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Kemono Friends Mafia - Game Over


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like I'm not sure but the D1 wagon didn't feel like it was hitting scum

I just didn't know we were going to be in this clusterfuck

@anime27arts well the follow is multishot but I can't follow and used the copied shot the same night. The copied roles are all 1shots

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4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Hey guys, I am here and I have been reading, but it's late where I am and I'm not sure how much I can contribute right now. I'll try to give some quick thoughts before I go to bed.

Marth's post seems sassy, and I appreciate that. It's short, sweet, and gives a hint of mystery. I'm excited to see if he'll explain more, or if he'll keep us all in suspense for a while longer.

Arcanite's post was quite a bit more involved than what I'm used to seeing from them here, which was probably helped by them preparing it in advance. They have some well thought out points, but I'm not sure how many of them actually mean anything. From what I've gathered, not voting somebody is the scummier thing to do, so people constantly voting town in a row doesn't seem very notable. Also... if some of those four are scum because they voted on the final wagon, why wasn't Rex also there? Wouldn't he have joined them, even if he wasn't as active? Sure, he was only alive for the first one you quoted, but shouldn't he have been there at least? Also, to be frank, and maybe it's because I'm tired right now, but the links you gave to your "reasoning" against Shinori didn't seem to have much... anything, really. They were both a kinda decent length, but I don't feel like I've learned why Shinori is obviously scum based on those posts.

Shinori gives a lot of very solid rebuttals to Arcanite's post, and I don't think I have much to argue with him about. He sounds truly and aggressively convinced that Arcanite is scum, and compared to Arcanite's own post, I can actually understand why Shinori feels that way based on what he's written. I feel like I should write more about his posts, since I wrote so much about Arcanite's, but I really can't think of any questions or comments to add, so I guess this is all I have on Shinori right now.

Sorry again about posting this late in the day period, today has been a mix of being busy with other things, having a headache, and being just plain tired. I'll try to be here more tomorrow, but I might be busy for a good chunk of the day, depending on whether my current plans change.

Why are you not voting Arcanite right now?

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Mackc2 - mafia nightkills XD

Magnificence Incarnate (Marth) - look up

Greencapps - likely town off of results because I expect a godfather + interactions with flipped maf

Arcanite - probably is a real cop because I don't think this setup makes sense without it

Rapier - same as greencapps but less townie individually

Shinori - i really don't think shinori is playing like mafia

Anime27arts - kinda exists

DefaultBeep - that D2 wagon is still weird af


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6 hours ago, Shinori said:

I voted without reading.


Yeah town got lynched yesterday, but at least we have more info. If that lynch hadn't have gone through people would still be stuck tunneling onto mich today and would be wanting to lynch him today still.  They would also be massively pissed off at the fact that people didn't consolidate.


Just because you want to be selfish and not consolidate doesn't always mean it's the correct play.  It's a terrible idea to deny the town information for zero reason.  I want you to seriously ask yourself what could have potentially happened had Mich not been lynched.  Mich would have lived today most likely, and then when this day starts the first thing to happen would have been annoyance about a whole wasted day phase with no real information to gain.  If no kill happened as well in that same situation it would literally have been as if nothing happened across an entire day.  Had scum got to kill someone, town would have wasted their day phase and then town probably would have still wanted to lynch Mich today.

I'm not being selfish. I expressed that I didn't want to vote Mich just yet, I didn't think Beep was scum, so I left my vote on you. If Mich stayed alive I would have investigated him to see for sure, which is why I said I don't want to vote him just yet....

But he died so :/

I am using my votes on who I think is actually scum and you're just putting yours on who has the most or "consolidating" AKA "Oh ye im fine with a (blank) lynch". I would not have put my final vote on Rex if I thought he was innocent. I didn't put my vote on Michelaar because I thought he was innocent. All of my votes have been accurate, all of yours were just pile ups

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

You know I have one very big reason why I don't think you are a town cop.  If you are the cop, if you think I'm scum, if you solely believe this, as you appear to believe since fucking DAY ONE. WHY IN THE WORLD HAVEN'T YOU INSPECTED ME?

