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Bound Hero Battle: Distant Blade (Tana & Amelia)


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In half an hour, Tana, Princess of Frelia, and Amelia, former rookie soldier of Grado, challenge us!


Hard / Lunatic







Infernal Enemy Data



HP: 58
Atk: 53
Spd: 41
Def: 30
Res: 28

Weapon: Vidofnir
Special: Sol

A: Spd/Def 2
B: Knock Back
C: Guidance 3



HP: 76
Atk: 52
Spd: 37
Def: 38
Res: 26

Weapon: Slaying Axe+
Special: Sacred Cowl

A: Earth Boost 3
B: Renewal 3
C: Armor March 3

Sword Armor


HP: 76
Atk: 53
Spd: 17
Def: 49
Res: 21

Weapon: Slaying Edge+
Special: Ignis

A: Fortress Def 3
B: R Tomebreaker 3
C: Goad Armor

Green Mage Knight


HP: 45
Atk: 54
Spd: 31
Def: 21
Res: 40

Weapon: Rexcalibur+

A: Fury 3
B: Vantage 3
C: Atk Ploy 3

Sword Pegasus


HP: 52
Atk: 44
Spd: 38
Def: 23
Res: 39

Weapon: Wo Dao+
Special: Moonbow

A: Death Blow 3
B: Flier Formation 3
C: Fortify Fliers

Turn 2

Lance Armor


HP: 76
Atk: 57
Spd: 17
Def: 44
Res: 21

Weapon: Silver Lance+
Assist: Pivot

A: Warding Stance 3
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Ward Armor

Axe Pegasus


HP: 52
Atk: 43
Spd: 38
Def: 23
Res: 39

Weapon: Emerald Axe+
Special: Sacred Cowl

A: Darting Blow 3
B: Flier Formation 3
C: Goad Fliers

Turn 3

Axe Armor


HP: 76
Atk: 57
Spd: 17
Def: 44
Res: 21

Weapon: Silver Axe+
Special: Reprisal

A: Distant Def 3
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Armor March 3

Sword Pegasus


HP: 52
Atk: 46
Spd: 38
Def: 23
Res: 39

Weapon: Silver Sword+

A: Close Def 3
B: Flier Formation 3
C: Guidance 3

Lance Pegasus


HP: 52
Atk: 43
Spd: 38
Def: 23
Res: 39

Weapon: Sapphire Lance+
Special: Sacred Cowl

A: Darting Blow 3
B: Flier Formation 3
C: Goad Fliers


Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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19 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

In other news, Rhajat remains a 5* exclusive unit.

Lame.  Gronnwolf is still limited.

Okay, Hard and Lunatic beaten by horses (Xander, Cecilia, Reinhardt+2, Lyn). Infernal hopefully soon after additional tries.

Edited by Vaximillian
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What's horrid is all those Wary Fighter Knights. I should hopefully be able to clear this now with Flier Emblem since I finally remembered to put Reposition on S!Camilla -_- That Rally Attack kept messing me up since I've been thinking I already changed it and ended up leaving someone a sitting duck intsead.

Edited by silverserpent
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Cleared the Infernal map after a few tries (this team somehow still works):

5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt (Reposition, QP+Memebow, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Hone Cavalry, S-support with Xander)

5* Xander (Swap, Ignis, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Hone Cavalry, Atk +3, S-support with Reinhardt)

+2 Brave Lyn (Reposition, Hone Cavalry, Atk Smoke 1)

5* Olivia (Ruby Sword+, Hone Spd 1)

Turn one has Brave Lyn throw Olivia onto the defense tile so that she can Dance a buffed Reinhardt into killing the sword knight. Xander takes care of the green mage cavalier 2 enemy phases later. Then the battle has the party pretty much turtling and focusing on the fliers and any armored unit that gets too close to my team. Amelia is the last enemy unit to get KO'd thanks to the Armor March-buffed armored units overextending away from her.

