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Tempest Trials: Twilight of the Gods Edition!


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9 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Just after we discussed my archer problem in General...

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Well dang the enemy likes to taunt yeah

At least you have 40% bonus units to power through! (Good thing there was no Niles?)

Gave 5 star Clive Brave Lance and Luna, and he's been doing much better quick melee deleter and shield or my mages. Sure he ain't the best but he's much better than 4 star Berkut and I enjoy his art more so I'm really having fun using him.


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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Well dang the enemy likes to taunt yeah

At least you have 40% bonus units to power through! (Good thing there was no Niles?)

Gave 5 star Clive Brave Lance and Luna, and he's been doing much better quick melee deleter and shield or my mages. Sure he ain't the best but he's much better than 4 star Berkut and I enjoy his art more so I'm really having fun using him.


Celica's Distant Defence allowed her to charge in and turn everyone except, funnily enough, Takumi to Ragnaroked dust.

When Niles shows up, he tends to be overwhelmed by my god mages, especially Celica. -Atk? Tempest boosts don't care about that.

I'm raising my Clive to eventually become blue Eldigan instead. He might be interesting to substitute in, actually, since Alm and Delthea are now capped...

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There are still a ton of people who seemingly stopped doing the TT once they hit the 99,999 reward.

I got to 100,004 and there were like 54xx people ahead of me still. Then I got about 2000 more points and shot up like 2000 spots. By far the biggest jump I have ever done from just one run.

I went from thinking I would be struggling to stay in the top 5000 to thinking that top 1000 might be within reach. Does anyone know what kind of score is needed for top 1000 right now??

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Apparently Delthea's Aura buff and Drive Atk allows Alm to OHKO Sonya without needing a special charged.

I'm at around 107k points for rank 2800-ish. 7 units have capped HM thanks to this TT, and Celica has capped SP as well.

Edited by Korath88
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*plays the first bonus score Tempest Trial run*

*gets put in the walled desert map where you have to bait the units*

*sees Reinhart AND Olwen*

I mean thankfully Linde is +Res and it's only Stage 2 but this is one of those scary matchups....

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5 hours ago, Kruggov said:

Whoa, I know it's Niles with his piddling ATK, but how much DEF does your Catria have? My Beruka with 40 def routinely gets hit fo 18-20 dmg even by weaker archers.

My Catria is 40+2  with 33 defense after accounting for Fury stats. Niles had 28 attack, which was lowered to 25 with Caeda's Atk Ploy seal. Catria was buffed with Fortify Fliers to 39 defense

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

*plays the first bonus score Tempest Trial run*

*gets put in the walled desert map where you have to bait the units*

*sees Reinhart AND Olwen*

I mean thankfully Linde is +Res and it's only Stage 2 but this is one of those scary matchups....

Funnily enough the next bonus score map after this, the 1st map is the same desert map except now it has a Reinhardt, Azura AND Kagero....

Luckily Tharja survived a Kagero attack with 1 HP...

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Funnily enough the next bonus score map after this, the 1st map is the same desert map except now it has a Reinhardt, Azura AND Kagero....

Luckily Tharja survived a Kagero attack with 1 HP...

Reinhardt plus Azura on the same map is a recipe for disaster :/

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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

Reinhardt plus Azura on the same map is a recipe for disaster :/

Based bonus stat buffed Clive started the baiting by living one Reinhardt attack.

I'm just glad Tharja managd to survive Kagero though since my mages quiver in fear of her Poison Dagger

I'm going to use the heck out of Clive while I still can and get as much HM out of it, before he becomes useless in normal conditions haha.

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22 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:


I was doing Lunatic 7 and got Veronica's 9-5 map with THREE ARCHERS: Niles, Takumi, and Klein. Marth was there too. I was using my all fliers "grinding SP for Corrin" team. I somehow won with no casualties. Desperation Blade tomes are lifesavers...

Speaking of, same map and up against TWO dancers this time, Ninian and Azura.

Only had Delthea as a ranged unit left so I boxed myself in thanks to their dance shenanigans. Also, Matthew's high speed can be pretty annoying at times since I couldn't double.

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18 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:



On Lunatic 5, not 7. But still

So I completly missed this until now, but damn.

I know your Catria can tank a hit from archers, but that is just ridiculous (at least it's only Niles).

33 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

 Also, Matthew's high speed can be pretty annoying at times since I couldn't double.

Yeah, Matthew is one the reasons I'm starting to miss Reinhardt on these runs...

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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I know your Catria can tank a hit from archers, but that is just ridiculous (at least it's only Niles).

Caeda's Atk Ploy seal is great :D Too bad I'll be ditching her once she hits 3k HM. She's close though!

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5 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I know your Catria can tank a hit from archers, but that is just ridiculous (at least it's only Niles).

When I used Catria in the arena, she was able to tank a shot from Takumi. That’s all one needs to know about her. She’s great.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

When I used Catria in the arena, she was able to tank a shot from Takumi. That’s all one needs to know about her. She’s great.

Unless if she's like mine and is -Def. At that point all bets on her tanking any archer with respectable Atk is off.

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14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Unless if she's like mine and is -Def. At that point all bets on her tanking any archer with respectable Atk is off.

Mine is +Def (and −HP, so it kinda sorta balances out).

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1 hour ago, r_n said:

The auto battle AI seriously needs some sense of self preservation.

Yes, please, by all means, throw my Titania at a Xander. This will work out great for her, I'm sure.

LOL, definitely this.

If there is only 1 enemy left, the cavalier with Weapon Triangle Disadvantage should not charge ahead of everyone else to get himself killed. They should be programmed to run away from enemies who can 1HKO them.

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7 hours ago, r_n said:

The auto battle AI seriously needs some sense of self preservation.

Yes, please, by all means, throw my Titania at a Xander. This will work out great for her, I'm sure.

I can't tell if it's because of pain but serra absolutely loves charging in head first to attack everything, I would like for healers to stop attacking after their hp drops below 50%.

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That archer team looks like my dream team, just replace Rebecca with Innes ...

Anyway, I got 40,000 points today and got the seal. I could have get it 2 days ago but... I was very bussy and I was sick, so I just... got to sleep very early and didn't played at all in these days.

Welp, now that I got what I needed, I will see how much points I can get, and time to try the 7 fights or some sp grind

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