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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Some more from me:

  • Being able to recruit students from other houses in Three Houses makes picking a house in the first place kind of pointless. Not that I have anything against the people who do it, of course. I'm just saying the feature itself is something I don't really want to make use of for the stated reason. If I pick Blue Lions, I do it to play with the Blue Lions units. Something like that.
  • I actually find the idea behind TMS hilarious. I have no interest in playing the game myself, however. Not too big into the whole idol thing.
  • As far as characters go, the FE7 lords are kind of meh. I don't really care about any of them, to be honest. Lyn is pretty fun to play as in Warriors, though.
  • Not having a team full of Wyvern Lords isn't terrible in Three Houses. The very idea of filling my team up with exclusively one class just because it's "the best" (which might be true) is something I wouldn't consider in a million years.
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38 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Some more from me:.

  • Not having a team full of Wyvern Lords isn't terrible in Three Houses. The very idea of filling my team up with exclusively one class just because it's "the best" (which might be true) is something I wouldn't consider in a million years.

Do you actually think it's a popular opinion to believe the only way to play a game is to make everyone the same class? Anyone who talks about full flier teams is going to be talking about efficiency and game balance, not the objectively correct way to play.

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19 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Do you actually think it's a popular opinion to believe the only way to play a game is to make everyone the same class?

I don't know about popular, but if some unit discussions begin and end with "is (not) viable as a Wyvern Lord", it does raise some flags for me. Perhaps falsely, I'll admit that if it's the case, but the flags are raised nonetheless.

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This is because discussion on an unit worth are always from an efficiency perspective. There much more viable classes if you don't play that way, but it's hard to justify anything other than WL when the other classes are worse at literally everything because some idiot decided to give them ridicoulus speed that was never a strong point of the class before.

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On 10/14/2019 at 4:25 AM, Ottservia said:

And what’s wrong with Atlus exactly? Atlus are good developers. Their games aren’t perfect but you can’t deny the quality and care they put into their games. There’s a reason the persona series sells consistently well and it’s not simply because of “uwu waifu high school dating simulator with some dungeon crawling”

really you’re entire point here just comes off as extremely petty.

Not only that, but he's also forgetting that there would be people who went from TMSFE (first game) -> Persona 3-4 -> other Atlus games such as Radiant Historia. And Persona 3, 4, and 5 are rated highly by critics and many gamers. Particularly the last one, as now we have Joker in Smash to prove that. (And these same critics also rate TMSFE highly too.)


If anything, I actually wish Nintendo would be more daring like Atlus - there's a reason why some of us are no longer the extent of fans we were with Nintendo and what we tend to see as "don't fix it if it ain't utterly broke" (in a bad way). Particularly Shit-geru.

One example being, I notices more often than not cases like Alm or Ike who ends up hogging the spotlight in typical FE games. I for one wouldn't mind seeing a Lord that actually value teamwork, focuses on the other characters, and backing off every now and then to let others shine (whether in-story or in-gameplay) - like Itsuki from TMS, Yu from Persona 4, or Minako from Persona 3 did. I also wouldn't mind seeing an FE female lord that kicks ass all the way through like Minako from Persona 3 Portable did - again, not happening often enough in FE (or any Nintendo franchise in general that isn't either Pokemon or Metroid, and the one that has that resident damsel dumbass in particular). (Actually, what is Edelgard like?)

Not to mention, at least TMSFE's story managed to turn out as something workable (despite the wildly different premises) unlike the inexcusable complete wreck which is Fates Conquest!

Edited by henrymidfields
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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Being able to recruit students from other houses in Three Houses makes picking a house in the first place kind of pointless. Not that I have anything against the people who do it, of course. I'm just saying the feature itself is something I don't really want to make use of for the stated reason. If I pick Blue Lions, I do it to play with the Blue Lions units. Something like that.

I think it's kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, recruiting other students feels like it cheapens the experience. You don't have as many opportunities to experience the sadness of facing beloved characters as enemies on the battlefield. On the other hand, you can field up to 12 units on some maps so you probably want 3 more students unless you use the unaffiliated characters. There are also other entertaining inter-house supports and paralogues that are only available with students recruited from other houses.

