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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

295 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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20 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Who else here is on the Path of Radiance? My ID is 8608857766, if you wanted to add me! I think I have Cherche out right now, and let me know if you do!

Sent a request your way. I've set my Triangle Adept Soren as my lead though let me know if you'd prefer someone else.

17 minutes ago, Paris said:

Alright then. My FC is 7895860063 and my lead is Innes.

You can feel free to add me as well if you want. My ID is 0085075948 with the same name of Tybrosion.

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Sent a request your way. I've set my Triangle Adept Soren as my lead though let me know if you'd prefer someone else.

You can feel free to add me as well if you want. My ID is 0085075948 with the same name of Tybrosion.


Thank you. Haven't got to try Soren yet (the summoning pool seems to not like green orbs). 

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3 minutes ago, Paris said:

Alright then. I guess the Pacific zone has it better (it resets at 12 am for us). 

Your Frederick has been useful so far as a tank. Innes has the durability of a wet tissue paper (-def doesn't help his case). Most of the battles, I have to either rely on him or Ike because I usually get another squishy character. 

Yeah, you got it better out there. xP

Awesome, I'm glad he's helping people! <3 He's +Def, so that's a reason he can take hits. XD

Also, for future reference, double posting isn't allowed. :P

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21 minutes ago, MiracleMuffin said:

Anyone on Team Hector? Looking for some teammates to have. My current lead is Innes, but I'll be happy to switch if need to be.

For Reds: Lucina, Eldigan, Ryoma.

Blues: Linde, Reinhardt, Delthea, Ninian.

Greens: Hector, Julia, Cherche.

Colorless: Takumi, Jeorge, Innes.

I also got two of the Brave Heroes (Ike & Lyn) but I need to train them. Other than that, feel free to add me! Will be joining Ike though if Hector loses.



You can add me, i'm team hector with a Lilina lead and I'll also be going to Ike if Hector loses.

Hero ID: 3620067834

Edited by pumpkinspice48
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1 hour ago, Arthur97 said:

Frankly, one of the reasons I want Lucina to at least beat Lyn is that she has the most to lose. Chrom, Robin, Ike, Lyn, and others tend to go up, but Lucina was already widely advertised. I'm afraid that with IS's polling fetish, it could hurt her in the future while Lyn benefits either way.

I don't think Luci has anything to worry about...nowadays I tend to worry about Marth. Polls have shown that he is not that popular, and as my all time favourite FE character, and the one who got me into the series, there's a something in the back of my mind that tells me that IS is just going to shove him aside, original Lord be damned.

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4 minutes ago, Lautsuu said:

I don't think Luci has anything to worry about...nowadays I tend to worry about Marth. Polls have shown that he is not that popular, and as my all time favourite FE character, and the one who got me into the series, there's a something in the back of my mind that tells me that IS is just going to shove him aside, original Lord be damned.

It's a shame Marth isn't that popular.  He's not my favorite lord but I do like him, and it'd be weird for the og lord not to be one of the faces of the franchise.  

I wonder why smash bros hasn't helped him as much as Roy.  He's the only FE character to be in three smash games, and he's been a top tier character in each game too.

Edited by pumpkinspice48
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7 minutes ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

You can add me, i'm team hector with a Lilina lead and I'll also be going to Ike if Hector loses.

Hero ID: 3620067834

Sure, added!

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3 minutes ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

It's a shame Marth isn't that popular.  He's not my favorite lord but I do like him, and it'd be weird for the og lord not to be one of the faces of the franchise.  

I wonder why smash bros hasn't helped him as much as Roy.  He's the only FE character to be in three smash games, and he's been a top tier character in each game too.

Never played Smash, but maybe because Marth doesn't have cool flame attacks? I heard that's Roy stample over there.

Edited by Tenzen12
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1) I am completely stupid and already spent a little over half my flags in the first few hours. While I'm used to being on the losing side, I don't think I've picked someone who was getting decimated so ... thoroughly ... in round 1. I may have had some flags saved up for summer Gaius last time. My last 500+ flags will go towards the last multipliers.

