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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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10 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

At the same time, what would the game design philosophy be, when every unit has everything and is great. The game has to set some limits and the easiest and perhaps even best way to do so, is limiting what a unit can do.

On another note, I think it´s exactly units like Hana, Charlotte, Benny, Effie, Kaze etc. who are completely lopsided units that are a metric ton of fun to make work -  assuming the game gives you the tools to do so.

I am perfectly fine with specialised units. As tricky as Conquest may be, its being 90 % Player-Phase based suits such units perfectly.
If she were available in Conquest, I would take Sword Master Hana precisely because of her might. Her main problem is her weapon! The low might of swords forces her to double to secure the kill, and the 1-range forces her to go 1-on-1. Fortunately for her, Sword Masters in Fates have access to Life or Death, so she can finally one-hit.
See how much she needs despite being the strongest unit?

And units like Kaze are fine. His best weapon is the Sacrificial Knife precisely because his defensive statistics are irrelevant.

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8 hours ago, Imuabicus said:




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Locktouch, Pass. I mean I see where you are coming from, but Locktouch is all about utility, it hardly helps you killing enemies. It does give you resources (not sure Fates gives you the corresponding number of keys for each maps treasure) and may be useful for Chapter 17, but otherwise, ehhh. As for Pass. I mean… it may allow you to cheese Conquest Endgame on Lunatic, I guess? But Archer/Sniper skills are part of what gets you there.

I think the game does give you exactly as many keys as you need per chapter, and then doesn't let you keep them at the end of the chapter. That's how my brain remembers how it works in Fates at any rate.

Edited by Jotari
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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

I think the game does give you exactly as many keys as you need per chapter, and then doesn't let you keep them at the end of the chapter. That's how my brain remembers how it works in Fates at any rate.

It most certainly does not. In conquest, there are a total of 24 chests in the main story. the number of chest keys you get is 3! 1 in chapter 9, 1 in 14, and 1 in 20. I don't remember if there are enemy thieves going for the treasure, but if you're not using a thief (like during a challenge run or something) say goodbye to most of the treasure.

The other routes are much more generous with keys though.

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32 minutes ago, DukeBox said:

In conquest, there are a total of 24 chests in the main story. the number of chest keys you get is 3! 1 in chapter 9, 1 in 14, and 1 in 20.

Really!? 😱
Oh, man, I have played this game like twenty times and I would have sworn that there are more keys, many more. I guess that I simply take Lock Touch for granted.

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7 hours ago, Perkilator said:

I think the CG for Echoes and Three Houses suits FE better than the mocap stuff from Path of Radiance to Fates. Mocap, I believe, is better used for in-game cutscenes.

We'll see what ends up looking more dated in ten years.

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2 hours ago, starburst said:

Really!? 😱
Oh, man, I have played this game like twenty times and I would have sworn that there are more keys, many more. I guess that I simply take Lock Touch for granted.

If you don't believe me, do a phoenix mode run and check. it's there for a reason :p. Another thing i just learned from it is that enemy shield gauges don't raise in this mode (or does this also happen on normal classic?)

I guess add that as an unpopular opinion. Phoenix mode needs to come back. its useful for checking stuff like this, and support and skill grinding if that's you're thing. It's a god mode cheat except you don't have to fiddle with the rom, its conveniently built in. and if you're going to make a scrub mode, go all the way. casual is half assing it.

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3 hours ago, starburst said:

Really!? 😱
Oh, man, I have played this game like twenty times and I would have sworn that there are more keys, many more. I guess that I simply take Lock Touch for granted.

Guess I did too. You just need to throw one lock pick unit into your team and some of the characters you'll likely be using anyway will have it.

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17 hours ago, PeonyofLeosa Dreamworld said:

Fire Emblem should take some notes from TRS when it comes to writing villains

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TRS gave it's villains actual motivation behind their whole ressurect an evil dragon rather the main villain did it to get his true love back. Not just oh must bring evil dragon back!!




In FE 1/11, Gharnef was jealous that Miloah became heir and stole the Darksphere which ate his soul.

