wrath guarantees a critical on counter attacks regardless of PCC. Attacking a enemy with the vantage skill is also considered to be counter attacking and wrath goes off. This is also why Vantage and Wrath do not stack.

Carrion's biggest weakness is his bases and weapon ranks. It's not hard to get a unit in this game to 1 rounding territory in this game. There are a ton of units that 1 round better than Carrion, there are a ton of units with better weapon ranks than Carrion and there are a ton of units with higher stats than Carrion. He isn't bad just redundant and not worth the effort to get him going in comparison to other units.

Outside of Ronan's Ferrybot potential I still find him to be better than Tanya purely for his extra move and 20 higher weapon rank. His bad strength is easily patched if he reaches B bows as with the Brave bow he can fairly successfully 1 round most mooks especially since adept can stack with brave weapons in FE5. Selfina is obviously going to be better than both of them at combat.


I like my Estlike Arch Knight a bit better (AKA Robert), so I never really bothered with Selfina that much. Maybe for a few chapters, but I don't remember.

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I haven't completed my first run of Thracia yet, but here's who I'm using (miniamal scroll abuse):

Lara (theif fighter -> Dancer), Lifis, Asvel, Fred, Fergus, Fin/Finn, Othin, Sometimes Havan, Ronan with the Neir+Hezul scrolls, Olwen, Safy, Shiva (more for Arena money than anything else), Ronan, Dean, Karin, Nana, and Mareeta.   Units like Selfina, Dagda, Carion, and Pann are really here to serve as replacements for others that get fatigued, or fill a certain niche that I need for a map or two.  Mostly, I'd recomend Carion, Lara, Ronan, Olwen, and  as units that you give scrolls to to make use out of Early on, because otherwise they might fall behind, even with good promo gains.  Another thing to look for is leadership stars, and using the right scrolls on the right units.  It's easy to abuse the scrolls, but I'd only recomend doing that on someone like Lara, Lifis, Marty, or Hicks, who are crap without them. 

But I'm not here to tell you how to play; you said that you've played thracia before, so it shouldn't be too hard for you.  

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2 minutes ago, Lord Tullus said:

I haven't completed my first run of Thracia yet, but here's who I'm using (miniamal scroll abuse):

Lara (theif fighter -> Dancer), Lifis, Asvel, Fred, Fergus, Fin/Finn, Othin, Sometimes Havan, Ronan with the Neir+Hezul scrolls, Olwen, Safy, Shiva (more for Arena money than anything else), Ronan, Dean, Karin, Nana, and Mareeta.   Units like Selfina, Dagda, Carion, and Pann are really here to serve as replacements for others that get fatigued, or fill a certain niche that I need for a map or two.  Mostly, I'd recomend Carion, Lara, Ronan, Olwen, and  as units that you give scrolls to to make use out of Early on, because otherwise they might fall behind, even with good promo gains.  Another thing to look for is leadership stars, and using the right scrolls on the right units.  It's easy to abuse the scrolls, but I'd only recomend doing that on someone like Lara, Lifis, Marty, or Hicks, who are crap without them. 

But I'm not here to tell you how to play; you said that you've played thracia before, so it shouldn't be too hard for you.  


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As said already: No one really is bad in FE5 simply because of the generic caps and that scrolls can fix weaknesses.

However some units mainly weapons are indispensable like Grafcalicur or Pugi. Asvel will be your bosskiller in the game.

Also it's recommended to use as many stave users as possible because if someone should get fatigued it's better to have replacements. Staves are very important in FE5 because they took a huge buff. In a few chapters stave chains are required to have a much easier time. Tina is a must have when you get her.

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20 minutes ago, Magillanica Lou Mayvin said:

 Staves are very important in FE5 because they took a huge buff. In a few chapters stave chains are required to have a much easier time. Tina is a must have when you get her.

Really?  because I'm on chapter 16 A and I'm wondering if she's worth it when I already have 3 staff users aside from Sara (who I'm definitely using) and The Lopto guy who's name escapes me.  He has red hair, is a dark magic user

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Tina is the only one who can use the thief stave, and you want to steal some goodies with her.


If you want to beat chapter 22 in a easy and cheap way, then it's definitely better to bring her.


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13 minutes ago, Lord Tullus said:

Really?  because I'm on chapter 16 A and I'm wondering if she's worth it when I already have 3 staff users aside from Sara (who I'm definitely using) and The Lopto guy who's name escapes me.  He has red hair, is a dark magic user

Tina has the Unlock (which opens chests too! :D ) and Thief staves to herself.

Being bad at combat does not prevent her from being relevant. Also, having 5 staff users is a good thing when higher ranked staves give 5 points of fatigue a pop.

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