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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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5 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Some people overrate character sexuality. Is annoying for me when I hear more people talking about Claude is about him possibly being gay rather than his possible character.

Yes. Its a bit weird because aside from Claude being fabulous there's really not anything known about him, including even the smallest hint of his sexuality. Its often suspected he could be a bit of a flirt but since we know absolutely nothing he might just as well have a girl phobia like Lon'qu.

But then again the devs probably underrate character sexuality. I'm generally not the type to ship people of the same gender if its not directly said to be canon but Soleil not being able to romance girls despite constantly flirting with them(or harassing them) or Camilla not being gay despite her hunting for a female harem and also flirting with girls a lot was really strange.

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Hmm, well...

- I genuinely dislike Fates.

- Bow units aren't that bad.

- Lyn just isn't good, character-wise and as a unit. But she still deserved more closure.

- Roy isn't that bad pre-promote.

- FE6 isn't as hard as people make it out to be. It's annoying, but the only real "difficulty" is the amount of time each chapter takes on average.

- Sacred Stones, even without abusing Tower of Valini, is the easiest game in the franchise. Yes, even easier than Path of Radiance.

- Not every unit needs to be viable. 

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28 minutes ago, Steinn said:

Hmm, well...

- I genuinely dislike Fates.

- Bow units aren't that bad.

- Lyn just isn't good, character-wise and as a unit. But she still deserved more closure.

- Roy isn't that bad pre-promote.

- FE6 isn't as hard as people make it out to be. It's annoying, but the only real "difficulty" is the amount of time each chapter takes on average.

- Sacred Stones, even without abusing Tower of Valini, is the easiest game in the franchise. Yes, even easier than Path of Radiance.

- Not every unit needs to be viable. 

I can't tell if this is satire or not.

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2 hours ago, Steinn said:

Hmm, well...

- I genuinely dislike Fates.

- Lyn just isn't good... as a unit. But she still deserved more closure.

- FE6 isn't as hard as people make it out to be. It's annoying, but the only real "difficulty" is the amount of time each chapter takes on average.

- Sacred Stones, even without abusing Tower of Valini, is the easiest game in the franchise. Yes, even easier than Path of Radiance.

I wouldn't say any of these are that unpopular.

Barring maybe genuinely disliking Fates, I'd say these are more popular opinions than not in the fandom.

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Story based promotions for the lords aren't a problem per se. Just detach them from the characters levels and that should solve a good deal of late promotions holding back Lords like Roy.

The main problem of Roy is less his low stats, and more of his in-story character strengths having zero bearings in gameplay. Adopt a Fates!Conquest-style gameplay with support-based skills, leadership stars, and other mechanics (such as bonuses and penalties for flanking or being flanked by enemies) that can utilise morale boosts from Roy and certain high-ranked units (say Marcus, Perceval/Douglas) instead of Roy's stats. Raise Roy's stats if absolutely necessary, but DON'T make him like Ike/Sigurd - that's just unrealistically dumb.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions was a great entry game into Atlus entries in general and Persona in particular. I have zero regrets on that one.

Considering that we have some dissapointing track records of male lords hogging the story spotlight from the female Lords (Alm and Ike, I'm looking at you both), I'm actually find it refreshing that Itsuki more or less backed off from this for the game's majority.

Edited by henrymidfields
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I have new unpopular opinions based on what we have got from Three Houses.

• I do not particularly like the art style. It seems dull, less vivid, and the zombie eyes just accentuate it. I would have preferred something in the lines of Shadows of Valentia.

• I already hate the stupid girl with the stripper hat, and hope that I can skip her or just kill her early-game. (The ‘waifu comments’ on Reddit put her right at the top.)

• One of the two reasons that made me buy a 3DS was the Conquest trailer. Yet what I have seen of Three Houses would never make me get a Switch. (I know, Fates ended up being a very divisive game, full of flaws and bad decisions, but I got it based on what I saw and I loved Conquest’s gameplay. The purchase worked for me.)


That being said, I honestly hope that Three Houses will be the best game so far. If that is too much to ask, I will be happy if its gameplay is as challenging and entertaining as Conquest’s.

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I have my doubts if Fire Emblem will ever be a more straightforward Strategic Game again...

