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Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth


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I'm on the fourth stratum, about halfway through. Also, I think I missed an event and my map of floor 8 is really incomplete.

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Unlocked third stratum. It looks awesome !

I just discovered Masurao: Blade Dancer and it's skills, notably Hell Slash. which look exactly like Warrior's Might From EO3, minus the 'even allies' part, and I have various emotions to it.

Extasy: Because it's bound to be awesome and at one point OP, I'm sure of it.
Sadness:Because if that the case, I'm bound to throw away my entire party except her, because I'll have to build a team build arround that strategy, it's very sad to just give up your entire party you worked with because one is simply superior.

That's not the only thing the class have: Layered Bloom, Sacred Tetrad, Reblossom, Meteor Rain... you get the point.
Not saying that the other one isn't good, but geez.
Of course, Blade Dance seems to just throw the defense out.

For Team Build, I choosed Dragoon: Shield Beared, because that's the point of the entire class, tanking things and Botanist: Merciful Healer, again, because her job is to heal things, Also, Herb Boost and Lingering Scent looks OP.

I dunno about the rest though, Both Necromancer's are kinda disapointing. Spirit Evoker sounds way too situational; (chosen ally, may, etc) the only skill that interest me is Ice Bomb.
Spirit Broken on the other hand, is more appealing to me. TP Plus (FINALLY),  Gate of Hell, Wraith Explosion, Negative Energy, Sacrifice.
I have half Mind to replace her with a Warlock is I didn't loved my Necro so much.

Harbinger Deathbringer and Deathguard looks both cool, I have a preference for Deathbringer Status ATK Up, TP Plus, Bloody Reap (Good synergy with Blade Dancer)and Frigid Reap.

Any thoughts about it ?

Oh yeah, since I got the Memory Conch earlier in the game, I decided to create characters of each classes I don't have as a 'in case my team screw up'. I named my Shaman... Nope. No point in gessing why. :p

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I'm really happy with my team names this time. Back in college I went on a wilderness expedition where we canoed through canadian glacier lakes and taiga. So for this game, I named all the members of my group of adventurers after the people that were with me.

My current team is
pugilist/dragoon/ masurao

The only character I don't have named after a fellow camper is my dragoon, who I named Severa (after me, not the Awakening character).


It is, however, hard as balls. Even the weakest enemies will kick your face into the dirt if you aren't careful and this time, you absolutely HAVE to stay away from FOEs - yes, even the 'blue' ones - if you don't want to spend your entire SP pool and still not be sure you can actually win. I am afraid of the first boss. Very afraid.

Ya, the very first thing that happened to me in my first battle was getting my pugilist OHKO'd by a flying squirrel.


He infinitely respawns mooks and has an AOE attack that your healers can't possibly keep up with, since you don't get an AOE heal. 

That's not completely true. Line heal is available something like level 3-5 individual heal on a botanist. I guess you can't heal all 5 though.

So far I've managed not to get a single game over on the hard difficulty, but I'm on floor 5 and the boss looms.

Edited by Professor Groeteschele
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Since I don't have any money for the actual game, I've done nothing but complete the limited story in the demo. I have three things to say: This is really fun to play, the Brouni are too adorable, and whoever decided to give the Rover class the old woman portrait AND put the Elderly voice option in the game should get a raise. Hilarious. Anyway, the team that has been doing wonders for me is:

Front Line: Rouge the Harbinger, Zephyr the Necromancer

Back Line: Isadora the Rover, Frangia the Dragoon, Farest the Shaman

I personally prefer the Shaman over the Botanist because of stat increases and some healing. Rouge and Zephyr are reliable sources of damage and kinda Isadora a bit, but I prefer to use her as support. 

Also I kinda sorta gave the Brouni and Celestrian a naming scheme, being misspellings of things in nature and Mythological figure respectively.

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How's the mapping in this game compared to IV? Is there even mapping?

I only played most of IV, but I really liked it. Making the maps was my favorite part! It reminded me of drawing out maps on grid paper for crpgs way back when.

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RIP Third Stratum Boss. I almost feel bad for it, he was easy.
... Also RIP all my TP healing items, Amritas and Hamaos, but that's the why you keep those items.

It's still jarring though, the third stratum is hard as hell, but the boss ? Nope.

