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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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13 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sounds like snark regarding Sothe’s affection towards Ike. Nothing ever happens after him being called out, he still goes and continues blundering over and over, everything waived aside because. Shinon is painted as an unrepentant asshole in the wrong anyway.

She is snarking about his fanboyism but also irritated that Sothe is praising a man who made them lose the war. I don't think there needs to be serious consequences to a character being reproached by another, it's just refreshing for narative balance. Ike doesn't get punished for back-talking to Senaki, but his friends scold him for it. If this were Fates, the game would have everyone patting Ike on the back for defending Elincia and saying what a mean, unreasonable person Sanaki is.

I understood Shinon to be a jerk, but not incorrect in his dislike of Ike. This isn't like Iago hating Corrin where the former is such a laughable mustache twirler that none of his criticisms should be taken seriously.

10 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:


  • After Binding Blade, FE's main appeal has been the supports, with tactics being secondary.  This is because while tactics are nice and keep you thinking, supports have that melding of gameplay and narrative that not very many games have.  It's actually a fairly brilliant system, and I hope IS will continue to find ways to improve upon it.  [I say this is unpopular because everyone on this forum seems to think gameplay is the only thing FE has going for it, when that's not true at all]

Agreed with this. People will play the game for their own reasons but one of my reasons is the writing/story/characters. SD was too boring for me to finish between the story and lack of supports. Supports are a great way of developing minor characters.

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Here's an unpopular opinion: My all time favorite pairing in the entire series is Odin x Kagero. Now there really isn't anything incredibly character-developing about this pairing, but I love it simply because it's an adorable series of conversations between two very passionate dorks. Odin is usually quite bombastic in nearly all his supports, but seeing Kagero act so excited about something is quite a refreshing take on the character. It's also one of the few pairings where the S Support actually feels fitting, because I totally buy those two falling in love after the previous events. It almost feels like a fairy tale, with the ending being open enough to let you imagine if the painting came to life or not.

It's a very simple story, but sometimes the simplest stories are the ones that work best.

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26 minutes ago, Jave said:

Here's an unpopular opinion: My all time favorite pairing in the entire series is Odin x Kagero. Now there really isn't anything incredibly character-developing about this pairing, but I love it simply because it's an adorable series of conversations between two very passionate dorks. Odin is usually quite bombastic in nearly all his supports, but seeing Kagero act so excited about something is quite a refreshing take on the character. It's also one of the few pairings where the S Support actually feels fitting, because I totally buy those two falling in love after the previous events. It almost feels like a fairy tale, with the ending being open enough to let you imagine if the painting came to life or not.

It's a very simple story, but sometimes the simplest stories are the ones that work best.

You know...I never knew they could support...

On the topic of pairings, Kaze x Selena is really friggin' cute.

I prefer Chrom x Male Robin over Chrom x Female Robin

Virion x Panne is amazing.

Virion x Anyone, really.

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15 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I got criticized for making posts like these, so please don't do them. What if I went and said "Lucia ugh *pukes*" huh? You wouldn't like it, would you?

Also, what's wrong with the Greil Mercenaries going in and doing their fucking job? They were hired to help, and they helped. It's not fanservice, it's part of the story. You want unnecessary fanservice, look at Camilla in Fates.

And stupid statements like these are what I was talking about before. You don't like Ike, fine, but you DO realize that his first game came out LONG before he was added to Smash, don't you? PoR came out in 2005, Brawl in 2008. Not to mention RD was released at the same time as Smash, so both were in development at the same time. Smash is NOT the reason Ike gets this so-called "special treatment." Also, he DOES get called out for his mistakes. Soren and Titania called him out for almost getting them killed in Begnion, Mist accuses him of being reckless in Goldoa, and Nailah in RD yells at him for trying to tell Rafiel how to act. And Shinon HATES him. Micaiah also trash-talks him for awhile.

By the way, I'm starting to want to hate Lucia because of how much you two shove her around and bash Ike on the forum. You're lucky I don't wish to hate characters simply because of the actions of one or two fans.