With each new game (except Gaiden that was mostly a remade of a older concept; where this game and Sacred Stones used to be the only outliners) since Awakening, the franchise has become more grindy RPG.

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On 2/23/2019 at 5:36 AM, starburst said:

• I already hate the stupid girl with the stripper hat, and hope that I can skip her or just kill her early-game. (The ‘waifu comments’ on Reddit put her right at the top.)

This I agree with. That hat is so stupid, and while the series has had anachronisms, it's an especially egregious one.

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On 2/23/2019 at 6:36 AM, starburst said:

I have new unpopular opinions based on what we have got from Three Houses.

• I do not particularly like the art style. It seems dull, less vivid, and the zombie eyes just accentuate it. I would have preferred something in the lines of Shadows of Valentia.

• I already hate the stupid girl with the stripper hat, and hope that I can skip her or just kill her early-game. (The ‘waifu comments’ on Reddit put her right at the top.)

• One of the two reasons that made me buy a 3DS was the Conquest trailer. Yet what I have seen of Three Houses would never make me get a Switch. (I know, Fates ended up being a very divisive game, full of flaws and bad decisions, but I got it based on what I saw and I loved Conquest’s gameplay. The purchase worked for me.)


That being said, I honestly hope that Three Houses will be the best game so far. If that is too much to ask, I will be happy if its gameplay is as challenging and entertaining as Conquest’s.

The way I get around things like that hat and other inaccurate historical details in Three Houses' character design is by realizing how ridiculous purple and blue and green hair is for any time period.

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8 hours ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

The way I get around things like that hat and other inaccurate historical details in Three Houses' character design is by realizing how ridiculous purple and blue and green hair is for any time period.

It's a bit different. It's a fantasy, having fantastical elements like funny hair colors doesn't change too much.

But then you bring in deliberately modern aesthetic designs like the tiny, crooked hat(Which is a stupid look today), and it really distracts from the fantasy part. There's some wiggle room, since this isn't a historical series, but it's clearly not a modern series.

It's even weirder when you realize the context in which that hat is usually used.

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7 minutes ago, Slumber said:

It's a bit different. It's a fantasy, having fantastical elements like funny hair colors doesn't change too much.

But then you bring in deliberately modern aesthetic designs like the tiny, crooked hat(Which is a stupid look today), and it really distracts from the fantasy part. There's some wiggle room, since this isn't a historical series, but it's clearly not a modern series.

It's even weirder when you realize the context in which that hat is usually used.

For me it takes away from the medieval element a lot and makes me think they are all using hair dye(particular in the case of the pink and purple hair). It was a bit easier to ignore in the gba games and even the 3DS games because you are constantly looking at all blue sprites moving on the map with the animations turned off, but it is really noticeable for me in the trailers for this game as I have never played the Tellius series.


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There aren't many unpopular opinions that I have and the ones that I do have aren't exactly new but whatever.

Radiant Dawn's story is bad: I don't how unpopular this opinion is but from what I've seen there are quite a lot of who like the story of fe10. And I simply don't see it. Characters act the way the story needs them to act without explaining why they act that way.  This results in almost all characters looking stupid at least once in the story. Characters are introduced and forgotten directly after and character development from the previous game is simply forgotten. But the part that frustrates me the most is how it relies on macguffins or conveniences to continue the story. This removes all drama and any interesting motivations characters could have. 

Kaga leaving was probably a good thing: I like fe4 & 5, but they're unmarketable (hey kids! Wanna buy a strategy on the SNES while you could also play Ocarina of Time or Resident Evil 2?) and games from big studios need to make money. I think him being an independent game designer is better for him and for Nintendo. For him because he can do whatever he wants with his games and for Nintendo because they can make fun games that make money (even if I won't like all of these games).

I don't like supports: I like the idea behind supports, but they're rarely well implemented in the games and in some of the games that they're well implemented, they not good (fe10 & fe15). The way I see supports is that they're designed in a way to give extra information about a character when you want it. The problem is that games like fe6, fe12, fe13 & fe14 use it as the only way to develop their side characters. These games rarely show the unique traits of their side character in the story and then I ask myself, why would I be interested in a character when the story never put any effort in developing or even introducing them in a interesting way? (the introduction problem is mainly a problem in fe12, 13 & 14). Fe7 & 9 often make sure that the characters that they introduce look interesting and they use other means to develop their side characters (popping up in the story, base conversations in fe9 and saying stuff to the tactician in fe7). What I'm trying to say is that supports should be a part of their character development and not their entire development because supports can only develop your characters to a certain extent.

