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FE Warriors at TGS


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9 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Celica and Lyn are one of the few good choices to come from the game. The leak ruined the surprise of these two characters, but as much as I initially wanted characters like Ike, not including him adheres to their terrible decisions they've set precedent.

This roster is just a mess. People are clamouring for Shadow Dragon characters, but honestly Marth and Tiki is all that game needs. The characters are barebones and don't offer anything new. I'd even say Caeda isn't very deserving of a roster, despite her heroine role. Of course, I can't blame people asking for Shadow Dragon characters since they were conditioned into believing there'd be fair representation for that game, but honestly their communication with the game and design decisions are appalling. Having a focus on Fates/Awakening is fine, but the necessity to include all the siblings, Lissa and Frederick were some of the moronic roster choices they could've done. Cordelia also feels very out of place, if they wanted the popular female from Awakening it should have be Tharja (and I despise Tharja). 

A sword-dominated roster is fair and makes sense for a Fire Emblem Warriors game, however using it as a reason for excluding characters such as Ike and Roy is honestly laughable. This is furthered by the nonsense with the two OCs being shoe-horned into using swords because of tutorial bullocks. Azura, especially, should have been one of the prime choices for Fates and yet is missing? 

The problem is that a lot of this sounds like your own personal opinion. What exactly makes Fred and Lissa "moronic" when they are the servant and sister of the main protagonist of Awakening. I think that's a perfectly logical reason to include them . Same with Corrin's siblings. As for Cordelia, it was going to either be her or Sumia since they wanted to have pegasus rider for each focused game, but Cordelia won due to being more popular. 


5 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

Man... watching Celica use mainly a sword and only her supers have the ''magic'' touch in it? That.... that was awful. This announcement was awful.

Celica wasn't even picked over Alm so she would be a magic user... I can't even fathom WHAT was the reason if she was just turned into a clone of Marth.


Its because Magic In SoV does not work the same way as it does in the other games, so they Thought Celica would look odd fighting with a tome.

I also Think you just nailed it in your second sentence. Celica probably was chosen over Alm BECAUSE she can be cloned off Marth and would take less time to develop (since she was probably a late addition.)

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1 minute ago, LoboKD001 said:

i should feel wrong for saying this but...

female characters? free
boys doe? fucking paid dlc

Can someone just put that Jontron clip where he goes bat**** and says ''its all fu**ing awful'' back to back with the Celica reveal? I'm pretty sure this is ONE of those moments where it fits...

I mean... I don't like Tharja... but even at this point I would have preferred her over Celica. Christ. no dark tome users in this game.

Also prepare for that massive salt when we unlock Navarre and he's a clone of Lyn... making it true that SHE was probably the clone and Navarre was developed first.

Guys... I'm not even mad. I'm just sad. Sad for everyone at this point. I mean I like some of the characters in the roster but... dang. It's really lacking.... A LOT.

No shepherds, No retainers, and most likely we ain't getting Marth's knights. Lyn and Celica by herself... I need a hug at this point.

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6 minutes ago, Truthblade said:

The problem is that a lot of this sounds like your own personal opinion. What exactly makes Fred and Lissa "moronic" when they are the servant and sister of the main protagonist of Awakening. I think that's a perfectly logical reason to include them . Same with Corrin's siblings. As for Cordelia, it was going to either be her or Sumia since they wanted to have pegasus rider for each focused game, but Cordelia won due to being more popular. 


Its because Magic In SoV does not work the same way as it does in the other games, so they Thought Celica would look odd fighting with a tome.

I also Think you just nailed it in your second sentence. Celica probably was chosen over Alm BECAUSE she can be cloned off Marth and would take less time to develop (since she was probably a late addition.)

why cant alm be marth clone though?

5 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

Can someone just put that Jontron clip where he goes bat**** and says ''its all fu**ing awful'' back to back with the Celica reveal? I'm pretty sure this is ONE of those moments where it fits...

I mean... I don't like Tharja... but even at this point I would have preferred her over Celica. Christ. no dark tome users in this game.

Also prepare for that massive salt when we unlock Navarre and he's a clone of Lyn... making it true that SHE was probably the clone and Navarre was developed first.

Guys... I'm not even mad. I'm just sad. Sad for everyone at this point. I mean I like some of the characters in the roster but... dang. It's really lacking.... A LOT.

No shepherds, No retainers, and most likely we ain't getting Marth's knights. Lyn and Celica by herself... I need a hug at this point.


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9 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

I don't know which game was more poorly handled at this point. This or Marvel Infinite.

At least Fire Emblem Warriors will feature some X-Men. We got that screenshot of Rowan fighting a monster that looks like Beast.

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4 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

Can someone just put that Jontron clip where he goes bat**** and says ''its all fu**ing awful'' back to back with the Celica reveal? I'm pretty sure this is ONE of those moments where it fits...

