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New info on FE Warriors

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7 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

This is exactly what I said earlier and it reflects extremely badly on ...who's saying this again?  Is it Intelligent Systems or Koei Tecmo?

I am guessing the answer is the latter? I guess it wold make more sense if that is the case. While I don't personally like the "Too many Swords" idea (which sounds pretty familiar...) I can see where they are coming from, as only 3 lords in the series don't use swords as their man weapons. 

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3 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

Hell yeah, I love Ike's style.  He was one of my favorites to use in SSB Brawl.  And he's obviously a beast in his own games.  I'd like to think Ike is more an exception to the "sword users" rule as opposed to, say, Marth vs. Roy.  Plus, he actually does use axes as well on more than one occasion.

Though then again, maybe throwing the term "sword users" around so loosely is just kind of dumb.  I don't want a hundred copies of Marth, but I also think there are plenty of sword users who have unique fighting styles.

I love Ike's style too! It's badass and I love a lot of strength. <3 And yeah, he did use axes in RD once he promoted! That could also be part of his weapon choices. Gimme an Ike who can use either Ragnell or Urvan and I'm set. <3

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Well, seeing as how the Tellius saga won't be included in the base game, that cuts the chances of seeing my (extremely unlikely in the beginning) hypothetical Xander/Jill, Mozu/Ashnard and Naesala/Shura conversations. On the flip side, at least Shura and Mozu have a slightly better chance of getting included in the game. 

so sue me for still being as optimistic about this as possible

While it is disappointing to see people automatically disregard the game because their favorite characters or games aren't being represented, I can understand and empathize a bit. That said, I'm more interested in the game play itself more so than the characters that may or may not be in the game, especially since apparently strategy still plays a large part and mounted units will still be mounted like I already knew like c'mon why would they demount mounted units guys? during game play.

I like the design for the new female character; I don't really have that much of a problem with thighs. The male character, though, I'm not sure what to say about him. I'll probably get used to him after hearing his voice and getting a feel of his personality.

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7 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

I'd like to think Ike is more an exception to the "sword users" rule as opposed to, say, Marth vs. Roy.

Though then again, maybe throwing the term "sword users" around so loosely is just kind of dumb.  I don't want a hundred copies of Marth, but I also think there are plenty of sword users who have unique fighting styles.

Smash Bros. is a good way of distinguishing the differences between them from a visual standpoint alone. Ike's pretty slow in comparison but he does have some quick surprises in, showing off his speed. Marth's attacks are more for dancing around the battlefield and showing off that speed. On the other hand, Roy fits more closely for what I described Chrom's and Lucina's style as being.

Regarding the looseness of the term 'sword users' there's still plenty of variety to be had from Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Assassins, Thieves and so on regarding swords.

There's a lot to cover so I think they just for now want to avoid the oversaturation they'll likely get with 'Sword Lords: The Game'.

I'd say at the very least, give it 10-15 years and dedicated hackers to bust it wide open and make more characters if we don't get a sequel. I'm sure the community of glorious people will make something incredible. 

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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I don't really like the look of the male protag. That's some shitty hair.

It almost looks like some bootleg Super Saiyan hair.

The rest of him is fine, imo.  Though I need to get a better look at him, 'cuz all the images I see are smol.

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1 minute ago, Ertrick36 said:

It almost looks like some bootleg Super Saiyan hair.

The rest of him is fine, imo.  Though I need to get a better look at him, 'cuz all the images I see are smol.

Well, from that small picture alone, I don't like his face much either. He's like babyface Corrin.

The female protag's hair isn't that great either honestly.

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11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well, from that small picture alone, I don't like his face much either. He's like babyface Corrin.

The female protag's hair isn't that great either honestly.

I think they just need a darker overall colour. Black would be my go-to choice because it's different from the Reds, Blues, and Greens we're more familiar with, yet doesn't burn my eyes when looking at it. Silver would be a nice choice too. Alt costumes, maybe?

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If neither Ike, Roy, or Lyn are in this game, the three most popular characters outside of Awakening and Fates,.... then IS can suck it.

Screw you IS.


I will no longer support IS in their future endeavors and will encourage others to do the same. Fire Emblem is done for. 

Edited by Dandee Leone
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1 minute ago, Dandee Leone said:

If neither Ike, Roy, or Lyn are in this game, the three most popular characters outside of Awakening and Fates,.... then IS can suck it.