There are some other things but they're either to small or to general to point out.

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Ok here I go:

1. Casual mode kinda takes the uniqueness the series has this isn't shining force and in some cases it can make you lake lazy strategy wise.

2. The throw backs to marth are kind of annoying and i would rather see Anri's story told if we were to return to archanea.

3. The GBA games had the best magic system.

4. Fates was decent especially revelations.

5. Length wise some games feel a little too short like FE8 and gaiden.

6. IS should expand on some lore or make games on it like the scouring from FE7.

7. IS needs to pull away from making the final boss a dragon or something possessed by a dragon because it gets a little old and kind of predictable.

8. Final bosses could be given more forms likes fates.

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Casual mode was a mistake.

All it serves to do is scare people into cheating themselves out of an engaging and rewarding experience because when they hear "permanent death" they think this game is every bit as much of a meatgrinder as games where you only lose if you get a total party wipe, and that they'll never be able to beat it on classic mode unless they're obsessive geniuses. But this game is balanced around losing a unit being a fail state. You can't go from that being the fail state to having to suffer a total party wipe before losing, without any other aspect of the game changing, and still expect to be challenged. Casual mode is virtually impossible to lose, especially after they let you keep going after losing your lord too. It's not a game mode. It's a damned cheat code. It serves literally no purpose that couldn't be served by playing on easier difficulties. Mila's Turnwheel should've been what they added instead of casual mode, something that lets you recover from your bad decisions but still requires you to make good decisions in their place to proceed. But the turnwheel shouldn't be something that actually exists in-story (because that kills drama and stakes like nothing the hell else when you give the main character time/prophecy powers), it shouldn't be mandatorily present on all game modes, and it shouldn't be something you get to upgrade through the game like it's a normal game feature.

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12 hours ago, falcontheexplorer said:

6. IS should expand on some lore or make games on it like the scouring from FE7.

I don't think a game about the scouring would work. The premise dictates that most enemies would be dragons which would end up crippling the enemy variety. You could have it that the eight Legends fight an army of traitors to humanity but if its humans vs humans it would stop being the scouring.

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On 3/4/2019 at 11:36 AM, LJwalhout said:

I don't like supports: I like the idea behind supports, but they're rarely well implemented in the games and in some of the games that they're well implemented, they not good (fe10 & fe15). The way I see supports is that they're designed in a way to give extra information about a character when you want it. The problem is that games like fe6, fe12, fe13 & fe14 use it as the only way to develop their side characters. These games rarely show the unique traits of their side character in the story and then I ask myself, why would I be interested in a character when the story never put any effort in developing or even introducing them in a interesting way? (the introduction problem is mainly a problem in fe12, 13 & 14). Fe7 & 9 often make sure that the characters that they introduce look interesting and they use other means to develop their side characters (popping up in the story, base conversations in fe9 and saying stuff to the tactician in fe7). What I'm trying to say is that supports should be a part of their character development and not their entire development because supports can only develop your characters to a certain extent.

I think that's more a gameplay story segregation problem rather than purely a writing problem. I mean when writing the story the writers/devs need to take permadeath into account. There are ways to get around it but ehh.

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7 hours ago, Ottservia said:

I think that's more a gameplay story segregation problem rather than purely a writing problem. I mean when writing the story the writers/devs need to take permadeath into account. There are ways to get around it but ehh.

Gameplay story segregation is a part of it but what I mostly meant is that many games use it as the only means to develop their character. And because of way supports work , you can only do so much when developing characters. You need to develop a character in a interesting and/or meaningful way within at least 3 conversations. Because of this supports sometimes feel like they drag or that the character arcs are rushed. This is even further limited by fe13 &14's mechanic in which you must be able to have all characters marry with characters from the opposite gender and have children which means that there are some subjects that you can't tackle in your supports because they won't be able to marry.