In FE 2/15, everyone had either reasonable reasons for what they did or was all part of their plan.

In FE 3/12, Hardin is corrupted by the Darksphere upping his jealously and rage to eleven.

In FE 4 and 5 I will leave to someone else.

In FE 6 Zephiel wants to release the dragons because he doesn't believe in humanity after his father tried to have him killed like a dozen times.

In FE 7, Nergal is corrupted by the dark arts and his original goal was to free his children after he put them through the gate once his wife was kidnapped.

In FE 8, Lyon well... You need a whole post to cover his motives.

In FE 9, Ashnard wanted a world where people are judged not on their position but by their power. (Quite like another antagonist...)

In FE 10, Sephiram lost faith in humanity and awakened the goddess to smite all humans and laguz. The Black Knight just wanted to test his prowess against Ike.

In FE 13, Gangrel was once a man who just wanted to make a better country for his people but was corrupted by Aversa and Validar. Walhart wanted no war and people to become so strong they didn't need gods. Aversa was mindwashed by Validar. Grima himself was a being who only knew hatred from humans and wished to wipe them out as punishment.

In FE 14, Garon was once a kind father but was killed and swapped by a slime creature. Anankos was decayinga and before he was fully decayed used many people to help him get slain in the future.

In FE 16, well... That's a whole can of worms.


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20 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

Actually, now that I read it again, I´m not sure I understand what you are saying here. Are you thankful for Echoes version of Archers, or the original FE2? And what do Echoes Archers have to do with Three Houses Archers, except for increased range and Brave Effect weapon arts?


And, this in respect exclusively to Fates again, why/how can you consider a class worthless if you haven´t used them for a, to me at least, weird reason? At the very least one should have experienced what they are talking about, no?

I'm thankful about how archers are implemented better from Echoes onwards that I started giving a damn about archers in general.


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6 hours ago, DukeBox said:

I guess add that as an unpopular opinion. Phoenix mode needs to come back. its useful for checking stuff like this, and support and skill grinding if that's you're thing. It's a god mode cheat except you don't have to fiddle with the rom, its conveniently built in. and if you're going to make a scrub mode, go all the way. casual is half assing it.

I was not a fan for Phoenix mode on Fates...until this came up as a "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Phoenix Mode" moment for me. Now you have mentioned it, I'd like to see this as either as a joke reward for resetting the game and/or getting a game over 8+ times, or as a legit, if cheesy, post-game reward. 😁

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20 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

I was not a fan for Phoenix mode on Fates...until this came up as a "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Phoenix Mode" moment for me. Now you have mentioned it, I'd like to see this as either as a joke reward for resetting the game and/or getting a game over 8+ times, or as a legit, if cheesy, post-game reward. 😁

YOu know what would be way cooler a function to achieve this same effect? A Chapter Select. After finishing the game you unlock a mode where you can select any chapter in the game, any units you want at any level you want and any items on those units. So you could use it to generally reexperience a specific map without replaying the whole game, or you can challenege yourself by playing an endgame map with level 1 units or you can just dick around and play early maps with legendary weapons. Basically an actual debug mode.

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15 hours ago, Jotari said:

I think the game does give you exactly as many keys as you need per chapter, and then doesn't let you keep them at the end of the chapter. That's how my brain remembers how it works in Fates at any rate.

12 hours ago, DukeBox said:

In conquest, there are a total of 24 chests in the main story. the number of chest keys you get is 3! 1 in chapter 9, 1 in 14, and 1 in 20. I don't remember if there are enemy thieves going for the treasure, but if you're not using a thief (like during a challenge run or something) say goodbye to most of the treasure.

11 hours ago, starburst said:

I guess that I simply take Lock Touch for granted.