Screw you IS.


I will no longer support IS in their future endeavors and will encourage others to do the same. Fire Emblem is done for. 

Can't tell if this is serious or poking fun at others...

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Well, it is this time of the year. Expecting anything but Fates, Awakening, or Archanea was honestly a lost cause. However, I still have my doubts on why Gaiden is not included. Valentia is literally a boat ride to Archanea and its future self appears in Awakening. If you want variety Alm can use bows and Celica can use magic. If you want tie ins to Archanea so bad Zeke and the Whitewings are in it and they don't use swords.

4 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

If neither Ike, Roy, or Lyn are in this game.... then IS can suck it.

Screw you IS.


I will no longer support IS in their future endeavors and will encourage others to do the same. Fire Emblem is done for. 

This a Warriors spinoff, did you really expected much from it? 

Edited by L9999
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One thing that bugs me is how the 3DS defense force always seem to deny or downplay the importance and popularity of older games and characters.

"Ike is only popular because of Smash" "Lyn probably only placed high on the poll because people were salty about Lucina" 

I think it's been proven that these and other characters and the games they come from are actually still beloved, and not just by older fans, also by new fans who then got curious as to the rest of the series and played their games years later.

Coming in with this attitude that "you should just accept it because your favourite game is no longer relevant and didn't sell as well as the new games" is honestly just as toxic to the community as people who go around attacking "casuals" and people who like the 3ds titles.

A spin-off that incorporates a variety of games and characters from the series would be a nice start to get people to stop attacking each other based on when they started playing FE, instead of always rehashing the same casts. Heroes was a success in this respect. It's a shame Warriors is marking this line again.

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2 minutes ago, L9999 said:


This a Warriors spinoff, did you really expected much from it? 

No, I didn't, because IS hates every game not named Awakening and Fates. But at the very least, I expected Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Hector to be in. That is not expecting too much to ask for. All four of those characters are way more beloved than the pathetic Corrin. But ofcourse, IS is to blindsided to realize that because all they care about is $$$.

Edited by Dandee Leone
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1 minute ago, Dandee Leone said:

If neither Ike, Roy, or Lyn are in this game.... then IS can suck it.

Screw you IS.


I will no longer support IS in their future endeavors and will encourage others to do the same. Fire Emblem is done for. 

I think that's a bit far. If we look at hyrule warriors, it only had 13 characters to start with, we later got more from dlc and then with legends we got more characters, including some from all three zelda eras. Additionally if we look at heroes to an extent, that game mostly only had Shadow Dragon, Awakening, Fates, Binding blade and Blazing sword. We now have all those, plus Valentia, Jugdra, Magvel, and Tellius. So it's a good possibility that they may add more content in later on with those characters. I personally would love to see Nephenee in the game, so I'm staying somewhat hopeful for her in the dlc, but as long as Cordelia is somehow in the game I'll be happy. Plus as said it is a spinoff, so besides Tokyo Mirage Sessions and I guess to an extent heroes, this is their first try at this, so I'm not being too harsh on them as long as I have fun with it and get to play as some characters I like.

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1 minute ago, Book Bro said:

One thing that bugs me is how the 3DS defense force always seem to deny or downplay the importance and popularity of older games and characters.

"Ike is only popular because of Smash" "Lyn probably only placed high on the poll because people were salty about Lucina" 

I think it's been proven that these and other characters and the games they come from are actually still beloved, and not just by older fans, also by new fans who then got curious as to the rest of the series and played their games years later.

Coming in with this attitude that "you should just accept it because your favourite game is no longer relevant and didn't sell as well as the new games" is honestly just as toxic to the community as people who go around attacking "casuals" and people who like the 3ds titles.

A spin-off that incorporates a variety of games and characters from the series would be a nice start to get people to stop attacking each other based on when they started playing FE, instead of always rehashing the same casts. Heroes was a success in this respect. It's a shame Warriors is marking this line again.

*claps* Bravo. I agree with this post 100% entirely.

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2 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

One thing that bugs me is how the 3DS defense force always seem to deny or downplay the importance and popularity of older games and characters.

"Ike is only popular because of Smash" "Lyn probably only placed high on the poll because people were salty about Lucina" 

I think it's been proven that these and other characters and the games they come from are actually still beloved, and not just by older fans, also by new fans who then got curious as to the rest of the series and played their games years later.

