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Edelgards amnesia doesn't make sense when you take into a account she doesn't treat Dimitri like stranger. Though her timeline is kind of messed up as she's supposedly the first heir to go to the monastery in along time. But claims her dad did. Jeralt also forgot about the Almyrian war in the beginning three houses timeline is messier then Narutos by the end


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33 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

I beg to differ. If it didn't matter whether they had crests or not, kidnapping peasants would be way more discreet and cost effective, if they're just looking to see if they can implant crests at all. Way wider variety of test subjects.

I think they used Ionius's children speciphically to torture him/prove him how worthless he is.

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I feel like if they made crests more powerful that people would have complained that major crest users are far more important than anyone else. Like how in FE4 non (major) holy blood users tend to be worse.

6 hours ago, Arachnofiend said:

He really doesn't. It's like, grow up dude, we all have crest drama, and you're the only one who decided it meant it's okay to be a terrible person

I mean yeah he's definitely not a good person and very misogynistic but that's what makes him more interesting.

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24 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

I think they used Ionius's children speciphically to torture him/prove him how worthless he is.

He is a weird character as he isn't very developed at all. He even tells El, "I leave Fodlan in your hands." Not Adresia meaning he supported the idea of the empire being the only legitimate country in Fodlan. Plus all the heirs dying wasn't a big deal to allied nations or even the church asking if his alright.


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1 hour ago, Strullemia said:

I mean yeah he's definitely not a good person and very misogynistic but that's what makes him more interesting.

Unfortunately the game expects you to like him, and thus he must be judged by that metric. The worst part about him is how all of the women come around to him being not so bad despite his behavior barely if at all changing. If he was an antagonist you got to stab that would be a different story.

1 hour ago, Julian Solo said:

He is a weird character as he isn't very developed at all. He even tells El, "I leave Fodlan in your hands." Not Adresia meaning he supported the idea of the empire being the only legitimate country in Fodlan. Plus all the heirs dying wasn't a big deal to allied nations or even the church asking if his alright.

Adrestia has poor relations with the church. Think about Rhea's behavior to anyone who isn't constantly kissing her feet and you won't be surprised that she doesn't care about what's happening in Adrestia.

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18 hours ago, Arachnofiend said:

They somehow managed to combine every bad lesbian trope into one character with Soleil. Conquest would be a better game if it had no characters and your units were nameless pips on a board and that's why Fates is the worst Fire Emblem game

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. If your opinion is something about the plot or character writing in Fates, and that a component of it was bad, odds are that it's a popular opinion. 

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I'm not sure why everyone gets mad at Birthright for having simple map designs.  Nintendo officially stated that Birthright was designed for beginners, so giving complex maps like in Conquest would turn down newcomers. I personally found some of the later chapters challenging particularly 24 and 25. Endgame was a joke though. 

While I won't deny that Fates had some bad writing, there are some interesting character supports that make some interesting characters. Like with Camilla's support with Niles, we actually learn that Camilla's doting personality towards Corrin comes from torment from her mother and she dotes on them excessively. Or with Elise's support with Jakob, we learn that Elise's playfulness and desire to play comes from the belief that smiling and being happy is important during war time. My point is that there are some interesting characters, so saying that everyone is bland is way exaggerated.

I really love the effort into making the cultures of Hoshido and Nohr. You can tell from every detail that they are very different places: The shops, weapons, classes, clothes, characters, food, and even music. Its one of the few counturies in FE do have such strong differences and I love it.

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2 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

I really love the effort into making the cultures of Hoshido and Nohr. You can tell from every detail that they are very different places: The shops, weapons, classes, clothes, characters, food, and even music. Its one of the few counturies in FE do have such strong differences and I love it.

Yeah, and playing Three Houses really makes that contrast apparent. We may not know what Fateslandia's actual name is, but we saw a hell of a lot of their worlds, and when we see an army, we know which country they're from just by looking at them. Contrast that with Three Houses not even making the Almyran generics have Almyran skintone.

I thought it was hilariously racist of that town in that harbor chapter that a bunch of non-Almyrans pretended to be Almyrans and everyone believed them while they were clearly white, but then I did a paralogue where I fought actual Almyrans and... all the generics were white there too. Oh. So that's why it worked.