Edited by B.Leu
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On 10/27/2017 at 2:33 AM, Star said:

How's the mapping in this game compared to IV? Is there even mapping?

I only played most of IV, but I really liked it. Making the maps was my favorite part! It reminded me of drawing out maps on grid paper for crpgs way back when.

It's the same as EO4, and the rest of the series actually. Map making is a feature in every Etrian Odyssey game.







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I'm waiting for the physical releases, and spending some times with the demo in the mean time. So right now, I have a main and a secondary team, all of guild Tamanoir.

1 : Fleurette the Fencer, Kanon the Dragoon, Root the Rover (and Crown the Hawk), Meneur the Warlock, and Olive the Botanist.

2: Libre the Pugilist, Albion the Harbringer, Plume the Masuaro, Roc the Necromancer, and Esprit the Shaman.

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Made a party of Harbinger, Masarao || Warlock, Shaman, Necromancer...


Harbinger doesn't seem to pull his weight. With miasma armour on, he doesn't really land any ailments from the scythe skills...and he dies like a breeze, albeit not as fast as glorious Masarao despite her Heavy armour. For now my frontliners don't seem to take hits or dish them out fast enough and my necro's carrying the party by poisoning stuff while his TP holds.

Is my party consisting of too many late blooming classes? I thought my Necro would be tanking, until the frontliners proved unable to dish out sufficient damage so I switched to leveling poison :/

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Second Stratum, 15th floor. I officially hate Ghosts. Haven't reached the boss yet, really worried about


Since everyone posts their groups, might as well post mine:
Front row:
Ray the Dragoon (Dude tanks everything)
Juna the Fencer (She'll blind you, then kill you)
Hilda the Harbinger (Miasma is nasty. Also forgot how to sing and became much more seductive, apparently)

Back row:
Alan the Necromancer (squishy, squishy mage...)
Emma the Botanist (complete with glasses)

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Stratum 4 here, 16th floor! Haven't played the game in a bit because FE13 Lunatic and school are taking over my life, but my current main party is...

Front row:

Alison, "C-Combo Chaser" Chain Duelist Fencer

Ruka, "C-C-Combo Maker" Barrage Brawler Pugilist

Jenna, "Cannoneer" Cannon Bearer Dragoon

Back row:

Indy, "Dogfather" Hunting Hound Rover

Tsevi, "High Priest" Divine Herald Shaman

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I officially hate Ghosts.

Me too, me too. I've found head binding them to be helpful, but... if they've still possessed someone on the turn you bind them and they take damage, it hurts. My party wasn't fast enough to proc head bind before the ghost possessed someone, preventing it altogether.

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On 29.10.2017 at 7:07 PM, Renkindle said:

Me too, me too. I've found head binding them to be helpful, but... if they've still possessed someone on the turn you bind them and they take damage, it hurts. My party wasn't fast enough to proc head bind before the ghost possessed someone, preventing it altogether.

Don't they have priority on the possession stuff, though? In my case, they always go first and possess someone. And if two ghosts decide to possess the same person, well... say goodbye.

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20 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Don't they have priority on the possession stuff, though? In my case, they always go first and possess someone. And if two ghosts decide to possess the same person, well... say goodbye.

...Honestly, they might, that'd explain a lot.

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5 hours ago, Renkindle said:

...Honestly, they might, that'd explain a lot.

That's one thing that bugs me about this game, yet I like it at the same time. Basically, if you want to explore longer, you can't just beat up everything you see. There are some encounters that will screw you up and drain HP and / or TP really, really fast. Those stupid Moles on the second stratum, Ghosts, Casket Demons and those friggin' trees on the third, the F.O.E.'s in general... there's a lot of things you shouldn't fight when progress is your main objective.
I'll be honest, the difficulty in this game is unreal sometimes.

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Yeah, even on Basic mode, you still gotta be careful. You can't just mindlessly auto through everything like you could in past games... which is kinda nice, it makes the game feel less brainless.

Least there's stuff you can do (binds, ailments) to keep the enemies' skills at bay, but you need to hope that they even land in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Renkindle said:

Yeah, even on Basic mode, you still gotta be careful. You can't just mindlessly auto through everything like you could in past games... which is kinda nice, it makes the game feel less brainless.