Coming in with this attitude that "you should just accept it because your favourite game is no longer relevant and didn't sell as well as the new games" is honestly just as toxic to the community as people who go around attacking "casuals" and people who like the 3ds titles.

A spin-off that incorporates a variety of games and characters from the series would be a nice start to get people to stop attacking each other based on when they started playing FE, instead of always rehashing the same casts. Heroes was a success in this respect. It's a shame Warriors is marking this line again.

This makes 100% sense, so I agree with what Anacybele said. I can verify this as I started with Awakening, and have since played Shadow Dragon, Sacred Stones, Fates, Echoes in physical form and have played through part of Binding blade, Blazing Sword *got to Zephiels chapter before the file got corrupted, what do you expect from a randomizer where all the lords are mages*, and part of New Mystery. Let me say that even though Awakening is my personal favorite due to its ability to draw me into it in a way I have not felt since, I certainly love the older games, I still need to get Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn to experience them beyond letsplays, but this series has become my favorite in just over two years since me picking up awakening, which is saying something as Pokemon used to be my life and the only game series I played until literally smash 4 expanded my views of the gaming world.

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Just now, Dandee Leone said:

No, I didn't, because IS hates every game not named Awakening and Fates. But at the very least, I expected Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Hector to be in. That is not expecting too much to ask. All four of those characters are way more beloved than the pathetic Corrin. 

They remade the worst game in the series and made it decent. They made FE Heroes, which has characters from all the series and even included Reinhardt and Olwen, who clearly are not popular. They made a children's card game that has characters from the entire series (except currently Easy Stones). IS doesn't hate old FE, and neither does its old audience. Otherwise the three things mentioned would be in vain. 

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All I'm saying is that if neither Ike, nor Roy, nor Lyn appear in atleast some fashion, then that would be a stab in the back of so many fans. Notice I am not clamoring for other lords, like Hector, Alm, Celica, Ephraim, who even have a smaller chance of making it, and other fan favorites like Ranulf, Soren, Joshua, Mae, who literally have no chance of making it in, I am just asking for those 3. 

Ike and Lyn are literally the most popular characters in the series. If they don't make it in the base game, and are going to be sold as DLC, I will feel immensely betrayed as a longtime supporter of the series. 

Edited by Dandee Leone
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15 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

One thing that bugs me is how the 3DS defense force always seem to deny or downplay the importance and popularity of older games and characters.

"Ike is only popular because of Smash" "Lyn probably only placed high on the poll because people were salty about Lucina" 

I think it's been proven that these and other characters and the games they come from are actually still beloved, and not just by older fans, also by new fans who then got curious as to the rest of the series and played their games years later.

Coming in with this attitude that "you should just accept it because your favourite game is no longer relevant and didn't sell as well as the new games" is honestly just as toxic to the community as people who go around attacking "casuals" and people who like the 3ds titles.

A spin-off that incorporates a variety of games and characters from the series would be a nice start to get people to stop attacking each other based on when they started playing FE, instead of always rehashing the same casts. Heroes was a success in this respect. It's a shame Warriors is marking this line again.

I don't see the fractured fanbase getting along anytime soon even if they equally represented every game in the series. And the 3DS kind of needs a defense force around here.

14 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

No, I didn't, because IS hates every game not named Awakening and Fates. But at the very least, I expected Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Hector to be in. That is not expecting too much to ask for. All four of those characters are way more beloved than the pathetic Corrin. But ofcourse, IS is to blindsided to realize that because all they care about is $$$.

Well, they are a business. Money is kind of important for that.

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3 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

All I'm saying is that if neither Ike, nor Roy, nor Lyn appear in atleast some fashion, then that would be a stab in the back of so many fans. Notice I am not clamoring for other lords, like Hector, Alm, Celica, Ephraim, who even have a smaller chance of making it, and other fan favorites like Ranulf, Soren, Joshua, Mae, who literally have no chance of making it in, I am just asking for those 3. 

Ike and Lyn are literally the most popular characters in the series. If they don't make it in the base game, and are going to be sold as DLC, I will feel immensely betrayed as a longtime supporter of the series. 