I mean... I don't like Tharja... but even at this point I would have preferred her over Celica. Christ. no dark tome users in this game.

Also prepare for that massive salt when we unlock Navarre and he's a clone of Lyn... making it true that SHE was probably the clone and Navarre was developed first.

Guys... I'm not even mad. I'm just sad. Sad for everyone at this point. I mean I like some of the characters in the roster but... dang. It's really lacking.... A LOT.

No shepherds, No retainers, and most likely we ain't getting Marth's knights. Lyn and Celica by herself... I need a hug at this point.

Safe to say everyone who wanted characters from outside the focus games got exactly what they wanted.

Be careful of what you wish for? Would that be applicable here?

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5 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

Man... watching Celica use mainly a sword and only her supers have the ''magic'' touch in it? That.... that was awful. This announcement was awful.

Celica wasn't even picked over Alm so she would be a magic user... I can't even fathom WHAT was the reason if she was just turned into a clone of Marth.

This.... roster kinda sucks. So many sword users wasn't the problem but...CLONES as well?. 2 archers... no.... no lance infantry. and waifu axes with only fred being the bro.

At this point I'm willing to say most of the ''care'' into the game is gonna go to DLC. I'm not liking this. I'm not liking this AT ALL.

I don't know which game was more poorly handled at this point. This or Marvel Infinite.


Celica was picked over Alm because Alm swords aren't any near resembling a rapier Beloved Zofia on the other hand is. I'm in no way defending this decision because I think it is dumb but it does make sense. I'm still hyped for the game and while I don't like the clones (lucky characters I don't have too much attachment to) everything surrounding it is still looking good to me. 

As for which was being handled worse this or Marvel, for me Marvel by a long shot because despite being the 4 mainline game they cut fun favorites to sell later but keep in the ones who wouldn't sell and had one of the most requested characters for any Capcom crossover as DLC but featured her in the story. 

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1 minute ago, Truthblade said:

The problem is that a lot of this sounds like your own personal opinion. What exactly makes Fred and Lissa "moronic" when they are the servant and sister of the main protagonist of Awakening. I think that's a perfectly logical reason to include them . Same with Corrin's siblings. As for Cordelia, it was going to either be her or Sumia since they wanted to have pegasus rider for each focused game, but Cordelia won due to being more popular. 

Frederick and Lissa are extremely unremarkable and hold very little presence to the series. That isn't opinion, that's fact. Choosing a roster that's meant to celebrate an entire series based on character interrelationships is an already horrible design decision (it would be mitigated by the fact that they done it for the story, however Lyn and Celica are inconsistent with this and let's be real here, Warrior games generally have terrible story).

Also the Sumia and Cordelia choice was also moronic, since they decided to include Lissa and Frederick purely because of their relationship with Chrom and yet choose Cordelia over Sumia due to popularity. That's exactly the same as including Jagen and Elice in the game due to their relationship with Marth - both of which, would be terrible character additions. Regardless, the point is... they're very inconsistent. 

Similarly, their initial choice to not include Lucina was also extremely stupid. 

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10 minutes ago, Folt said:

Safe to say everyone who wanted characters from outside the focus games got exactly what they wanted.

Be careful of what you wish for? Would that be applicable here?

Every single character in the roster was expected. They are all main characters from their respective narrative and appear in cutscenes. with only 2 exceptions. Fredo and Cordy.

And the only one that got the boot. was Azura...

Do you... do you play fire emblem ONLY for the main character? isn't the point of the series is to use some of the B team characters to enjoy the game?
Just asking.

Fe Warriors was stated as a game that was gonna feature many characters from the 3 picked franchises. They didn't deliver and ''half heartedly'' gave us Lyn and Celica. when other spots could've been Ephraim, Hector or even Sigurd himself. Oooor give us some shepherds, feroxi characters or retainers from fates.

Basically Koei didn't commit to the original goal and half-assed the whole process. Who can really be happy about that?

I like Chrom, Ryoma, and Xander... but I'm not buying a game with almost 30 characters JUST to use 3 dudes. I'm sure other people feel that way.

You really can't defend this roster... you just can't, it lacks variety and integrity. As of the moment thanks to the leak. It's Waifu Warriors. 5 more women than the men while claiming ''gender balance'' by using female Corrin. and 2 of those extra girls are sword users... one of them confirmed a half clone of one of the main character. Come on...

Edited by Saint_Stahn
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7 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

You really can't defend this roster... you just can't, it lacks variety and integrity. As of the moment thanks to the leak. It's Waifu Warriors. 5 more women than the men while claiming ''gender balance'' by using female Corrin. and 2 of those extra girls are sword users... one of them confirmed a half clone of one of the main character. Come on...

this man speaks the words that i do not dare to speak.

i'll still play the game no doubt about it its just... sad.

