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How much money have u spent on this game


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I'm don't get how some people can drop $80 on this in one go. I think the cost of orbs is pretty overpriced for digital waifus, I might spend $20 or so if there's someone I really want but otherwise I don't see myself spending anything on this game.

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I don't get how some people can drop $80 on this in one go. I think the cost of orbs is pretty overpriced for digital waifus, I might spend $20 or so if there's someone I really want but otherwise I don't see myself spending anything on this game.

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Much more than I'm proud of. And I'm usually good at managing my money. Then this game happened and I've been out of whack

Never in one go of course, but every purchase counts no matter how small it is, and as they accumulate over time..... you'll eventually find that you've spent a lot more on such a silly thing than you thought you did that could have went elsewhere

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Enough for a college textbook or two. 

Yeah, probably around this for me too. I'd say more along the lines of a used textbook rather than a new one, but still.

I've just had barely anything to spend money on lately since I've not been out much. I'm unemployed since I moved though, so it'd be nice if I could get an income again someday...

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As much as I needed to get what I wanted. No clue how much, but I consider myself a mini-whale. I like the game and I want to support it. I'd normally be collecting jrpgs or Fire Emblem merchandise with it, so why not support the game every now and then instead? That's my thinking, anyway.

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I dropped $75 when the Ike banner came out.  At this point I feel like I have most of what I want/need, so I don't know if I'd bother spending again, especially not for the 140 pack.

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I never spend money on digital consumables, let alone ones without a guaranteed result. There are characters I want but it's not worth it to spend hundreds of dollars on a game when I can get a similar positive experience by paying $40-60.

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$0 I don't have much money right now and since I had to buy a new operating system for my laptop and I preordered FE Echoes and the 2 Amiibos I am just about broke until next month.  I don't think I will spend any money on Heroes since I have yet to pull anyone I try to pull.  I am happy being a free to play player and even though my pulls can be frustrating I have pulled some really good units, even though they aren't what I really wanted.

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10 minutes ago, OrangePerson said:

I spend nothing in this game and I'm proud of it. But it's always hard to grind to 20 orbs and then just get a bunch of 3 Stars...


In my opinion, it's much harder when you pay for those orbs and still get a bunch of 3 stars.

But anyway, I spend my money on things that others consider silly or not worthwhile, so I'm not going to judge others for spending money here. As long as you can afford it and makes you happy, why not?

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None. I like the game, but I've had too many bad pulls to feel like I could expect to get my money's worth, and if I start spending money, it'll get harder to keep from spending more.

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Finally spent some money on it last week. Did I get my money's worth? Certainly not! Did I get what I wanted? Mostly yes!

Still it was a dangerous experience of sorts as I spent way more than I had originally planned. That was an experience of its own and made me think about it a lot.

So be careful out there.

Right now I am trying to find a compromise between p2w and f2p. I cannot afford to repeat that spree of last week which was somewhere above 150eur. Technically I might do it once a month but that would be unreasonable in my current situation besides I have expenses and other hobbies.

My idea is basically f2p with one or two 23 orbs packs a month if there is an interesting banner going on. Cutting down on smokes will be motivation and orbs the rewards. Don't laugh! I think only a waste of money can make u cut down on another waste of money. Been showing slight progress since Sunday...


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6 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

Finally spent some money on it last week. Did I get my money's worth? Certainly not! Did I get what I wanted? Mostly yes!

Still it was a dangerous experience of sorts as I spent way more than I had originally planned. That was an experience of its own and made me think about it a lot.

So be careful out there.

Right now I am trying to find a compromise between p2w and f2p. I cannot afford to repeat that spree of last week which was somewhere above 150eur. Technically I might do it once a month but that would be unreasonable in my current situation besides I have expenses and other hobbies.

My idea is basically f2p with one or two 23 orbs packs a month if there is an interesting banner going on. Cutting down on smokes will be motivation and orbs the rewards. Don't laugh! I think only a waste of money can make u cut down on another waste of money. Been showing slight progress since Sunday...


I had basically the same experience.  I was trying to do the 75 orb pack once a month, but I realized that I was usually spending them all the same day I got them.  I'm going to limit myself to one or two 23 orb packs like you, because I really, really didn't like what I went through last week.  

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5 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I had basically the same experience.  I was trying to do the 75 orb pack once a month, but I realized that I was usually spending them all the same day I got them.  I'm going to limit myself to one or two 23 orb packs like you, because I really, really didn't like what I went through last week.  


Don't think about it too much. Think about limiting yourself and stick to it.

Right now I got 27orbs. I thought about giving that hero banner another shot with maybe an additional. 23orbs pack. But if I get nothing my app rate goes up and I might be tempted to continue .So I save up until the mages banner comes up and see what I get with f2p orbs. And then I will still have the option to buy a pack or two if I insist.

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Enough for a college textbook or two. 

An elective class textbook, or a business class textbook? lol


I have yet to spend a penny on it, and I had no plans to, but...I told my boyfriend he should buy some for the new Takumi banner since he's been salty about not getting him...and he got so many good units... So I'm a little tempted now. We'll see lol.

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I was super lucky and found a ton of iTunes gift cards I never used. I did drop about 40-60$ on some of the banners though, which makes me feel extremely guilty. Normally I just save up to 20 orbs and do a summon session, however it does suck when you pull 3, 3 star Gwendolyns at once and get completely screwed over by the game. 

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52 minutes ago, Nyaoista said:

An elective class textbook, or a business class textbook? lol


I have yet to spend a penny on it, and I had no plans to, but...I told my boyfriend he should buy some for the new Takumi banner since he's been salty about not getting him...and he got so many good units... So I'm a little tempted now. We'll see lol.

The joke was that it's ambiguous

I'm a premed student, so all I can say is about as much as a new genetics or organic chemistry textbook. 

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So far, $80. $40 near its February release (think it was Deep Devotion), then $40 in March for Blazing Shadows. I was tempted to blow another $40 for the Hero Fest banner, but money is tight at the moment and I can live without pulling my favorite characters. There's always the chance down the line to pull them anyway. That, and when I spend money on Heroes, I don't seem to get any 5* characters. If I'm lucky, I'll get good skill inheritance fodder and maybe a character or two I actually want.

I tend to restrict myself to $50 a month for video game money, and so far, even with Heroes, I follow that trend. Granted, my money spent on Heroes can easily be spent elsewhere for far more "value" (other games worth $40 can be worth hours of entertainment, more so if I pick up several on sale like on Steam), but I'm also one of those crazy people that don't mind spending money on Fire Emblem stuff, such as picking up all the DLC for Awakening or buying all three paths for Fates.

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I haven't spend anything either. I was considering it though, with both Ike and Hector appearing in banners and Hector even having a higher appearance rate. Luckely, I was able to get both of the with my f2p orbs that I saved up.

Knowing me, I'm somewhat affraid that if I ever start spending money on this game, I won't stop. Also, I feel that I already have a fine team of 4 and 5 stars, so I don't need new units, and saving orbs while waiting for a good chance to draw your favourite caracters is just part of the fun for me.

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8 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

None; I'm not a fan of the price of over 2 USD per hero, so I save up my orbs for a really good banner or for the future CYL banner.

I knew you'd be in here ;)

I haven't spent a dime on this game, just like our orb hoarder here^ I have a conspiracy theory that he's secretly mkv

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