Talking about why exactly I dislike supports is hard because my feelings about them aren't black & white. There are quite some supports that I like and I don't think that removing them would fix the problem. It's more how they're seen by developers (and some players) and used within the game that I dislike. I have this thought that developers use supports conversations as a way to give the illusion that their characters are more interesting than they actually are and an excuse to not develop their characters in other ways (with the defense word You should have read their supports because those are really interesting). And it's this mentality that makes me dislike supports.

I know that developing a huge cast of characters in an interesting way is hard and supports are an easy solution. But that doesn't mean that they should at least try to develop their characters in more interesting ways then what is basically a bunch of small-talk which leads to children after 4 of them.  

(Also fe9 had their supports change with certain events in the story and that game is more then 10 years old).

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21 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Casual mode was a mistake.

All it serves to do is scare people into cheating themselves out of an engaging and rewarding experience because when they hear "permanent death" they think this game is every bit as much of a meatgrinder as games where you only lose if you get a total party wipe, and that they'll never be able to beat it on classic mode unless they're obsessive geniuses. But this game is balanced around losing a unit being a fail state. You can't go from that being the fail state to having to suffer a total party wipe before losing, without any other aspect of the game changing, and still expect to be challenged. Casual mode is virtually impossible to lose, especially after they let you keep going after losing your lord too. It's not a game mode. It's a damned cheat code. It serves literally no purpose that couldn't be served by playing on easier difficulties. Mila's Turnwheel should've been what they added instead of casual mode, something that lets you recover from your bad decisions but still requires you to make good decisions in their place to proceed. But the turnwheel shouldn't be something that actually exists in-story (because that kills drama and stakes like nothing the hell else when you give the main character time/prophecy powers), it shouldn't be mandatorily present on all game modes, and it shouldn't be something you get to upgrade through the game like it's a normal game feature.

While I agree that the Turnwheel is a better learning tool than Casual mode, it's not really anyone's place to decide how the game should be played. If Casual mode is how certain players want to engage the series, that's on them. How they choose to play doesn't affect the experience of those of us who choose to play classic.

20 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I don't think a game about the scouring would work. The premise dictates that most enemies would be dragons which would end up crippling the enemy variety. You could have it that the eight Legends fight an army of traitors to humanity but if its humans vs humans it would stop being the scouring.

I'm a bit mixed on the topic. On one hand, there is plenty of room to set up a grand story of racial tension, politics and scheming that culminated in the conflict known as the Scouring. All we really know about that time is that humans started some shit, the dragons fought back and ultimately lost. Why did the humans attack? There must be a villain behind that. It's not like all of humanity has to be on the same side, at least, not in the earlier parts of the story.

On the other hand, the dragons being outnumbered (specifically because humans have the ability to reproduce quickly) is a critical point of the story so it wouldn't be right to say "well, they also had a bunch of humans on their side." I don't think it would be impossible, per se. You could always make a variety of dragon classes that correspond roughly with human classes in the game. That said, i think the biggest hurdle for the story is that the humans are the villains of the story and you'd need to reframe the conflictso you're committing genocide against a blameless race.

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19 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

While I agree that the Turnwheel is a better learning tool than Casual mode, it's not really anyone's place to decide how the game should be played. If Casual mode is how certain players want to engage the series, that's on them. How they choose to play doesn't affect the experience of those of us who choose to play classic.

I never said it did. I just feel it serves absolutely no purpose other than misleading newcomers and doing them a disservice. I shudder to think what might have happened to me at 12 years old if Blazing Sword had casual. Even at that age, having barely ever played a strategy game before and not even getting how stats work or even reading them, I could handle classic difficulty. But would I have known that if that casual option had been there? Would I have grown scared of trying classic, or learned to view difficulty as an annoyance rather than a fun challenge? I just don’t know, but I know it wouldn’t have improved my experience at all.

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Xander and Ryoma are bland characters.

Camilla is the incarnation of fan service or rather fan service  personified.

Scarlet was not needed and was a waste of character.

Azura is an overused archetype with the whole " Hey, Im a mysterious nobody but will probably play a huge role in the story but you don't care about that now do you"

Corrin did not need to be an avatar.

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35 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

I never said it did. I just feel it serves absolutely no purpose other than misleading newcomers and doing them a disservice. I shudder to think what might have happened to me at 12 years old if Blazing Sword had casual. Even at that age, having barely ever played a strategy game before and not even getting how stats work or even reading them, I could handle classic difficulty. But would I have known that if that casual option had been there? Would I have grown scared of trying classic, or learned to view difficulty as an annoyance rather than a fun challenge? I just don’t know, but I know it wouldn’t have improved my experience at all.