Edited by Alastor15243
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2 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

I really love the effort into making the cultures of Hoshido and Nohr. You can tell from every detail that they are very different places: The shops, weapons, classes, clothes, characters, food, and even music. Its one of the few counturies in FE do have such strong differences and I love it.

4 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Yeah, and playing Three Houses really makes that contrast apparent. We may not know what Fateslandia's actual name is, but we saw a hell of a lot of their worlds, and when we see an army, we know which country they're from just by looking at them. Contrast that with Three Houses not even making the Almyran generics have Almyran skintone.

definitely which is a shame the continent couldn't have been built on more. What little and subtle world building fates does have is really good and only serves to highlight the greater themes of its story. Honestly if only the continent had a name and a little more fleshed out history we could've had something real good on our hands. I wouldn't call fates's story terrible but it definitely has a wealth of missed potential hiding just beneath the surface of the water's reflective gaze.

Edited by Ottservia
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Awakening's soundtrack is okay.

That's it. Okay.

I mean, there are a few tracks that I do really like (every version of Id, Chaos (Ablaze), You Have Power...Like Mine), but most of the tracks weren't really memorable to me.

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3 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Awakening's soundtrack is okay.

That's it. Okay.

I mean, there are a few tracks that I do really like (every version of Id, Chaos (Ablaze), You Have Power...Like Mine), but most of the tracks weren't really memorable to me.

honestly the only good tracks from awakening are don't speak her name, ID purpose, and divine decree. Everything else I can take or leave

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Related to my above opinion: I genuinely can't remember most of Birthright's OST. The only tracks that stick out in my mine are Alight (Storm) and that one track that sounds suspiciously like You May Call Me Marth.

Which is ironic considering that I love traditional Japanese music.

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The "Ablaze" concept wasn't a bad idea though, it makes for smooth transitions between map and gameplay. And I say this as someone who also stands for the sanctity of wholly separate battle themes.

But what I don't get, is why they named some tracks after lines ripped directly from the game, leaving it in all lowercase even. It does, if you remember where the line played, remind you where the track plays, so there is a logic behind the choice, but it's still weird.

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3 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

While I won't deny that Fates had some bad writing, there are some interesting character supports that make some interesting characters. Like with Camilla's support with Niles, we actually learn that Camilla's doting personality towards Corrin comes from torment from her mother and she dotes on them excessively. Or with Elise's support with Jakob, we learn that Elise's playfulness and desire to play comes from the belief that smiling and being happy is important during war time. My point is that there are some interesting characters, so saying that everyone is bland is way exaggerated.

At times Fates does try something interesting but only rarely so. Camilla's support with Niles is interesting as it goes into detail why she's so doting on Corrin but just about all her other supports aren't about that or even Camilla being doting on Corrin. Its usually about getting in Corrin's pants. 

The way Camilla dotes on people has moments where it strengthens her and moments were it brings her down. The support where she explains why she is that way strengthens her. It also strengthens her that she dotes on everyone she loves like her retainers and other siblings so that it doesn't just seem she wants to get into the players pants. But a lot of times Fates simply refuses to go into that and just insists on taking the least interesting and kinda patronizing route, that the hot princess wants to not only get in Corrin's pants but into that of the player too. 

For me the occasional presence of strong writing just highlights what a trainwreck Fates story ended up being. It shows the potential was there to create something brimming with quality but that the team willingly didn't go that route, that they failed not because of a lack of potential or ideas. but because they had bad intentions and bigger priorities. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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3 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

I'm not sure why everyone gets mad at Birthright for having simple map designs.  Nintendo officially stated that Birthright was designed for beginners, so giving complex maps like in Conquest would turn down newcomers.

And Nintendo fixed it in Shadows of Valentia by keeping the boring maps and adding the Turn Wheel. And fixed it even further in Three Houses by bringing back the Turn Wheel from Shadows plus broken units from Awakening plus more boring, repetitive maps. A hits collection for newcomers, you know.

