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1 minute ago, Tolvir said:

It's the character cards themselves I am talking about. In the special edition there are character art cards. It specifies 25 of them. They could be double sided, which would mean 50 characters. But that seems almost too high. Guess we will have to wait and see.

They may not all be double sided though. so that could imply 25 to 50, or maybe not everyone is getting a card is equivalently reasonable 25 is way to clean a number for a final roster.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Don't worry, all is good now. :)

Eh, I'm still not entirely into it since it's not in English. And I could probably easily order one myself anyway. xP

That's a relief! I can be a bit of a hothead at times.

Well, my offer was, and always has been, free. I'd honestly rather him go to a home he'll be appreciated in. Maximum utility!

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1 minute ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

That's a relief! I can be a bit of a hothead at times.

Well, my offer was, and always has been, free. I'd honestly rather him go to a home he'll be appreciated in. Maximum utility!

Well, free is pretty darn cool. lol I'll have to think about it!

Yeah, I can be overly stubborn and a bit too argumentative at times...

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Dude, they don't have to be part of the main story. Female Robin already proved that.

My comment never mentioned the main story.  Not having the supporting cast means that all relationships for Ike/Roy will start from zero, which applies primarily to support conversations.  Existing relations can give a support conversation more meaning, where as the crossover supports more or less come from nothing.

I don't see what's wrong with not wanting to see a lord without at least some of their supporting cast.

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5 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

My comment never mentioned the main story.  Not having the supporting cast means that all relationships for Ike/Roy will start from zero, which applies primarily to support conversations.  Existing relations can give a support conversation more meaning, where as the crossover supports more or less come from nothing.

I don't see what's wrong with not wanting to see a lord without at least some of their supporting cast.

Then Ike should still work just fine because the guys in Chrom's world know of him. It'd be interesting to see how Ike would react if Chrom was like "whoa, you're the Radiant Hero!" And Ike could be like "the what now?" lol

Roy though, you might have a point there. We don't know if any characters in the roster know of him.

Edited by Anacybele
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oh god

I know I'm the residential Sakura and Elise fanboy, but dont yall find it strange

that there's a spot left by the little brothers of each kingdom

and it would let Sakky and Elise conveniently slide on in? I think we can assume the main/central characters of each game will be somewhat together, because there's chrom/lissa/robin on one side, and frederick/cordelia/lucina on the other. Cords is kind of an outlier, but overall the central characters will be near each other. I think we all know the central characters for Fates' world will just be the royals. So it would be very strange to have retainers like Oboro or Effie next to Takumi and Leo. If they decided to put a retainer next to the little brothers, wouldn't it look nicer for the retainers to be alongside other non-royals and not just one retainer in a clump of royals? There's a reason the royals are at the top, and I don't think it'd make sense aesthetically or logically to put non-royals next to them. But at the same time, if it's only 3 from each side (no little sisters), why not center the one at the bottom? And obviously if all 4 royals from each side are in then it's a no brainer to put them all together.

I think the only things wrong with this are Cords and Azura (there's no space around Corrin for her to be close to them... strange) but IDK I just noticed this and really wanted to point it out since no one's said anything about it yet

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then Ike should still work just fine because the guys in Chrom's world know of him. It'd be interesting to see how Ike would react if Chrom was like "whoa, you're the Radiant Hero!" And Ike would be like "the what now?" lol

They know about Roy too.  Myths are not an existing relation.  It does give potential for more or less one conversation.  Repeating that conversation does not make it any more meaningful or interesting.  And any other ones would likely end up as shallow as Chrom/Ryoma appears to be.

By a similar token, I will be annoyed if the only SD characters are Marth and Tiki due to the lack of meaningful relations for their supports.

Edit:  I have a similar problem with Alm/Celica as with Ike/Roy, but at least Alm and Celica have each other.  Though I don't think Alm/Celica are as likely as Ike/Roy since Echoes was being developed at the same time as Warriors was started.

