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Weapon refinery - ill conceived?

Prince Endriu

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I dont get it. So I wanted to upgrade my Eldigan. First thing I noticed is no can do without dew. Dew? How do I get dew? Ok, I need to refine other weapons. Ok. So I finally decided to upgrade Karel - wasnt my top priority btw - and took on Eldigan, only to find out that the 50 dew I received wasnt enough. Apparently I need to repeat the whole process 3 times. Hmmm... so in order to upgrade an exclusive weapon I need to upgrade 4 common weapons. Wtf? Eventually people will run out of options imo. I dont know - seems to me they made it overly complicated - adding more resources for the sake of adding more resources - its kind of detrimental to the whole cause imo.

What do you guys think? Are you happy with how it works?

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Eh, I'll make do. The issue I have is needing the + variant of weaponry to upgrade normal weaponry - I don't have anywhere near the feathers needed to upgrade even half the people I'd need for + variant weaponry for Units I'll actually use. It also means getting Divine Dew is really frustrating because the only two Units I have right now that I already was making 5S who would actually make use of this are Catria and Est. Admittedly, Catria gets Slaying Lance+, which will be good.

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Between blessings, and the three new Refinery items, yeah I think it was a lot to take in for one update. It took them over two months to roll out what they planned Sacred Coins to do, giving us time to grab some. I feel like the same thing ought to have been done with these new resources. Because it does kinda stink how they hyped up the upgrades for Ephraim, Eldigan, etc when it appears to be impossible to grab those upgrades with what you have or what you could earn on day one.

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I am just saving up until I can sit down and do a huge forge run, I will probably just wait until new years to do it so that I have lots of resources.  I wish they had done it like sacred coins because I was able to have a bunch saved for when SS forge came out.  Right now I could only upgrade one weapon, so I will save items and grind SP until I can do as many of my favorite units as I want.

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I think it is fine. It has not even been a week yet. The developers will probably introduce other methods of acquiring Divine Dew later if they think the current rate is too slow.

On the other hand, I am probably not the best person to give feedback on Weapon Refinery since I do not think I will ever use it as much as most players. Weapon Refinery does not impact me much since neither Reinhardt, BH!Lyn, nor Olivia benefits from it and I am still perfectly capable of nuking down units equipped with Refined Weapons.

Edited by XRay
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I think they should've done the same as they did with Sacred Coins. Release the resource first and reveal it's use later (although considering people were complaining about Coins being useless and stuff it'll always be a lose/lose situation). 

I'm ok with this being relatively slow, after all weapon forging is a huge game changer for a lot of units and having everything available just after it's inception would give me a huge headache. I mean, for me having to choose between upgrading my healers or trying to choose what's the best upgrade for my dragons is already a pain. Add blessings on top of it and you have a recipe for disaster.

While making this slow is bad for those who already know what they're going to do for me it's good because it gives me time to set my priorities straight instead of wasting resources on units that don't need it.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

I think it is fine. It has not even been a week yet. The developers will probably introduce other methods of acquiring Divine Dew later if they think the current rate is too slow.

Sums up my thoughts. I'm sure we'll get plenty more from VG and future Tempests, too.

1 hour ago, Prince Endriu said:

There shouldnt be a corelation between upgrading common and exclusive weapons as it somehow forces the player to upgrade units in order to acquire dew. We will see....

Maybe not, but I'd rather the way it is instead of having them give out only one or the other at a given time, especially since there are far fewer Dew upgrades. Think of it as a "buy one get one" deal.

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2 hours ago, Prince Endriu said:

There shouldnt be a corelation between upgrading common and exclusive weapons as it somehow forces the player to upgrade units in order to acquire dew. We will see....

I think this is purposeful to make you use other units and experiment with the system instead of gunning straight for the legendary weapons with crazy effects, and it stems the tide of legendary++ weapons entering things like arena for a bit

And I'm guessing that, like feathers & sacred coins, the "engine" to gets lots of them will rev up this month and hte following and at athat point the upgrades will enter an infrequent-but-consistent routine

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There have been so far enough rocks made available to upgrade two regular weapons, which I honestly think is plenty enough to start people out.

Yeah, it kind of sucks to not yet be able to upgrade any legendary weapons, but time gates exist to prevent players from blowing through content too quickly.

Also, they'll probably speed up the acquisition of rocks pretty soon. Sacred Coins were added to Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlets soon after the full roll-out of the feature, and they're probably going to do something similar with rocks since they've already been added to the Arena rewards.

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By the time we get the upcoming arena rewards and the apology rewards for the incorrect descriptions, it should be possible to get over 200 refining stones, which can be converted to 200 divine dew for a legendary weapon upgrade. It's a bit of a slow start, but I think it'll be fine in the long run.

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It's barely been a week since we got the Refinery. Dew acquisition isn't great but it makes sense to have there as a way for players to familiarize themselves with the system. And like @XRay mentioned, it's not likely that you will use the refinery for much else after upgrading the one or two Prfs you want, since the best weapons like Braves and -Blades don't get anything from refinement.

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I think it's not too bad. I do think needing to upgraded 4 regular weapons to upgrade 1 legendary is a bit much with the current rate we get stones. BUT, just like we started getting coins a lot more ways than just assault rewards, we'll probably have the same happen with stones. Like I'd bet we'll see some stones come from the next VG and TT rewards.

It's only kinda lame they didn't put any in the December quests, but oh well.

Edited by Alkaid
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Actually, now that I think of it, it's a maximum of 40 rocks per week from Arena rewards alone (requires ranking top 1000 in Arena Assault, though), and the number is identical to the number of Sacred Coins, which makes me think they'll make the acquisition rate more or less the same.

Hopefully, that means we'll get like 45 rocks per round of Voting Gauntlets.

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Yeah, you can see that they are trying to limit buffing legendary weapons. THat being said, buffable legendary weapons are rare, relative to normal weapons. I have been laying this game F2P for around three months now, and have gotten a total of 21 5 star units one way or another. Of these, eight of them have refinable normal weapons, one has a legendary that can be upgraded to a better weapon (naga), and the remaining twelve have non-upgradable weapons. The upshot of this is that I will only have the opportunity to spend 150 divine dew, which will be easy to get when the apology reward arives. Tat being said, I bet the average set of 20 5* units pulled from a variety of banners in the last few months has much less in the way of refinable weapons then a similarly sized set pulled in the few months after launch, due to power creep and the need to fix it. After all, of my 21 5* units, 3 were obtained at 5* guarenteed(fjorm, joshua, and Brave lucinia), 3 were promoted, 10 were focus units, and only 5 were off-banner (the inequality is due my bigest orb usage being on hero fest and legendary hero banners). Probably, people who used more orbs on older banners and banners with normal percentages, and up with a larger porportion of units that need buffing.

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