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11 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

At times Fates does try something interesting but only rarely so. Camilla's support with Niles is interesting as it goes into detail why she's so doting on Corrin but just about all her other supports aren't about that or even Camilla being doting on Corrin. Its usually about getting in Corrin's pants. 

The way Camilla dotes on people has moments where it strengthens her and moments were it suits her down. The support where she explains why she is that way strengthens her. It also strengthens her that she dotes on everyone she loves like her retainers and other siblings so that it doesn't just seem she wants to get into the players pants. But a lot of times Fates simply refuses to go into that and just insists on taking the least interesting and kinda patronizing route, that the hot princess wants to not only get in Corrin's pants but into that of the player too. 

For me the occasional presence of strong writing just highlights what a trainwreck Fates story ended up being. It shows the potential was there to create something brimming with quality but that the team willingly didn't go that route, that they failed not because of a lack of potential or ideas. but because they had bad intentions and bigger priorities. 

Honestly fates's biggest problems is its fan service as much as I am loathe to admit it. The thing about fanservice its that fates just does it in a way that's not only intrusive but insulting as well. There's nothing wrong with fanservice by itself but fates does it in way that feels like it was written by your average trashy light novel author like if you're gonna do fanservice do it right. You either go big or you go home don't just half-ass it in both directions because then no one's happy. Like the fanservice doesn't feel like it's a natural part of the character, world, or story and feels tacked on as a result. Like you said it feels the fanservice not so much because it makes sense in the context of the character or setting but just there solely to give the player some eye candy which would be fine if we were talking senren kagura or monster musume or Fate but we're not cause at least those stories have enough self-respect and self-awareness for me to be able to get passed it(I mean why else would you even watch SK or monster Musume if not for the fan service just saying)

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11 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

I beg to differ. If it didn't matter whether they had crests or not, kidnapping peasants would be way more discreet and cost effective, if they're just looking to see if they can implant crests at all. Way wider variety of test subjects.

But you can't test the difference between artificial crests and natural crests without experimenting on natural crests.

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2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Why would they have to be in the same person to experiment on the difference?

Who said anything about just one person? We know they've experimented on scores of people.

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9 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

While I won't deny that Fates had some bad writing, there are some interesting character supports that make some interesting characters. Like with Camilla's support with Niles, we actually learn that Camilla's doting personality towards Corrin comes from torment from her mother and she dotes on them excessively. Or with Elise's support with Jakob, we learn that Elise's playfulness and desire to play comes from the belief that smiling and being happy is important during war time. My point is that there are some interesting characters, so saying that everyone is bland is way exaggerated.

Camilla always saddens me. A lot of people always point out that she has a very interesting backstory (concubine war) and they're right but that backstory doesn't get nearly enough attention and instead the game focuses on parts that I don't find anywhere as interesting. I would have loved to know what exactly she had to do to survive and how she felt about it.

Had they actually built more on that backstory of hers she could easily have been one of my top 10 favorite FE characters. Why we didn't have a chapter in the story that had her talk about her experiences in the same way Lysithea talks about her backstory in FE3H Golden Deer route I'll never know, and of course more details about it in supports. You could even keep the yandere, caring big sister personality that she has.


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5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Who said anything about just one person? We know they've experimented on scores of people.

No, I mean why would they have to put two crests in one person to experiment on the differences between natural and artificial crests? Why couldn't they test that by comparing people with just artificial crests to those with natural crests?

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I loved Fates. I will acknowledge the story was broken in the sense that unless you played all three paths it will not make sense (though this was never a problem for me since I did play every path), however, the maps (especially on Lunatic) and mechanics of the game were some of the most satisfying and fun I have ever had playing a fire emblem.

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2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

No, I mean why would they have to put two crests in one person to experiment on the differences between natural and artificial crests? Why couldn't they test that by comparing people with just artificial crests to those with natural crests?

It's just exploring the limits of what can be done with crest infusion.

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Just now, Jotari said:

It's just exploring the limits of what can be done with crest infusion.

Even if that would make sense eventually, it seems idiotic to experiment on the very limited and very precious royal families first, especially when the peasants are far worse guarded, far more easily missed, and in far more plentiful supply, unless it's actually the case that only people who have crests can survive getting a crest implanted.

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