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Upcoming GHB: Black Knight?


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5 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I would laugh if Black Knight came with Escape Route. Shout outs to warp powder as the ultimate plot contrivance.

I assume he wants Wary Fighter though. Maybe that can be the Alondite's secondary effect? (You can't double me! What, you broke my Wary Fighter? Then watch me fly around the map!)

Although that would mean he would need a Distant Counter A slot.

Edited by mcsilas
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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I assume he wants Wary Fighter though. Maybe that can be the Alondite's secondary effect? (You can't double me! What, you broke my Wary Fighter? Then watch me fly around the map!)

Although that would mean he would need a Distant Counter A slot.

Even if he wants Wary Fighter, that doesn't mean he'll have it. Wary Fighter is pretty readily available anyway, with both Effie and Zephiel having Wary Fighter 3 at 4*, and Zephiel is even another GHB sword armor.

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6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I would laugh if Black Knight came with Escape Route. Shout outs to warp powder as the ultimate plot contrivance.

At least they wrote in the "it temporarily weakens the user" clause. Sure we never see that happen in game (the BK's stats are as good in 1-9, 3-6 and 4-3 as in the Tower and Daein Arise), but it at least gives a hint of logic as to why he doesn't just murder Elincia in her sleep (besides the important fact Ashy almost wants Elincia to oppose him to make chaos, which is what the BK's real master wants too).


7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It would actually be kind of cool to give them magic weapons corresponding to their canon specialization: Fire Dagger for Calill and Wind Dagger for Bastian. Counts as the corresponding tome type in terms of damage and weapon triangle, but counts as a dagger otherwise. (Kind of competitively useless, though.)

Bastian packs a Stiletto when he joins in PoR, which does have Armor effectiveness. A Wind Stiletto with Armor effectiveness wouldn't be totally worthless.


4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

And they can have a knife-off!

And in the mean while as Calill and Bastian attack each other with knives (with Volke in the shadows ready to finish Calill if Bastian should fall, but the passing by Heather is into MILFs and would take the blow instead to save Calill), Soren is contemplating going emo with his knife, but holding himself back because it'd impair his ability to serve Ike. Ilyana would go around carving up anything that looked edible- including random objects and people. Tormod would run cheerfully around trying to get antisocial little Sothe to play friend with him, only for Tormod to trip and injure himself terribly- don't worry Muarim is on it!

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At least they wrote in the "it temporarily weakens the user" clause. Sure we never see that happen in game (the BK's stats are as good in 1-9, 3-6 and 4-3 as in the Tower and Daein Arise), but it at least gives a hint of logic as to why he doesn't just murder Elincia in her sleep (besides the important fact Ashy almost wants Elincia to oppose him to make chaos, which is what the BK's real master wants too).

PoR Burger King was sandbagging like crazy, so even if he was getting weaker we couldn't tell. RD Ike at recruitment should be at his PoR peak, or even a bit above, storywise, and RD BK is miles above that---which is his statline after he stops sandbagging. (As to why he doesn't get weaker in RD---Asheradidit, or maybe Sephiran just started rewarping him around.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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15 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

PoR Burger King was sandbagging like crazy, so even if he was getting weaker we couldn't tell. RD Ike at recruitment should be at his PoR peak, or even a bit above, storywise, and RD BK is miles above that---which is his statline after he stops sandbagging. (As to why he doesn't get weaker in RD---Asheradidit, or maybe Sephiran just started rewarping him around.)

I imagine he probably just ditched the powder and Sephiran got him a warp staff, it would be easy enough for Sephiran to get.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I assume he wants Wary Fighter though. Maybe that can be the Alondite's secondary effect? (You can't double me! What, you broke my Wary Fighter? Then watch me fly around the map!)

Although that would mean he would need a Distant Counter A slot.

This would be wonderful, please IS do it!

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I would genuinely be surprised if Black Knight is a GHB or TT reward, he seems much better as a banner candidate (and to be balanced around that). 

Also, it seems more likely Nephenee was chosen for her popularity. Characters like Callil and Brom aren't popular. The other banner options are likely going to contain characters such as Mia, Ilyana, Marcia, Haar, Jill, Volke, etc.

