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Tempest Trials MVPs Thread


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Three days in, I think it's time to create a thread to celebrate the MVPs. Those units who carry us through this tempestuous ordeal, who bear all the hard burdens, who scrape out that last, final win by inches.

And without further ado, I'd like to name my MVP so far:


Yup, that's right, Lloyd. Why Lloyd? Mister weird, creepy, drugged-out zombie face?

Well, simple. He can one-shot Veronica. That's right, with his nicely placed glacies, Lloyd can drop her all the way down to zero in one round of combat on Lunatic seven. And even if he should fail thanks to her getting a buff from an ally, she responds with a mere 10 damage. That's it. That's all she can do to him.

So, I'd like to take a moment to thank Lloyd for the 27 times now that he's straight up killed Veronica dead. Great job, Lloyd. You're the real hero.

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Aside from the Lucina that I unbenched and my dynamic duo of Ephraim and Nino, I'm going to sing my praises for Priscilla for providing amazing utility with healing, a +6 defense spur, and chip damage with an inherited Pain staff. She even soloed a 70 hp Effie, 1 damage and 10 chip at at time.

1 minute ago, Symphonica said:

For me it's Vantage Xander and Desperation Olwen. They both carry me through the 7 maps and with a special and buffs, they can 1RKO Veronica. It's pretty crazy how even with WTD, Olwen can still beat Veronica

What else is that Olwen running? That looks amazing.

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I hope to see some non-cavalry non-distant counter units here soon.

Lilina is for me a big help. She's on my second team and usually allows me to carry through 3-4 maps along with Elise, Cordelia and Michalis. She just has that single super strong hit.

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Reinhardt, Hector (win buttons), and believe it or not, Roy. He really face-tanks those greens. But Lissa, Ryoma (blicks those annoying green mages), Effie (wall against blues and reds) and Lucina (borken Falchion) deserve shoutouts as well.

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27 minutes ago, Apples said:

Aside from the Lucina that I unbenched and my dynamic duo of Ephraim and Nino, I'm going to sing my praises for Priscilla for providing amazing utility with healing, a +6 defense spur, and chip damage with an inherited Pain staff. She even soloed a 70 hp Effie, 1 damage and 10 chip at at time.

What else is that Olwen running? That looks amazing.



Here's my Olwen. She's +atk/-hp and definitely one of my best units. I always run her with Hone Cavalry support and sometimes with Goad Cavalry as well. With both, she reaches 53 atk and 43 spd which can ko most of the units in the game. I usually run her with Iceberg, but for the purpose of getting a higher arena score, I gave her Blazing Wind. In the photo I posted above with her defeating Veronica, she only needs Hone Cavalry buff and her special to win


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It's a tie between Tharja and Cordelia for me. Tharja for obvious reasons being a blade tome and being who can kill Veronica for me. Cordelia's been a monster as well though. Galeforce on these consecutive maps is just insane. She can often get Galeforce primed before the next map, and then open up killing multiple units or killing one and freely moving to safety. I've seen her get 3 kills in a row if she quads something during her attacks so it procs again. A lot of the maps are pretty nice to have fliers on as well.

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Desperation Nino has solo'd entire maps basically by herself, including the final map of Lunatic a few times (well, with dancer support) and is absolutely deserving of the MVP title, the precious cinnamon roll of death that she is <3

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37 minutes ago, Symphonica said:

Here's my Olwen. She's +atk/-hp and definitely one of my best units. I always run her with Hone Cavalry support and sometimes with Goad Cavalry as well. With both, she reaches 53 atk and 43 spd which can ko most of the units in the game. I usually run her with Iceberg, but for the purpose of getting a higher arena score, I gave her Blazing Wind. In the photo I posted above with her defeating Veronica, she only needs Hone Cavalry buff and her special to win

I'll have to look into this build then when I run into the right fodder. Unfortunately my one and only Olwen is -Spd so I'd have to settle for a potential 40 instead. Still waiting to pull a 4* Gunter to get Horse Emblem up and running but a Goad and two Wards have been sufficient to show me how much those skills rock.