Yeah, and what you get out these chests is not not important (taken from wiki.org):

Chapter 9: Rescue, Bronze Naginata

Chapter 11: Spirit Dust, Enfeeble

Chapter 12: Armor Slayer, 5K

Chapter 14: Seraph Robe, 10K

Chapter 17: Master Seal, 5K

Chapter 18: Energy Drop, Master Seal

Chapter 20: Rescue, Dragonstone+, 10K

Chapter 23: Boots, 10K

Chapter 25: Silence, 10K

Chapter 26: Spy Yumi/Shuriken, Venge Naginata, Seraph Robe, Bifröst, 20K

No thievery as far as I know (in Conquest; there are thieves in the other 2 though). Some of this stuff looks negligible though, like the Weapons (except Spy stuff?), the Master Seals or the Bifröst. Losing Money, staves and stat boosts hurts though.

Then again, there is probably no one good reason to have neither Niles or Kaze on the team, except for restrictions.

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15 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

Yeah, and what you get out these chests is not not important

Are you serious? Those items that you just mentioned are worthy especially master seals which are not only limited in the convoy but are boarderline expensive. The game was nice enough that you get 2 free ones at that.


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23 hours ago, Jotari said:

YOu know what would be way cooler a function to achieve this same effect? A Chapter Select. After finishing the game you unlock a mode where you can select any chapter in the game, any units you want at any level you want and any items on those units. So you could use it to generally reexperience a specific map without replaying the whole game, or you can challenege yourself by playing an endgame map with level 1 units or you can just dick around and play early maps with legendary weapons. Basically an actual debug mode.

Now that would be really cool. Sometimes I just want to replay a final chapter, but a bunch of the games have "epilogue" replace the file so you have to dedicate a separate save slot for before them. 

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7 hours ago, Harvey said:

Are you serious? Those items that you just mentioned are worthy especially master seals which are not only limited in the convoy but are boarderline expensive. The game was nice enough that you get 2 free ones at that.

Are you serious? It says right there: The things you get out of them are not not important. Which means they are, in fact important (the 2x not is intentional, but probably misleading) but some more so than others.

As for your outrage at the Master Seals:

Chapter 10 drops one on your head, Chapter 13 does so too, 2 Master Seals are available from the start, 7 more when your Staff Store gets a level up (after chapter 13), infinite Master Seals after Staff Store Lvl 3 (after chapter 20?). The first unit that promotes, at the very least for me, is Corrin in/after Chapter 15. That means access to ~11 Master Seals BEFORE THAT. More than enough, considering you might also use prepromotes (Servant 1, Camilla, Xander).

As for Master Seals being expensive… lol. 2.5K/Master Seal mate, you start with 5K, you get 10K in chapter 8, 10, 14, 18, and 5K in chapter 12, 13, 17 19 and in chapter 16 probably somewhere from 5K-9K. The reason I don´t go further than this is because, again for myself I don´t have unpromoted units by chapter 19 and kids be recruited with Offspring seals - which is also just my play.

And that´s not considering the paralogues that give you money (about 3? Percy, Nina, Forrest) as well as other reclassing seals, whose use you also might find in selling them.

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My unpopular opinion? Alright, but prepare for a looong one. I think (please don't hate me XD ) that Fates needs a remake/redo. Not for a long time of course, as there's other games in the series that deserve it way more, like thracia and genealogy (seriously remakes in style of SoV would be nice 😄 ), but eventually I'd like to see a remake done. Not just a remake though. A total directors-cut sort of deal. Potential spoilers ahead, be warned. :)

First off, Fates writing reaaaallly needs a good rework. There's some story in there, to be sure, deep down, and it does have potential, but the writing in some places just makes it fall flat, or worse just downright bad. For instance, when Azura shows Corrin that crystal thingamajig in Conquest. Said crystal is able to show a persons true self, like a mini-hoshidan throne, but can only be used once. So, why do you use it when only Corrin is around? Why not wait until all the siblings are available and then show them, then everyone knows, and they could have dealt with things much sooner. Was there a rule that it could only be used in Valla or something? Another time that made me question characters intelligence is Corrin in chapter 3. Now Corrin can be quite, uh, dense at times?; and doesn't really seem to think about things much, but when the sword that Garon gave him/her tries to swoosh them into the bottomless ravine, why on earth do they keep it!? The only reason they were okay is because they were saved at the last minute by Lilith. (A deus-ex-machina to be sure. Where did they even come from?) I know first thing I'd do if that happened is fling it as far way as possible and run. But no, they keep it. And by keeping it, it lead to Mikoto's death. Speaking of Mikoto, this leads me onto the next bit...

