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New banner and updates: World of Dawn [DATAMINE]


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Well I was going to try for NY!Takumi, but I am going to back out of the NY banner for now. Sothe is much more up my aisle. But having 3.25 pity is going to bug me. I am kinda obsessive about leaving any pity laying around. But 3.25 is basically nothing. Just gotta keep telling myself that.

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4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Maybe Jill will be in the third PoR banner?

It seems like she's more important in PoR anyway

I mean Oliver had more presence in PoR but I guess you can actually use him in RD

XD I don't understand FEH logic. But I want Micaiah and Sothe. I might've gone for Zelgius if he had more to distinguish him from the Black Knight. He's not an exact copy like Masked Marth and Lucina, but there's not enough that makes me think, "Oh man. I gotta' have him." 

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Seeing as they threw the walking Xenoblade Chronicles spoiler into Project X Zone 2 as a playable character within just a few years of it being out, anybody who was expecting a mobile game to not spoil a 10ish year old game was fairly delusional. 

If its no longer the newest game in the series, its fair game for spoilers. Complaining about the Zelgius reveal (which was technically known since FE9 due to datamining and some really weird NPC data choices) would be like complaining that Heroes spoiled the fact that Sigurd dies in FE4 via a Tempest Trial... or by Seliph being released before Sigurd and talking about his father. You're playing a game celebrating an entire series: spoilers will be everywhere. If you don't want spoilers for a particular game in that series, don't play this one until you've played that one. There is no "being considerate" for people who haven't played a decade old game. That's on them, period.

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23 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

Seeing as they threw the walking Xenoblade Chronicles spoiler into Project X Zone 2 as a playable character within just a few years of it being out, anybody who was expecting a mobile game to not spoil a 10ish year old game was fairly delusional. 

If its no longer the newest game in the series, its fair game for spoilers. Complaining about the Zelgius reveal (which was technically known since FE9 due to datamining and some really weird NPC data choices) would be like complaining that Heroes spoiled the fact that Sigurd dies in FE4 via a Tempest Trial... or by Seliph being released before Sigurd and talking about his father. You're playing a game celebrating an entire series: spoilers will be everywhere. If you don't want spoilers for a particular game in that series, don't play this one until you've played that one. There is no "being considerate" for people who haven't played a decade old game. That's on them, period.

For me it's not that bad. It's just that it'd be ruined for others. If there ever is a genealogy remake then that midgame plot twist wouldn't really have the impact it's suppose to have. Spoilers are a buzzkill. I mean, who watches the Sixth Sense when you already know how it's going to end?

Edited by silveraura25
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I’m skipping this banner. I have no personal attachment to anyone on this banner plus the NY banner Has fliers that can be useful. And yes, this is partially because an Ayra broke my pity rate and I am back at squrae one. I might fodder of this Ayra to NY!Camilla for swift sparrow if I get NY!Camilla

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17 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I don’t get why people are suprised that they revealed the Black Knight’s identity. They had huge spoiler on the very first new banner! You know about Seliph and Julia being half-siblings.

Wish they'd stop doing things like that in the game. Julia's character description could've just been that she's an amnesiac girl

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18 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I don’t get why people are suprised that they revealed the Black Knight’s identity. They had huge spoiler on the very first new banner! You know about Seliph and Julia being half-siblings.

They have also had Arvis talk a lot about what he did to Sigurd.

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I'm only mildly excited for this. I'm really happy Micaiah is finally coming and I will be pulling for her, and Sothe looks surprisingly good, but I can't help but feel it's a big missed opportunity for more Dawn Brigade characters. No Nolan or Edward? Leonardo? Laura? No?

Plus I'm still really hoping Brom is added at some point...

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

For me it's not that bad. It's just that it'd be ruined for others. If there ever is a genealogy remake then that midgame plot twist wouldn't really have the impact it's suppose to have. Spoilers are a buzzkill.

I agree that spoilers suck but spoilers don't really matter anymore when the source material is outdated. If Radiant Dawn was the most recent game in the FE series, THEN i'd understand. But the game is 10 years old. Spoilers are fair game now.

Edited by Armagon
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I really want all of these, but I'm going to prioritize Sothe, as I have no good dagger units, and even if he has bad IVs, that's still free Life and Death right there.

Also, Oliver is literally Gen 1 Chansey. High HP, Special Attack, and Special Defense, but with shitty Speed and Defense.

