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ATTN: All my friends...


15 members have voted

  1. 1. ?

    • Keep taking meds
    • Tough it out

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i need your help..............

ive told some of you that im on anti-depressants.....well...I dont like taking them in order feel happier....but when I dont...I break down and cry for I dont know how long.....I want to be happy without them....but without them...my conscience catches up to me and brings back some old "thoughts". you know wat those thoughts are.

so...i wanna know....should I keep taking my meds? or should I try to tough it out?

im asking you guys this because...all of you have been there for me...all of you care about me...and I respect your guy's opinion above most everyone else....

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What do the doctors/GP/medical advisor or whatever say about the situation? A professional would be the best person to speak with about this kind of thing.

I voted to keep taking. The medicine was given to you for a reason, if you have a problem, talk to a professional.

Edited by Shuuda
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It's a hard choice dude. Maybe you can slowly ease off them. Like, half your dosage for a little and see how you feel then. If you keep getting depressed, take the meds at your normal pace.

It's kinda hard to accept that you need a crutch in order to get through life, but we'd rather have that then you being depressed all the time. If not for yourself, then for the people that love you.

I'd say a crutch is worth relying on for your friends and family's benefit.

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What do the doctors/GP/medical advisor or whatever say about the situation? A professional would be the best person to speak with about this kind of thing.

I voted to keep taking. The medicine was given to you for a reason, if you have a problem, talk to a professional.


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What do the doctors/GP/medical advisor or whatever say about the situation? A professional would be the best person to speak with about this kind of thing.

I voted to keep taking. The medicine was given to you for a reason, if you have a problem, talk to a professional.

i guess i didnt emphasize on "friends" hard enough

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The right to help? He's free to offer advice just as you're free to ignore it. It's stupid to say something like that just cause he "flamed TLS behind his back". You can't always rely on friends and they're not always right.

why your taking his side i will never know....

but you dont understand boo.

i dont take insults kindly. TLS is like family to me and Shuuda disrespected my family.

also: why should i take advice on how to help my depression from a person who causes people to think little of themselves?

thats it.

bottom line.

good night.

stop before another flame war begins

Edited by Gatrie: Guns of Black Ice
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What do the doctors/GP/medical advisor or whatever say about the situation? A professional would be the best person to speak with about this kind of thing.

I voted to keep taking. The medicine was given to you for a reason, if you have a problem, talk to a professional.

I actually have to agree with Shuuda, as he isn't trying to be disrespectful here, and actually has some good advice. Holding a grudge only hurts yourself. The past is the past. Grudges and regret are some of the leading causes of unhappiness, which ironically is part of the problem here.

I think you should talk to a professional as they can help you more than anyone on this forum can.

Edited by Cynthia
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I actually have to agree with Shuuda, as he isn't trying to be disrespectful here, and actually has some good advice. Holding a grudge only hurts yourself. The past is the past.

I think you should talk to a professional as they can help you more than anyone on this forum can.


im asking for YOUR OPINION...NOT WHO I SHOULD ASK!!!!!

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why your taking his side i will never know....

Be it taking his side or not, I don't care, I just tell it like it is.

also: why should i take advice on how to help my depression from a person who causes people to think little of themselves?

thats it.

Because it's good advice, you're quickly dismissing it just because it comes from a person you don't like and it seems you didn't even stop to think about whether he was actually doing something nice or being the troll you know him as.

bottom line.

good night.

stop before another flame war begins

K, good night. If you've something to say, feel free to PM as I won't post here again.

Edited by Boo
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What I can say is Anti-depressants don't help you on the long run.

They shouldn't be used for a long period of time either.

Don't just solely rely on Anti-depressants. Exercising and having a healthy diet can change the way you feel^^

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The medication's there because you need it right now. It doesn't mean to say you will be on them forever. Just do what is best for yourself for the time being. I think that not taking them is the worst thing you could do. Whoever prescribed the medication, wait for them to tell you when to lay off them for a bit, or go down a dosage. But otherwise, stick to what you're told.

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Try therapy or counselling.

Anti-depressents might be making you feel worse. There is so much doctors can do.

If you feel the medication is not helping then don't take it.

Try something different. I am sure doctors can provide you with other options.

Remeber, anti-deperessents work differently for every single person, so if you feel they are not helping you, stop taking them and see the doctor again.

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Try therapy or counselling.

Anti-depressents might be making you feel worse. There is so much doctors can do.

If you feel the medication is not helping then don't take it.

Try something different. I am sure doctors can provide you with other options.

Remeber, anti-deperessents work differently for every single person, so if you feel they are not helping you, stop taking them and see the doctor again.

They are doing something, because, as he said himself, whenever he doesn't take them, he breaks down and cries for he doesn't know how long.

Trying to tough it out will only fuck with his mind, and who knows what will happen then.

Keep following what the prescriber of the depressants say. They know more than any of us.

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Some things to try:

Think about something that makes you happy in times of stress.

Listen to music when you're feeling down, I keep a large selection of music that cheers me up.

Have someone you can rant to. Sometimes just having someone to listen to you takes a large weight off of your shoulders.

However these are not alternatives, merely methods to help you. As you shouldn't drop medication flat out, the goal is to be given less and less until you no longer need it.

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I know!

When I am feeling upset or really angry, I head on to the gym and do some BOXING!!! :lol:

Trust me that is gonna relase all your stress.

If not try Yoga...I never tried it myself :mellow:

Edited by Luxord
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