Edited by YotsuMaboroshi
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15 minutes ago, Pokechu said:

oh god

I know I'm the residential Sakura and Elise fanboy, but dont yall find it strange

that there's a spot left by the little brothers of each kingdom

and it would let Sakky and Elise conveniently slide on in? I think we can assume the main/central characters of each game will be somewhat together, because there's chrom/lissa/robin on one side, and frederick/cordelia/lucina on the other. Cords is kind of an outlier, but overall the central characters will be near each other. I think we all know the central characters for Fates' world will just be the royals. So it would be very strange to have retainers like Oboro or Effie next to Takumi and Leo. If they decided to put a retainer next to the little brothers, wouldn't it look nicer for the retainers to be alongside other non-royals and not just one retainer in a clump of royals? There's a reason the royals are at the top, and I don't think it'd make sense aesthetically or logically to put non-royals next to them. But at the same time, if it's only 3 from each side (no little sisters), why not center the one at the bottom? And obviously if all 4 royals from each side are in then it's a no brainer to put them all together.

I think the only things wrong with this are Cords and Azura (there's no space around Corrin for her to be close to them... strange) but IDK I just noticed this and really wanted to point it out since no one's said anything about it yet

I did sort of :P

I didn't speculate on who the empty spaces would hold though - aside from there being similar space for an F!Corrin+M!Corrin portrait as there is to the M!Robin+F!Robin one.

Edited by Tactician_Iris
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1 hour ago, Tolvir said:

Hoping 25 cards doesnt mean only 25 characters on the roster. For them constantly calling it "massive" its kind of underwhelming. That means there is only 8 slots left to fill, and we still have SD to go. My guess is 6 SD characters, and then Ike and Roy for the final 2 slots if this is the final roster size. Still a bit dissapointing though, especially considering Fates got only the royal characters and that was it.

Another thing to consider is that there are apparently still more coming from Awakening

26 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I'm more than bit tired of people clamoring for characters that have minimal chances of making it in. Mostly from comments sections (I honestly don't know why I read them). Still, I may have taken that out on more reasonable people, and that is not okay so apologies if I offended anyone. However, I hate it when my arguments are relegated to the ramblings of a fanboy just because I happen to like the character in question. It rubs me the wrong way. I honestly don't think this forum is good for me. I wish there was somewhere more open to the newer games.

You'll find that there are people who do enjoy the newer games as well as the old games (hell, I'm one of them, tho granted I've only ever finished from 11 onward), but given your tone you don't exactly invite that kind of discussion with your arguments. Not so much that may or may not be reasonable, but rather the entitlement you seem to give off from the fact that your favorite game and characters happens to be the most popular. This, alone, is much of why I, at least, have disputed with you in this board from past discussions, cause likewise, entitlement rubs me and a good amount of people wrong. A word of advice: its not wise to act as a spokesperson for the unsung or otherwise silent. You'll find that you'll draw less ire if you just speak for yourself and not try to justify it by the fact that Awakening as a whole has more fans. We're all just members of a forum after all and so long as we respect each others tastes, such as not hampering on someone else's hopes, however slim they may be, then maybe we can finally have nice things and not ruin them by what we think is and should be. Admittedly, even I slip on this regard sometimes (such as the time I made a case for why I didn't see how they could put Lucy into the game. Its whatevs now tho and I'll eat that L with pride), but I'll be damned if I don't try.

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14 minutes ago, Motendra said:

Another thing to consider is that there are apparently still more coming from Awakening

You'll find that there are people who do enjoy the newer games as well as the old games (hell, I'm one of them, tho granted I've only ever finished from 11 onward), but given your tone you don't exactly invite that kind of discussion with your arguments. Not so much that may or may not be reasonable, but rather the entitlement you seem to give off from the fact that your favorite game and characters happens to be the most popular. This, alone, is much of why I, at least, have disputed with you in this board from past discussions, cause likewise, entitlement rubs me and a good amount of people wrong. A word of advice: its not wise to act as a spokesperson for the unsung or otherwise silent. You'll find that you'll draw less ire if you just speak for yourself and not try to justify it by the fact that Awakening as a whole has more fans. We're all just members of a forum after all and so long as we respect each others tastes, such as not hampering on someone else's hopes, however slim they may be, then maybe we can finally have nice things and not ruin them by what we think is and should be. Admittedly, even I slip on this regard sometimes (such as the time I made a case for why I didn't see how they could put Lucy into the game. Its whatevs now tho and I'll eat that L with pride), but I'll be damned if I don't try.

