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TT Resonating Fangs - Your MVP

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Is it boring to say Reinhardt? The guy's so insane that the rest of the team's job is, barring a few exception, essentially just to keep him in tip top condition. If he's got Blazing Thunder up, he one shots Celica, so I try to always have it ready when I enter the last map. 

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Nino, Tharja and Eirika. It's pretty much the same Team like in the last TT except Faye kicked out Klein for Bonuspoints. Boring Blade+Buffer Team, but it get's the job done most of the time. Also a honorable mention to my boy Camus in my Horse back-up/Finalmap team, since he can two shot the stupid witch named Celica after a HoneCav, which results in a ORKO if she isn't at 100% (which she never is if Camus has to kill her).

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35 minutes ago, Lushen said:


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Uhhhh... Yeah, that's my TT through and through xD 

Seriously, Reinhardt. I mean, he's fully maxed out, but I see no need to reduce my points score by trying anyone else until I have all the prizes. He gives me quick speed and usually only dies if I make an idiotic mistake (like forgetting Ninian can dance Merric over to kill him -.-). 

Xander and Azura also put in the work. I would say their share but... well, Reinhardt. 

Surprisingly, once I finally dared give him the chance, Alm's not done too badly either. I'm happy with my little team. I just wish I could drain off some of Reinhardt's extra SP. I think he's at 10k now!

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

Even in arena, she doesn't manage to ORKO as many units as people say she does.  She is very good against most scenarios but glass cannons get worse and worse as IS keeps bloating up their unit's stats for events.  

I don't think experienced players should look at Tier lists, but I think they should be fairly represented because they can be very useful to new players who need to know which units they should prioritize building.  The wiki tier list is just garbage.  The only tier list I saw that was fairly accurate was Sage's YouTube tier list but even he put Bride!Cordelia in S+.  She's great, but she is not OP in any way.  She just does what she's supposed to very well.

Are you giving B!Cordelia her best skill set?
+Atk -Res
Brave Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Swordbreaker
Player Phase 133:2:11

That is Blade tome level of performance without the need for support. Her closest Rival is Reinhardt at 128:6:12. Nino's best ratio is 129:11:6 with max Eirika buff.

With max Eirika buff, B!Cordelia can achieve 145:0:1, while Blade Linde gets 141:2:3. At merge+10, B!Cordelia slips to 144:0:2, while Linde slips to 139:2:5.

Mine is -HP, but she still performs fine. She does not have trouble killing anything other than Celica, Ravens, and certain armor units when I went through the Tempest Trials. I also give her Savage Blow to help weaken opponents to make them easier to kill.

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

Are you giving B!Cordelia her best skill set?
+Atk -Res

Nah, there is literally a 4.75% chance of getting that IV.  IVs are so much more important for archers than other units because most of their stats are actually really close.  And there's only a ~23% chance to get +atk or +spd and -hp, -res, or -def.  My B!Cordelia is +res/-hp or +res/-def (basically neutral), so she can't kill a lot of people.

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Just now, Lushen said:

Nah, there is literally a 4.75% chance of getting that IV.  IVs are so much more important for archers than other units because most of their stats are actually really close.  And there's only a ~23% chance to get +atk or +spd and -hp, -res, or -def.  My B!Cordelia is +res/-hp or +res/-def (basically neutral), so she can't kill a lot of people.

If you are comparing neutral characters against optimized Arena enemies with higher merge levels, then neutral character will obviously perform worse.

Using the same skill set, she (+Res -Def) gets 125:5:16 in unmerged matches. Optimized Linde with Aura without buffs gets 118:5:13.

With max Eirika buffs, she gets 140:2:4. That is almost as good as optimized Linde with Blade.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are comparing neutral characters against optimized Arena enemies with higher merge levels, then neutral character will obviously perform worse.

Using the same skill set, she (+Res -Def) gets 125:5:16 in unmerged matches. Optimized Linde with Aura without buffs gets 118:5:13.

With max Eirika buffs, she gets 140:2:4. That is almost as good as optimized Linde with Blade.

Tempest Trials don't exactly follow maxed stats for regular characters.  Thus, matchup calculators aren't as much of a help.

Hell, even Training Tower takes some serious liberties with max stats.