I've had you on ignore this whole time and tried to treat you like the laguz treat the Branded, but after hearing you swear at my friend, think that me calling Ike's character flaws out in analysis is suddenly character hate, I am breaking my silence towards you. If you think my "bashing" of Ike and "hate" of him has been brutal; girl, that is nothing, NOTHING compared to what I have to say about you.

Everyone, can you please explain to me why this girl hasn't had three warnings and been banned from these forums forever? No, really, please explain to me why, in the name of the world and God, this girl still exists on these forums to this day. Every forum post she makes blows out of proportion the moment one person speaks ill of Ike, as if we're personally attacking her and not just the character standing alone. Every forum post made by others that sheds negativity on Ike, Ike/Elincia or literally anything she loves ALSO blows out or proportion. She plays the victim card every single time people call her out on her bullshit; and no doubt, she will again do so here with me. She tries to inspire sympathy for her behaviour with her tragic family background and throws in autism as well as an excuse to protect herself; something that beyond enrages me because I too have autism as well. 

She is the biggest flipping hypocrite on this forum in that she performs character hate with Geoffrey, Mia and Lucina and then as soon as someone even REMOTELY kindly expresses their dislike of Ike, she calls them out for character-bashing and Ike hate. Just look at her calling me out on supposedly hating on Ike in this thread among everyone else here and there you go. Actually, read this whole thread and see how it's completely blown up all because of her and all the people in here disliking/calling out Ike and expressing his character flaws, even the nice ones. 

She calls you 'uncalled for' when you call her childish yet she swears at my friend and many others the moment they wrong her in her eyes; and all you have to do for that is expressing dislike for Ike in anyway possible, or express dislike of Ike/Elincia and why it doesn't work. 

Actually, she's proven to be an absolute hypocrite right here with a post. She says she doesn't cry about Kieran getting screen-time; and yet has utterly cried out about Ike not being in FE Heroes AND FE Warriors among so much more. Just look at her profile and see what she's said in it; and watch as she goes to delete everything she said because I just called her out. Oh, also watch her as she tries to get me banned because again; I called her out; and oh, she'll definitely do it by playing victim card. Just watch her. Oh and if you speak about your favourite character in tandem with disliking Ike or Ike/Elincia, expect her to end up hating them. She hates Lucia now because of me and some others you know. 

You're an insult of a Fire Emblem fan, you're an insult to people with autism like me when you use it to excuse your behaviour and you're an insult to this entire forum with your lack of respect for anyone's opinions; especially towards people who don't like Ike or Ike/Elincia and speak ill of them. You swear at people, you play the victim card to try and weasel your way out and get those people banned by mods and throw every single excuse you can think of in your book for your horrific, childish, immature behaviour. You don't even realise how many people on this forum have you ignore because they don't want to deal with you. I'm telling you girl; it's the large bloody majority of them. 

And yet you are going to read all this, boil up in fury, play the victim card, call for me to get banned and not learn a single thing from this post of just how childish you really are. You won't learn any lessons to improve yourself as you have shown in your entire time here. I continuously hear of your bullshit from multiple people on this forums and I've seen next to no one bring you to moderator attention or bring you to call you out and drag you in the sand.

Well that's changed, Ana. Because now, I have. I have in the most finite way possible to cover my arse from your victim blaming against the moderators, called you out on your bullshit; and if I'm banned from here for doing so, then I'm glad. Because not only will I never need deal with you on here again; I also will come to realise this place is BEYOND poorly moderated when they still choose to let you roam on this site despite the evidence screaming right in front of them. 

As I know this may possibly be the last post I ever make on this forum; to everyone who I have befriended on this forum and for the time that I have spent on here, I thank you. 

And as for you Ana? In regards to how you fucking treat people on here that I have fucking mentioned on this fucking post and in the spirit of 'treat people how you fucking want to be treated'?

Fuck you.

Goodbye Serenes forums. I'm going to be banned for calling out the worst member of the site.

Peace out,

Edited by Azzurohr
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Takumi is a poorly written character.

