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New banner revealed: World of Radiance!


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Just now, Levin's Scarf said:

Lend me your luck dude! I cannot miss out on Ike!

Well you see, I've found that if I summon at 1 am (Pacific Time), my chance of getting a 5* greatly increases. If it's a two-week banner that introduces new Heroes, then I'm guaranteed the 5* instead. You need to find your own time.

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Just now, Suichimo said:

As Roy gets shat on once again... :dry:

Well, at least Ike should be loads easier to get than Hector. I can just feed him to Roy.

Here's to hoping CYL Roy has Distant Counter Binding Blade. I do feel he was unfairly shafted after his sword was the one that started the 1-2 range trend. (I don't know if it was the very first lord sword to do so, but pretty sure it popularized the trend)

For one of the most powerful blades in the franchise, its Heroes incarnation sure feels disappointing.

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2 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

As Roy gets shat on once again... :dry:

Well, at least Ike should be loads easier to get than Hector. I can just feed him to Roy.

What are you trying to get onto Roy from Ike anyway? Since Ike doesn't come with distant counter.

Also, I think FE Heroes hates Roy.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Just now, Ryu Yuki said:

I don't know if it was the very first lord sword to do so

Leif had his mother's Light Brand.

1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

What are you trying to get onto Roy from Ike anyway? Since Ike doesn't come with distant counter.

Heavy Blade, mayhaps?

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

What are you trying to get onto Roy from Ike anyway? Since Ike doesn't come with distant counter.

Shit... that completely slipped my mind. Guess it's back to Hector hunting.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Oh hey, I remember this rule all the way back in elementary school some 15-20 years ago. Now that I'm older, I think that skirts definitely need to be longer than that, it's ridiculous.

I think I've become desensitized to it in the years of watching anime. I don't really care much, though I do prefer longer skirts because they go swish.


16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

So we are getting a new story chapter then? Well, I was hoping that we would get several chapters at once. I just hope that they're not going to give us just one chapter and call it done.

The tweet and trailer imply that it's only one chapter. We probably won't get a "return to" chapter for a while.


2 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

As Roy gets shat on once again... :dry:

Well, at least Ike should be loads easier to get than Hector. I can just feed him to Roy.

Distant Counter is on Ragnell. You can't give Roy Ragnell.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think I've become desensitized to it in the years of watching anime. I don't really care much, though I do prefer longer skirts because they go swish.

I think the last time I wore a dress or skirt of any kind was ten years ago when I went to my senior prom. They're not for me. But you're right that anime and things with an anime art style at least include a lot of girls wearing short skirts. And the school uniforms.

2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The tweet and trailer imply that it's only one chapter. We probably won't get a "return to" chapter for a while.

Well. That's somewhat disappointing but I'm not going to complain.

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2 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Nice to finally see some Path of Radiance characters!  

I'm hoping to pull Ike or Mist.  (I know healers are bad in this game, but I like Mist.)  :lol:  

Agreed- that's who I'm hoping for.

I'm a tad too invested in Lissa to try too hard, but Ike will probably be better than Ryoma.

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I actually think PoR!Ike may be closer to Eirika in his stat distribution, especially if RD!Ike will be added later as a separate entity (who I think will be closer to Alfonse or Ephraim in stat distribution).

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23 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

I'm fairly sure Ike will be a Red Ephraim with Distant Counter.

16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I actually think PoR!Ike may be closer to Eirika in his stat distribution, especially if RD!Ike will be added later as a separate entity (who I think will be closer to Alfonse or Ephraim in stat distribution).

I think FE9 Ike will be closer to Corrin or Marth, actually, but with a bit more Spd (i.e. somewhere between Marth and Lucina), probably around 32 or 33 Atk and 34 or 35 Spd.

FE10 Ike will be closer to Ephraim or Chrom. I wouldn't put it past them to give Ike with even lower Spd to put into Atk, though. Perhaps 38 or 39 Atk with 22 or 23 Spd.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Everyone's excited for Ike, but I just want to see how his Heavy Blade passive plays out. With proper support buffs and a brave weapon on a high attack unit, you could potentially guarantee a 5 cooldown skill every time you attack.

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15 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Whilst I agree, I do think she suffered a lot less than Lachesis (same artist). 

Nobody suffers as much as Lachesis. Class type, art type, writing. Everything sucks on her.

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4 minutes ago, salinea said:

Nobody suffers as much as Lachesis. Class type, art type, writing. Everything sucks on her.

Proud lady of Nordion turned into an annoying imouto. With a staff. With a cutesy moe-y artwork. Why.
I will never stop being salty for what they did to her. Her VA is sort of her saving grace but ehh.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Oh good, now I can murder Ike with my +ATK Dire Thunder Reinhardt as many times as I want. >:D I suppose Ellie will appear in a later banner with her retainers, so I'll wait for them to roll around.

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7 minutes ago, Luchi said:

Oh good, now I can murder Ike with my +ATK Dire Thunder Reinhardt as many times as I want. >:D I suppose Ellie will appear in a later banner with her retainers, so I'll wait for them to roll around.

If they ever go for a second PoR banner, I'm certain your Ellie will be in it. Not to sure about her retainers though, since they may opt for more popular characters like Jill or Nephenee instead.

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8 minutes ago, Luchi said:

Oh good, now I can murder Ike with my +ATK Dire Thunder Reinhardt as many times as I want. >:D I suppose Ellie will appear in a later banner with her retainers, so I'll wait for them to roll around.

Red infantry, blue cavalry, green(?) mage, red/colourless pegasus. If the latter, is this the first banner with one of each colour?

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Oh my god, This was quite the surprise has alms banner already been out for two weeks? I didn't even get any new characters from it, This is so exciting.

2 hours ago, Thane said:

Jesus Christ, Mist now officially has the shortest skirt in the series, good lord. How old is she supposed to be again?

You know I didn't notice until you pointed that out

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26 minutes ago, salinea said:

Nobody suffers as much as Lachesis. Class type, art type, writing. Everything sucks on her.

Christina Vee is a goddess who redeems it. Her writing is all right in Heroes, but I don't like her art. Also a massive shame that she was made into a healer when she could have been so many other things.

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