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52 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Tempest Trials don't exactly follow maxed stats for regular characters.  Thus, matchup calculators aren't as much of a help.

Hell, even Training Tower takes some serious liberties with max stats.

The calculator is the only measuring stick we have. So some kind of measuring stick is better than no measuring stick.

I will admit that against higher merged or stat inflated enemies, unmerged Blade mages will fare better than other unmerged units.

But with both+10 with max Eirika buffs, facing against other characters+10 with +7 buff to all stats, B!Cordelia can still achieve a respectable 111:7:28, while Linde does a little better at 115:16:15.

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First Team (retired): Faye, Sanaki, Nino, and Azura. I told myself I'd use this team until Sanaki maxed out HP. She almost did it last Tempest, so after using her for other miscellaneous stuff, she had close to 1900. Man. XD I wish there was a point to using these ladies more. They destroy absolutely everything. Faye doesn't. Faye is just kind of convenient for dealing with archers, daggers, and fliers....but not on cramped maps. Sanaki, Nino, and Azura have all maxed SP and the builds I want for them, so they probably won't see much more of this tempest unless I get to the end and decide I want the points more than the grinding. 

Second Team: Faye, Julia, Katarina, Nowi. I absolutely LOVE Katarina. She was a fabulous pull, and she does really well with these ladies. Nowi has been great as well, but I find myself wishing she had a bit more defense... Faye once again is just kind of there. She's not absolutely AWFUL...but she gets the job done. Since Julia has Fury, I have to use her sparingly. But she also has Breath of Life and acts as a pseudo-healer. What this team really needs is a dancer and/or healer.  

Back-Up Team: Xander, Titania, Reinhardt, Ursula. Yeah yeah...Horse Emblem is a cheap way to get through these maps, but I love it. I can't usually do a deathless run, so on the final map, I get to switch to these guys (sometimes before), and Ursula wipes the floor with Celica. I mean...she wiped the floor with Veronica last time, and this time she has a color advantage. Unfortunately, Xander, Titania, and Ursula all have max HM. Titania still needs some SP for a better B skill (probably desperation or vantage). 

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Nino, quad buff Ephraim and a dancer speeds through the first 6 maps, but more often than not, dies on the last map. The speed at which the maps are completed usually gives me a consistent A in speed. The 4th unit is just a filler healer.

Alternatively, Alm, Celica, Michalis and Ninian can complete all 7 maps for an A in survival, but speed rating is rather inconsistent and depends on the enemy team composition.

And of course, there's my Budget horse emblem team of Eliwood, Camus, Elise and 4* Cecilia (now with TA2!) when everything else goes wrong.

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I would have to say the mvp for me this time around is Lukas. I have to watch out for mages (especially Celica on the last map, but Reinhardt deals with her no problem when I change to my second team.) Summer Freddy also helps kill Celica by sacrificing himself to lower most of her stats to allow others to kill her.

 Calrine also gets an honourable mention with healing, bringing Lukas back from the brink if he actually survives a magic attack, since nothing else can hurt him. She also helps tank the magic attacks where Summer Fred can't Standing next to lukas she also gets a boost to her defense as I've given him Fortify def. 

Rein on my second team is a beast as many people have said. I've only just completed him, so just comparing him and his sister 


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Camus, mostly because it seems like there's way more reds than usual on the final map. Using the traditional Free Horse Emblem team of him, Xander, and Cecilia, with Alm as my bonus unit for easy 705 scores.

Or at least I was doing that until I got sick of it and decided to SP farm on Hard for my new Hinoka.

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Lilina and Sharena are doing the work for me this time around.  I have new appreciation for the AoE specials as well.

Also shout-out to Mae, for surviving a round of combat against Celica-boss at only level 21 on Lunatic.

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Right now, I've been running Masked Lucina, Faye, Est, and Cherche. I want to say that the MVP there is Masked Lucina, because she fills two roles. She has Renewal 2 and Reciprocal Aid, so she keeps the team healed. But she's also a great counter to green units. I gave her HP+4 and the Squad Ace A1 seal, so she has 50 HP, which lets her fully heal my +HP -Res Cherche.