His speeches are so ridiculously, comically over the top to the point I can't take this guy seriously.

Turning up racism into eleven does NOT make Hoshido as a whole much "darker".

Oh and his possession in Conquest is a dumb plot device that could be cut from the game entirely without losing much, because ABSOLUTELY nothing change if there's no villains behind his actions. It's just drama for the sake of it.

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- FE4 is a horrendous game due to the horrible gameplay it has. The existence of the Pursuit Skill, the horrible Weapon Balance and a lot of the tedious mechanics in this game only highlights how bad this game is.
- Jugdral is the most overrated FE world.
- Kaga leaving the Fire Emblem franchise was a great thing to happen to this series. Even if he did come up with essential game mechanics present in the post Kaga era, the way these games improve upon them makes them significantly better by comparison.
- Taking away Weapon Weight was also a great thing that happened to more recent FE games. It is a shame that FE15 brought it back since it makes Magic Users with average speed slow as all hell.
- Kamui is a mediocre unit in both FE2 and FE15
- The concept of Orbs, Feathers and temporary events completely turn me off from playing FE Heroes.
- FE6 > FE7, Even though I played FE7 the most out of all the FE's. The enemy formations in most maps of FE6 make the gameplay engaging and I consider that a better quality over more stable hit rates and easier to train characters.
- Asides from how unbalanced Dark Magic is, FE13 had the best Tome setup. It manages to separate each type of magic without adding in the hassle of raising multiple weapon ranks just to use each type.
- Good gameplay is much more important to have in an FE game than a good story.
- FE12 deserves more praise hands down. It is quite an underrated game that contains pretty great gameplay.

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2 hours ago, SandoSando said:

Takumi is a poorly written character.

His speeches are so ridiculously, comically over the top to the point I can't take this guy seriously.

Turning up racism into eleven does NOT make Hoshido as a whole much "darker".

Oh and his possession in Conquest is a dumb plot device that could be cut from the game entirely without losing much, because ABSOLUTELY nothing change if there's no villains behind his actions. It's just drama for the sake of it.

Are you talking about his lines in Conquest? I think many people, even those who like Takumi, agree that he isn't a good character in Conquest (because everything is Conquest sucks). The game intentionally frames him as wrong, making him petty, whiny and filled with unjust anger. It says more about their intentions to frame Corrin as a hero rather than who Takumi is as a person.

2 hours ago, Azzurohr said:


Peace, friend. There is no reason to quit the forum just because of one member.

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27 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Are you talking about his lines in Conquest? I think many people, even those who like Takumi, agree that he isn't a good character in Conquest (because everything is Conquest sucks). The game intentionally frames him as wrong, making him petty, whiny and filled with unjust anger. It says more about their intentions to frame Corrin as a hero rather than who Takumi is as a person.

Peace, friend. There is no reason to quit the forum just because of one member.

Did I mention I was quitting? I merely said I could potentially be banned ;)

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Oooooookie-dokie, here we go!

