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Opinions on LV. 40 Conversations


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As most of you know, if you get a 5* unit to level 40 then you get a little conversation. What are all of your thoughts on these? Personally, I feel like some of them are kind of awkward (like Bridelia's). What are your thoughts on this little conversations?

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Yeah, the ones were they start to borderline come onto you are my least favorite (I'm honestly not sure if Bridelia is just messing with you, but I'm going to say she is). I may be a shipper extraordinaire, but I ship characters with characters, not myself.

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34 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

That reminds me, Female Corrin's is pretty strange.

I think female Corrin's is meant as a joke, it's referencing the face petting mini game in Fates.  If you view it as completely serious it is pretty weird.  

As for the conversations on a whole I've not unlocked a ton yet.  They're a nice touch, some are better than others but it is nice getting an award for getting a character up to 5 stars and level 40.

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1 hour ago, Tenzen12 said:

Zephiel is fun: I trust you a little, if you mess up I will off you as I did  my father.

He is really sweetheart XD.


I love how he ends it with a not so subtle threat to strangle you.

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3 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

No, it's strangle: "...Now, you have a throat. And I, a hand. Let us hope the two never have need to meet."


Yeah but i was reffering to Tenzen's as i did my father summary

Zephiel Stabbed his father in his(Zephiel's) sleep

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I really enjoy most of them.  Zephiel's still makes me chuckle every now and again because he threatens to choke you to death.  Ike's was pretty good too.  Others can just be meh, but overall I like them.  I wish there was just a way to read through them again after getting them.

3 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:



If I remember correctly, it's been a while.  The story of it basically is that Zephiel feigned death after his father attempted to kill him.  During the funeral Zephiel rose from his casket and stabbed his father, thus killing him.


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Jakob's convo insulted my tea making abilities and then basically tried to neg me. It was remarkably uncomfortable and completely turned me off the character. (I haven't played Fates yet).

Julia's convo (and writing in general) is awesome and actually gives her more characterization than she has in FE4.

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4 minutes ago, salinea said:

Jakob's convo inslulted my tea making abilities and then basically tried to neg me. It was remarkably uncomfortable and completely turned me off the character. (I haven't played Fates yet).

*Looks it up.*

What a prick. Remind me, if I pick the girl in Fates, do I get him or the clumsy one?

4 minutes ago, salinea said:

Julia's convo (and writing in general) is awesome and actually gives her more characterization than she has in FE4.

My friend has a Julia and has wound up liking her and wanting to see more of her, even when I inform him that she may-or-may-not be incestuous.

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Just now, phineas81707 said:

*Looks it up.*

What a prick. Remind me, if I pick the girl in Fates, do I get him or the clumsy one?

You get the servant of the gender opposite your avatar, so you get Jakob for a girl (I think you get both of them eventually though, just later).

Just now, phineas81707 said:

My friend has a Julia and has wound up liking her and wanting to see more of her, even when I inform him that she may-or-may-not be incestuous.

She has a crush on a person who turns out to be her half brother but nothing happens between them... By FE4's standards, only a little bit incestuous :p

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1 minute ago, salinea said:

You get the servant of the gender opposite your avatar, so you get Jakob for a girl (I think you get both of them eventually though, just later).

Definitely staying with Awakening for my potential Modern title, then.

2 minutes ago, salinea said:

She has a crush on a person who turns out to be her half brother but nothing happens between them... By FE4's standards, only a little bit incestuous :p

I've rambled plenty about Genealogy and it's many incestuous pairings (definitely Arvis/Deirdre, probably Silvia/Claude and maybe Eldigan/Lachesis), so I'm sure he knows.

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15 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Definitely staying with Awakening for my potential Modern title, then.

I've rambled plenty about Genealogy and it's many incestuous pairings (definitely Arvis/Deirdre, probably Silvia/Claude and maybe Eldigan/Lachesis), so I'm sure he knows.

I think Sylvia/Claude is the one that drives me crazy because it's such a loose plot thread and it feels so *winkwink* about it.

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I like the idea of it, but sadly most of the units I've gotten to 40 had awkward/odd/cringy dialogue instead of something more pleasant.

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i haven't liked any of them so far aside from nino's because the majority are "man, I love you the player character who has not interacted with me at all a lot"

like I get that they're supposed to mean "you must like me a lot to have given me these 40+ levels" but it just feels awkward

i'd really like it if more of them were like nino's, where she talks about her past and how joining your group has helped her move on

i don't really expect much from these but I would really like it if more of them were like that one

i do really like how in character most of them seem though, the kissing up to random asshole part aside

although I guess that's just a general thing with this game

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Some are good, I think I liked Takumi and Leo's one, how they talk about their internal insecurities, Lyn feels nostalgic too.

Some are weird, like Effie and her sandwich.

And some are what? Like if they are trying to pull a S support? Somehow, it made me feel a bit unconfortable, probably people who likes the characters apreciate it, but I feel weird reading them and I end thinking "I like you guys, but not like that" haha

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