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Favorite "bad" unit


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What's your favorite unit that is commonly accepted as a bad character? Whether it be bad growths, poor start time, meaningless support options or what not. Maybe you had a guy with normally terrible gains get blessed in every area, or maybe you just think critics are overly harsh on them.

Maybe even do it by a game-to-game basis.

FE7: Rath. He rejoins a bit underleveled but has fantastic stat growths for his unit type. Horsemen than can move through trees uninhibited and use bows for long range excellence? I vote very yes.

FE8: Dozla. People slam on him all the time but he's actually pretty good. On average, a level equivalent Ross (which won't happen without random encounter battles) only barely beats him in speed and defense but he's actually got worse growths in the area so a stat-screwed Ross probably won't catch up. (I've had it happen on several occasions.) I happen to like people who hit like a ton of bricks even if they aren't very good defensively.

FE9: Elincia. Even if she never gains a single level, a 7-space moving canto unit that flies and can use staves is pretty awesome. Plus, she doesn't ever really take up a slot for "a better unit" because they pretty much give you an extra slot to use over the 10 they give you on average getting up to that point and she's required for a map or two.

FE10: Where to start...

Meg is great. She maxes things that generals classically have difficulty maxing, and because of that, bonus experience makes her freakin' beastly. The fact she's the second most defensively capable unit on the Dawn Brigade despite her 35% growth rate also factors in heavily.

There's also Leonardo. Unique bow is unique (and classy.) Plus, Water affinity is arguably the best affinity for other units on the Dawn Brigade because a lot of them don't hit very hard initially and could use a defensive boost. All the archers end up pretty much the same but he's got a few intangibles going his way.

Then there's Tauroneo. Default resolve so it doesn't take any capacity? Even with his slightly worse gains than the other marshals, that more than makes up for it because once he gets to half health, he's next to invincible and is actually quite speedy.

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Rath is considered good.

All I've ever heard is "he's terrible because he joins underleveled and is locked to bow until promotion and has bad supports" from the goon squad in the FE7 section.

I think he's pretty good.

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All I've ever heard is "he's terrible because he joins underleveled and is locked to bow until promotion and has bad supports" from the goon squad in the FE7 section.

I think he's pretty good.

You're not alone right there. And I think I may know who you mean by "the goon squad". *Isn't gonna name any people*

EDIT: However, I do agree with Fox on his rejoining time not being very good.

Edited by Little Al
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My all time favorite suck unit to use is Marisa. I used her more than Joshua.

I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I have never liked Joshua, mainly because I got unlucky with him one time too many (Dodge them axes damn you). Marisa on the other hand, I love to pair with Gerik.

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Well he's obviously better than Niime and Sophia. <_<

of course, but that's not saying much. At all. Even the second worst unit in the game is better than the worst one.

Danved for favorite sucky unit.

or Cath

Edited by Reikken
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FE7: Nino - She is a freaking magic beast.

FE8: I can't think of any.

FE9: Mist/Elincia - I don't understand why they "suck" because they are the best damn healers in the game.

FE10: Tormod - If actually trained, he is awesome.

FEDS: Minerva and Maria: They are my favorite characters. Minerva can be decent with item spam and Maria is good.

Edited by StalkerPizza
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Let's see, I often use Lilina on Normal Mode. I really like Devdan and Dozla, for personality reasons. At least Danved is pretty of amazing. Ok, so he pales in comparison to both Aran and the Neph, who cares? I'm also becoming increasingly fond of long haired Lucia. I'm not sure if Magical Linda is considered a bad character in the DS Fire Emblem, but I'll still like her if she is.

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FE9: Mist/Elincia - I don't understand why they "suck" because they are the best damn healers in the game.

Don't read Gamefaqs for opinons on Mist; she is the best healer in FE9. Elincia is awful, however.

I find it funny that sandy's favourite bad characters are among the worst in their games.

Though I like using Ronan and Lillina in ranked runs, and they are truly terrible. ^_^

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