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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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I shot Shinori? thought that was obvious when I claimed

okay I think Refa you were probably right then with your theory that Prims was the one who put us in the neighbourhood. This means that assuming @Elieson isn't an info role Bartozio is probably legit because otherwise town would have no info roles. Marth is probably our "protective" role.

I don't know what to do with all these vanilla claims though

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1 hour ago, kirsche said:

@Sully, since you stopped reading my paragraph asking you to explain why I was desperate scum so you can defend yourself from accusations made against you that didn't exist, can you explain:

-What things I'm stating wrong are actually right and I'm just claiming they're wrong out of desperation.

-The actual flaws in my BBM case logic. <- dodging this was really bad

-The actual flaws in my logic against you and why it is likely to come from scum.

-What changed from the start of D2 when you were townreading me for reasons that weren't related to Baldrick. Do you think the way I've constructed cases has changed significantly?

@Marth: I guess but it makes scum!BBM look good by arguing against the turbo and the Prims case (especially after Prims dies and flips likely town)? I don't really remember him being all that active about his defence, just a couple of posts here and there? Maybe you're right and I'm just frustrated and OMGUSing iunno. Between being accused of faking inactivity when I was genuinely busy, being misread or just outright misrepped by him, and SF eating my posts discussing in detail why I didn't like BBM's reasoning against me I am pretty fucking sick of this argument.

Elieson has fucking disappeared off the earth. Even Mich was posting more content than this.

@Refa: In one hour it's going to be 6AM and I'm not staying up that late for this.

1: Your BBM scumread is a good example of this.

2: I said I would let BBM defend himself, as he could do a better job of it than me. But if I must raise a point, I would say that while you claim to have suspected him since D1, the fact that all of your actual dirt on him is from D3 is suspicious. It's like you kept suspecting him all game long, but when he becomes your primary antagonist, you actually come up with a case on him that is mostly based off of something that happened a few hours previously. None of your pre-D3 material holds any water in my book, I've already given my opinions on Shinori/BBM interactions and the whole waffling ordeal. It really just comes off as scummy to me, the way you get on BBM for calling your case on me weak and then later in the same post admit that it was weak. If your case on BBM is so much more "in-depth and complex" than the one you had on me, why are you voting me now?

3: It's not your ED3 read on me that I don't like, it's the way you've pushed it. It just sounds desperate. Of course you're desperate, you're on the verge of being lynched, but desperate still sounds scummy, apparently regardless of whether it comes from scum or not. I feel like you're grasping at straws. So your case on me isn't necessarily logically impossible, it just comes across to me as highly improbable. I am the other wagon today, the scum among us are either going to vote for you or for me and I know I'm town.

4: You're desperate. You sound a lot like Baldrick sounded before he was lynched. I thought he sounded scummy. I can understand why you would be acting differently today, but I don't see how you can think nothing's changed about the way you're acting since yesterday. My reasons for changing opinions on you was heavily influenced by Baldrick's flip, though. I mean, how would you have felt different about me had Baldrick flipped scum? You'd probably trust me more, and I would trust you more.

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4 minutes ago, BBM said:

okay I think Refa you were probably right then with your theory that Prims was the one who put us in the neighbourhood. This means that assuming @Elieson isn't an info role Bartozio is probably legit because otherwise town would have no info roles. Marth is probably our "protective" role.

do you think kirsche would claim that role as scum


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How many vanillas are there supposed to be in a game? The OP just says "non-zero".

If Bart is going to be ruled out as scum, then I need to rethink some things. It's 2:00 A.M. in Virginia, so I'll return later. After some sleep... and Star Fox 2...

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ugh fucking SF made me lose my post cuz I clicked on "show notification" or whatever

bleh I was kind of assuming that Mack/Paper didn't have anything else to their roles. I guesss "interrogator" could be some kind of investigative role so maybe Bart isn't legit? because it would put a lot of town's eggs into one basket considering how low power this game is and that they die together. But you're right that "Interrogator" doesn't exactly line up with the roleclaim.

the thing that's frustrating is like... there's no way NO scum would claim PRs right??? but then considering we talked about how it was townie that kirsche claimed VT maybe Sully would try to do the same? ugh Elie's claim would be really helpful to help me decide which way to go on the roles

idk anymore Refa/Via/Marth who do you guys think is scummiest out of Bart/Sully/kirsche/Elie? I feel like Bart is the scummiest after kirsche's claim but I also feel like lynching his role today would be dumb but I also feel like one of the people who claimed a role would be scum and Bart is way scummier than Marth

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Marth/You are town IMO so I feel good about my vote.  This game was just more vanilla than we thought.  THIS IS A GOOD SETUP REIN FUCKING LIED.

