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Who are you Supporting?


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Update for me. I've started to integrate some supports into my game finally.

Xander/Camus: They're almost always run on the same map and of course Horse Emblem is a thing, so yeah.

Olivia/Bridelia: I always run Bridelia with a dancer so this worked out, it was almost Olivia/Nino but I forwent it.

Delthea/Nino: The bonuses don't benefit the both of them very much, but they generally run missions together so it's a thing for now.

Ike/Soren: They share a bond in their game and I finally have them both after only having Soren for so long, so it works. Plus I've been running them on the same team.

Palla/Cherche: First half of Flyer Emblem.

Hinoka/F!Corrin: 2nd half. Hinoka is glued to Corrin and she'll have Blarblade+ later so yeah.

Eliwood/Ninian: For the Tempest, but it's his wife so it works out.

Athena/Lukas: Almost paired him with Soren, but he's generally on another team now and I've been running Athena and Lukas together a lot. So yeah.

Still need to find partners for Robin, Sophia, Cecillia, Y!Tiki and some others. B!Lyn is temporarily paired with Hector, but once this Tempest is over she'll be paired with Cecillia or Reinhardt.

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I'm doing all of these strictly for stat boosts. The way the characters interact in the cutscenes is cute, but I'm giving priority to units that I use often together. I might switch characters around if need be.

Summoner x Sanaki: Sanaki is my most used unit and she really needed those extra stats. Now she's an absolute force to be feared.

Sanaki x Nino: Main Arena team.

Effie x Brave Lyn: Currently on Arena Team

Hector x Azura: Currently on Tempest Team.

Palla x Catria: Flier Emblem

Cherche x Camilla: Flier Emblem

Xander x Reinhardt: Horse Emblem.

Tharja x Ninian: 2nd Tempest Team.

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Still have mixed feelings about the support system as a whole, since it makes it a bit more difficult to just freely swap units around as strategy dictates, but the stat gains are nice all the same. Anyways my more notable combos for that extra bit of power: 

Summoner x Brave Lyn: You'd think with the benefits of cavalry (stronger buffs, movement, etc) the game's first Cav Archer wouldn't be that strong physically, but nope. High damage, great flexibility, strong resist against mages and the ability to attack melee units without being countered, she's just too powerful not to use.

Brave Lyn x Nino: It was a tough choice between committing to horse emblem or general use, in the end went with the 2 nukes that could cover eachother for their use in Tempest Trials, and general challenges.

Xander x Reinhardt: Horse Emblem

Claire x S! Camilla: Flier Emblem

Roy x M. Robin: The 2 cover for each other quite well. Roy has Seal Resist, and Robin has spur defense. Combined they make a powerful defensive combo, for when brute force alone isn't enough. The only downside is I'm pretty sure Tharja has permanently cursed my Summoning RNG because of this pairing. Over 5%, out of orbs, I just want to +1 my Brave Lyn before it's too late!..



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So, while playing TT, I got Zephiel and Hector's A rank.

The armour shuffling as Zephiel jumped was had me giggling. You know, as he tells Hector his plans to remove humanity around the campfire.

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So, while playing TT, I got Zephiel and Hector's A rank.

The armour shuffling as Zephiel jumped was had me giggling. You know, as he tells Hector his plans to remove humanity around the campfire.

Man, I need to get back on pairing those two up sometime, I think they're only at B rank for me. They got a lot of support points right when the feature first went out by completing the armor quests but they haven't had much to do together since then.

I did just get my second marriage, though: Brave Ike and Masked Marth!

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That last grind from A to S sure is a slog but I am enjoying the support system so far I've got;

Summoner x Soren at S- Favoritism all the way! With the stat boost he's finally able to take a hit from Reinhardt (without cav buffs) again!

Soren x Ike at S- No brainer for me, they've been part of my core arena team for months anyway.

Julia x Ninian at S- this might as well be a marriage of convenience brought about because of the the TT. They work really well together admittedly but once I 5* Eliwood I fully intend to S support him and Ninian.

Celica x Linde at S- Another TT related support. I want to support Alm and Celica eventually.

Seliph x Brave Ike at A- I need to build the rest of a team around these guys.

Ryoma x Valter at B- this is entirely because of a joke that I am taking way to far.

Michalis x Hinoka at C- Flier Emblem core! I only just decided on this one. 

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Updated List:

Summoner (Kiran) x Cherche - Cherche is my Awakening waifu and shall remain so in Heroes. While I could try and support someone else to make a better unit, Cherche wins out due to favoritism.

Erika x Ephraim - While I typically don't field the two together because I tend to field Ryoma as my Red unit, I still support Erika and Ephraim. No memes here, honest!...
Ryoma x Nino - Nino is buffed by both Ephraim and Ryoma, but since Ephraim is taken by Erika, I decided to pair Nino up with Ryoma. This is more of a practical support, but I can see Ryoma acting as an older brother figure to Nino.
Alfonse x Sharena - While I do not field the two together these days (I tend to have them lead separate teams), it just feels like a natural choice. Now, if Bruno Zacharias becomes a playable unit, I may want to reconsider this pairing.

Xander x Camus - Horse Emblem. They shall become battle buddies and be inseparable~ (Although if Veronica becomes playable, Camus will have some competition from a lore standpoint...)

Michalis x Spring!Camilla - Flier Emblem. Regrettably, my Spring!Camilla is -SPD, so using a Blade tome on her is not really worth it, and investing into a Gronnraven build is too expensive for me at the moment.
Clair x Palla - The second half of my Flier Emblem team. While I do intend to use Palla since she is the better "Red Flier" option for me at the moment, Clair was thrown in because I do not have a proper Cordelia and Hinoka still avoids me. At least Clair x Palla makes some sense due to Shadows of Valentia, even if they were on separate paths...

Cherche x Minerva - Minerva the Princess, not Minerva the Wyvern. Alas, I do not have a Minerva, so this support pairing will have to wait.

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I didn't work on supports much yet, but currently

Hector x Brave Lyn (S)

Sonya x Brash Lyn (S): As weird as it is I sorta can imagine getting along in some weird way.(Weren't there someone offering write support fanfictions?)

Kiran x Cecilia (A)


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15 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

I would gladly take offer from either of you (though unless you really wish write Yuri kind of stuff, I myself would like avoid that)

I dont really care, I can write yuri or nah. Currently writing Legion x Kiran, just platonic. Just say your requests in my topic :)

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Man, getting myself to S rank with Brave Roy is taking a while.

S ranks now:

  • Hinoka / Spring Camilla
  • Brave Ike / Masked Marth
  • Brave Lyn / Ninian
  • Eliwood / Clive
  • Brave Roy / Ursula
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Um, let's see here. I made my summoner with S support Reinhardt because why not make him more broken than he is?  Plus, husbando material.

I also have the following pairs so far:








Might do Eldigan/Innes and Ryoma/Jeorge. Most of these pairs are being done for team and buff reasons. Although, I kinda like the Sacred Twins paired with both Ikes lol.


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Minor update: switched my Summoner Support to Olwen, because I want her to have 42 Atk and 39 Spd at all times. Also, since I finally got a regular Lyn, I couldn't resist starting a Lyn/CYL Lyn support, to go along with my Cordelia/Bride Cordelia support that's also in progress.

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for summoner, niles! He's one of my favorites and the stat boost helps me in my quest to +10 Niles into viability, so i'm p happy

i'm also doing Niles x Summer Leo (if i ever get normal leo i'll prob switch niles to him) and I plan on doing Mathilda x Clive but I haven't even used Mathilda yet so

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