2) My rank actually did not tank as hard as I thought. But will it stay there for another day is the question.

3) The person right below me in rankings is an Ephraim lead lamenting that Innes is 5-star. Lol.

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10 minutes ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

It's a shame Marth isn't that popular.  Here's not my favorite lord but I do like him, and it'd be weird for the og not to be one of the faces of the franchise.  

I wonder why smash bros hasn't helped him as much as Roy.  He's the only FE character to be in three smash games, and he's been a top tier character in each game too.

Marth suffers the unfortunate fact people don't like Shadow Dragon, and New Mystery never made it outside of Japan. He's also much less popular in the west due to not being 'macho', 'brash' or 'waifu material' like some of the other lords that come to mind are: Hector, Ephraim, Ike, Lyn and Lucina. There's always been that constant divide between what the Japanese like, and what the west like.

In Smash, a lot of people don't play FE, nor do they know much about it. He also doesn't have the memes such as Ike, or the catchy phrases like Roy's Our Boy and We Like Ike.

It's sad really, because he truly isn't bland, and neither is Roy. People just need to realise that because they don't 'scream' their personality, it doesn't mean that that they don't have one.

And just to make this clear, I don't hate any of the previously mentioned lords, (I do have very sour feelings towards Ike but the less said about that, the better), I was just noting the differences between the two sides.

Anyways, back on topic.

Edited by Lautsuu
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2 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I'm joining team Lyn and using my Summer Corrin. Hope everything goes well. I would use my own Lyn, but she isn't finished yet.

For your own battle you should definitely use Lyn. Especially  if she is underleveled . Your high leveled friends should be able carry you and bonus points are definitely worth (especially as we are unlikely get lot of multipliers).

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:



YOU'RE IKE LUNCH, ROY! Also a Lukas snack! *cackles*

And @Rezzy That's your Titania there! But I still couldn't use her! DX


Oh well, she will save you from having Blues kill Ike.  I've gotten 2 Red allies too many times already.

I'm still waiting to see your Frederick.  I've only had one Gray Ally total so far, and that was a random Elise.

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I think I've been getting a lot of Brave Roys as my partners. Which, you know, I like Roy and I even picked Brave Roy as my free unit, but considering that Vhaltz already  has me covered for a red unit with his Ike (and I'd like to use my own Roy to get multiplier points), this isn't helping.

Guess I'll just run the other colors myself on non-multiplier hours.

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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

3) The person right below me in rankings is an Ephraim lead lamenting that Innes is 5-star. Lol.

I got someone ranked near me who has their name set as "Legalize FE4" with Eldigan as their lead. Also, #1 in Team Ike is named "IkeIsMyDaddy" but yet they have a Marth as their lead.

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Rank 304 in Team Chrom.

Fellow Shepherds wherever you are, do not be faint of heart. Our foe is strong, but so is our fellowship! If we are to lose, we'll be damned to hand Hector an easy victory!

5 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Maybe, but IS really likes their polls. Still, salt or no, I have every intention of setting all four as my defensive team once they are the bonuses.

Also, your profile picture is great.

Peep the sig too.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Oh well, she will save you from having Blues kill Ike.  I've gotten 2 Red allies too many times already.

I'm still waiting to see your Frederick.  I've only had one Gray Ally total so far, and that was a random Elise.

Dang, I hope he shows up for you soon!

And yeah, hopefully Titania will be useful for protecting Ike from blues in the future.

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7 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

sCG6prD.pngE N D  M Y  S U F F E R I N G

That's happened to me twice so far.  I did see a CYL Ike, once though.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ouch, man...

I swear none of those Ikes are mine though. I have Summer Freddy as my lead! :P

The oversaturation of reds in this gauntlet is amazing. 


1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

That's happened to me twice so far.  I did see a CYL Ike, once though.

This is I think the third time I've had an all Ike team, and what feels like the tenth all red team. Would've killed for a CYL Ike right then ;v;

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