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Kotaku/Nintendo Dream info (Class Change/Promotion teased, uneven character distribution, and ...Donnel... ?)

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44 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Because they think Lissa is popular. Though she just lost to Priscilla in the FE Heroes Voting Gauntlet HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I think it's more to do with Awakening pandering.

Personally, I'm more surprised people are reacting like this wasn't to be expected.

I'll keep my expectations at a believable Marth, Tiki and the unlikely Caeda. 

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1 minute ago, SlipperySlippy said:

I think it's more to do with Awakening pandering.

Personally, I'm more surprised people are reacting like this wasn't to be expected.

I certainly didn't expect to win, with the first hour results.

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1 hour ago, Slumber said:

This game is looking more and more like a hard pass as more info and interviews come out.

Why's that? Is it purely from not liking Awakening, Fates, or Shadow Dragon?

I only ask because the rest sounds interesting or common fare for Warriors titles.

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I'm not really sure about this due to lack of info, but this stuff about permadeath makes me think that multi-character scenarios won't be like Hyrule Warriors Legends, where any playable chatacter getting defeated resulted in a loss.


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Well, this sounds delightful with one exception - the "don't bet on it" for characters from other games, specifically Roy. If I have to watch another Fire Emblem game go by with my Roy Amiibo sitting uselessly on my shelf someone is going to get injured. Amiibo were honestly meh at best in Smash Bros. because you let your cousins so much as touch them once and bam, you have to teach your Level 50 MegaMan how to use the Up Special to recover again, and Roy got an especially short end of the proverbial stick with no Codename STEAM usability, no Fates usability, and meh usability in Echoes like every other non-Alm/Celica Amiibo.

Call me eccentric or extreme, but I'm not touching this game until I get word that Roy is in.

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41 minutes ago, Deva Ashera said:

Why's that? Is it purely from not liking Awakening, Fates, or Shadow Dragon?

I only ask because the rest sounds interesting or common fare for Warriors titles.

I was initially looking forward to this as being a big celebration of Fire Emblem in Warriors(A franchise I'm not really a fan of) form, which got me excited. 

Then they announced that it was mostly going to be Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, my enthusiasm dropped significantly, because by and large, those are my three least favorite casts in the franchise. And their "There'd be too many swordies" reasoning was so confusing and stupid that it frustrated me. But, I do actually like a fair chunk of Fates' characters, and while I really don't care for the Archanea characters because I think they're as bland as all hell, I do respect the archetypes many of them set, and the potential for expansion could be fun.

But with a lot of these interviews, the focus comes back to Awakening, which is hands down my least favorite cast in the franchise. And things like "Oh yeah, Donnel's a meme, and people like memes, so we'll think about adding him. Thanks for constantly memeing about Donnel, Kotaku." just make me wonder why I would ever play this if it's a franchise I'm not super into and characters I don't like are going to be front and center. 

It's cool if other people are still excited, but this game is turning out to be everything I didn't want it to be. 

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1 hour ago, Slumber said:

I was initially looking forward to this as being a big celebration of Fire Emblem in Warriors(A franchise I'm not really a fan of) form, which got me excited. 

Then they announced that it was mostly going to be Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, my enthusiasm dropped significantly, because by and large, those are my three least favorite casts in the franchise. And their "There'd be too many swordies" reasoning was so confusing and stupid that it frustrated me. But, I do actually like a fair chunk of Fates' characters, and while I really don't care for the Archanea characters because I think they're as bland as all hell, I do respect the archetypes many of them set, and the potential for expansion could be fun.

But with a lot of these interviews, the focus comes back to Awakening, which is hands down my least favorite cast in the franchise. And things like "Oh yeah, Donnel's a meme, and people like memes, so we'll think about adding him. Thanks for constantly memeing about Donnel, Kotaku." just make me wonder why I would ever play this if it's a franchise I'm not super into and characters I don't like are going to be front and center. 

It's cool if other people are still excited, but this game is turning out to be everything I didn't want it to be. 

I suppose it'll simply be a matter of how the final roster's gonna turn out, I guess.