Because to know for sure whether or not I'm sane I need to investigate someone and they need to die, or investigate someone who I know for sure is innocent (or scum)

1. Investigating and killing you would be.... a task. I'd rather know for sure and say "I investigated them and they are 'guilty', vote them!" rather than trying to make you seem as guilty as possible or convince everyone that we should kill you to make me useful.... people were already unsure of me so I feel like they're unlikely to listen to anything I say anyway

2. And since I think you're scum, that isn't something I know for sure. I just don't want the wrong people to die.

6 hours ago, Shinori said:

I think I need to stop typing for now because I've gotten to the point that I'm rambling because of the tilt. There are so many flaws and inconsistencies with your votes and your playstyle

im hurt ;-;

6 hours ago, Shinori said:

Is this a scum slip? Why would town ever assume that someone is going to make it through to the next day phase?  This really sounds like you knew I was going to live through the night.  There is always a chance that someone dies in the night.

I'm sorry but I feel on policy that Arc should just be lynched at this point, you CLAIM to be a cop but aren't inspecting me your biggest target. You seem to only be inspecting your town reads which is super weird.  However if you are scum that would easily explain why you haven't inspected me, that being because you know I'm town and you don't want to say it. Also as a potentially insane cop is a great fake claim there is no way for anyone to disprove it really ever until we start lynching your targets and even then, you can easily give false reports to screw over town.

I 100% think you are scum and unless something else happens I feel that you should be lynched at this point in time in the game.

At this point I think you're trying to over-complicate what I'm saying. I said that because I felt like you wouldn't die, not that I'm scum and I know you're not going to get killed XD

If scum went for you as a kill that would be COMPLETE waste, when Mackc, Marf, and I would be way better. Either way, scum is probably going to kill me or Mackc during this night phase unless I am somehow protected again.

it's starting to seem like you're tunneling me tbh

4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Also... if some of those four are scum because they voted on the final wagon, why wasn't Rex also there? Wouldn't he have joined them, even if he wasn't as active?

Rex didn't make a post ever since that week's Monday iirc. he literally only came back on day 2 after his last post on day one. He didn't join simply because he couldn't join.

I'm sure he would have if he was actually there, but unfortunately for him (and fortunately for us) he came back and got laced up.

1 hour ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Arcanite, why did you investigate capps over Shinori?

My worst case scenario is investigating Shinori, turning him innocent, then getting Rapier killed for no reason because right now the case for Shinori is 

Because I know that Capps is innocent, so I went for him. I wanted to be absolutely certain of my sanity, and since there is only 2 ways to know Im sane

8 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

So who do you actually think the mafia are? 

I thought about it a little more....


Lemme just say that this is my last thought on Mackc, from the last post I made


Mackc feels like town, especially since they jailed me at the very least.

More I think about it, Mackc is probably town because if anyone else jailed me or whatever they would have said "Hey that was me, you must be scum!" or something of that nature

1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

I had copied Mack's role N2 and it was obvious he was going to be the NK last night because why wouldn't the mafia kill the only claimed protective role? So I jailed him last night. Its a 1 shot btw.

And now we have this too*


By investigating Rapier and Capps, now we know for sure that they are both innocent. This means the pool is smaller without getting anyone killed at the very least
Rapier and Capps are both innocent so it only leaves:

and Beep

Then there's Marf, Mackc, and I who all claim town roles* (though I guess we are not completely exempt)

The scum could very well be among those 4, assuming Marf, Mackc, and I are all telling the truth (which I think we are)

I guess scum could be one of "us", though I know I'm not scum. I feel like both of you are believable enough tho.... 
I don't want it to be Anime, and I think Beep is innocent

34 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

3. Shinori and SB - This seems to be your most likely functional combination of people being scum, but what's interesting about this is both Shinori and SB may not be on constantly, but          when they post they post pretty good points which is quite interesting. 

SB and Shinori

They've both played before to my knowledge, so they know as long as they make sure they say something meaningful or "it makes sense" they won't be suspected. Like literally they are the 2 people who probably have some of the weakest cases for now, especially since SB saying to claim my role is probably why I'm even here....

This round is the first time Shinori has voted me. Maybe they're trying to get me killed easily so that they can use the night kill on someone else? Getting town to lynch me means I won't even live to the night to have the chance to investigate anyone. Shinori realizes I'm narrowing down the pool so they want to shut me up before I bring it down even further.... perhaps

Not really sure what to think of SB since I thought they were town up to this moment.... and I still think they are. So maybe beep is guilty


Anime is


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24 minutes ago, SB. said:

it is though


6 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:


Yeah I remember you said your action failed because Sunwoo died or something, right?

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Objectively I didn't like it but Rapier is uh

I cannot word this politely but he is capable of doing this as town. If we're assuming godfather I guess he is ballsy enough to try that plan as scum though. I personally facepalm'd when I saw that.


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