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That map was a lot of fun for me! It took me like 3 or 4 tries on Infernal, but ultimately Dragon Emblem did it for me. Nowi and A!Tiki have ridiculous defense with Ninian's buffs on the defense tiles and can tank pretty much all the fliers. Aether on A!Tiki was the key to beating Tana. I had to do lots of strategic swapping though and heal them with Fae who also had her own fight against some armors and the green mage. In the end it was rather close but the red mage and Amelia were no match for Nowi and A!Tiki even though they barely had HP left.

Can we have more of this please?

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QP Galeforce Elincia and budget Reinhardt saved this battle.

Although my MVP was definitely Sheena because her tanking skills were needed. She survived all of those blows, even with the red mage, until Elincia saved her.

Edit: Got mixed up with Elincia and Eirika... 

Edited by Aera
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8 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I cheesed the map with Flier Emblem. There's no need to fear the cramped space if you can move above water. S!Corrin is busted af. Even Infernal went down first try in my quest for orbs.


My flier team is having a bit of trouble... I'm running SCorn Hinoka Cherche and Palla, and I still get swarmed. What are you running?

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I used a "Bae Emblem" team to beat Normal and Lunatic: Joshua, Merric, Shigure, and Lukas. I tried a similar strategy for Infernal and had to switch out Shigure for Innes and Joshua for Young Tiki. She's not a bae, but I might as well make her an honorary one. Unfortunately, the only female spot in my harem is reserved for Louise.

Lukas is AMAZING. He's running ATK/DEF Bond 3, QR, 2, Refined Slaying Lance with +4 DEF and Close Defense. He tanked pretty much everything. XD I put him on one of the DEF tiles on the right and every single pegasus knight, including the Emerald Axe one, suicided on him. I think he took less than 10 damage total...and he's not even merged yet. It was BEAUTIFUL. I honestly don't think I could redo my strategy because it gets really cramped by the end, and a lot of it relies on specials proccing at the right time. 

But I did it. XD It's nice having the BHB return. ...if only we could get a new GHB. Not that I'll ever turn down 9 orbs.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

My flier team is having a bit of trouble... I'm running SCorn Hinoka Cherche and Palla, and I still get swarmed. What are you running?

I use S!Corrin, Hinoka, Elincia (-Atk to boot) and Minerva. 

It requires to kill Tana, the Wo Dao Flier and Emerald axe flier during the first 3 turns or so to get control of the water tiles. After that it becomes extremely easy to cheese the mages and armors because they can't reach you.

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I don't normally do these things on day one because I'm lazy and prefer to wait on a consensus on what the easiest solution is. But I read that Flier Emblem cheeses this easily, and there's nothing I like better than cheese so I went with that.

If you take out the first sword flier in the queue, Michalis can singlehandedly take out the three that come up right behind while the others chill in the corner. Straightforward cheese after that (S!Corrin, Hinoka, Elincia).

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12 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I use S!Corrin, Hinoka, Elincia (-Atk to boot) and Minerva. 

It requires to kill Tana, the Wo Dao Flier and Emerald axe flier during the first 3 turns or so to get control of the water tiles. After that it becomes extremely easy to cheese the mages and armors because they can't reach you.

I ended up figuring it out. Yeah, beating Tana first was definitely the key. I had to do a bunch of SI like Swap and Drag Back on Palla lol.

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ATiki, Axura, Bride Caeda, Brave Lyn. First try blind on all three. I didn't even use Lyn until Infernal.

Here's something funny/awesome: on Infernal, my TA Tiki barely took damage from a Sapphire Lance pegasus. Granted she was on a defense tile, but it was still awesome to watch her tank that like it was nothing. 45 defense is nothing to scoff at.

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Gah, I hate reinforcement maps. I've only bothered with hard so far, but definitely going to put my Michalis on the job since so many say he's the best for it :D

Does he require lancebreaker? I currently run him with axebreaker, but I'm sure I can sacrifice an Arthur :)

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