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I found Makalov to be a fascinating character. I never considered him to be a bad character by any means. I actually like his unlikable nature and being a butt most of the time. And it's a shame that the Tellius games didn't really do all that much with his character. Heck, he doesn't even have a support with Marcia for some reason (probably the first siblings in FE that doesn't have a support convo with each other). 

My favorite support for Makalov would definitely be:


Astrid. Mainly because of how different of a tone it can be. Having Marcia died and got that support convo made Makalov more of a grey area type of character for me. He actually is willing to visit Marcia's grave to give her flowers which makes him not a total douche. And his death quote is pretty sad when you think about it.

While I admit RD didn't change him all that much, POR made me appreciate Makalov a lot.

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Makalov is not much worse than Joshua (ran away from home since he refused his responsibilities) and Dorothea (a proud golddigger who recognizes she'll get too old to pull off the singing waifu act so she needs a rich husband to give her things). He's just not pretty, not a waifu, and doesn't have a tragic past so he gets the heat dropped on him. Mark my words, if Makalov and Marcia's looks (and sexes) were swapped around but their personalities stayed Makalov would suddenly get notably less hostility.

Edited by Eryon
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Just now, Ambiance of the Wind said:

I found Makalov to be a fascinating character. I never considered him to be a bad character by any means. I actually like his unlikable nature and being a butt most of the time. And it's a shame that the Tellius games didn't really do all that much with his character. Heck, he doesn't even have a support with Marcia for some reason (probably the first siblings in FE that doesn't have a support convo with each other).

Even from that game, Ike and Mist would be the first sibling pair that don't support each other. Rolf and his brothers don't have supports with each other either.

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I dunno if this opinion is really unpopular but at least as far as I can tell Lissa and Sharena(and technically Morgan) seem to be the most accurate depictions of what a having a little sister is actually like in terms if how I’ve seen them portrayed in all sorts of anime and japanese video games. I’m tired of the trope that little sisters are these pure and sweet little cinnamon buns. They can be little devils at times I tell you what.

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2 hours ago, Eryon said:

Makalov is not much worse than Joshua (ran away from home since he refused his responsibilities) and Dorothea (a proud golddigger who recognizes she'll get too old to pull off the singing waifu act so she needs a rich husband to give her things). He's just not pretty, not a waifu, and doesn't have a tragic past so he gets the heat dropped on him. Mark my words, if Makalov and Marcia's looks (and sexes) were swapped around but their personalities stayed Makalov would suddenly get notably less hostility.

Honestly, all my hostility toward him is that i like Astrid and hate what happens to her in RD. Joshua and Jojoythea does not drag down other characters in canon, otherwise i may hate them too.

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Anyway, here's some THs ones:

1. As pointed out above, the game letting you recruit most opposing House members is a copout. And a sign that IS is still stuck in their "the player is never wrong and can do no wrong" policy. Going in line, there should be situations where members of Houses actively defect without rejoining (depending on route).

2. Byleth is the worst example of a FE protagonist. She's too flat and uncompelling to be a proper protagoinst but at the same time is way too defined and important to just be a player surrogate. We ended up with the worst possible situation, especially since Byleth is no better than Robin or Corrin in that he's treated as some saintly wise figure the 3 House leaders need to not miserable failures and/or butcherers of civies in Edelgard's case.

3. Edelgard is just another Light Yagami where no one sides with her for her ignoring her looks, but from agreeing with her politics. If you're at the point of saying Rhea is Hitler despite Edel's obvious Germanic shtick and mass conquest and her forces using civilians as hostages then you're obviously saying that burning the world down for some nebulous better one is okay as long it's done to end the chains of traditon so the higher man, the more entitled man, the ubermensch (this can be the proletariat under the Soviets, Robespierre's Cult of Supreme Being, etc.) can operate on sheer will-to-power unopposed (or something). Making your admiration for ultraviolence by the "right" men apparent.