  • The fact that Fire Emblem has historically been comparatively-simpler than a lot of other strategy RPGs is actually one of the things that I really liked about it, and I'm not especially happy that it's moving more in the direction of encouraging/facilitating min-maxing and the creation of broken skill builds.
  • On that note, I think that Jugdral/Tellius making Skills rarer and more of a commodity used to differentiate units from each other was more interesting than Awakening and Fates turning it into a more standard RPG skill-learning system. Fates' personal skills helped, but I still didn't care too much for the system overall. I suppose I prefer to have units be innately-different in ways the player can't really circumvent or grind their way out of rather than essentially reducible to which stat cap modifiers you want on your unit with X skill build.
  • Gonna hop on the "Faye isn't that bad" train, with the caveat that I think all she really needed that she didn't get was for the writing and other characters to actually critically-examine her obsession with Alm.
  • Forsyth is likely to be a better unit than Lukas in the long run without Starshards/Jacinths or Pitchforks, because Lukas' offensive capabilities fall off a cliff due to his abysmal speed just not cutting it for mid/late-game, while Forsyth is able to keep up at least decently while having stronger Attack and still pretty hardy Defense.
  • I don't think that a unit requiring investment to become strong inherently makes them bad, although I do understand that any such hurdle taken to sufficient extremes will cause a hit to a unit's overall worth, gameplay-wise.
  • On that note, I understand that some sort of objective criteria of measurement needs to be established in order to really be able to rate the strength and usefulness of units with any real consistency or efficacy, but it frustrates me just how deeply steeped these ratings are in a very specific playstyle and how utterly dismissive they are of any other playstyles, for the most part. Of course, I do realize that it's also important to understand that stuff such as tier lists and unit ratings are often developed first and foremost by and for people who play Fire Emblem that way, but I still feel it's rather myopic and doesn't always encompass the full picture of how good a unit may or may not be.
  • Part of this comes from the fact that I generally don't tend to enjoy using units as much if they already come really strong, because the sense of progression and seeing that my own efforts made a difference in the strength of an initially-weaker unit is very satisfying to me, and it's an experience that the former kind of unit, by their very nature, will never provide for me. I don't hate them, of course; I just find them comparatively-boring to use.
  • Generally-speaking, I'm not a huge fan of stat caps going above 30 for most stats/60 or so for HP, and I'm not really that big on infinite or extended amounts of level-ups, either. I feel like keeping numbers lower, with each point being more significant and caps keeping things from getting out of hand, helps the game's power scale feel more grounded.
  • Needing only 1 more Attack Speed to double wasn't a terrible idea and works just fine in the games that it's in, and I actually prefer it to Awakening, Fates, and Heroes having a raised double threshold of 5 more AS. I still think somewhere in between those two would be ideal, though; 4 more AS is probably my favorite take on it so far.
  • I dislike the notion of "canon" classes for the Valentian Villager characters as I feel it runs counter to the whole point of them being customizable and in that way somewhat detracts from the fun of it if there's one "correct" class for each of them that you're "supposed" to pick. I'm grateful that at least Atlas doesn't seem to have a "canon" class, and frankly neither does Faye if we're going strictly by textual in-game cues. That said, I do appreciate at least that the developers made an effort to tip the player off with suggestions of what the original three Villagers are generally good as... I do realize how contradictory that sounds, haha~
    Note that "the class the character is best in" is not the same as "the character's 'canon' class". Tobin is "canonically" an Archer, and Kliff is "canonically" a Mage, for example, but I've heard decent cases made for those not being the best class choice for either character.
  • Gaiden!Tobin('s in-game portrait) was adorable and I honestly, unironically like his design more than Echoes!Tobin's. Besides, Kliff was supposed to be the lanky brown-haired white guy
  • Kinda drifting outside of the mindset I usually take to playing games and thinking about characters, but I honestly don't find myself being, uh... physically-attracted... to very many Fire Emblem characters at all. This includes... "fan favorites"... like Tharja.
  • Xander and Ryoma are really not remotely as interesting, textually or aesthetically, as would warrant the popularity that they have.
  • Someone mentioned Virion being one of the better Archers in the series character- and design-wise a while back? I agree with them. I think he's a refreshing change of pace from the Nice Green Kid Retainer and Scrappy Village Youth archetypes for first Archers.
    Incidentally, Rolf is somehow kinda both of those archetypes at once, which is honestly sort of impressive. At the very least, he's something of a hybrid of the two.
  • Vaike is honestly not that annoying. He's by no means one of my favorite characters even in just Awakening by itself, let alone the series as a whole, but I don't really find him to be particularly objectionable in any way. I honestly find Nah way more annoying than him, at least in certain supports where she gets quite literally violently overcontrolling.
  • Also gonna second the opinion I read a while back that Archanea's cast is really not as bad as people make it out to be and, with a properly-fleshed-out remake, could easily end up one of the more interesting and likable casts in the series.
  • On that note, the Archanea-Valentia setting's lore is one of the most interesting in the series in what's very much a case of quality over quantity in comparison to other games that are technically more lore-heavy.
  • FE1 isn't a bad game and after playing it I'm actually mixed on how Shadow Dragon went about modernizing it. A lot of its early-installment idiosyncrasies have retroactively become fun and interesting gameplay gimmicks that set it apart from its successors.
  • Lyn Mode isn't that bad, especially when you're playing on Hard Mode and thus without tutorials forcing your movements.
  • I don't know if this is actually unpopular, but thinking back on it, Laguz were super bland from a gameplay perspective, which absolutely carries over to the Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfskin, despite them being revised to work somewhat differently. I actually really like the idea of Fire Emblem having multiple intelligent races with varying gameplay properties to set them apart along that axis, but what they did with Laguz was just not an interesting way of making that happen. I think it's because the majority of them just turn into solid, but otherwise unremarkable, triangle-neutral melee fighters, which, although perhaps not bad, is certainly not especially interesting to use.
  • On the flipside, I am actually a pretty big fan of gimmicky weapon types like Ballistae and Fates' Knives and would love to see them come back and factor more into future Fire Emblem games.
  • I really don't like the notion that certain characters shouldn't even be recruitable because there's no gameplay reason to use them over other similar characters, partially because these arguments are often coming from the perspective of a very specific playstyle and partly because I don't think that every character in a Fire Emblem game needs to be or even should be good. At least for me, there's a certain appeal just in the sheer variety of characters that join you; good, bad, and everywhere in between.
  • Obligatory mention of "I don't particularly like A Song of Ice and Fire and really would rather Fire Emblem not become more like it" here.
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  • I don't particularly dislike any FE game.
  • Awakening's story and characters aren't all that bad.
  • Playing Shadow Dragon, SoV or New Mystery is not a proper substitute for playing Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light, Gaiden or Mystery.
  • Dismounting is a great feature that should never have been abandoned.
  • The best way to play FE is blind and ironman.
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9 hours ago, Azzurohr said:

I've had you on ignore this whole time and tried to treat you like the laguz treat the Branded, but after hearing you swear at my friend, think that me calling Ike's character flaws out in analysis is suddenly character hate, I am breaking my silence towards you. If you think my "bashing" of Ike and "hate" of him has been brutal; girl, that is nothing, NOTHING compared to what I have to say about you.

Everyone, can you please explain to me why this girl hasn't had three warnings and been banned from these forums forever? No, really, please explain to me why, in the name of the world and God, this girl still exists on these forums to this day. Every forum post she makes blows out of proportion the moment one person speaks ill of Ike, as if we're personally attacking her and not just the character standing alone. Every forum post made by others that sheds negativity on Ike, Ike/Elincia or literally anything she loves ALSO blows out or proportion. She plays the victim card every single time people call her out on her bullshit; and no doubt, she will again do so here with me. She tries to inspire sympathy for her behaviour with her tragic family background and throws in autism as well as an excuse to protect herself; something that beyond enrages me because I too have autism as well. 

She is the biggest flipping hypocrite on this forum in that she performs character hate with Geoffrey, Mia and Lucina and then as soon as someone even REMOTELY kindly expresses their dislike of Ike, she calls them out for character-bashing and Ike hate. Just look at her calling me out on supposedly hating on Ike in this thread among everyone else here and there you go. Actually, read this whole thread and see how it's completely blown up all because of her and all the people in here disliking/calling out Ike and expressing his character flaws, even the nice ones. 

She calls you 'uncalled for' when you call her childish yet she swears at my friend and many others the moment they wrong her in her eyes; and all you have to do for that is expressing dislike for Ike in anyway possible, or express dislike of Ike/Elincia and why it doesn't work. 

Actually, she's proven to be an absolute hypocrite right here with a post. She says she doesn't cry about Kieran getting screen-time; and yet has utterly cried out about Ike not being in FE Heroes AND FE Warriors among so much more. Just look at her profile and see what she's said in it; and watch as she goes to delete everything she said because I just called her out. Oh, also watch her as she tries to get me banned because again; I called her out; and oh, she'll definitely do it by playing victim card. Just watch her. Oh and if you speak about your favourite character in tandem with disliking Ike or Ike/Elincia, expect her to end up hating them. She hates Lucia now because of me and some others you know. 