Well from what I recall hearing about this news, only Shadow Dragon, Fates, and Awakening are confirmed for the game so far, but we still got several months until the game is said to come out *later this year* so they could add a few characters from Tellius and Elibe if they feel they would not make the game redundant, something Hyrule Warriors did very well, despite having 4 versions of Link *two of them with multiple weapons* and about 4 versions of Zelda *only one had multiple weapons though*

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2 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

All I'm saying is that if neither Ike, nor Roy, nor Lyn appear in atleast some fashion, then that would be a stab in the back of so many fans. Notice I am not clamoring for other lords, like Hector, Alm, Celica, Ephraim, who even have a smaller chance of making it, and other fan favorites like Ranulf, Soren, Joshua, Mae, who literally have no chance of making it in, I am just asking for those 3. 

Ike and Lyn are literally the most popular characters in the series. If they don't make it in the base game, and are going to be sold as DLC, I will feel immensely betrayed as a longtime supporter of the series. 

Ike is my favorite Lord, my back doesn't feel like it's been stabbed. Velouria is my favorite FE character ever, but given her low chances of being playable I still don't feel like I've been stabbed in the back. I've seen your posts in the sales thread for SoV and you really haven't improved at all. Still making doom and gloom posts.

Another thing, you really don't give off vibes of someone who's been into FE for as long as you say, you lack faith in a series you supposedly like just because of a few recent decisions.

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2 minutes ago, Emeraldfox said:

Ike is my favorite Lord, my back doesn't feel like it's been stabbed. Velouria is my favorite FE character ever, but given her low chances of being playable I still don't feel like I've been stabbed in the back. I've seen your posts in the sales thread for SoV and you really haven't improved at all. Still making doom and gloom posts.

Another thing, you really don't give off vibes of someone who's been into FE for as long as you say, you lack faith in a series you supposedly like just because of a few recent decisions.

While I may express my opinions as pessimistic, someone has to do it. If we were all optimistic about everything, then we would be blindsighted to so many things. So yes, I will gladly express my pessimistic viewpoints to counter all of the blind optimism I often see.

I am an ardent believer that all the game sin the series should deserve representation in some form or another.

And now, I am simply asking not even for that, just for the two most popular characters in the entire series to be included. If they aren't included, then I think my disappointment and pessimism are entirely warranted. And I know that I wouldn't be the only one. 

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7 minutes ago, LucarioGamer812 said:

Well from what I recall hearing about this news, only Shadow Dragon, Fates, and Awakening are confirmed for the game so far, but we still got several months until the game is said to come out *later this year* so they could add a few characters from Tellius and Elibe if they feel they would not make the game redundant, something Hyrule Warriors did very well, despite having 4 versions of Link *two of them with multiple weapons* and about 4 versions of Zelda *only one had multiple weapons though*

I only counted 3 Links and 2 Zeldas (unless you're counting Sheik and Tetra). Remember, Linkle wasn't a "Link."

Anyway, I would say that at 70% completion, the base roster is already planned out. 

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44 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

If neither Ike, Roy, or Lyn are in this game, the three most popular characters outside of Awakening and Fates,.... then IS can suck it.

Screw you IS.


I will no longer support IS in their future endeavors and will encourage others to do the same. Fire Emblem is done for. 

Now hold on just a second, buckaroo...  We still haven't seen any of Fire Emblem Switch.

If I were you, I'd probably wait until we see info on that before going all doom and gloom.  If it looks good, then I can partly forgive them for not including a more diverse character lineup.  If not, ...then I suppose we can all be as negative as we like now, can't we?

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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7 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

While I may express my opinions as pessimistic, someone has to do it. If we were all optimistic about everything, then we would be blindsighted to so many things. So yes, I will gladly express my pessimistic viewpoints to counter all of the blind optimism I often see.

I am an ardent believer that all the games in the series should deserve representation in some form or another.

And now, I am simply asking not even for that, just for the two most popular characters in the entire series to be included. If they aren't included, then I think my disappointment and pessimism are entirely warranted. And I know that I wouldn't be the only one. 

A little pessimism once in a while is healthy. Dwell too long and you'll just become something of a depressive little sadsack that brings down everyone. That seems irresponsible to me. Try to show a little more optimism instead of just bringing people down. I don't see a lot of likelihood of lots of characters I'd like to see getting in, but I'm not letting the unlikelihood get me to kill everyone else's hopes.

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