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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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1 minute ago, LoboKD001 said:

I was about to ask what to do actually as Team Ike because we have the mutliplier chances are we overperform and camilla gets another multiplier and then we may or may not recover. However, if we don't have a bonus at all, we may still recover???

There's basicly two thing that can happen now:

1) We don't get another multiplier, so we just have to catch up to Camilla after this in the next 14 hours or so and don't give her another one (sounds doable, but you never know about that last part).

2) We do get another multiplier, after which we'll obviously give Camilla a second multiplier. With a bit of luck, her lead will be less then in case one, which easily compensates for the two less hours we have to catch up. However, that could also increase the chance of Camilla getting a last hour multiplier. She could also end up getting two in a row, which would make give her an even bigger lead, but catching up should still be doable.

All in all, the first scenario is probably the safest, but also somewhat unlikely (and worse for our rankings).

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1 minute ago, LoboKD001 said:

Hm... i guess. The one fear i have with ike having a multiplier is camilla having a second and got the lead, giving us 2 hrs less to recover.

It's two hours less, but a significantly smaller amount to make up. Either way, Ike should have this in the bag. The easiest path is the one with yo-yo multipliers.

Yo-yo = guaranteed win

No yo-yo = mad sprint to the finish going to whoever has the most flags left (most likely Ike).

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4 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

It's two hours less, but a significantly smaller amount to make up. Either way, Ike should have this in the bag. The easiest path is the one with yo-yo multipliers.

Yo-yo = guaranteed win

No yo-yo = mad sprint to the finish going to whoever has the most flags left (most likely Ike).

Not that I don't think Ike will win (I still think it's the most likely outcome), but I would just point out that Lyn fans were saying pretty much the exact same thing a couple days ago...

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4 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

Not that I don't think Ike will win (I still think it's the most likely outcome), but I would just point out that Lyn fans were saying pretty much the exact same thing a couple days ago...

oh really? i didnt know oopsy

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Just now, JJ48 said:

Not that I don't think Ike will win (I still think it's the most likely outcome), but I would just point out that Lyn fans were saying pretty much the exact same thing a couple days ago...

Things were not even close to the same as they are now. With only 14 hours to go there is very little room for any variance. These multipliers, whether 1 or 3, will be the last ones we see no matter what. Ike Would need to score like 13 Billion to give Camilla back to back multipliers, which isn't happening. And there aren't enough hours left for any chance of a last hour multiplier.

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5 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Things were not even close to the same as they are now. With only 14 hours to go there is very little room for any variance. These multipliers, whether 1 or 3, will be the last ones we see no matter what. Ike Would need to score like 13 Billion to give Camilla back to back multipliers, which isn't happening. And there aren't enough hours left for any chance of a last hour multiplier.

I hope you're right.  We shall see.

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1 minute ago, JJ48 said:

I hope you're right.  We shall see.

Unfortunately, I don''t think Camilla will score enough, and that is the worst case scenario. Especially if she just barely falls short. I expect Ike to be able to out-muscle her, but it would be nearly 3 Billion to have to catch up.

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m right under the floor:

Shhhhh don't speak. They might hear you

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've a feeling Ike's gonna have to do what he did to Hector and throw some flags! But I'm wiling to, I got plenty!

I'd actually like to have to spend my flags, if only to raise my score.

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Welp, hope Camilla's next multiplier(cause we're gonna get one for sure) puts us in a safe range to last till the end. Sorry Ike, but you gotta take one for the team if we don't want multipliers to cause BS again.

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Yikes. I think Team Camilla ended up overshooting their goal by what was predicted. Though it looks like it'll still be really close depending on flag usage. There's no telling how things are going to go. Gonna' spend the last of my flags and then I'm done for this gauntlet. 

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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:


Actually, the Ike multiplier will make it easier for us to catch up. See the math in the earlier posts.

The thing that concerns me is, the current graph predicts an ending just barely on Camilla's side, which means that Ike should be able to pull it off by going all-in tonight.

The problem is that the earlier predictions didn't show Camilla giving Ike a multiplier, and she overperformed.  If Ike gives her a second multiplier and she overperforms again, it'll be a bit tougher for Ike to catch up.

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3 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

The thing that concerns me is, the current graph predicts an ending just barely on Camilla's side, which means that Ike should be able to pull it off by going all-in tonight.

The problem is that the earlier predictions didn't show Camilla giving Ike a multiplier, and she overperformed.  If Ike gives her a second multiplier and she overperforms again, it'll be a bit tougher for Ike to catch up.

but it's almost impossible for ike to not give her another multiplier so the best choice may be to overperform as ike during the bonus so we can catch up easier (why do i always want to type camus instead of camilla tf)

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2 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

The thing that concerns me is, the current graph predicts an ending just barely on Camilla's side, which means that Ike should be able to pull it off by going all-in tonight.

The problem is that the earlier predictions didn't show Camilla giving Ike a multiplier, and she overperformed.  If Ike gives her a second multiplier and she overperforms again, it'll be a bit tougher for Ike to catch up.

I see. I just gotta hope for the best then!

Last time we gave Camilla a second multiplier though, she didn't even catch up to us because Ike's put him super far ahead. So the same could very well happen again

Edited by Anacybele
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