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8 minutes ago, Saint_Stahn said:

Basically Koei didn't commit to the original goal and half-assed the whole process. Who can really be happy about that?

The original goal was a pile of poop, going against it was one of the few good choices. 

That said, I agree with everything else you said and Celica being almost a clone of Marth...

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I wouldn't say it lack variety because if you take away the 5 clone I honestly feel that there is a lot of variety there including classes as well as good mounts in a Musou game which is rare. What the roster definitely lacks integrity which is why it is looking the way it is. 

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Just now, SlipperySlippy said:

The original goal was a pile of poop, going against it was one of the few good choices. 

That said, I agree with everything else you said and Celica being almost a clone of Marth...

No, going against it was not a good choice. The whole point of picking 3 games was to get members of the B cast, but what happened was is that Fates has too many main characters and SD got boned, and the only B cast characters we got were Lissa, Frederick and Cordelia. It's just a main character fest and it's so incredibly boring.

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2 minutes ago, Fireball260 said:

As for which was being handled worse this or Marvel, for me Marvel by a long shot because despite being the 4 mainline game they cut fun favorites to sell later but keep in the ones who wouldn't sell and had one of the most requested characters for any Capcom crossover as DLC but featured her in the story. 

Now I just want to liken FEW characters to MvC Infinite character choices. Spencer, Marth, your spinoff appearances have been better than your last attempt at a main game ten years ago, go home. Let's call Tellius the missing X men cast, since I'd say Ike and Wolverine are equally bizarre exclusions. Doctor Doom can represent really any FE villain that would be fun to boost guard as. Hinoka is Firebrand, because you totally forgot who they were and what game they're from. Corrin is Monster Hunter where you didn't previously associate this character to be canonically a woman. And Camilla is Morrigan due to that grating voicework and design.

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I was hype about Celica for about two seconds, until I realized (and heard the presenter say) that her moveset was just a clone of Marth's, and thus has nothing Celica-like in it other than that one Ragnarok Musou (that almost took 15 fucking seconds while Celica stands in place).

It's such a fucking shame that the game system looks extremely solid, yet the game fails almost every aesthetic/fanservice expectation.

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46 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

So, you are a "Quantity over quality" person...? I don't care about the bond conversations at this point. 

You people are the reason crap like Falcondorf is still a thing in Smash.


From what I've seen so far, FE Warriors is a huge step down from Hyrule Warriors. HW had a smaller roster but each character was unique and had his/her own unique charm. This...this just feels wrong. 

Oho, man that's harsh, and completely unnecessary. I'll have you know that my opinion matters very little to game developers, as does the opinions of others who like clones, so stop spouting shit like that.


Honestly, aren't you all overreacting a tad? We have what, four clones? Sakura, Elise, Lucina and Celica, yet they aren't complete clones? Calm down. I actually agree with what they said about including Celica, how she doesn't use tomes and it'd be wrong to give her some so they made her focus on her sword. Look at Melee, it had about six. It could be worse. Jeez louise.

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Unless some of the DLC adds something interesting to the roster It's really not working for me. I will BEGRUDGINGLY give this a shot if Ike and Roy get added with ORIGINAL MOVESETS, as well as something from Echoes and Blazing Sword that can REALISTICALLY happen.

Alm, Lukas, Hector. Anything.

Some retainers and shepherds would be nice as well... I mean. Virion is an archer... I'll take that guy.

Edited by Saint_Stahn
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I'm very happy Celica's in, even as she is, but, apologies for being blunt, I want no part of this disappointment bug.

I get it. Celica uses a sword, most of the cast is Awakefateswhatever, Azura's not in, too many swords, etc. They're good complaints with decent reasons against the bad PR. However, this complaining is really making me apathetic towards the fanbase.

Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather not get hung up on negatives and search for positives. Maybe that's why I quickly got over the whole "only Awakefates with SD" thing and stopped caring for weapons. Maybe that's why I stopped setting high expectations for reveals. Maybe that's why I'm accepting of Celica as she is.

Sorry if I seem overly harsh against the general criticisms here, but...yeah.

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Just now, RotomGuy said:

No, going against it was not a good choice. The whole point of picking 3 games was to get members of the B cast, but what happened was is that Fates has too many main characters and SD got boned, and the only B cast characters we got were Lissa, Frederick and Cordelia. It's just a main character fest and it's so incredibly boring.

How does limiting the roster to three games equate to more side characters getting love? They aren't correlated at all. If they wanted a healthy cast of main and side characters, they wouldn't have focused on Fates which has a large dominance of main characters.

Regardless, Lissa and Frederick were pretty bad character inclusions that generated little hype. There are reasons people are calling for Ike, Roy, Ephraim, Hector, Micaiah, etc. 

People who want irrelevant side characters are a likely minority. 

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