In some points in the game, it tries to make us feel emotion, such as when Lady Mikoto dies. Now while we see Corrin get really REALLY upset, and honestly who could blame them?, the problem it this. Corrin hardly knows her thanks to memory loss, and WE the players hardly know her because she barely has any screen time, so the impact to us is lessened. Same with Lilith. In both Conquest and Birthright, she dies protecting Corrin from an attack, and while again Corrin is deeply saddened by this, we the players don't end up feeling as sad as we should, mainly because we don't really interact with them at all. No supports, special cutscenes, nothing. All this is a shame really, because I want to care about these characters, but the game just doesn't give us the time TO care about them. It's storywriting 101: Show, don't tell. If they did a remake though, they could add this sort of stuff in.

All in all, I think this game would really benefit from a rework. Personally speaking I think think that if they did do a remake, they should take notes from Three Houses' writing. Who knows, perhaps it could improve it. 😄

Edited by A random Villager
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On 4/21/2020 at 11:37 AM, Jotari said:

YOu know what would be way cooler a function to achieve this same effect? A Chapter Select. After finishing the game you unlock a mode where you can select any chapter in the game, any units you want at any level you want and any items on those units.


8 hours ago, Boomhauer007 said:

Now that would be really cool. Sometimes I just want to replay a final chapter, but a bunch of the games have "epilogue" replace the file so you have to dedicate a separate save slot for before them. 

I would like to have this replay feature too! Now, I would not go as far as Jotari and use any units at any level (it would be impossible to make it smartly challenging), but I would love to use any of unit available at that time at a standard level and try different approaches. Hell, I often do this during a campaign, even if I was successful at that chapter, just to try different or more efficient strategies. And I would certainly love to be able to try untrained units at a standard level.

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6 hours ago, A random Villager said:

My unpopular opinion? Alright, but prepare for a looong one. I think (please don't hate me XD ) that Fates needs a remake/redo. Not for a long time of course, as there's other games in the series that deserve it way more, like thracia and genealogy (seriously remakes in style of SoV would be nice 😄 ), but eventually I'd like to see a remake done. Not just a remake though. A total directors-cut sort of deal. Potential spoilers ahead, be warned. 🙂

First off, Fates writing reaaaallly needs a good rework. There's some story in there, to be sure, deep down, and it does have potential, but the writing in some places just makes it fall flat, or worse just downright bad. For instance, when Azura shows Corrin that crystal thingamajig in Conquest. Said crystal is able to show a persons true self, like a mini-hoshidan throne, but can only be used once. So, why do you use it when only Corrin is around? Why not wait until all the siblings are available and then show them, then everyone knows, and they could have dealt with things much sooner. Was there a rule that it could only be used in Valla or something? Another time that made me question characters intelligence is Corrin in chapter 3. Now Corrin can be quite, uh, dense at times?; and doesn't really seem to think about things much, but when the sword that Garon gave him/her tries to swoosh them into the bottomless ravine, why on earth do they keep it!? The only reason they were okay is because they were saved at the last minute by Lilith. (A deus-ex-machina to be sure. Where did they even come from?) I know first thing I'd do if that happened is fling it as far way as possible and run. But no, they keep it. And by keeping it, it lead to Mikoto's death. Speaking of Mikoto, this leads me onto the next bit...

In some points in the game, it tries to make us feel emotion, such as when Lady Mikoto dies. Now while we see Corrin get really REALLY upset, and honestly who could blame them?, the problem it this. Corrin hardly knows her thanks to memory loss, and WE the players hardly know her because she barely has any screen time, so the impact to us is lessened. Same with Lilith. In both Conquest and Birthright, she dies protecting Corrin from an attack, and while again Corrin is deeply saddened by this, we the players don't end up feeling as sad as we should, mainly because we don't really interact with them at all. No supports, special cutscenes, nothing. All this is a shame really, because I want to care about these characters, but the game just doesn't give us the time TO care about them. It's storywriting 101: Show, don't tell. If they did a remake though, they could add this sort of stuff in.