First, why are there more from Awakening did I miss something?

For the more serious matter, I'm very argumentative, and I hate losing especially when I believe I'm right. Add that on top of the fact that I'm not a very good empathizer and I end up coming off as harsh I'm sure. I just feel that so often I'm at odds with a lot of people here and they refuse to see what is plain as day to me. Awakening earned what it gets and I hate when people say otherwise. I'm defensive to. I came here for more Fire Emblem, but I found a place that was alarmingly hostile (admittedly, I didn't always see the best parts that led to this conclusion), so I joined largely to defend my favorite game and characters and have since been labeled a fanboy. I know that by and large Awakening is one of if not the strongest followings in the series, but silent knowledge provides me little solace in this instance as you wouldn't know it by just about any online sites. And truly, a lot of it comes back to new vs. old, but I don't hate the old, I just prefer the new (well, sans Fates) even if I come off as too harsh or "entitled." I did pull a good draw that my favorites ended up being fan favorites as well. I doubt I'll stop being defensive, but perhaps I can try to swallow my urge to argue a little better. Enough rambling though.

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1 hour ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

They know about Roy too.  Myths are not an existing relation.  It does give potential for more or less one conversation.  Repeating that conversation does not make it any more meaningful or interesting.  And any other ones would likely end up as shallow as Chrom/Ryoma appears to be.

Who said the same conversation had to be repeated? A new conversation could still be interesting.

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26 minutes ago, Motendra said:

A word of advice: its not wise to act as a spokesperson for the unsung or otherwise silent. You'll find that you'll draw less ire if you just speak for yourself 

While you're right about how people should talk, I'd say he was speaking for himself, I mean, look at his first comment:

2 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

I highly doubt Ike and Roy are getting in the base game. I think it's time to let that and accept that they won't be here.

It seems to me that he was talking for himself, and while he "arguing against others hopes", I'd say it's a pretty normal reaction after the circus that has been happening during the lasts months.

He later became defensive when people began the "Lucina fanboy" thing, which seems to happen a lot, in this forum at least. I'm pretty pretty sure I'd be pissed if every time I say something against a character's odds someone threw at me "You say that because your waifu is in. lol".


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19 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

For the more serious matter, I'm very argumentative, and I hate losing especially when I believe I'm right. Add that on top of the fact that I'm not a very good empathizer and I end up coming off as harsh I'm sure. I just feel that so often I'm at odds with a lot of people here and they refuse to see what is plain as day to me.

While this is snipping a pretty big part of your explanation... I will emphasize that this is kind of a problem on your side. Not the community's. No matter how stupid some parts of the fandom may be.

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1 hour ago, thecrimsonflash said:

They may not all be double sided though. so that could imply 25 to 50, or maybe not everyone is getting a card is equivalently reasonable 25 is way to clean a number for a final roster.

There are definitely some things that are off to me. Including the fact that Hyrule by the end of it has a total of 31 including DLC. If they are saying this has more than any other first cross over, kind of hard to say that then have less than the other Nintendo Warriors game. Excluding DLC would be weird too considering it does effectively increase roster size no matter how you look at it. That and we have a lot missing weapon wise. Im not taking the cards too seriously, just a rough estimate if not the least amount we will get.

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Honestly happy to get a release date, on the fence about the SE, since I think I'm not missing anything if I skip it, though the exception would be those character cards have my interest.