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I know most people are mad about Zelgius's art being the black armor, but I honestly love it.  I understand some people being mad about him being a spoiler as well, but I gave up on no major spoilers in Heroes a long time ago, when Matthew started talking about how he wondered if he could see Leila again, he makes it pretty clear she is dead in his world.  After I read that I figured that spoilers would abound and that I should learn to live with them.

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Glad to see the long-awaited Micaiah banner! Was expecting more of a Dawn Brigade focus, but this'll do. It covers the main three things I wanted out of it: giving FE10 a decent character lineup rather than just Sanaki, making it so FE5 is now on the radar, and making it so no one will be complaining anymore about Micaiah being left out. FE5 is probably still a few months away, but whatever. As much as I want it to get a banner, it wouldn't have made any sense to do it before FE10.

Micaiah's ability set looks great. I'm not sure I want her enough to pull for her, but Thani is so tempting, and Sacrifice is really clever: both of those seem like they could let her stand out compared to other mages. May have to wait and see about upcoming banners first, though. At least, I feel like I should wait, but I probably won't.

Zelgius is an upgrade to one of my best units, but... I don't really need a better BK. Slightly better stats and Warp Powder isn't as big of a deal as getting units that would actually fill new roles on my team, and he'll stay in the regular summon pool anyway. Plus he looks cooler with his helmet on.

As for the spoiler: it's annoying when spoilers get shoved into places expected to be spoiler-free, but Heroes has established that it's not at all trying to be spoiler-free. Frankly, this is a better way to reveal the BK's identity than the way the original game does it anyway. It's not a well-handled twist, you're not missing out on anything.

Sothe is fine but unexciting. He's clearly the only one of the three with a shot at dropping to 4*, and I hope he does. The last unit with a legendary weapon to enter the 4* pool was Reinhardt, which was quite a while ago. So I'm a bit concerned that they'll keep all three at 5*, which would be disappointing. If he does drop, though, it'll probably mean a 4* source of LaD3, which would be great.

Oliver's ability set is pretty uninteresting, aside from light magic being a nice introduction. If I don't get any of the others, I might upgrade him just for the sake of having a 5* FE10 unit, though.

I wasn't expecting this to be the time we'd get 2.1, but I sure can't complain, since it had been getting to be a while. Hero Merit cap increase is really nice and means I can justify grinding supports on my 3k units. And I'm glad to see the additions to the weapon refinery, even though I'd been hoping for more: particularly Sieglinde and Yato. New Squad Assault was easy as usual, especially with all my best units freed from the shackles of the 3k cap. Trenches are interesting: seem like a good addition, and I'm curious to see how they play.

Good to finally get news on Corrin, too. Strange that it took this long, and that he's a new TT unit on a mini TT, and that it's another seasonal TT, but whatever. I won't complain about free 5*s or mini TTs.

Edited by Othin
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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I was thinking exactly that. They should add Rapier units now. New "starting on their journey" versions of Marth, Roy, Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Eirika, Ephraim, Ike, etc. with their starting cavalry-armor-effective weapons.

Phina first. New Mystery taking the rapier away from her was an unforgivable crime.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Eh. Nintendo will spoil anything on accident.

  Reveal hidden contents

Did you know that the Xenoblade Chronicles character Fiora, who is originally thought dead but later turns out to have been mechanized, has a trophy of her mechanized self in the game Super Smash Bros for Wii U that reveals that plot detail? It's not like that's a minor plot detail either.


This spoiler is kind of pointless when you don't say what it's from.

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1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

I don’t get why people are suprised that they revealed the Black Knight’s identity. They had huge spoiler on the very first new banner! You know about Seliph and Julia being half-siblings.

They spoilt Lucina being Chrom’s daughter from the future in her character description, and she is a launch hero.

6 minutes ago, Othin said:

Sothe is fine but unexciting. He's clearly the only one of the three with a shot at dropping to 4*, and I hope he does. The last unit with a legendary weapon to enter the 4* pool was Reinhardt, which was quite a while ago. So I'm a bit concerned that they'll keep all three at 5*, which would be disappointing. If he does drop, though, it'll probably mean a 4* source of LaD3, which would be great.

“Yeah, right” to both the chances of Sothe dropping and to the chances of L&D3 suddenly becoming available at four stars.