Least there's stuff you can do (binds, ailments) to keep the enemies' skills at bay, but you need to hope that they even land in the first place.

True. I do appreciate the ramped up difficulty somewhat. I just think they overdid it in places when it came to designing enemies.

I got to the 4th stratum and to a point where I pretty much have to run from every single battle. My Scrub Squad (as I jokingly called them in the beginning... I curse my apparent prophetic powers somewhat) can manage three battles at most, then it's over. One if it's against those stupidly powerful

Dinosaur Knights

or even worse

Mole Kings, cursed be thine existences


I honestly have no idea what the boss of this stratum, which is apparently

a Crystal. F***ing. Dragon!

will throw at me and I honestly don't even want to know at this point. Game Overs one after another is what I'm guessing.
It's frustrating, yet fun. I don't know how Atlus managed to make a frustratingly high difficulty fun, but they did it. They really did it. 

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On 31/10/2017 at 7:57 AM, DragonFlames said:

Don't they have priority on the possession stuff, though? In my case, they always go first and possess someone. And if two ghosts decide to possess the same person, well... say goodbye.

3rd Stratum Ennemies

Basically, it's similar to those damn Forest Aye-Aye in first stratum, their attacks are just casted incredbly fast.

On 02/11/2017 at 2:44 AM, Renkindle said:

Yeah, even on Basic mode, you still gotta be careful. You can't just mindlessly auto through everything like you could in past games... which is kinda nice, it makes the game feel less brainless.

Least there's stuff you can do (binds, ailments) to keep the enemies' skills at bay, but you need to hope that they even land in the first place.

I'm just on the 1st Stratum myself. 5th Floor (I bought the game Friday.). And yeah, so many ennemies will screw you.
I was taken by surprise by a Colossal Ropper and 2 Rabid Acorn. My party is rather well constructed (Chain Fencer, Dragoon, Hawk Rover (an additional team member is so usefull), Warlock and Healer Botanist..). My party was nearly decimated. Each monster party sems to be well constructed for maximum annoyance.

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I, frankly, dislike the final boss. Not hate, just dislike.

The stratum in itself is cool, I love the gimmick and the last floor of it... it's also a good introduction to 'confronting an FOE then escaping to continue is actually not a bad idea especially if you dislike spaming Threads'. RIP those.
Escape is surprisingly easy in this game.

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1 hour ago, B.Leu said:

I, frankly, dislike the final boss. Not hate, just dislike.

The stratum in itself is cool, I love the gimmick and the last floor of it... it's also a good introduction to 'confronting an FOE then escaping to continue is actually not a bad idea especially if you dislike spaming Threads'. RIP those.
Escape is surprisingly easy in this game.

I have yet to reach the final boss, though I did reach the 25th floor...
Holy crap, my party is getting the crap kicked out of them. I think I have to rethink my Skill Point distribution (again). I don't think I'll survive the final boss if even normal enemies kill my crew on a frighteningly regular basis.

But yeah, the anti-gravity stuff is pretty cool.
Escape is only easy when it's from an FOE, I've found. Regular encounters will eff you up if you try to escape without using the union skill Full Retreat, which takes you back to the stairs. RIP progress.

Those owl thingies are pretty adorable, I have to admit

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Where the heck do I find the Master Key (the one that gets you into the sealed areas?)
Apparently, there's a hidden stairway in 17F that leads to a chest with the key in 16F, but I couldn't find it. Could anyone help me?

EDIT: Nvm. Found it. I am so freaking blind...

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Beat the main game just now, the final boss was a freaking pain but I was able to beat it without using a dedicated healer -- that must be a first for me. Onto the postgame we go then.

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9 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Beat the main game just now, the final boss was a freaking pain but I was able to beat it without using a dedicated healer -- that must be a first for me. Onto the postgame we go then.

Without a healer? Holy crap, that's amazing!
I barely scraped by using a healer in conjunction with a crapton of healing items. My biggest problem was that my TP was running low during the later stages of the fight, especially on my Fencer and Harbinger, so my damage output wasn't exactly the greatest from time to time...
Also, for anyone struggling against Magic attacks: I found out during the battle that the Dragoon's Mana Guard and the Warlock's Magic Shield stack.

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