You're an insult of a Fire Emblem fan, you're an insult to people with autism like me when you use it to excuse your behaviour and you're an insult to this entire forum with your lack of respect for anyone's opinions; especially towards people who don't like Ike or Ike/Elincia and speak ill of them. You swear at people, you play the victim card to try and weasel your way out and get those people banned by mods and throw every single excuse you can think of in your book for your horrific, childish, immature behaviour. You don't even realise how many people on this forum have you ignore because they don't want to deal with you. I'm telling you girl; it's the large bloody majority of them.

And yet you are going to read all this, boil up in fury, play the victim card, call for me to get banned and not learn a single thing from this post of just how childish you really are. You won't learn any lessons to improve yourself as you have shown in your entire time here. I continuously hear of your bullshit from multiple people on this forums and I've seen next to no one bring you to moderator attention or bring you to call you out and drag you in the sand.

Well that's changed, Ana. Because now, I have. I have in the most finite way possible to cover my arse from your victim blaming against the moderators, called you out on your bullshit; and if I'm banned from here for doing so, then I'm glad. Because not only will I never need deal with you on here again; I also will come to realise this place is BEYOND poorly moderated when they still choose to let you roam on this site despite the evidence screaming right in front of them. 

As I know this may possibly be the last post I ever make on this forum; to everyone who I have befriended on this forum and for the time that I have spent on here, I thank you. 

And as for you Ana? In regards to how you fucking treat people on here that I have fucking mentioned on this fucking post and in the spirit of 'treat people how you fucking want to be treated'?

Fuck you.

Goodbye Serenes forums. I'm going to be banned for calling out the worst member of the site.

Peace out,

Why would I just blow up and "boil up in fury" at you? That's the most immature and actually childish reaction I could ever have. I'm not a toddler or baby who has temper tantrums, you know. In fact, I'm surprised you would call me childish after making this very post you just made. I hate being called childish or immature, but you know what? You've actually taught me something here, surprisingly. Getting mad about being called those things doesn't really help. I'm going to just take it and move on. Maybe that way I'll actually show I'm not those things. Think what you want about me, I don't really care, kay?

I'm flattered that someone would take the time to write an essay about me, by the way. But this is very off topic, so I'm finished here. Have a nice day!

Kudos to other people for staying on topic and not getting involved here, by the way.

Here's one more unpopular opinion from me that I forgot to mention to keep the topic going and not derail it any further:

- Hoshido >>>>> Nohr, even down to the characters. Elise and Silas (if he counts) are the only Nohr characters I like at all and I like Hoshido's brighter atmosphere.



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  • Kozaki is a good artist, but he's a terrible fit for the franchise.
  • Most of the time, low level units are more fun to build up and use than units who join already amazing.
  • Infantry units are more fun that cavalry units.
  • Restrictions on what units are capable of are better for gameplay than no restrictions.
  • Indoor horse nerfs and dismounting need to come back
Edited by Slumber
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7 hours ago, Azzurohr said:


You can second me on all of that. It bugs me to no end. There are few times where I wish I were still a mod, but I'd give a lot to dish out some much needed punishment here.

To be on topic:

- I generally don't have any strong feels about various characters, either for or against. I'll also put myself in the camp of not thinking Faye is as bad as some try to make out. At worst, she's a mildly irritating and tired cliche in a cast of otherwise likeable characters.

- Not sure how unpopular this is, but I hope IS continues with it's concessions on the perma death, such as the save points in SD and the Turnwheel. As core as I feel the perma death is to the series, it's not always an enjoyable aspect and have a small buffer against the worst RNG is nice. The turnwheel was a bit too generous by the end, but with some tweaking it could be perfect for me.