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idk "interrogator" and "trickster" might just be completely flavour-based because Mack's character is apparently a prosecutor and Paperblade's was a phantom thief or something. maybe Via knows more about this?

leaning towards Bart but I know Via really wants a Sully or kirsche lynch.

really frustrating that Elie is also flaking because I was happy when Elie came in + Shinori flipped scum because it meant that slot was probably town and it would contribute more, but then Elie only posted scummy stuff and is posting less than Mich

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3 minutes ago, BBM said:

idk "interrogator" and "trickster" might just be completely flavour-based because Mack's character is apparently a prosecutor and Paperblade's was a phantom thief or something. maybe Via knows more about this?

I promised myself I wouldn't do this, why am I back here again?

In Persona 5, Mackc2's character is a prosecutor who interrogates PaperBlade's character, the leader of the Phantom Thieves. These aren't really spoilers because the game opens in media res. It's a really great game, everyone should play it. I only watched a playthrough, so...

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okay, well technically. interrogator is a jailer, right? 

mack's character is interrogating paperblade's character in the beginning of the game for information. at this point in time, paperblade's character (akira) is being held prisoner (he's caught and imprisoned at the start of the game so that isn't a spoiler really). the game's events are actually akira looking into the past as sae (the interrogator) interrogates him. he is eventually released. so i am pretty sure it's a flavor thing.

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8 minutes ago, BBM said:

idk "interrogator" and "trickster" might just be completely flavour-based because Mack's character is apparently a prosecutor and Paperblade's was a phantom thief or something. maybe Via knows more about this?

maybe interrogator/trickster are just flavour based and mackc2's only role is he is linked to a hidden player and he knows that the hidden player is town and paper's role is that he is a hidden player and knows that michelaar is town.  ergo bartozio is town's only claimed info role.  do you think kirsche makes sense as scum w/any other players?

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interrogator and trickster just being the flavor based names of the roles makes sense, because sae is interrogating akira, who is referred to as a trickster (AND THERE'S THE BONUS being that akira is a prisoner, so technically interrogator still makes sense in role name)

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so yeah I'm leaning away from lynching Bart today then.

ummmm I guess elieson? I can't remember kirsche/Mich ever saying anything about each other. I think maybe kirsche asked a couple times whether Michelaar was the guy who got mad when people pressured him or something but that was it. but the shinori interactions with michelaar are a thing. 

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why the fuck does scum have a janitor if there are barely any roles and most of them are impossible to fake? 

this game is low power enough that scum probably have a Goon so it makes it likelier that scum would claim VT. if Sully is a scum Goon it would be more likely as a new player that he would claim VT than fake something on the spot

so I'm at the point where the claims push me in Sully's direction but the rest of the play pushes me towards kirsche.

I know I've said this like a billion times but Elie's claim specifically would be super helpful because I know he would try to make big plays as scum with his role claim so his claim would be more alignment-telling

who do you guys think are less likely to be buddies, Shinori/Michelaar or Sully/kirsche? 

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well one of Sully/kirsche idk either would make sense. the reason I asked that is that if Shinori/Michelaar are less likely then either Sully/kirsche are in fact buddies or one of you/Via/Marth is scum

the thing that gets me is mafia's kill on Mack. for them to kill Prims they would have to know town has no doctor, which would only work if Prims was the doc. so then maybe he wasn't responsible for the neighbourhood?

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4 minutes ago, BBM said:

the thing that gets me is mafia's kill on Mack. for them to kill Prims they would have to know town has no doctor, which would only work if Prims was the doc. so then maybe he wasn't responsible for the neighbourhood?

Let's wait for Elie's claim first WRT last part. @Elieson PLEASE CLAIM

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4 hours ago, BBM said:

well one of Sully/kirsche idk either would make sense. the reason I asked that is that if Shinori/Michelaar are less likely then either Sully/kirsche are in fact buddies or one of you/Via/Marth is scum

the thing that gets me is mafia's kill on Mack. for them to kill Prims they would have to know town has no doctor, which would only work if Prims was the doc. so then maybe he wasn't responsible for the neighbourhood?

This makes no sense because Prims looked bad upon Lord Ken's flip.

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