For me, all they have to do is nail Hardin and make Garon pre-corpse and I think I'll be pushed over the edge to get it. Right now it's a VERY hard 'Maybeeeeee?' for me.

Also do to Medeus what they did to Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors and I'll be instantly sold

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3 hours ago, Gustavos said:

I know the 20+ characters is just speculation, but I think clones or shared, generic movesets would be the only way we reach that many. Gotta save some ideas for 2018's Hyrule Warriors Legends.

It's not speculation. It was confirmed that this game will have the largest starting cast out of any debut warriors game, so there'll be 20+ characters. I believe Samurai Warriors debuted with 22 characters, so there'll be at least 23 playable characters.

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4 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

Samurai Warriors debuted with 22 characters, so there'll be at least 23 playable characters.

To clarify, they said "most characters of any Warriors collaborative game". This only reduces it by a small amount (DW Gundam had 19 units in it's first instalment, so I believe it had the most, without dlc), but I doubt they would've made a point of noting that FEW has the most if they're only going over the cap by 1-2 characters.

I'm standing at it being 28-33 characters.

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When it came out that the roster was to be limited to Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates, I was fine with it, if not a bit upset that characters like Roy, Alm and Celica wouldn't get in, however, I understood why. But if it's uneven distribution, then...I don't know. I like a majority of Awakening's cast, not so much the Fates cast, in which I only have a select few characters that I'd want to see in Warriors. As for SD, I wanted a chance for them to get fleshed out more, but...I doubt they'll have the most representation...ah well, what can you do? I'm still buying the game, and people shouldn't be so quick to pass over it.

My personal, probably unrealistic wants:

SD: Caeda, Xane, Tiki, Merric or Linde.

Awakening: Male Robin, Henry, Sumia, Olivia, Lon'qu, Maribelle.

Fates: The rest of the Nohr siblings plus Azura, Kaze, Charlotte, the Awakening trio, Rinkah, Niles and either Kaden or Keaton, or both.

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As far as characters I want, I have my obvious (and not so obvious) preferences, but at most they'll merely decide the urgency for me acquiring this game.  Like, if Oboro and Catria aren't in, I might wait a little until either DLC that has them or other FE characters I'm really clamoring for is out, or I'll get it when I have the money and nothing else I want is on the horizon.  And I wager there's probably a 50% chance that this will be the case.

I also think people are putting too much stock into the ever so flawed CYL campaign that happened much later into FE Warriors' development cycle, as well as the "importance" of dumb little memes, but whatever...

28 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

It's not speculation. It was confirmed that this game will have the largest starting cast out of any debut warriors game, so there'll be 20+ characters. I believe Samurai Warriors debuted with 22 characters, so there'll be at least 23 playable characters.

Like Blizzard said, it was "collaborative games", not "all games".  Also, if I'm remembering correctly, SW was sort of a sequel/spiritual successor to an earlier Warriors game, so technically it isn't actually a debut.  Please, any Warriors fans clarify if I'm right or wrong about this.

Regardless, I think you can be cautiously optimistic at least.  I doubt they'd mention it if it weren't a significant difference, but at the same time, this could be PR talk or some weird "technicality".  Though I think assuming it'll be something like 13 is setting your expectations lower than the threshold they've offered.  Nothing wrong with that, of course; I think that at worst just sets themselves up to be pleasantly surprised.

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I guess since I expected there only to be 3 games represented because of the reveal trailer and since the other 2 video game collabs they have done have also only used 3 games, I'm not as down as most people. I do understand those whose games do excluded (I had to wait a LONG time from WW in HW) but as far as gameplay is considered I am really excited. The fact that they are actually putting more of FE than just the triangle has me really exited for this game. 

As Warriors fan I'm tend to be more excited for what a Collab adds to a Warriors game then the characters for the most part and FEW seem to be adding a lot to it without going overboard like Dragon Quest, which makes me excited. 

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Non-even distribution? It makes sense since I know Fates have tons of characters and Awakening has a fair amount as well compared to Shadow Dragon. I was expecting Fates to get a bit more characters due to its roster and the whole "Hoshido vs Nohr" thing, so Fates can technically be counted as two or three games instead of one giant one.