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Everybody on my main (really only) team is pretty much an MVP as they each have their own role to play.

Tharja is my assassin for Veronica and basically any greens that show up on the trial's maps. She's also Lyn's healer (via Ardent Sacrifice) should the need arises.

Reinhardt is my main mobile DPS unit and a setup allows Reinhardt to tank a full round from Veronica's Olwen without dying provided that he's at full health. (Fortify Res 1 seal from Olivia plus Tharja's Spur Res 3) He's my go-to unit for blowing up reds and blues. Draw Back has also been proven useful especially when getting himself and Olivia to safety (Reinhardt kills one, Olivia Dances for him, then Reinhardt gets behind her and uses Draw Back to get Olivia to safety).

Olivia provides buffs of Atk +4 and Res +2 (via seal) and Dances to get either help a unit score another kill or pull somebody to safety. And if the situation calls for it, she can slap Felicia, Niles, or Veronica with her Ruby Sword or bait a green unit.

Bride Lyn is such a troll, especially to Veronica (Bride Lyn's most common victim - Candlelight chip damage and status effect + Dazzling Staff 3 + Veronica's Fury 3's bleed effect). I made her into a high-speed HP tank (HP/Spd/Def/Res of 48/38/23/21) which allows her to basically live at least 1 round of combat from a ranged attacker that doesn't use a Brave weapon or a damage-boosting special in said round (such as Veronica if Bride Lyn was at full health and Veronica doesn't proc Bonfire). Rehab allows her to heal her allies from the brink. I also gave her Miracle so that she can be a more effective tank since I haven't been using the Speed boost from Swift-Winds Balm special enough to really warrant keeping it and the 6-cooldown count (5 base + 1 from Rehab) could be lowering overtime as I have Bride Lyn heal her allies during the maps leading up to Veronica's. She's pretty much critical to letting Tharja safely KO Veronica if Tharja isn't in Desperation range and doesn't have Moonbow ready. Bride Lyn also provides Atk +4 buffs if Olivia is occupied with somebody else (such as Reinhardt).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Reinhardt and Xander for usually getting me up to the last map no problems (and sometimes even destroying the last map if the units are right). 

Sanaki for invariably being my Veronica killer. 

Shout out to Roy who is often my Veronica killer if Sanaki dies, all three dancers who have all seen a fair amount of use, and my trio of colourful mages who help with random enemies or if my Sanaki team fails (Tharja, Julia and Linde)... 

And M!Robin and Priscilla. Despite both being 4*, they have helped a lot. They're part of the team with Xander and Reinhardt, and M!Robin tanks those colourless like nobody's business. Even Felicia... providing he has his special and they attack in a certain way. Darn high resistance xD He is in dire need of 5*'ring when I get the chance. 

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6 minutes ago, Apples said:

I'll have to look into this build then when I run into the right fodder. Unfortunately my one and only Olwen is -Spd so I'd have to settle for a potential 40 instead. Still waiting to pull a 4* Gunter to get Horse Emblem up and running but a Goad and two Wards have been sufficient to show me how much those skills rock.

You never know, you may pull another Olwen at some point, it's best to stay optimistic! You could potentially run Life and Death 3 instead of Fury 3 but I prefer Fury 3 as it's obtainable at 4* while LaD is still 5* only. Plus I like the extra bulk Fury gives and it means I don't have to waste a turn using Ardent Sacrifice or let Olwen get hit to reach Desperation range. Speaking of Fury, I still need to pull more Hinatas but ever since I pulled him once in the first week of the game, he hasn't come back. I also need Klein to teach Reinhardt Death Blow, but I've never pulled him. I could potentially sack my Cherche with Death Blow who I don't really use anymore, but I've put a lot of resources into building her so I won't.