Now getting on the bandwagon of character hoping: I'll be honest I was going to get this game no matter what since I've wanted it ever since Hyrule Warriors, but ever since Cordelia was confirmed oh boy have I not stopped being hyped for this game. The only other character I would really want to see would be Severa, as Lucina is the only child unit in the game, and maybe having a guard or whatever will work (by extension we could technically bring Owain into this) and for class variety, I know someone mentioned us not having a beefy sword unit, well maybe Severa could fulfill that role and bring in axes for some moves as well. And for the Owain case, besides the lords, we haven't gotten a speedy sword character yet (yes I'm considering Ryoma a lord) and even though he's known for being a sword master, maybe have him as an assassin while still using his specific sword in specials (if assassins use daggers that is), but as much as I love awakening, it's unlikely and not good for me to ask more from it. As from shadow dragon, still hoping for Caeda (probably a sword flier), possible Hardin, and I hope Linde and Merric get in as well (Merric be a fast but weak mage, and Linde be a larger AOE unit with long cooldown frames to make her balanced) and going slightly off from shadow dragon, Katarina would be another hope of mine (maybe a mixed mage between Linde and Merric) and for another physical unit or two, bring in Draug as well anything knight, and if not Hardin, then Camus. And for other games I do hope we get 1-2 secret reps in the launch game and they get dlc seasons (down for that, Hyrule Warriors Legends I didn't mind)

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3 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

Im not taking the cards too seriously, just a rough estimate if not the least amount we will get.

Watch them really troll us with the cards, and have 5 cards each for the 5 banner characters, for 25... lol.

I'm a sucker for cards though, so if anyone is interested in making a few dollars back on their LE let me know. I still think the ultimate plan for me is to get the 3DS version, which has no LE. I'd at least want the Marth/Archanea/Xander cards.

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Hot diggity, that is a sexy Special Edition.

Now when and where can I pre-order it?

Also, I don't think the roster will be exactly 25 just because there's 25 character art cards. I doubt they'd have revealed the total number if it was indicative of the roster size, they like to keep stuff like that under wraps. 25 is just a nice round number to give out as merchandise.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Who said the same conversation had to be repeated? A new conversation could still be interesting.

I addressed that already:

1 hour ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

And any other ones would likely end up as shallow as Chrom/Ryoma appears to be.

It could be interesting, but there isn't much to build on.

I don't actually know why you are arguing with me, our viewpoints and concerns are too different.  You're going to fangirl over Ike's inclusion no matter what, unless they do something stupid like dragonstone Ike, because you want to beat things up as Ike (i.e. gameplay).  I don't want Ike or Roy in because I feel supports for them would be flat due to lack of meaningful existing relationships with the currently announced cast (i.e. characterization/story), because I am content with the gameplay so far. 

I'd care more about Ike's inclusion if there were an actual chance of seeing something more interesting than cross-over shenanigans, like an Ike/Mist support, as those would have more meaning for the character than 'OMG you're the Radiant Hero'.

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Just now, YotsuMaboroshi said:

I addressed that already:

It could be interesting, but there isn't much to build on.

I don't actually know why you are arguing with me, our viewpoints and concerns are too different.  You're going to fangirl over Ike's inclusion no matter what, unless they do something stupid like dragonstone Ike, because you want to beat things up as Ike (i.e. gameplay).  I don't want Ike or Roy in because I feel supports for them would be flat due to lack of meaningful existing relationships with the currently announced cast (i.e. characterization/story), because I am content with the gameplay so far. 

I'd care more about Ike's inclusion if there were an actual chance of seeing something more interesting than cross-over shenanigans, like an Ike/Mist support, as those would have more meaning for the character than 'OMG you're the Radiant Hero'.

But we know how Ike and Mist would interact since we've seen them in their own games. We don't know how Ike would interact with Chrom or Ryoma or the other characters in this game, which makes this idea more interesting to me. I don't know why you would think this idea is boring/flat.

But as you say, we're not going to agree, so we might as well just stop here.

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48 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

While this is snipping a pretty big part of your explanation... I will emphasize that this is kind of a problem on your side. Not the community's. No matter how stupid some parts of the fandom may be.

The argumentative part may be, but there can certainly be an air of bias going into a forum, and that bias is often running against the newer games. That just compounds my own issues. This community is in no way blameless, nor am I. 