Faye uses her Firesweep Bow+ with Seal Def 3. This is really useful for both Est and Cherche, who run brave builds. Faye thus can do chip damage, but also add 14 attack to either Est's or Cherche's attacks. With the Hone Flier buffs from Est, Death Blow 3, and the Atk +1 seal, Cherche reaches an incredible 59 attack power on the offensive... x2 from her Brave Axe+! She can usually just delete blues, greens, and colorless without difficulty, and can sometimes take out reds too.

Est has sufficient speed to usually only take one hit from a red or blue, and sometimes she can quad.

Faye mostly provides chip damage and the Seal Def 3 debuff, along with positioning assistance. But she also sometimes serves as bait, since she has nice bulk. And she's nice against fliers.

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My mage squad has been doing extremely well. They typically reach map 7 easily before falling apart.

M!Robin- Can tank both red and colourless due to triangle adept.

Nino and Katarina- Are both powerhouses. Often will make quick work of the enemies. Nino's drawback also saved me a couple of times.

Ninian- Ensure that the glass canons are out of harm's way and also speed things up. If she falls, my team is screwed.

Each run on this tempest trial so far has netted me at least 500 points thanks to them. (Can't forget Mae for bonus multiplier)

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3 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I told myself I'd use this team until Sanaki maxed out HP. She almost did it last Tempest, so after using her for other miscellaneous stuff, she had close to 1900. Man.

What. A Sanaki with 1900 HP? That's cray!

But... Pff. My Azura says hi. 1900 HP means nothing (except a really long battle) if you hit for 0!

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Heh, so Horse Emblem is cheap and lazy? LOL

I don't have any 1.4 bonus units, and I used the heck of Sharena last TT (team was Sharena, Julia, Olivia and Tharja, basically blade team). I wanted to run Flier Emblem but mine isn't as versatile and well constructed as Horse Emblem, so screw it, I decided to go Clair, Reinhardt, Cecilia and Xander. Rein has Lancebreaker for better coverage, Xander has Bowbreaker to abuse his tankiness and sweep through them after a Hone and Goad support. Clair is there for killing of leftover stuff or one rounding mages or clerics with Iceberg. Not bad at all.

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20 minutes ago, Astellius said:

What. A Sanaki with 1900 HP? That's cray!

But... Pff. My Azura says hi. 1900 HP means nothing (except a really long battle) if you hit for 0!

Whoops. XD Me and my absent-mindedness. SP. 1900 HP would probably be more than enough to take out Azura if Sanaki had Glacies equipped. 29 guaranteed damage is always nice. 

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I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling these trials more easy. Final map is easy cleared with Xander, Nino, Linde and Olivia, but I even beated it with Oboro, Lyn, Takumi and Olivia.

But Xander and her girls are the MVP's ... again haha.

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8 hours ago, Falcom said:


Ninian- Ensure that the glass canons are out of harm's way and also speed things up. If she falls, my team is screwed.

On my first squad - if I lose Donnel, Olivia or Julia I am pretty screwed. If I lose Tharja, sure, it hurts, but nothing like any of the other three.

Also, I doubt any of you are struggling with Celica (sp?), but Donnel with a dancer takes her out all by himself in one turn.

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Leo, Cecilia, Camus, and Priscilla are the stars, though Priscilla doesn't do much besides heal.

Helps that these maps (sans the graveyard) are much friendlier to horse teams than the Awakening maps.

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Since I'm cheap, I'm just using Nino and Reinhardt again with Olivia dancing. I think it happened a few times now that I let one the two (Rein or Nino) die, but the other basicly carried me through the 5 maps after that without a problem. All three of them already have capped HM though, so Sharena is the only one who is really gaining anything from it. I should probably train up some other nukes for the next trial...

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Camus is MVP, being one of my only characters that can reasonably take on Celica. Sacrificing a Lon'qu for Vantage 3 was the best decision I ever did.
The rest of my team is Cecilia, Eliwood (still need to get him to 5*), and Gunter. Coincidentally, this is also my Arena team.

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My main team has been Summer Freddy, Azura, Alm, and Nino. Azura was probably the one that did the most work between dancing and fighting, because there were a lot of red units for her Sapphire Lance to pick off. Alm helped her out and Summer Freddy and Nino actually mostly took a backseat. They did a little bit of work, but not much.

I haven't done any lunatic trials yet though...

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