4. Once it's 2020, THs will finally lose it's shield from not being Fates be put under far more scrutiny.

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16 minutes ago, Eryon said:

4. Once it's 2020, THs will finally lose it's shield from not being Fates be put under far more scrutiny.

I dunno it’s been two years since SoV and people still praise that game even though that game’s story and characters are about as well written as your average trash isekai Light novel and not the good kind of trash isekai. It really does baffle me how anyone can consider that story good in any respect disregarding world building and good presentation. 

20 minutes ago, Eryon said:

2. Byleth is the worst example of a FE protagonist. She's too flat and uncompelling to be a proper protagoinst but at the same time is way too defined and important to just be a player surrogate. We ended up with the worst possible situation, especially since Byleth is no better than Robin or Corrin in that he's treated as some saintly wise figure the 3 House leaders need to not miserable failures and/or butcherers of civies in Edelgard's case.

Byleth is fine. They pretty much exist to act as the emotional anchor for everyone else. Think about it in terms of what Celica should’ve been for Alm. Byleth is supposed to be the one thing that Holds Edelgard back. The one person Claude can truly trust. The one person that Dimitri can safely find comfort in. That’s Byleth’s role in this story and it works fine if you ask me. They’re written like a persona protagonist and it works.

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4 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I think it's kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, recruiting other students feels like it cheapens the experience. You don't have as many opportunities to experience the sadness of facing beloved characters as enemies on the battlefield. On the other hand, you can field up to 12 units on some maps so you probably want 3 more students unless you use the unaffiliated characters. There are also other entertaining inter-house supports and paralogues that are only available with students recruited from other houses.

Good points on all accounts.
As for the 12 unit limit thing: you get Seteth and Flayn for free, with Catherine and Cyril also being automatic joins on Silver Snow to replace Edelgard and Hubert, which brings the total up to 11, and recruiting Alois feels natural from the story's and character's perspective (though this argument might also apply to Leonie due to her connection to Jeralt and Byleth, come to think of it), which makes 12. 
Unless you're playing Crimson Flower, of course.

9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Byleth is fine. They pretty much exist to act as the emotional anchor for everyone else. Think about it in terms of what Celica should’ve been for Alm. Byleth is supposed to be the one thing that Holds Edelgard back. The one person Claude can truly trust. The one person that Dimitri can safely find comfort in. That’s Byleth’s role in this story and it works fine if you ask me. They’re written like a persona protagonist and it works.


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I don't mind Byleth's lack of personality. If anything it was the natural reaction to Corrin having such a strongly defined personality that he wasn't even remotely an avatar unit anymore. With Byleth people can fill in the blanks of his silence to some extend. There are also reasons for Byleth to be as silent as they are which avoids making his presence in the story look overly weird. 

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2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

Byleth is fine. They pretty much exist to act as the emotional anchor for everyone else. Think about it in terms of what Celica should’ve been for Alm. Byleth is supposed to be the one thing that Holds Edelgard back. The one person Claude can truly trust. The one person that Dimitri can safely find comfort in. That’s Byleth’s role in this story and it works fine if you ask me. They’re written like a persona protagonist and it works.

My friend jokingly "explained" to me that the reason everyone inexplicably melts their hearts at the gripping social skills of a dead-fish-eyed deer in the headlights is because his muteness makes him one of those "good listeners" and "the Japanese just like people who listen while they soliloquy about their inner demons, or at least that's what JRPGs tell me".

I would love to play a comedic JRPG that did this concept seriously, a mute protag who befriends everyone because these people just like to hear themselves talk.

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Byleth to me makes 3H worse in every way; it feels like none of these characters would exist or live without professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama. You start to wonder how they even managed to live this long without constantly having to collapse in professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama's arms. 

Am I seriously supposed to believe that Edelgard is able to accomplish anything when she's so weak and utterly dependent on professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama? I wouldn't be surprised if she spent the entire timeskip building a Garreg Mach sized shrine for them. 