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2 hours ago, Pokechu said:

oh god

I know I'm the residential Sakura and Elise fanboy, but dont yall find it strange

that there's a spot left by the little brothers of each kingdom

and it would let Sakky and Elise conveniently slide on in? I think we can assume the main/central characters of each game will be somewhat together, because there's chrom/lissa/robin on one side, and frederick/cordelia/lucina on the other. Cords is kind of an outlier, but overall the central characters will be near each other. I think we all know the central characters for Fates' world will just be the royals. So it would be very strange to have retainers like Oboro or Effie next to Takumi and Leo. If they decided to put a retainer next to the little brothers, wouldn't it look nicer for the retainers to be alongside other non-royals and not just one retainer in a clump of royals? There's a reason the royals are at the top, and I don't think it'd make sense aesthetically or logically to put non-royals next to them. But at the same time, if it's only 3 from each side (no little sisters), why not center the one at the bottom? And obviously if all 4 royals from each side are in then it's a no brainer to put them all together.

I think the only things wrong with this are Cords and Azura (there's no space around Corrin for her to be close to them... strange) but IDK I just noticed this and really wanted to point it out since no one's said anything about it yet

The poster was probably edited to not spoil any unannounced characters, and it would make sense for Elise and Sakura to be in this game, in some form or another. Their movesets are a variable at this point though, so them being staff users may put them in a weird position. It's also possible they're in the game, but just NPCs.

I will say it's highly likely they're playable, but I'm going to wait on the SD reveal before I start assuming. A SD/Marth healer like Maria, Lena, Malliesia, etc. could hurt their chances.

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So close to Odyssey, hm? well at least that makes it clear what level of confidence Nintendo's western branches has for the game.


25 cards is an interesting development. Yes it's entirely likely that that entails just eight more slots (meaning they could be divided however you wish to speculate), but I can't help but notice something. I'm flying entirely on hypotheticals, but what if these character art cards are actually omitting certain characters; like perhaps the three(?) new sword-users are being excluded from the deck in favor of true-to-form Fire Emblem characters? Beyond that, the fact we still have yet to get any villains or even a hint of what kind of force we'll be fighting besides the ever-nebulous Dragon makes me further wonder what kind of hidden surprises we might yet be receiving.


I'm still going to hold on to my notion that it's entirely possible the Awakening Trio will be included under the Valla banner with Azura. If Sakura and Elise are also included, this would mean that the Fates trio of games would receive thirteen representatives (technically ten considering who the trio actually are; thus sharing the same number of slots as now-Awakening). That would leave four slots for Shadow Dragon reps (one of which is obviously Tiki and probably Camus) to round out the artwork.


I know that my theory relies on discounting the OCs made for the game (and believe me; that's a surprisingly easy task despite how predominant they are on the advertising), and completely ignores the possibility of villains outside of perhaps Camus. I wouldn't exactly say I have confidence in the idea; it's just a direction that I could see being viable.


On an unrelated note, I wonder if it will have a reversible cover...

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1 minute ago, Dandee Leone said:

I can't wait for Mario Odyssey to swallow this game whole.

What were they thinking?! FE Warriors stands no chance against Mario. 

Gives me Mario Galaxy/Radiant Dawn vibes.

Different genres doesn't exactly mean they'll be directly competing to be fair. Plus the Japanese version isn't coming out around that time and thats where this game will probably do much better overall.

Do you do anything besides preach doom and gloom though?

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1 minute ago, Jedi said:

Different genres doesn't exactly mean they'll be directly competing to be fair. Plus the Japanese version isn't coming out around that time and thats where this game will probably do much better overall.

Do you do anything besides preach doom and gloom though?

From my perspective, it's more in regards to which game is going to get the bigger push for advertising. I understand that sometimes examples like this are just a coincidence (as much as I enjoy it, I never held the delusion that The Wonderful 101 was going to make a dent in the face of Grand Theft Auto V), and of course not everyone's going to be clamoring for Odyssey. Still, it's an interesting decision nonetheless...

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