- Same as Topaz above, I don't like the emphasis the newer games have on complex skills and min-maxing. The newer games in general are really bogged down by a lot of fluff and DLC that I don't care for. That stuff just tires me out. The more straightforward games, like SD or 6/7 are easier to enjoy.

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I liked Fates' risk reward system it had with using weapons

I want to see dual guard and dual strike from Fates to continue to improve

I thought Conquest had the best story in Fates


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Takumi could be replaced by some random edgy OC and pretty much nothing would change story-wise.

"Grr, I hate *insert protagonist/kingdom* I hope you riot in hell" 

How original, there's nothing relatable, tragic, or interesting about this pathetic, whiny crybaby. NO amounts of issues excuses him for his shitty attitude.

This guy is a complete waste of time. Also he is a lame rip off of Shinon. Fuck Takumi.

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6 hours ago, Peppy said:

Asides from how unbalanced Dark Magic is, FE13 had the best Tome setup. It manages to separate each type of magic without adding in the hassle of raising multiple weapon ranks just to use each type.

Yeah, honestly I wish this would come back.

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1 hour ago, Shuuda said:

You can second me on all of that. It bugs me to no end. There are few times where I wish I were still a mod, but I'd give a lot to dish out some much needed punishment here.

Sure, ban me forever when I'm not actually the one making hate posts about other members.

But if I'm not wanted here, I'll leave. Like I said, I don't care. I don't need to be around people who only wish to treat me like trash and severely twist everything I say/do here. I have better things to do with my life.

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Here's mine:


Hated Fates with its new mechanics. It seemed to make everything needlessly complicated, and force you to use a mechanic that really should have remained optional (meaning, if you wanted to use requests at all really, you needed to use the marriage mechanic).


I don't really like FE4. Large maps are annoying, and holy weapon users clearly overpower anyone who isn't one. Lack of a trade system and collective gold was also annoying. I did like the weapon repair system and feel like this is what Fates should have had.


I have a new appreciation for Shadow Dragon after trying to attempt to play through to the original, and getting destroyed by outdated mechanics…


I don't mind the avatar system all that much. In my opinion they're less of an audience surrogate and more units to just throw at enemies. The main difference is that they have a few more customization options that everyone else.


Miaciah should have been the main Lord of FE10. Ike had time. Also, Sanaki should have made her combat debut earlier, and possibly realized her relationship.


Camues are annoying because a lot of them are made out to be stupid when the narrative treats them like they're not. Also if you take away the whole loyalty trait, they're clearly not (e.g. Selena noticed something was wrong with Lyon before anyone else did, Ishtar risked her life to save children and defy her family).


It was tragic the first time. Now it is overused and forced. I think some of the Camus should be recruitable, possibly in very difficult ways.


I hate Ephiram and think he's a Stu. Sacred Stones would've been fine with just Erikia as the Lord.


I like reclass the way was in Awakening because I like customization.






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9 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

Oooooookie-dokie, here we go!

  • The fact that Fire Emblem has historically been comparatively-simpler than a lot of other strategy RPGs is actually one of the things that I really liked about it, and I'm not especially happy that it's moving more in the direction of encouraging/facilitating min-maxing and the creation of broken skill builds.
  • On that note, I think that Jugdral/Tellius making Skills rarer and more of a commodity used to differentiate units from each other was more interesting than Awakening and Fates turning it into a more standard RPG skill-learning system. Fates' personal skills helped, but I still didn't care too much for the system overall. I suppose I prefer to have units be innately-different in ways the player can't really circumvent or grind their way out of rather than essentially reducible to which stat cap modifiers you want on your unit with X skill build.
  • Generally-speaking, I'm not a huge fan of stat caps going above 30 for most stats/60 or so for HP, and I'm not really that big on infinite or extended amounts of level-ups, either. I feel like keeping numbers lower, with each point being more significant and caps keeping things from getting out of hand, helps the game's power scale feel more grounded.
  • Also gonna second the opinion I read a while back that Archanea's cast is really not as bad as people make it out to be and, with a properly-fleshed-out remake, could easily end up one of the more interesting and likable casts in the series.
  • On that note, the Archanea-Valentia setting's lore is one of the most interesting in the series in what's very much a case of quality over quantity in comparison to other games that are technically more lore-heavy.