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21 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

I would genuinely be surprised if Black Knight is a GHB or TT reward, he seems much better as a banner candidate (and to be balanced around that). 

Also, it seems more likely Nephenee was chosen for her popularity. Characters like Callil and Brom aren't popular. The other banner options are likely going to contain characters such as Mia, Ilyana, Marcia, Haar, Jill, Volke, etc.

Well most of us are expecting him to be one because all of the 'villain' characters so far have been GHB, none have been banner characters, and the Black Knight definitely qualifies as that. Not to mention I think most people (including myself) don't want to spend gods know how much trying to get him if he's a summoning banner.

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1 hour ago, Solaris998 said:

Well most of us are expecting him to be one because all of the 'villain' characters so far have been GHB, none have been banner characters, and the Black Knight definitely qualifies as that. Not to mention I think most people (including myself) don't want to spend gods know how much trying to get him if he's a summoning banner.

Technically, Reinhardt is a villain due to siding with Ishtar.

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8 hours ago, Solaris998 said:

Well most of us are expecting him to be one because all of the 'villain' characters so far have been GHB, none have been banner characters, and the Black Knight definitely qualifies as that. Not to mention I think most people (including myself) don't want to spend gods know how much trying to get him if he's a summoning banner.

Eldigan and Reinhardt were on banners.

The bolded is exactly why I think they would make him a banner unit, other than being a DC Armour user that'll become a staple for Armour Emblem teams. Black Knight is one of the series biggest villain characters, I think they were already lenient enough making Camus and Xander GHBs.

Of course, it'd be completely understandable if they did make him a GHB or TT unit, but I wouldn't put my hopes up. No new GHBs were announced this month, so I think it's likely he's a TT or banner unit (my bets on the latter).

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3 hours ago, Zelgius said:

I have a feeling he'll be on a banner on 15th or just before the TT. I hope I'm wrong, but can't help but think it will happen. 

Well, worst case scenario, I don't spend any orbs on brave heroes and I'm ok with that. I'm satisfied with my freebie Ike and I'd rather spend orbs on a character I want, than a character I don't care for.

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I highly doubt he will be on a banner. That being said, him being a villain isn't a valid excuse b/c we got him as an all in RD and we don't know if this is RD or PoR BK.  

However, I don't think he will be on a banner because they showed a mission with him and a generic unit.  While this could be paralogue 1 or paralogue 2, it felt a bit to epic to not be a GHB.

My guess is we will see a SS or FE7 banner next. Then, we will have the TT that will have the BK as a boss with nephenee as a reward.  This would explain why they hinted at exactly two units. Nephenee as a reward, BK as an AI boss.  Then BK will appear as a GHB sometime in the next couple of months after the TT.  The map in the TT will not be the map they showed but rather the actual boss map for the BK in PoR.  The map they showed will be a GHB, as it looks like a perfect design for reinforcements.

Edited by Lushen
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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

I highly doubt he will be on a banner. That being said, him being a villain isn't a valid excuse b/c we got him as an all in RD and we don't know if this is RD or PoR BK.  

However, I don't think he will be on a banner because they showed a mission with him and a generic unit.  While this could be paralogue 1 or paralogue 2, it felt a bit to epic to not be a GHB.

My guess is we will see a SS or FE7 banner next. Then, we will have the TT that will have the BK as a boss with nephenee as a reward.  This would explain why they hinted at exactly two units. Nephenee as a reward, BK as an AI boss.  Then BK will appear as a GHB sometime in the next couple of months after the TT.  The map in the TT will not be the map they showed but rather the actual boss map for the BK in PoR.  The map they showed will be a GHB, as it looks like a perfect design for reinforcements.

The fact that he showed up on a map that resembles FE9 Ch11 suggests it's FE9 BK.

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7 hours ago, Othin said:

The fact that he showed up on a map that resembles FE9 Ch11 suggests it's FE9 BK.

The upcoming TT being named the same as PoR's chapter where you face the BK also points towards that.

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