All in all, I think this game would really benefit from a rework. Personally speaking I think think that if they did do a remake, they should take notes from Three Houses' writing. Who knows, perhaps it could improve it. 😄

Wasn't Fates supposed to be pretty tongue-in-cheek and over-the-top and NoA just kind of screwed up the marketing (or didn't; the game sold really well if I remember correctly)?

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1 hour ago, anikom15 said:

Wasn't Fates supposed to be pretty tongue-in-cheek and over-the-top and NoA just kind of screwed up the marketing (or didn't; the game sold really well if I remember correctly)?

Sold better then Awakening I know that off the top of my head.

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2 hours ago, anikom15 said:

Wasn't Fates supposed to be pretty tongue-in-cheek and over-the-top and NoA just kind of screwed up the marketing (or didn't; the game sold really well if I remember correctly)?

It was actually intended to be serious, at least by the original author whose script was cut to ribbons, if I heard correctly.

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On 4/22/2020 at 9:56 PM, Imuabicus said:

Are you serious? It says right there: The things you get out of them are not not important. Which means they are, in fact important (the 2x not is intentional, but probably misleading) but some more so than others.


As for your outrage at the Master Seals:


Chapter 10 drops one on your head, Chapter 13 does so too, 2 Master Seals are available from the start, 7 more when your Staff Store gets a level up (after chapter 13), infinite Master Seals after Staff Store Lvl 3 (after chapter 20?). The first unit that promotes, at the very least for me, is Corrin in/after Chapter 15. That means access to ~11 Master Seals BEFORE THAT. More than enough, considering you might also use prepromotes (Servant 1, Camilla, Xander).


As for Master Seals being expensive… lol. 2.5K/Master Seal mate, you start with 5K, you get 10K in chapter 8, 10, 14, 18, and 5K in chapter 12, 13, 17 19 and in chapter 16 probably somewhere from 5K-9K. The reason I don´t go further than this is because, again for myself I don´t have unpromoted units by chapter 19 and kids be recruited with Offspring seals - which is also just my play.

And that´s not considering the paralogues that give you money (about 3? Percy, Nina, Forrest) as well as other reclassing seals, whose use you also might find in selling them.



Maybe my memory of Conquest wasn't as fresh because its been long since I've played it. But whether the items are of use or not doesn't matter because if you don't want them...you can sell them to get free money? And Money is pretty scarse in Conquest too as even that chapter that you can try to get as much as possible is not possible to get the whole amount in one turn.


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1 hour ago, Harvey said:

Maybe my memory of Conquest wasn't as fresh because its been long since I've played it.

Then freshen it up. I suggest the wiki to you. Any wiki.

1 hour ago, Harvey said:

But whether the items are of use or not doesn't matter because if you don't want them...you can sell them to get free money?

Okay. Your point holds what relevance to ANY of my prior posts? Granted my comment was a silly one to begin with, as the chapters you may choose on which chest to use a key probably have clear winners - the Rescue staves for endgame strats and the 10k,. I suppose I shouldn´t have written it in a way, that somebody could assume I wanted to imply that the player might be forced to decide between things, when there´s so few keys to begin with.

Also note my comment on the use of reclassing seals you receive via paralogues.

1 hour ago, Harvey said:

And Money is pretty scarse in Conquest too as even that chapter that you can try to get as much as possible is not possible to get the whole amount in one turn.

… Healing Staves, Beast Killer, Hunter Knife, Hammer, Brave Weapons, 1-2 range stuff, (Iron Weapons?) Tonics when needed, healing items too, occasional reclassing seals. Did I forget something overly important?

Do understand that I only presented you with the money you get until chapter 19 + paralogues. The game drops a good amount of money in lategame.

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