Byleth is a dull, emotionless entity I wouldn't even call a character, and is stuck in this strange area between silent avatar and generic self insert. Also known as the worst area to be in. 

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4 minutes ago, Fire Brand said:

Byleth to me makes 3H worse in every way; it feels like none of these characters would exist or live without professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama. You start to wonder how they even managed to live this long without constantly having to collapse in professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama's arms. 

Am I seriously supposed to believe that Edelgard is able to accomplish anything when she's so weak and utterly dependent on professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama? I wouldn't be surprised if she spent the entire timeskip building a Garreg Mach sized shrine for them. 

Byleth is a dull, emotionless entity I wouldn't even call a character, and is stuck in this strange area between silent avatar and generic self insert. Also known as the worst area to be in. 


"silent avatar and generic self insert"

What is exactly the difference anyway? Many silent protagonists are basically designed to be essencially a self-insert. Like in Pokémon, and many other games, even the ones that don't actually have gender choices.

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5 minutes ago, Fire Brand said:

Am I seriously supposed to believe that Edelgard is able to accomplish anything when she's so weak and utterly dependent on professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama? I wouldn't be surprised if she spent the entire timeskip building a Garreg Mach sized shrine for them. 

Actually Edelgard seems to perform remarkably better when Byleth isn't there. If Byleth sides with the empire then war will devolve into a bloody stalemate with Edelgard not really having made any gains until Byleth wakes up again. If Byleth doesn't side with Edelgard then she uses the five years till the timeskip to capture Rhea, topple Dimitri and annex half the Kingdom so that only the impotent Alliance remains as a threat to her.

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36 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Actually Edelgard seems to perform remarkably better when Byleth isn't there. If Byleth sides with the empire then war will devolve into a bloody stalemate with Edelgard not really having made any gains until Byleth wakes up again. If Byleth doesn't side with Edelgard then she uses the five years till the timeskip to capture Rhea, topple Dimitri and annex half the Kingdom so that only the impotent Alliance remains as a threat to her.

Yeah, she is actually pretty capable on her own, probably the only difference in how she decides to go with the war.

If she in her own (with Hubert) decides to take her extreme approach, if she is with Byleth she decides to try to go the other way without the beasts; Edelgard fails in capturing Rhea, so the entity in other routes could just be a heavily weakened version of the Church, is an actual threat now thanks to Rhea.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

I would love to play a comedic JRPG that did this concept seriously, a mute protag who befriends everyone because these people just like to hear themselves talk.

I'm writing a story that's a parody of classic video games, and it has a mute protagonist. I might just do this. Thanks for the idea (I'll make sure to give you credit in the end credits for the joke). 

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Just now, vanguard333 said:

I'm writing a story that's a parody of classic video games, and it has a mute protagonist. I might just do this. Thanks for the idea (I'll make sure to give you credit in the end credits for the joke). 

Hey, it was only half my idea to begin with, but that would be nice 🙂

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Hey, it was only half my idea to begin with, but that would be nice 🙂

Well; I don't know the name of the other guy (do you mind if I credit you as Alastor15243 from serenesforest?) But yeah; the parody idea is one that I've had for a while. I've figured out how to include jokes about/parodies of Dragon Quest, Legend of Zelda, Metroidvania games, Mario, Final Fantasy, and many different widely-used tropes from different video games both old and new. But I can't figure out what FE tropes would make for some good parody material. The thing is; it should at least be funny even for those unfamiliar with the source material, and then even funnier to FE fans. Any ideas?

Back on topic, I think that the transform gauge is a better idea than limited-use dragonstones. At least Laguz can just transform again in a few turns. A manakete whose dragonstone breaks is just plain attached to another object by an inclined plain wrapped helically around an axis (screwed)

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Random relationship opinions


Roy and Larum is Roy's best  pairing in  sword of seals

Lethe and Ranulf should have married ending

Rolf X Mist (again)  because it would be too adorable

Tormod and Sanaki just because they're baisically the only peoplelf their age

Amelia is worth using in SS just so she can marry Franzl

Oliver and Ike should have married ending




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