This will likely mean Shadow Dragon gets the short end of the stick. While I don't mind this as much, I would like to see more than just Marth, Young!Tiki (due to the amiibo), and a Shadow Dragon Villain. I want to see Camus, Caeda, or Linde in. Camus probably has the best shot at because he is a mounted lance user and cavalry are confirmed in FE Warriors, both as a generic and in the form of Xander. For Caeda and Linde, we currently have no indication of pegasus knights (or any flying unit for that matter) or proper mages. Sure, M!Robin is practically confirmed, but I have a feeling he will be a sword user that also wields magic, much like how F!Corrin uses a sword but complements it with her Dragonstone.

The Kotaku article stating that they put "strategy first, which focuses on swords, lances, and axes" is also an interesting tidbit. As far as I am concerned, this means War Cleric Lissa is a thing. Now for Donnel, I would prefer if he did not make it in. Give me Kellam over Donnel if we are sticking to Awakening, please. Kellam is a member of the Shepherds and would fit right in alongside Chrom, Lissa, and M!Robin, even if he is forgotten about all the time. Otherwise, Azura or Oboro would be superior choices over Donnel, especially due to their ties to other characters. Azura has "plot importance" to Corrin and knows both Xander and Ryoma while Oboro would be perfect if she was fielded alongside Takumi.

Speaking of which, I don't think we saw any archers in the E3 gameplay. I know Archers are a thing in mainline Warrior games and hope they were not cut for FE Warriors and its focus on the Weapon Triangle. We have staves, but not bows?... (While Thieves are confirmed, I have a feeling they are sword users instead of "hidden weapon" users in terms of the classic weapon triangle of Sword > Axes > Lances > Swords.)

Edited by Sire
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3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

Like Blizzard said, it was "collaborative games", not "all games".  Also, if I'm remembering correctly, SW was sort of a sequel/spiritual successor to an earlier Warriors game, so technically it isn't actually a debut.  Please, any Warriors fans clarify if I'm right or wrong about this.

Samurai Warriors is a Warriors game set in the age of the Three Unifiers, and I don't believe it was a sequel/spiritual successor to anything. But the point is moot because I know for a fact that Samurai Warriors did not have 22 playable characters at launch. It had 15 unique characters and a custom character who the player could give one of three different movesets (Sword, Spear, and Naginata). Latter on, an expansion was released which had 4 more characters, bringing the roster total up to 20. I guess if you want to count the custom character movesets as separate, we would get up to 22 playable characters.

Or if you count the different custom character styles as separate which would give us 15 + 8 for a total of 23 but that's kinda cheating.

14 minutes ago, Sire said:

The Kotaku article stating that they put "strategy first, which focuses on swords, lances, and axes" is also an interesting tidbit. As far as I am concerned, this means War Cleric Lissa is a thing. Now for Donnel, I would prefer if he did not make it in. Give me Kellam over Donnel if we are sticking to Awakening, please. Kellam is a member of the Shepherds and would fit right in alongside Chrom, Lissa, and M!Robin, even if he is forgotten about all the time. Otherwise, Azura or Oboro would be superior choices over Donnel, especially due to their ties to other characters. Azura has "plot importance" to Corrin and knows both Xander and Ryoma while Oboro would be perfect if she was fielded alongside Takumi.

Speaking of which, I don't think we saw any archers in the E3 gameplay. I know Archers are a thing in mainline Warrior games and hope they were not cut for FE Warriors and its focus on the Weapon Triangle. We have staves, but not bows?... (While Thieves are confirmed, I have a feeling they are sword users instead of "hidden weapon" users.)

I'd say I'd want both Azura and Oboro in over Donnel. I'd even take Mozu and that's to do with how the Villager class worked in their respective games. Right now, I have hope for Azura, since Rena Strober did say something rather suspicious in that regard.

As for archers, we have confirmation from before E3 that playable Archers will be in.

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1 minute ago, Folt said:

I'd say I'd want both Azura and Oboro in over Donnel. I'd even take Mozu and that's to do with how the Villager class worked in their respective games. Right now, I have hope for Azura, since Rena Strober did say something rather suspicious in that regard.