Yeah, it annoys me that later games are becoming more focused on character building rather than the strategy elements.  Don't get me wrong, I love FFT and Tactics Ogre, but the later FE games feel like a weird compromise between the rich customization of those games and the comparatively barebones strategy of its earlier entries...and I don't really like it as much as a result.  By the same token, I liked it when skills were primarily used to differentiate characters and caps were lower.

People complain about Archanea's cast because they're more minimalist and not as fleshed out, which comes across as misguided to me.  Also yeah, it actually has some of the best worldbuilding in the series.  The only competition in my eyes is Jugdral.

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55 minutes ago, Refa said:

People complain about Archanea's cast because they're more minimalist and not as fleshed out, which comes across as misguided to me.  Also yeah, it actually has some of the best worldbuilding in the series.  The only competition in my eyes is Jugdral.

The thing that really helps the world-building in both Archanea and Jugdral is that they take place in the same world. These games both do fine world building on their own, but Jugdral fleshing out the dragon war and events that resulted from the war helps Archanea a lot, and knowing what Naga is like and the various dragon tribes showing up in Archanea helps Jugdral.

While that's fresh in the mind, I will say this:

  • So long as it makes sense, connecting FE games can strengthen a weak game. As much as I hate the direction Awakening's story takes, it is a fine addition to the Archanea world. I think Awakening would be a weaker game without the direct connection to Archanea and Valentia(And by extension, Jugdral). If there were to be a new entry in the Tellius world, or Elibe world, that were completely disconnected from the originals, I'd be 100% for it so long as the connections made sense. The only exceptions to this are Magvel and Fatesland, purely because I don't think there's anywhere near enough world building in those games to warrant any sort of follow-ups.
Edited by Slumber
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9 hours ago, Slumber said:
  • Kozaki is a good artist, but he's a terrible fit for the franchise.
  • Most of the time, low level units are more fun to build up and use than units who join already amazing.
  • Infantry units are more fun that cavalry units.
  • Restrictions on what units are capable of are better for gameplay than no restrictions.
  • Indoor horse nerfs and dismounting need to come back

I agree with all of these, though I'm largely indifferent to Kozaki.

Indeed, Genealogy of the Holy War's bias towards cavalry is one of the reasons I dislike it compared to the others.

Dismounting nerfs would be nice as long as redundancy can be avoided (e.g. not including regular and Lance Cavaliers in the same game like Thracia 776 did).

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18 hours ago, Jave said:

Here's an unpopular opinion: My all time favorite pairing in the entire series is Odin x Kagero. Now there really isn't anything incredibly character-developing about this pairing, but I love it simply because it's an adorable series of conversations between two very passionate dorks. Odin is usually quite bombastic in nearly all his supports, but seeing Kagero act so excited about something is quite a refreshing take on the character. It's also one of the few pairings where the S Support actually feels fitting, because I totally buy those two falling in love after the previous events. It almost feels like a fairy tale, with the ending being open enough to let you imagine if the painting came to life or not.

It's a very simple story, but sometimes the simplest stories are the ones that work best.

I have found another that ships Odin x Kagero. We must unite together.

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5 hours ago, saisymbolic said:

I have found another that ships Odin x Kagero. We must unite together.

We shall embark on a quest to find all of the great minds that think like us. All of them are out there somewhere.


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-Playing through Echoes has reminded me that more mechanics do not necessarily make a deeper game. I also appreciated the limitations on the reclassing and the lower emphasis on skills.

-I find Fates more obnoxious than fun.

-I wish Alm were a bit more mean or at least more aggressive in Echoes; he is a bit too bland otherwise (in fact, a protagonist with a bit of a mean side would be nice coupled with more characters who dislike the protagonist, but begrudgingly work with said protagonist).

-Plots with the nobility being petty and some moral ambiguity would be nice (as it would mirror real life history). 

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