Perhaps you'd be a different kind of Fire Emblem player but you'd still be a fan. If you enjoy the experience of playing Fire Emblem, it doesn't matter how you engage it. I think the game is more enriching with perma death but that's just my personal experience and opinion. It's not like other people are "missing out" if they prefer a casual experience. At worst, it would discourage them from playing other games in the series that don't have casual mode, but again, if that's not their idea of a good time, it really doesn't matter.

14 minutes ago, AzuraxCorrin(M)4Life said:

Scarlet was not needed and was a waste of character.

Everything in Fates is a waste or underutilized but I appreciate Scarlet for at least giving us a even a shred of worldbuilding.

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11 hours ago, LJwalhout said:

Gameplay story segregation is a part of it but what I mostly meant is that many games use it as the only means to develop their character. And because of way supports work , you can only do so much when developing characters. You need to develop a character in a interesting and/or meaningful way within at least 3 conversations. Because of this supports sometimes feel like they drag or that the character arcs are rushed. This is even further limited by fe13 &14's mechanic in which you must be able to have all characters marry with characters from the opposite gender and have children which means that there are some subjects that you can't tackle in your supports because they won't be able to marry.

Talking about why exactly I dislike supports is hard because my feelings about them aren't black & white. There are quite some supports that I like and I don't think that removing them would fix the problem. It's more how they're seen by developers (and some players) and used within the game that I dislike. I have this thought that developers use supports conversations as a way to give the illusion that their characters are more interesting than they actually are and an excuse to not develop their characters in other ways (with the defense word You should have read their supports because those are really interesting). And it's this mentality that makes me dislike supports.

I know that developing a huge cast of characters in an interesting way is hard and supports are an easy solution. But that doesn't mean that they should at least try to develop their characters in more interesting ways then what is basically a bunch of small-talk which leads to children after 4 of them.  

(Also fe9 had their supports change with certain events in the story and that game is more then 10 years old).

I agree with most of it but not all, I like supports a lot but IntSys needs to handle them better.

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I've seen at least like 25+ posts in favor of Faye so I will conclude that she isn't as unpopular as some of us think she is. But what I will say is that I'm sad they didn't make her darker! Why can't I finally have an actual yandere event in-game! We've seen characters die for plot related events like Kaze in Fates by a certain chapters if you don't have A support. Why didn't Faye kill her competition (Celicia) and hog Alm to herself?! So my opinion is that I wanted her to be way darker than the vanilla they made her. She had the makings. I read all her lines. I know she has potential. Like for example her conversation with the nun with short blue hair (whose name I've forgotten). She literally said something to the effect of "I don't need to conversate with people other than Alm. I get nothing out of it so why bother?" and walked away on that nun.


I'm not sure if I saw someone post something to this effect but I will bring it up since not only was it refreshing while playing old games, but also added value to certain people. I want them to bring back hidden chapter requirements like in the GBAs. Like for example the "visit this village to go this route or you default and skip this hidden chapter with a hidden character to unlock". I want them to lock certain characters in hidden chapters and make it super challenging not only to achieve reaching them but a difficult puzzle to even discover how to unlock the chapter. I remember missing out a few people because I didn't deploy the right people to talk to them in the first place to get them to join. That was refreshing and fun. 


I want them to stop using cheap plot devices to explain how characters from different games can cross time/space and be available in the current game. In fact I want Nintendo to stop touching time and space period. Like not only do they not understand the multiverse theory, butterfly effect, or any other scientific and/or philosophical explanation, but they go out of their way to spit on these generally accepted concepts. They gloss over details that literally would result in the death of others or catastrophic changes completely messing up any dimension they are in. Not to mention they disrespect entire universes by creating them for the sole purpose fulfilling one thing while disregarding all the lives potentially inside the dimension. 


My final unpopular opinion is: I'm so OCD that in order to feel what I am managing is clean and simple looking, I kill characters I know I'm not going to use or want just to make some screens look emptier (which feels cleaner) so by the end of most FE games I have less than 15 people. I don't just kill enemies, I do the same to my allies ; D

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