As for archers, we have confirmation from before E3 that playable Archers will be in.

Mozu is good too if FE: Warriors wanted a Villager character, and I'll happily take Mozu over Donnel. Thing is, outside of being a villager, she has little relation to the other cast which makes it unlikely in (in my eyes) that she'll make it in.

As for archer confirmation, it's nice to know that they are in. I suppose I probably forgot about that fact, or for some reason never heard of it until now.

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4 minutes ago, Sire said:

Mozu is good too if FE: Warriors wanted a Villager character, and I'll happily take Mozu over Donnel. Thing is, outside of being a villager, she has little relation to the other cast which makes it unlikely in (in my eyes) that she'll make it in.

I'd say Donnel actually has very little relation to the other cast as well, so eh.

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11 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

Calling it Awakening Warriors seems brash considering how they've been giving Fates top billing.

Also, uneven distribution really shouldn't surprise anyone.

Half the characters on the CE box are from Awakening, with Fates having slightly less than half and Marth being the only SD character. I'm just basing it off of that. 

Something interesting about promotions: what about Ryoma and Xander? Are they pre-promotes? And when do units promote? 

@Sire I'm one of those people who considers Caeda one of the most underrated characters in gaming, so if there is only a single other SD rep it better be her.

Edited by The DanMan
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16 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

Half the characters on the CE box are from Awakening, with Fates having slightly less than half and Marth being the only SD character. I'm just basing it off of that. 

Something interesting about promotions: what about Ryoma and Xander? Are they pre-promotes? And when do units promote? 

@Sire I'm one of those people who considers Caeda one of the most underrated characters in gaming, so if there is only a single other SD rep it better be her.

We never saw the back though, so you're basing that off of incomplete information.

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7 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

We never saw the back though, so you're basing that off of incomplete information.

Why would there be anything on the back of the box? They put what they did front and center. I'm going with my gut, which is what happened with FEW's announcement trailer-- and whaddya know, it turned out to be right on the money.

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1 minute ago, The DanMan said:

Why would there be anything on the back of the box? They put what they did front and center. I'm going with my gut, which is what happened with FEW's announcement trailer-- and whaddya know, it turned out to be right on the money.

The sprites probably wrapped around is what I'm saying. The back could have been full of Fates characters.

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11 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

The sprites probably wrapped around is what I'm saying. The back could have been full of Fates characters.

Yeah, that's true. Say, if you take the 10 characters on the front, add in 10 from the back, and then 5/6 on each side, that's 30/32 characters, which sounds like a full roster to me. 

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52 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

Something interesting about promotions: what about Ryoma and Xander? Are they pre-promotes? And when do units promote? 

That'd be interesting if they were, as they are pre-promotes in Fates. Would fit well with the whole "mentoring" thing mentioned in the interview.

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1 hour ago, Thane said:

That'd be interesting if they were, as they are pre-promotes in Fates. Would fit well with the whole "mentoring" thing mentioned in the interview.

It's also got me wondering on Corrin and Marth. Are they going to pull a "Valla Noble" or something, or give her branching promotions? With Marth, I've seen a couple people suggest that he'll end up as a Lodestar, re-gaining his breastplate + a few other embellishments. Seems like Rowan could end up using offensive magic upon promotion and Lianna already has staves.

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51 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

It's also got me wondering on Corrin and Marth. Are they going to pull a "Valla Noble" or something, or give her branching promotions? With Marth, I've seen a couple people suggest that he'll end up as a Lodestar, re-gaining his breastplate + a few other embellishments. Seems like Rowan could end up using offensive magic upon promotion and Lianna already has staves.

Rowan uses staves too, but I think it's entirely possible for them to gain a different secondary weapon type upon promotion. It'll be interesting to see where they take the twins.

I think Corrin might take the Nohr Noble path if she promotes, since she's a dark-elemental character.

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4 minutes ago, Folt said:

Rowan uses staves too, but I think it's entirely possible for them to gain a different secondary weapon type upon promotion. It'll be interesting to see where they take the twins.

I think Corrin might take the Nohr Noble path if she promotes, since she's a dark-elemental character.

Did Warriors games always have elements?

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