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I am sooooo happy to see Micaiah and Sothe! Still lacking a good blue mage so I'm glad she's basically how I hoped she would be and not a staff user. I'm confused why they spoiled Zelgius, they should've had him in his red armour. And Oliver is always welcome. Hopefully more RD characters soon.

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22 minutes ago, Florete said:

This spoiler is kind of pointless when you don't say what it's from.

Well it's fixed now, but I'm sure it can still be understood that no story event is sacred under the eyes of Lord... uh... not-Iwata.

I also typically abide by the unwritten law that anything older than about 5 years is probably okay to talk about freely, so thinking about it i probably didn't have to spoiler it in the first place...

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A little surprised that Micaiah is the only waifu-bait on this banner.  Personally I'm glad there will be some decent male characters added for once.  Also LOL if Zelgius is a summonable unit.  People complained that BK couldn't be merged more than once?  Well, here's the solution.  That will be fun (aka hell) to go against in Tier 20 Arena.

Personally I'm holding off summoning on this banner, because I get the feeling that February could have something interesting coming (CYL, Legendary banner).

Edited by Charmeleonbrah
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I don't even know why everyone is complaining about the radiant dawn spoilers, the reveal was already ruined at the beginning of part 4 where ranulf pops in and says "oh yea BTW zelgi iz BK lol" ruining any reveal up to that point, so rather than the player putting two and two together and figuring it out themselves and enjoying the discovery or being shocked at the reveal itself in what is already a very tense situation, we get a very lame ingame spoiler. regardless of how you experience the reveal, it is already weightless because we already know where this is going, unless it was used as a red herring to hide the fact that bk was actually greil from another timeline where he went berserk and killed ike midway through PoR.

Or ashnard

Or someone else who was dead.

I want greil to be added to heroes...

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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

Kinda Irks me that instead of Kard, Stiletto or Baselard, Sothe got Peshkatz.

...The dagger that came with Volke at the end of RD. Was given to Sothe.

Yeah, now I'm mostly worried Volke has a worse chance of getting in :(

8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

That being said, when I saw Zelgius was going to be in it, my first hope was 'finally, pullable male wyvern rider!'. Was pretty disappointed to see it wasn't in the end, but oh well. Should've known 'cos an RD charrie instead of a PoR.

Why would he have ever been a wyvern rider? He was a general In PoR too.

12 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

I want greil to be added to heroes...

You and me both.

Anyway, this is neat and nice to see some non-seasonals. I'll probably do a free pull for Miccy or Zeugnis, but otherwise leave it  be. None of the really fill roles I need and I need to conserve orbs.

Echoing the concern that So the won't drop to 4*, but it's not like I have any luck getting new 4*s anyway. One thing that's bugging me is is seam in his shirt. It doesn't look like it curves where it should based on his stance and shape of his chest and looks like a weird photo shop to me.

Also still not a fan of Zelg/BK's VA. It sounds so mundane, not the metallic bad ass echo of BK or Zelgius's intimidatingly deep voice.

Oliver is a bit of a disappointment as far as characters, but it's a new GHB so I'll take it.

Anyway, while most of this doesn't intersest me personally too much, super hyped it's in the game for those that are interested and just for more content.

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20 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Yeah, now I'm mostly worried Volke has a worse chance of getting in :(

TBF, it's not like PRFs have to only ever be on one unit.  There are four Falchion users, and all PRFs that can be evolved essentially have two users (Tyrfing, Naga, Excalibur, Aura).  While it's an odd choice, Sothe having the Peshkatz doesn't actually affect Volke's chances (either of getting in or having the same PRF).

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

They spoilt Lucina being Chrom’s daughter from the future in her character description, and she is a launch hero.

That almost doesn’t even qualify as a spoiler anymore thanks to her simply just being in Smash for Wii U / 3DS. Yes, her trophy outright says who she is and in the very first sentence too. She also appeared alongside Chrom in Project X Zone 2, which also predates Heroes.

Anyways, yup this banner sure does exist. While I do love Radiant Dawn, it certainly isn’t because of Micaiah or her personal lap dog. I do have interest in pulling for Zelgius, but not nearly as much as Airzura so I’ll likely be mostly ignoring this one. 

Can’t say I expected Oliver to be Richard Epcar’s first role in FEH but it’s cool to finally see him do work for this game. I’m also going to bring attention to the fact that Sothe has Rowan’s English VA. I feel like that VA would be better suited to voicing Sothe’s bud Tormod but it’s still an interesting choice all the same.

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