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The team I've been running usually is MRob/Ryoma/Nino/Olivia. Hard to say who's the mvp, because given an A survival run all of them pull their weight really well. I gave Robin TA3/Swordbreaker, and I seem to roll a lot of reds. He also got the Breath of Life seal for regen. Ryoma's Ryoma, distant counter OP, but I swapped out his Fury3 for TA3 and it's really helped his longevity (plus veronica is lol in that case) and he doesn't even have to worry about dropping 6 hp when he melees someone. Nino deletes shit and has Ardent Sacrifice. Olivia is Olivia.

If I don't survive it all with that team, then I use my horse emblem team as backup, with Xander, Leo, Reinhardt, and Priscilla. Leo's especially notable because with a fort/hone cav and raudrblade he does 53x2 to veronica on EP and if he can get Rein's goad buff too he can double her on PP. 

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I feel my whole main team is pulling their weight quite nicely, but I suppose I should really praise Olivia. She's only 4*, but I placed her on the team anyway since I wanted dance support. However, since the other members are all mages, she's the only melee unit as well, and she's somehow able to help me get past some of those nasty high resistance units like Felicia. She doesn't need to kill them or anything, but getting them low enough for my mages to kill them without getting hit in return is really helpful.

Apart from that, Roy has been a great back up unit for my second team in case I mess up, as he's the only unit other then Tharja who can reliably deal with Veronica (Ryoma or Corrin can do it as well if they have to, but it's less reliable).

And of course, desperation Nino, desperation Tharja and Reinhardt are as broken as one would expect. The problem is that I expect them to deal with anything, so it's harder for them to impress me.

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Personal MVP is Eirika. Giving support to whoever else I'm using (Still need rally defence), can 1-round Veronica if she procs, axes hate her, definitely a good call.

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Sanaki, Cecilia, Reinhardt and Ninian. I find that having an anti-mage that is either green or blue really helps with the final map in order to take out the mage on the east side of the map.

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Desperation!Nino, because she's my only unit who can ORKO Veronica lol.

8 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

The team I've been running usually is MRob/Ryoma/Nino/Olivia. Hard to say who's the mvp, because given an A survival run all of them pull their weight really well.

Ryoma IMO because Veronica destroys dreams and kills teams. =(

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For team 1 its obviously Ursula considering she killed like 80% of enemies in the run

Julia also mvp for healing Xander between stages to reactivate QR2

For squad 2 SKILLED ROY. The best part about Roy is that until a while a go i didnt realize i took off TA3 from him. He still carried. Whats a badass


The greatest mvp is wrys for giving up to soften the enemies further lul

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Besides the obvious Reinhardt sweeper, shoutouts to my Xander and Elise combo for tanking physical and magical units respectively. Tempest Trial units might have boosted stats, but cavalry buffs reign supreme!

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Just watched a youtuber play with a horse emblem team and he was just disregarding the weapon triangle and just mashed his face on his keyboard through the fights. It's so disheartening to see that shit.

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Desperation Nino, Wings of Mercy Olivia and Draw Back + Draconic Aura + Swordberaker Klein. Klein's super useful in the flier map and deleting the many sword units, Nino needs no explanation and does in work even without a special. Draw Back saves me in a lot of situations.

When Team A falls, Sanaki is my go-to-girl for taking on Veronica. Xander + Reinhardt cavalry combo also puts in work while Lillina is my back up mage if Sanaki gets hit by someone else.

For my main account, its Desperation Tharja, Olivia and Renewal Merric (with Rally Resistance). Tharja gets full buffs across all stats thanks to Sharena, Olivia and Merric if he can spare the turn- but Merric shines during the flier maps again. Vengeance also works great for Desperation Tharja since sometimes I go through multiple maps with single digit HP.

Then after this team falls, Xander, Reinhardt, Hone Cavalry Frederick and Gronnblade/Draw Back Cecilia usually does a good clean up.

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