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Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!


Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!  

248 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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  • Poll closed on 11/12/2017 at 05:00 AM

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Shanna has the final multiplier with a 1.3B gap to cover. Can she make it? I doubt so, but hey.

I’m going into the finals with 100 extra flags because I can’t count.

I think they can.

Also, having 100 extra, like me, is nice to add to the 1500 we get, making it 1600, which is divisable by 200.

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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Very interesting. Soren overperformed, but so did Takumi. If Team Takumi pushes like it has been, then he gets to glide to victory. If he somehow screws it up and vastly underperforms, Soren could keep his lead, but that seems rather unlikely. Win or lose, this has been an exciting round. If Soren wins, onto the finals. If he loses, Team Amelia it is! If she loses...it's all up in the air!

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2 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I think they can.

Also, having 100 extra, like me, is nice to add to the 1500 we get, making it 1600, which is divisable by 200.

I wonder why the quests give 1500 flags per round when the most you can expend at a time is 200 which is not a divider of 1500.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I wonder why the quests give 1500 flags per round when the most you can expend at a time is 200 which is not a divider of 1500.

To annoy people with OCD. Or those who like to dump in a perfect 200 flags with every multiplier.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Shanna has the final multiplier with a 1.3B gap to cover. Can she make it? I doubt so, but hey.

I’m going into the finals with 100 extra flags because I can’t count.

The Reddit tracker actually has Shanna winning and that's with it projecting her to earn a bit less this hour than the last. I suppose we'll see if it's right or not in due time.

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2 minutes ago, Thany said:

Roy: "Hey Thany, watch out for bows"

Thany: (internal screaming)

Shanna Vs. Takumi: The Bowtrayal.

Unlikely as that is. :P

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Just now, Quintessence said:

Oh wait different game :P:

But Soren is the master of winds!

Mostly same guy.


Anyway, Shanna is almost Sharena/Anna. No, game, I’m not breaking my established pairing.

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Tfw you join Shanna for feathers expecting to go down round 1 and end up going to the finals. 

If we end up going against Taco I'm going to put my anti-bow Sophia as lead. She'll be pretty helpful against any Taco/Lyn (as long as they don't have CA).

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I'm really not sure how to feel about Shanna winning over Amelia... really just goes to show you how gauntlets are flip coin games now. If Shanna takes this she has defeated two characters that rank above her and are in fact more recognizable than her because her own game she's in isn't even released outside Japan. -_-

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3 minutes ago, Thany said:

Im personally excited to see if we can get a japanese only character to win the gauntlet at this point, that will be a first for sure.

Actually, you're right. All the past voting gauntlet winners have been games that been translated to English. Funny how when you look closely at something, you notice something interesting

FE6 remake when?

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